What do you think life is going to be like when the neocons take over?
By Shannon
@visitorinvasion (7709)
United States
August 17, 2007 8:14pm CST
They are going to take over.
We are nearly under martial law as it is.
When are people going to come out of their own little worlds and pay attention to what is going on in the real world? I'm so friggin' disgusted with so-called Americans right now that I can't see straight. Bush has announced that he and his sidekick Cheney are above the law and are not bound by our Constitution. Not only that, they have announced that all law comes from Bush now. Wake up, America. Wake up before you end up in a FEMA camp separated from your family. It's in the process of happening, but everyone is too busy living life and jacking around doing who knows what to care.
By the time people start giving a crap, it's going to be TOO LATE!
I'm tired of this attitude that is so popular today: I got mine and screw you. What happened to freedom of speech, freedom of choice, the right to life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness? GRRRR!
I'm so tired of so-called Americans saying that they would give up their freedom for safety. Gimme a break. Do you really think you're safe? If you want to give up your freedom, go for it, but you don't get to give away mine, my sons' or my grandchildrens'. If you don't like the Constitution, you are free to go.
My parents didn't serve during Viet Nam so I would be afraid of my government. They served for the same reason many of our military men and women are serving today--to stand up for our freedom. It totally disgusts me that so many are willing to let all those deaths be in vain. It totally disgusts me that our young people are dying for oil and the majority of the civilians sit back and watch CNBC's and FAUX News' versions of Entertainment tonight stating that everyone who takes the time to research and investigate the truth are nuts.
As far as I'm concerned, if ya don't like it here, get the hell out. I've tried to keep my mouth shut for about a month now about this topic, but I can't. I don't have it in me to be spineless and bow down to "the man." Our taxes pay their paychecks. Hello, McFly.
Wake up.
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7 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
18 Aug 07
I have really bad news for you. The neocons are not the only problem. Whether Hillary Clinton or some currently not as well known person from the other party gets elected in 2008, the agenda of the neocons, (more war, less freedom for the people) is going to be advanced. Both parties, the dumbocrats and the retardicans, whether a neocon or not want to take more of your rights away. The only thing I know to do is to not vote for any dumbocrat or retardican. There are a few in each party. Ron Paul is one of them. Vote Ron Paul and pray.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
18 Aug 07
As far as I'm concerned, the whole lot of them are neocons. The party thing is retarded anyway. Pick the best one for the job. Period.
Ron Paul is that man, but I'm here to tell ya that when they pull off another false flag attack, martial law will be called and there will not be a 2008 election. Pray for Ron Paul's safety & pray that there will be another election.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Look up Ron Paul. He's the guy that wants to restore habeus corpus, do away with the patriot acts (if you didn't know there are 2), and give the government back to the people.
http://www.ronpaul2008.com and http://people4ronpaul.blogspot.com
He's our last hope.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
31 Aug 07
Let's see. I just travelled through 8 states without ever once being stopped by any government official... or even having to get permission to travel.
I even carried a weapon.
My sons have never been forced to serve in the military.
As a member of the US military, I never once was ordered to act against another American.
I have ridden in black helicopters.
Me and my friends who are politically opposite can openly speak out against any government official without fear of reprisal... even my friends still in the military.
I have worked along side of FEMA and never pulled a weapon on any American while doing so.
On the other hand, I know that...
Most Americans have the makings of WMD in their homes.. and many know ways to make them.
Most of the U.S. military would rather sooner shoot their own officers than go up against U.S. citizens.
Most of the U.S. Military would desert before doing what you say is going to happen.
There are more vets in the U.S. than service memebers. How many of those vets do you think will merely give in to the military? Having been trained BY the military, we are the best source of inteligence against a government that has turned against the people.
Out of those vets, many know government secrets, but keep them to themselves for national security reasons... if there was no more nationl security to worry about, how long do you think we'd keep these secrets? Don't you think the "neocon" government knows that?
