Someone Stealing From You
By worldwise1
@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
August 20, 2007 2:26pm CST
Have you ever had something come up stolen and suspected a friend or family member of doing the deed? This has happened to me more than once. In all of the instances I knew the family member did it. I confronted him with it on all occasions. Finally I just told him he was not welcome in my home any more. I don't know why some people steal, but he did this to his own mother also. Would you confront the thief?
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21 responses
@dsantacruz (556)
• United States
20 Aug 07
It is kind of weird, lately my nephew has been stealing things from me and placing my stuff in different places, even little things that just annoy me. I don't know why, I have not been acting mean towards him or anything. He stole my chain which is of great value of me, he received a wallet from paraguay as a gift and I asked him if I could see it, inside I found my chain. what angers me is that when I found it he lied to my face that he didn't take it for the longest time, even though it was obvious that he took it. He randomly goes in my room and moves stuff around where I can't find it. Hope this changes soon...

@mossjanicelynn (1240)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Sounds like a padlock would help wonders in curing any additional instances that many occur. And a good talking too mentally & physically if you know what I mean. Take something of value to him, your special trip for instance, don't stoop to his level, I mean something that he really enjoys, he is just looking for attention I believe.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
That is a shame, dsantacruz. From what you say I assume this person has free access to your things. Maybe you should start investing in some locks. Good luck.
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@pismeof (855)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I can't say that it's ever happened to me other then when I was a kid growing up.You know were one friend likes the special truck that you own ,so one day he comes by the yard and swipes it so that he can play with it for a while.
As an adult this hasn't happened ,but if it ever did I'd most definitely confront the thief.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
You're very lucky, pismeof. You must have a better class of family and friends than most of us. There's a lot to be said for that. It's good to know that there are some honest people left.
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@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
20 Aug 07
yep. I have had family rip me off a few times.
my niece came back to Michigan (where we live) from Florida.
her & her friend didn't have any place to stay so I let them come here with my family & I.
why the heck did I do that????!!!!
She stole so much from me.
she stole my boxer puppy (I wasn't home, she acted like he must have got out of the fence).. she stole my $2 bills, she stole my 2 yr old sons wipes & clothes.
I had a big feeling she was the one to take my puppy but I really didnt know for sure. when I found my money missing I threw them out and then ended up finding a journal that they had wrote that admitted my niece stole my puppy.
since then I will talk to her and everything but I will no longer allow her in my house at all.
I couldn't believe she would do something like that.
I will never trust her again..
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes, jennifer, once that trust is broken, you only want to keep the guilty party out of your home. I know that I have never felt the same about my cousin.
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
20 Aug 07
I've had a number of items come up missing over the years, that "friends" stole from me. I did confront them about it, but even though I know it was them that stoled it from me they would still deny it. Eventually it caused me to drop a lot of my friends when I was younger, because I was the one that would get in trouble for it, if an item came up missing, since at the time my mom didn't really have the money for it to begin with, but she still got it for me because it was something her daughter wanted.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Those people were never your friends, jeweled. True friends would never do such a thing. I would rather stand on the street corner with a tin cup than to steal from a friend.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
Long ago when I was young and not so nice...I had this roommate that never had the rent, ate my food and generally was a pig. Finally after helping her out for over a year or so I had had enough. When we were moving out she kept trying to steel my stuff, I caught most of it, then one night I see her and she has on my watch and my jacket. I physically removed both. I was shocked that a so called friend that I had helped out so much would act like this and claim she was a good Christian! I have no use for people like that and stay clear of those types. I would rather a stranger stole from me than a friend of family member that is for sure!
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes, whywiki, it is so much worse when it is a friend or family member. I think you did the right thing by taking back your belongings. Taught her a lesson!
