What if you or your partner came ran into a celeb crush & things got heated?
By wotfpatty
@wotfpatty (2065)
United States
August 17, 2007 5:49am CST
I have read a lot about how couple have three or five dream people that they could sleep with without getting "in trouble". You know, celebs, athletes, those kinds of people. The chances of the situation ever happening is so slim that we give our partners free reign for just those picks and he/she gives us the same, knowing it'll never happen.
But what if it did? What if you and your partner were out somewhere (maybe on vacation) and one of their "free crushes" happened to be where you were and happened to strike up a conversation with them. And then the reality that your partner is face to face with one of his/her free crushes that you agreed you would not be mad about if they were to sleep with this person. Would you change your mind or let your partner have their free pass?
And if YOU happened to run into one of yours, would you go through with it if your partner was there and wasn't thrilled about the situation?
After all, you did agree that these people were "allowable". Right?
What would you do?
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15 responses
@sr0415 (1140)
• Philippines
17 Aug 07
TOUGH question! LOL... :p
Well, celebrity is still a human being. I will have that excited scream when I saw my celeb crush, hug him and kiss him on the cheeks! BUT, not to the point that I have to sleep with him. =)
Respect is necessary in a relationship. :) And it's something that must be preserved in a relationship.
Take care and God bless! :)
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Aug 07
Yes, we don't have "free passes" because one of the celebs I had a crush on happened to be where I was and things could have gone crazy. But I wouldn't have done anything like that because I am not so sure I would sit there and let my husband go off with whomever his crush was. Like you said, people are people even celebs!
Thanks for the reply.
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@goddessglamourpuss (261)
17 Aug 07
What an interesting question! Both my partner and myself have celebrities that we are permitted to openly drool over - as long as it is not overly done or used as a comparison to cause offence.
Regarding your scenario, I think that either of us would be so overawed to actually come face to face with such a person that we would not even consider our wildest fantasies in their presence let alone try to act them out!
I think that if it actually came down to having the opportunity to sleep with a celeb I really don't think it would happen for either of us. It would just be a bit to much like the morning after the night before in "Indecent Proposal" for me.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Yeah that movie sure showed how things can go wrong even though it seems like a good idea. Although it never really was a good idea in my mind. Ew.
I think people pick celebs to be "allowed to drool over" because the chance of it ever really happening is so slim.
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@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
18 Aug 07
i do NOT believe in "free passes" no matter what. Cheating is cheating, regardless of who the person is. If my partner can't respect our realtionship and me enough to not want this "free pass" then i don't need to be with that person. Even if i JOKINGLY made the "free pawss" agreement with my partner, i would NEVER act on it and would expect that they woudn't either.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
A lot of people do have "lists" of people that their partner could be with if they had the chance. I don't. But I do think those lists are just for fun because the chances of meeting the people on the list and actually getting within 10 feet of them is so slim. So it's a fun thing but not ever acted upon. Or usually not anyway.
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@teleios (737)
• Philippines
18 Aug 07
i don't think there would be any person i would allow my partner to hook up with once we're together, famous or not. its how its supposed to be with me, a celebrity is still a real person, and hooking up with one is hooking up with another person, which is cheating to me. for myself, i dont think i would put myself in a situation where i would allow my partner to sleep with his famous celeb crush, no matter how farfetched that may seem at the moment. things, no matter how impossible they might seem at the moment, have a way of happening.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I agree. I don't think celebrities are above anyone else and they are still people. I don't know if I could deal with my husband being with some flashy celebrity any more than I could someone down the street.
I think most people have those lists (if they do) for fun but never get into the actual situation.
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@mkcallejo (318)
• Philippines
18 Aug 07
I've watched this event in Friends and it was really funny. Hmmm, I won't allow my partner. I'll tell her I lied hehe
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Most wouldn't go through with it if it suddenly came true. Those lists are usually just for fun, I think.
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@lina_inverse (21)
• Philippines
18 Aug 07
That's a very unique situation so I would let my partner enjoy himself. I trust him and he knows his limitations. If all things go extreme then I would leave him. After all we also agreed that if he slept with another woman I would leave him and vice versa. And celebrities or not, she's still a woman no exceptions.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
That seems to be the prevailing thought here. I introduced my husband to one of the women I knew he has a mini crush on because I met her through my work. They talked a lot and I was happy he got to meet someone he seemed to fascinated by. Later he said she was really conceited and self centered and why didn't I save him? Haha.
If he HAD flirted and messed around with her or more, I would have taken that as a sign that he obviously didn't want to stay with me.
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@sanell (2112)
• United States
17 Aug 07
honestly I do not think I would act on it but I would love to be friends that is for sure. Now if they had made a pass at me that would be different I am just not sure. Sometimes my hubby and I talk about how if something like that happened, we would just go ahead and go through with it, marry the person and then divorce get half of the money and remarry my spouse again...okay that is a little bit severe but I guess we all can have some sort of strange little fantasy about those type of things right?
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Haha, my father always told my mother to find a rich man and he would be the gardener and they could share the money. She looked at him like he was n alien. lol.
Strange little fantasies can be the most fun!
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Ah, I thought I recognized you from one of your other sites!
Right now I'm not "with anyone," as the expression goes, but I doubt that my late ex-girlfriend (literally late; she passed away in December of 2006) would have even let me have a list of five celebs I'd have a free pass to sleep with. She was a very possessive and insecure person, and if we'd still been together when I became really active in Epinions, I doubt very much that I could have become friends with any of the female members there. (Especially the attractive ones!)
As for how I'd feel about a romantic partner having an "I would like to f--k" list of celebrities, I'm not sure how jealous I'd be. It probably depends on how secure I was about how she feels about me, and how secure my own feelings about her are. I'd like to say (or even think) that I'm immune from jealousy, but I'm not. I've felt the inner demons of jealousy in my own soul a few times, and they've caused me grief.