The thing is, I do believe there are people in the government who are working towards the things you talk about here. However, working towards something doesn't guarantee success.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Sounds like the same "We the People" that are willing to give up our rights for the false security the government is telling them that they have.
Sounds more like "Them the Sheeple" to me.
That's what the problem is, people need to quit depending the Fed for a babysitter & return to taking care of their own business.
Like I said before, I hope it isn't true, but I have seen the one in Beech Grove with my own two eyes. Explain to me what the double-chainlink topped in razor wire is for and why it is needed to "help" people who have lost their homes to disasters.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
31 Aug 07
The thing about the "camps" is... if people would insist that the Emergency Management offices at the state and local level do their jobs, FEMA won't have to do much even in the worst disasters.
Katrina was a good test case of both the good and the bad of local government Emergency Management. As usual, the incompetent press focused on the failures in Louisiana and all but ignored the successes of everywhere else. Why was New Orleans such a fiasco? Because the drunk mayor and incompetent governor expected FEMA to do it all.
If there really is a conspiracy for the federal government to use FEMA and other emergency organizations to do away with the Constitution, it will be because We The People insisted on it, not because they snuck in and took over.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Sep 07
Well, actually there can be very legitimate reasons for everything there. We often see what we want to see, when given more than one explanation, believe the one we want.
The camps very well could be used just for disaster shelters. Look at the problem finding places for people to live after Katrina. The fences and guard posts could be to prevent the displaced people from becoming targets of criminals. In other words, it may not be to keep people from getting out, but to keep people in.
I'm not stating that as any kind of fact or even my opinion, however, I've learned along the way that propaganda depends on showing someone something and telling them what they are seeing. Which could be what the government is doing on one side, but could also be what David Icke and Alex Jones do also.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Those of us who are awake, it seems are preaching to the choir. Even when you show people flat out evidence, they still won't believe, that for instance, 9-11 was an obvious inside job. These are the sheeple of this country and of this world. They've not read their Constitution, they've not read any of the writings of Jefferson or Franklin, let alone the Declaration of Independence, let alone any damn book. It seems that the secret weapons of anyone wishing to conquer are laziness and ignorance.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
18 Aug 07
All I can say to that is "AMEN."
Thanks for the support, David. It does help to know that everyone isn't blind. Have you seen the bulletins I've been reposting tonight? It's getting close sooner than I expected. I figured it would take them years to push the NAU through, but apparently they've already done it right under our noses. I agree completely with everything both of you have said. I don't believe in parties, never have.
I can remember being angry at the ripe old age of 9 when Reagan was elected. That was the beginning of the end.
An entire summer (6 years later) was nothing but the Iran-Contra trials on TV. Oliver North verifying the "secret government within our government" on national television on every network news channel. Now, 20 years later, people still refuse to wake up.
E. Howard Hutton makes his deathbed confession of being the CIA mastermind that plotted the JFK assassination and my mother still swears the mob did it. OY! I know what you mean about the vast majority being in denial. That is what disgusts me so much.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
18 Aug 07
p.s. I'd like to second the gentlemen's initial response, and that of your own. Republicans=Democrats=New World Order puppets/sellouts. Let's hope their is an election, let's hope Ron Paul is what he seems, let's hope he lives to become president, let's hope the people of this country wake up. God help us.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
19 Aug 07
I read Ivor's (Spyman) comments and echo what he says...at this point I am happy to be a Canadian. Not that we have a particularily great political system either. We are strating to feel some concern about the direction Harper is wanting to take our country. But you know what...whether any American or Canadian likes it or not...we all have to live with consquences of our vote. People in your country voted the Bush Administration during 2 separate elections. Even after they were not happy with the war in Iran and the results of the various investigations. So for now the cause and effect of those choices will have to be lived with until the next election.
We had a similar thing in Canada when Trudeau was our Prime Minister. The bulk of the voting block is decided in the East. Western Canadians and their vote basically count for zip on the natiional level. People out here complained about Trudeau and his policies...but eventually we all had to accept that political climates go in cycles. The American Government was on the left for a number of years...then 6 years it swung back to the right. It would appear that if voters get out and exercise their votes...it will probably swing back to the left again.