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@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
20 Aug 07
Hi Wordwise 1,
and yes, I had such an expirience with a GF of mine. She was the only trusted person to have access to the room where I kept and still keep my collection of minerals and various gem stones, because she is also such a collector. In this particular occasion I had given her many of the specimens and about 20 boulder opals because she wanted to show them to friends of hers that were interested to buy some, and since I trusted her I just gave her all of it without writing it6 down, as I knew how much I gave and which gems, and specimens. Well, several weeks past by and I wasn't hearing from her, so I called and asked if she sold any of it, otherwise I'd appreciate to get my gems and sucvh back. She said she didn't sell any of it, and that she willbring the stones in a few days. When she came with the stuff, like 30% was missing, and I asked where is the rest. She said - this is all of what you gave me, and i said - no it isn't as I knowexactly what I gave you, and showed her the pictures of each and every boulder opal and specimen that I gave her. She kept denying, and I was so mad, and told her that either I will get everything that I am missing, or I will go to the police. Plus - I never want to see here again in or near my house. Ther amount of the gems and specimens that were missing was in excess of $2000. And of course I went to the police and gave them pictures and all, however, the insurance wouldn't pay me for it, since I had given the stones to someone myself.
Until today I cannot imagine how is it possible for people to ruin a long lasting friendship for the miserable amount of $2000. How stupid could one be, because a frienship is one of the most valuable things we can build up in our life time, and we are poor without friends.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Unfortunately, fortunes, we live in a world that is populated witha lot of greedy people. They will gladly take from anyone if it will add a few dollars to their pockets. My uncle was killed by a friend many years ago over a $5 debt. I could not believe it, but it turned out to be true.
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@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
21 Aug 07
Yeah I have a cousin that is notorius for taking things, but man if someone did that to her she would be furious.
When we were younger a bunch of cassette tapes came up missing from my tape case. while this cousin was staying with me. I asked her about them and NO NO NO she hadnt seen them. She moved out into her own place soon after that. When were out cruising one evening I looked in her glove box and there was my 5 tapes that were missing . I put them in my purse and didnt say anything. You know she never mentioned them to me at all. They were all marked with my name anyway before she took them.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Aug 07
A friend of mine actually stole my laptop. i have confronted him about it and also filed a complaint about it to the police. My isurance will cover it, but still it sux that a friend can do something like that
@mossjanicelynn (1240)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Yes, one of my co-workers stole my blue highlight marker pen, she had borrowed it several times too. But I moved to another cubical funny how she dosen't ask to borrow it anymore. So I know it was her!! I'm not going to confront her, it would be cheaper to replace the pen, I hate drama and love my job!!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
That was a stupid move on her part, moss, and over such an inexpensive item! There's no accounting for what people will do.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Well lets put it this way, I often had to hide a lot of things from my own mother, including my money--she had lets say a habit of helping herself to my money in particular--I wouldn't really know about it until maybe I went to the store, take out my money, and realize some of it was "missing"--as for confronting her, yep I did, but it was like her attitude was that she deserved it...My mother actually had a nice record of helping herself to things...this was years and years ago when she was friendly with one of our older neighbors. That woman trusted my mother, and often when she went away on vacations my mom would "housesit" and get the mail...When the woman came back she'd find certain items missing, like cans of tuna, soap, etc...But then one day, while my mom was in the apartment, the woman, Pat, went to the bathroom, when she came out, she caught my mother's hand in her handbag as my mother was trying to help herself to Pat's money....needless to say, Pat literally kicked my mother out, never to speak to her again--unfortunately Pat has a grudge against me due to my mother! Hey I wasn't the one stealing here
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
A little case of "Sins of the mother," eh? I really do think that some people feel entitled-simply by their connection to you, until you have a heart-to-heart with them. I know my grandkids used to sneak my costume jewelry until I told them it was not to be "borrowed" without asking. They don't view it as breaking the law or your trust.
