300 vs Gladiator???
By 843545267
@843545267 (1)
19 responses
@makatas (1098)
• Greece
14 Dec 07
Gladiator is nice movie, but not perfect.I remember when i watched it, i compared it to Braveheart, and...hmm...comparison didnt have nice result for Gladiator.Braveheart is a terrific movie, while Gladiator was just a nice historic movie.
About 300 now - its just one of my favorite movies, at top5 for sure. everything is just perfect in this one.So for me, comparing Gladiator to 300 is huge mistake :)
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@dinaki08tt (583)
• Portugal
19 Aug 07
but i think gladiator has that natural touch in it.....
300 u can see there artificial around it. gladiator wont show that. so i prefer gladiator is the best movie..
@HamxaKA (17)
• Pakistan
4 Oct 07
Persia was not exaggerated in the movie, the spartans were! the movie showed their resistance but actually there was not much resistance, the persians kicked the spartan butts big time! Gladiator was a one of a kind movie, you cant compare both cuz gladiator was the story of a man but 300 was the story of a whole tribe.
@parmenion (48)
• Greece
24 Jan 08
i'm sorry to correct u but persian never kicked their a*s, if they would have done that than i say our world today would be very different as is today. Check plateae etc. battles
@men82in (1268)
• India
27 Jan 08
I agree to you that 300 is more special than Gladiator. But each movie has its own best scene. From my point of view, the best in Gladiator would be the scene in which the hero fights the animal... In 300, the scene where Leonidas is killed by thousands of arrows by the Persians. But I like 300 the most than Gladiator.
@painkiller77 (2073)
• India
2 Sep 08
i go for 300. 300 is an absolutely terrific movie. the attitude, the valour the spartans display send a chill down my spine. so much to keep their honour. they challenged and even demured a person who projected himself as god. i think they were bogged down by the wrong priests who just had no respect for these warriors. my personal favorite line in the movie when the king says : SPARTANS NEVER RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!. the greatest sequence when the king as a young lad fights the beast and also , when he kicks the intruder into the well..
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
29 Aug 10
Well 300 is a excellent movie and i loved the graphics and story.
@sweetgarg (392)
• India
24 Jan 08
both movies 300 and gladiator are great.
but i think there is no competetion in them
i always liked to watch the gladiator
and i think gladiar has far better story than 300
@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
14 Dec 07
300 is still the best movie, great graphics, great slow motion of actions, great editing, great action sequences like the flying arrows in which they have to use their shields to protect them. Superb movie with great fighting scenes. Plus great adaptation of the story, a real hero in the end, maybe it can be adapted into a game. :-)
@rahul_cool81287 (36)
• India
21 Aug 07
well no doubt both the movies are great but i like 300 more bcoz the way they hv presented an army of 300 people going on whole army of thousands and lakhs ... one can surely learn from them the strategies to fight!!! 300 seems to be a real movie but gladiator is like moving around with a certain storyline!!!
@TheGreatMaster (261)
• Romania
2 Sep 07
Two popular movies, both of them was very nice. I don't know what to choice, but let's say 300.
@TSx028 (77)
• United States
9 Sep 07
both the movies are great. the problem with the 300 graphics was that all the blood in it was animated. also, gladiator definitely had a better storyline. you cannot compare the two. both are different in time period and plot. Two movies to compare are Troy and 300.
@devilangelo (4522)
• India
20 Aug 07
well . i would vote for gladiator ... simply becoz i havent seen 300 yet ... lets see... i might changemy mind after seeing 300 thou :)
@great_cena (295)
• India
20 Aug 07
i would recemend 300 is better than gladiator as the graphics and direction is mind blowing in 300.
@dsantacruz (556)
• United States
20 Aug 07
gladiator and 300 are both great movies. I think gladiator is more realistic and has more story in it. 300 hundred is awesome to watch because of all the crazy fight scenes and brutality, but it isn't very realistic. I think I like 300 better.
@vijay1wdv (357)
• India
20 Aug 07
I will support for 300!! It is a short and simple movie. It has a drawback which is the animation. It diminishes the realistic feeling that one should get after watching a movie. But gladiator on the other hand has no animation. But it is a very long movie and sometimes you get bored in some scenes. Both films are really good but watching 300, you never get bored.
@FallenSage (43)
• United States
18 Aug 07
I have to agree 300 is much better. But people into more realistic things will probably say Gladiator, because they did exaggerate Persia in the movie.