I agree with you about the division within in your country though. The media spin after 911, the development of fear based thinking and playing up the patriotism,'for us or against us' trump card caused a rift within your society that is very evident today. With George and company claiming to keep American safe by exchanging their rights for freedom is frighteningly true.
Your concerns are similar to mine when I asked..."Why are people so complacent?" That seems to be the larger question. Rallies, marches and well-organized protests do have an effect. Even the media could be held more accountable if consumers were willing to show dissatisfaction to the networks. But you are right...people are complacent and unwilling to work together in a unified way to acheive a common goal.
I am not sure what the solution is...but you keep beating your drum and hopefully more will be inspired to think ahead...and wonder what they would do if and...when the neocons take over and what are they prepared to do to stop it?
Another thought provoking post..good to see your passion and purpose coming through loud and clear again!

@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
22 Aug 07
That inwardly & outwardly positive thing is something I have been working on ...along with my quick temper and trying to better myself in general. So far I am making good progress everywhere but in this particular topic.
To be more specific, I do share the view that good always (eventually) wins out over evil (as a whole, of course) and that history does repeat itself when society does not learn from it (as is happening now). What angers me ...well part of what is angering me...about this is what it is going to take for folks to sit up, pay attention & act on these facts. Understanding the state of current events is so important--believe me, I used to have my head in the sand big-time. What gets me is many people will not even see the evidence. They deliberately deny the truth no matter what kind of documentation is provided. Grrr...here I go getting riled again.
Anyway, I can't disagree with anything you've said. Though I always believed myself to be a Christian, recently I have discovered that my beliefs have changed. I'm at the point where I want to know is the authority that says Buddahism, astrology, karma, clairvoyance, and many other things are "sins" or "against God." Who is the authority that can prove to me that these things (among others that are escaping my mind atm) are not a work of God. The Native Americans (many of them anyway) believed in a Mother and Father God (many also believed in the One God). I refuse to believe that all of those that believed that went to hell. Is there really a hell or is it an elaborate story to scare us all into submission? Who knows for sure?
Yes, I have faith in God, but I want to know what human decided these other things, ya know?To be honest, I've never looked deeply into other "religions" but I'm beginning to realize that there is something amiss with this world (this country in particular), and it all seems to be jibing with the Book of Revelations although so many other things about the overly-edited Bible do not jibe. Much of it defies logic. I choose to look at it as something people must read and judge for themselves what "sits right" within each and every one of them.
I know, I'm way off topic here, but I felt some of that needed said in order for readers to better understand where I'm coming from since some of my comments stray from the standard Christian viewpoint.
It's always been my belief that whatever is between an individual and Whoever he/she prays to is their business, not mine and vice versa.
Thanks so much for helping keep this topic alive, Perspectives.
For others reading, there is much credible evidence of misuse of power from our president in the #4 response of page one of this thread. I'm asking no one to believe me. The evidence is there, all I did was save you the search, which you are still quite free to do on your own.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
Hi again...no problem in keeping any discussion going with you...I truly hope we will be able to have a big gal-pal chat in person some day. Who knows...the power of intent can create amazing outcomes!
Wow hearing about your religious beliefs and how 'woo-woo' some of mine can appear to people says something about our deep level of respect and lack of judgement. When I was young our family attended both Anglican and United churches so Christianity was where my religious roots began. We lived in a French Canadian community and all my friends were Catholic...and that is where the discrepancies in religous dogma led me to begin questioning who made the rules and why.
I know this approach is taking our chat in a somewhat different direction and I want to stay on the point about Neocons. The parallells I see here is the question. So I am with you in your desire to encourage Mylotters to question who they are allowing to lead them, distort their thinking or preventing them from making intelligent, well-informed decisions about any area of life. Polictics, religions, the medical model..I so agree with you. I also applaud your efforts and say in a unified voice...Yes, we all need to wake up and smell the coffee, open our minds...inform ourselves...look beyond the paramaters of conditioned responses and yes, QUESTION EVERYTHING!