As for the list of celebrity crushes I have now:
Reese Witherspoon
Halle Berry
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Bridget Moynahan
Kate Bosworth
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Aug 07
Awww that's sweet. Many people say one thing but when it comes down to it, change their minds.
Thanks for the reply.
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@RendiRed75 (113)
• United States
17 Aug 07
My husband and I have no such list. Simply put, cheating is cheating. If you have committed yourself to a marriage (I can't speak for those who are a couple but unmarried), then you have committed to respecting the marriage and the boundaries. One of which is not adulterizing (I know that's not a real word) with anyone, be it Joe Schmoe down the street or some famous actor.
I don't get jealous over my husband's crushes on certain female celebrities. Afterall, I chose him and he chose me. And he and I both have been in the presence of one or more of our celebrity crushes since we've been married. Neither of us attempted anything but a friendly handshake and maybe an autograph. In my husband's case, he met this female singer that he'd adored since before we even met. He worked security for her show, so he had access to her after the show. When he asked for her autograph, she agreed and gave him the autograph, and the next time he went into work, he and a few others were reemed by their superiors. Seems she complained after the show that the security guys had asked for her autograph. There he had been thinking she was this incredibly beautiful, sweet person, when in reality, she was anything but. Needless to say, his opinion of her wasn't quite as favorable after that, and he didn't think quite as highly of her. He believes that it would be the case with most of the female celebrities that he admires.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I think most crushes are best not being met. Both my husband and I met people we had "crushes" on and it was nice to actually meet the person and talk with them but ehhh...
I introduced my husband to his crush because I happened to meet her through my job (How weird is that?). They did talk quite a but and I thought it was sweet that he got to talk to the women he saw on TV a lot and I knew he thought was hot. Later he said she was very self centered and all about her her her and he couldn't stand being around her and was glad he was with me. Ha!
My crush made a pass at me and it was so dorky that I wasn't flattered. I felt like a piece of meat.
I think it is best to watch TV or whatever and just admire the persona we see. The person is often not at all how we imagine.
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@petra_premenstral (199)
17 Aug 07
if i ran into a celeb i will call the shots as to weather he gets some or not! as for a partner if i had one, he'll do what he's told.
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@MikeMe (100)
• United States
17 Aug 07
With my first wife we never had that kind of list because, well the mere mention of another woman's name in front of her made her blind with jealousy. I'm not exaggerating.
But, to answer your question, a celebrity is a person and I think 5 minutes with a lot of them would make us wonder why we ever had a crush in the first place! I'm guessing most of us would react to that opportunity the same as any other opportunity. If you are the cheatin' kind, you will go for it. If not, you won't.
I agree with what you said in one of your replies. IF that situation ever actually happened, everything would change. If your partner really loves you, they aren't going to do it because the relationship wouldn't be any less damaged than if it were Bob or Kim down the street.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
It's funny. When I first got married, I was the jealous one. I was really young and had no self esteem. Now it's my husband who is ridiculously jealous and it's very annoying. Ugh.
Anyway, I agree that celebs are still just people and infidelity is still infidelity.
Once, I introduced my husband top one of his TV crushes who I happened to know through wrestling. They talked quite a bit and I was fine with it. I was happy actually that he got that chance. But any more than that and things would not have been pretty. lol.
@ethereal_flower (124)
• Philippines
18 Aug 07
very interesting question there. i guess i've never considered that because i think that me running into a celeb crush and mingling is a far out idea, i mean what are the chances that i'd run into one and be completely casual with Brad Pitt, right? but let's say that it DOES happen, i think that once we get to know the celebrity, we'd realize that beneath all that glamour and popularity and beauty is just an ordinary person just like me or my partner so i don't think i'd be too agreeable on giving my partner a free pass on it because celebrity or not, i'd feel bad if he got intimate with another person since we're supposed to be committed to each other. i mean, yes she may be a celebrity, but at the end of the day she is still just a girl like me so i don't think that i would be able to justify this free pass. and it would be just the same as picking another ordinary girl over me in that instance. anyway, i think that once you get to know the celebrity, you'd get over the drooling part knowing that he's just like any other human being (better looking, richer, more popular though but still is just like everyone else) and would know better than to pick him over someone you have decided to love or marry.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Yeah, I agree with you. Celeb or no celeb, it is another person your partner is with and that would always end up being a problem unless you have a very open relationship.
Plus, from my experience, just meeting the crush is enough. I met a few of mine and that was plenty. I wouldn't want to be some faceless person the guy is with because he's in a strange city and just wants to mess around. Ew.
I'll stick with my husband and so far, he's stuck with me!
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@ronaldinho93 (8)
• Egypt
17 Aug 07
i think these crushes are useless cause it will never happen but any one should have one or more dream people but dont increase that crush too much cuz it can turn bad
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Both my husband and I met our crushes. I actually introduced him to his. I had met her through the wrestling company I worked for.
Nothing happened on either end. We met the crushes at different time, years apart, and we both spoke to them and had a nice time conversing but that was that. I even told my husband that my crush made a pass at me and kind of took away my crush.
So it does happen but probably not often.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
25 Sep 07
My husband likes a lot of athletes but they are guys. As for me, I have a lot of celeb or athlestes crushes but it never come to my mind to go beyond my ADMIRATION for them, I don't fantasize having a night with them. I am not being hypocrite here but I am sure that hubby and I will NEVER ever exchange our commitment of vow with them. Hell NO! That is one form of cheating! Just in case my hubby will sleep with his female celeb crush, if he has, call me over-reacting or kill joy but I will NEVER ever let it pass. *wink*
oh , the way, you have an interesting topic here.