@brendakaya (2332)
• United States
20 Aug 07
This has happened to me repeatedly over the past several years. It has happened much more, since I have lived by my mother-in-law. I swear the woman is a kleptomaniac. She comes in my house, sneaks around and takes whatever she wants. It can be food, toilet paper, jewelry, silverware, dishes, buckets,(I have a discussion about this, it's called "making fun of myself")etc. You name it, she's taken it. I just let her go, by now, if I were truly keeping track, after 17 years, she probably owes me over a thousand dollars, by now. Everytime, over the years, I'd think"someday, she'll die, and I can get some of it back"-she burns another place down,(yes, she's burned down 4, since I've known her,(I think she's a pyromaniac, too). So there goes that. If she'd have had, almost ,any other daughter-in-law, in the world, besides me, she'd have probably got her backside whipped by now. lol
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
In my previous comment I made a statement that I think might also apply in your case, brenda. Sometimes the people that are closest to us think it is their right to just come in and take what they want-until you confront them and draw the line.
@taylorblue (1286)
• Canada
20 Aug 07
My daughter is stealing from me all the jewelry, my pens, my makeup...everything. I almost need to lock all my stuff up. I hate that! I can't even keep a box of Vanilla Rice Krispies around to eat when I want too!! I hate that!
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
20 Aug 07
Have you told your daughter that you consider this stealing, taylorblue? Many times your offspring consider it their right to just take whatever they feel they want.
@fab315 (1231)
• Philippines
21 Aug 07
It happened to me quite a few times in as my bedroom is always open to all my family members. Before it happened i've been hearing some rumour about one of our family member stealing money as it's been happening to my aunties as well. I didn't really take it seriously for the reason that the "suspect" doesn't live with us and since i'm not 100% sure if all the stories were true. Well, unluckily it happened to me, I was so careless that I left my handbag open, on my bed. I always count my money as I don't put a lot or all of money in one wallet. So obviously I know how much money I got in my wallet, my cousin saw the "suspect" went into my bedroom and when my cousin asked her what she was doing in there, she said she was looking for something. My cousin only told me about it after I realized my money's gone.
I cursed! normal. But honestly I didn't confront her or talk to her about it. In a way I think she knows that I know it was her because she was a bit aloof after the incident. And I know she was having some money problem that time and maybe that's why she did it. I just considered it as my help to her problem. And just hope she's not going to do it again. Thanks for sharing your story. Take care.
ciao! tchel
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
21 Aug 07
i experience it before as well... but i don't know who is the culprit so i can't confront him/her... but if i do, i will definitely confront the person directly and ask him/her to return whatever items he/she had stolen from me...
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
21 Aug 07
Yes, it has happened to me only thankfully. I have this relative from my in-laws side who’s into very bad times. He is quite a vagabond and does nothing to support his family. Well one day he came to our house and we were like OK with it. I have a habit of keeping my gold trinkets on the dressing-table itself, open. I am like, who’s gonna take anything from my room without informing me and even if it happens, my own people will be taking for some genuine reason. So I am a bit careless about my belongings. We didn’t notice it then, but after the guy went away, a pair of my gold earrings, which were lying as usual on the dressing-table, went missing. After a lot of searching, we were sure that he had taken it and our belief was confirmed as after that day, the guy has never turned up at our home again. and no, we did not confront the thief as we had no solid proof.
@rhinoboy (2129)
21 Aug 07
I grew up in a rough area where petty crime was an every-day thing. People I knew were arrested and things all the time and nobody thought any less of them for it. Even in such a bad environment though, it was absolutely unacceptable to steal from 'your own'.
Anybody who steal from a 'friend' is IMO the absolute scum of the earth.
@recycledgoth (9894)
21 Aug 07
This has happened to me on several occasions. I am far too trusting and the worst was someone I regarded as a good friend. She stole money, jewellery and clothes but I couldn't confront her with my suspicions simply because I couldn't be 100% certain it was her.
@sunnywaters (189)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Absolutely! A thief is secretly waiting for someone to catch is them. That is their game - sick as it is. I always confront someone who is doing an unethical thing. You have done the correct action.
sunny waters