If we, collectively strive to live with an open mind and heart rather than re-arranging our prejudices there would be less polarity. So yes, dear friend...I will keep reading and responding to your topics and cheering you on...you are a spiritual warrior woman and I like your style!
Keep on keeping on Shannon..you are doing a good job.
Warmest regards,
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
22 Aug 07
My response to you and your posts is mutal. I respect you, your strong voice, the strong sense of conviction and the way your mind processes 'perspectives.'
Now to keep the discussion going on this topic. No one can argue that there is an immense amount of corruption within all levels of society today that it can feel overwhelming at timess. When that happens I retreat to my quiet inner landscape and do my best to connect withthat 'still small Voice' within my spiritual center. From that place regain my Source-centered energy based perspective and am able to hold to my larger world view. Part of that view is my faith in the number of light workers that there are out there. They do not receive the same air time as all the pain, struggle, strife, pathological negativity within our culture. However, just because it is not feartured on the world stage does not mean it is not there. Whenever I allow that to come into focus for me I repeat what I try to live by...that from a spiritual/energetic view...everything is always working towards the greatest good of the all...beyond the appearance of all outer circumstances. Love, light, freedom, healthy, happiness, prosperity are in my humble view our natural birthright. Within the Law of Attraction we draw into our lives what our minds can conceive and believe. I continually choose to believe that it only takes one candle to light a dark room...and in this world and on this planet I now there are way more candles out there than what those living in the shadows of uncertainty would like us to believe.
There are countless people who are spiritual beings living within this human experience. They can and do make a difference in small and large ways at the grass roots level. Yes there is a lot of polarity within this dynamic...but if I did not choose to believe that there are more people offering love and light than those who create and hate and darkness my world would feel constrained and diminished. I learned this while taking some courses in Buddhism I asked the Master...how can you remain so peaceful and optimistic when there is so much seeming evil and suffering in the world. With a slight twinkle in his eye he paused for a moment...then quietly said; "Becuase within my inner world...things are bright and beautiful...I choose to live there...the outer is always a reflection of the inner dear one...so keep your inner world free of attachments, encumberments and attachements...becuase outwardly things are not always as they appear. Believe in a Divine outworking for good...and your world will not be a mirror of the outer either. Choose wisely...judgements can be a trap." I still struggle with that at times...but it has allowed me to accept what I cannot change...change what I can...and have the wisdom to know the difference.
How does that translate around the 'big' challenges in life? By doing what I can to create positive, harmonious relationships and enouraging each person to walk their talk and create order and a self-responsible choice-making in my life path. I have seen the benefits of this approach...as they say you attract far more flies with honey..than vinegar.
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@sneese (95)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Finally someone else shares my opinion. I have no doubt that Bush will declare Martial Law, just before his term is up so he can stay in power.
You're right, most Americans are being fed this mindless crap that's on tv now (all these stupid reality shows-for example) that they are not seeing what's really going on.
Evryone knows we only went after Saddam because of the oil. Everyone knows he didn't have a darn thing to do with 9/11. But "our leaders" keep waiving that in front of the masses to keep them blinded.
I would love for our congress to impeach this sorry excuse for a president, before he brings this country down any lower.
If he's worried about his legacy as our president? He'll be the laughing stock, and the example of what not to do!
I just want to know who are the idiots that voted him back in for the second term. I hope they are now able to see the error of their ways!
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Truth of the matter is the many of the voting officials in Ohio (the Florida of 2004) are doing time for messing with the votes. Some were actually caught redhanded behind the building throwing away ballots! The Deibold (sp?) voting machines have been proven to be rigged, and one of the buddies Bobo appointed as a supreme court justice decided that he should get to stay in office even though he LOST the frigging election...just like in 2000. It's all so sickening to me.
Thanks for coming by to show me that there are others that know of this and are just as disgusted. Your support is appreciated.
@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
15 Sep 07
If you are American, it gives me great hope to know that at least not every American was conned by the neo-CONS into beliving that Saddam and Osama were best buddies. Anyone with knowledge of the world outside their own walls, would have realised that those two loathed each other so much, they couldn't get round to uniting against the US of A. When the Pentagon finally confessed that there was no link between Saddam and Osama, the rest of the world was think...ya, we could have told you that.
But you have to give the neoCONS credit for one thing! They're really good at the brain washing game and somehow, they have this ability to distort information for their own personal power. They are superb con artist. Look at it this way...they allowed Israel to bomb Lebanon back to the stone age, which considering the Lebanese are Semites, was an act of anti-Semitic terrorism. But if you suggested that they were anything less than Saints, you would be accused of being an "anti-Semitic" danger akin to Hitler and Gang.
Funnily enough, I ended up having a mini-debate with a young Muslim boy who was convinced that Bush was righteous and Saddam and Osama did have a link. He was convinced that the Pentagon admission that there was no link was ...wait to you hear it - part of a lie in the left wing, wishy washy media... Long LIve their talent to CONNing
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
15 Sep 07
Sad. Very sad.
They do have ways of dumbing down the general public.
Fortunately, there are many of us Americans who are tired of the lies and sick of their spin-doctoring.
It makes me very sad to see them destroying the youth which is our future. Bush is far from righteous. His grandfather bankrolled Hitler's movement & Bush himself has quoted Hitler verbatim. People still believe he is a Christian. Typing that just literally made my stomach turn.
It also saddens me to think that our citizens will be held at the mercy of other nations that will eventually unite against our corrupt government, assuming that we are all the "devil" which, is simply not true.
That is the main thing I like about myLot, we around the world can learn to know each other as people, not as the propaganda our media spews.
As far as I'm concerned, the neocons, Illuminati, and all those power hungry people should go make their own little country and try to control each other. I also got word through Alex Jone's radio show that 500k Chinese militants are on standby to destroy all Illuminati bloodlines if they continue their genocide plan to have the world depopulated by 90% by the year 2020. I don't know for sure if that is true or not, but I hope it is, even tho we are told the Chinese hate us Americans and want to blow our country to smithereens...more neocon propaganda in my humble opinion.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
18 Aug 07
I sympathize with what you are saying. I too recall the memorial month coup. And yes rights are being curtailed from all over, on all sides. Some peoples constitutional rights violated, just because they aren't agreed with or because they won't "play ball". Others are having their lives turned inside out for the power trip and abuse of others. Just dig real deep into many facets of life in the states and you'll see it. And our supposed leaders are all posturing while the tailspin continues. Its all about power for them, bread and circuses for those who don't know any better. And you are absolutely right about CNBS, FAUX Olds, ABS and the rest of the alphabet soup. The reason they say people on the net trying to find things out are crazy is because its a threat to their livelyhood if people know there are alternatives (and if people know the damn stations don't do their jobs). Anyways, I'm out for now. Thanks for the posting Visitor.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Thank you for the support, Programer. The sheeple can be quite frustrating, even when shown proof backed by logic.
Denial is a sad thing, and unfortunately, it's probably going to get us all killed...or worse.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
18 Aug 07
Thank you for letting off steam, visitor. Now, if only everyone in this sleeping giant that used to be known as America would grow some backbone and take off the rose-colored glasses. I wonder how many people even bother to find out what is happening other than via the controlled media. There are vast amounts of knowledge to be gained by simply tuning into some of the late-night talk radio shows. I also reccomend prisonplanet.com which is Alex Jones' site that has much of the needed information that you don't get in the mainstream press. Continue to let your voice be heard visitor!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
19 Aug 07
Prison Planet is the bomb. Alex is on top of things.
Real news, real truth.
Thanks much for the support, Worldwise1.