First Loves

@CaitBaby (446)
United States
August 21, 2007 12:00pm CST
Everyone remembers their first love. Do you still think about yours in your current relationship? Do you still having feelings for him/her? Are you still with your first love?
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10 responses
@taylorblue (1286)
• Canada
21 Aug 07
I think my first real love was the guy I met my first day of grade nine. I really really liked him but he would't date me because he said I was too skinny. It was about 5 years later our paths crossed and I got to go out with him. Three months later I was pregnant...six months after that I was married...and then reality set in. I left him 2 years later because he was highly abusive and he was cheating on me. Do I still love him. Deeply. I always will especially when I look at the daughter we created but I have moved on now. I know that I would never get back with him, and I am married again to someone who is great to us!
• Canada
23 Aug 07
That's true you know I loved him with everything I was...and he hurt me! So I am not so good with that anymore.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I'm sorry that happened to you. I understand how you felt though. Abusive or not, you still loved him, especially since you have a child together.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
24 Aug 07
:( That makes me sad! No one should have to go through that.
@taylorblue (1286)
• Canada
21 Aug 07
I think my first real love was the guy I met my first day of grade nine. I really really liked him but he would't date me because he said I was too skinny. It was about 5 years later our paths crossed and I got to go out with him. Three months later I was pregnant...six months after that I was married...and then reality set in. I left him 2 years later because he was highly abusive and he was cheating on me. Do I still love him. Deeply. I always will especially when I look at the daughter we created but I have moved on now. I know that I would never get back with him, and I am married again to someone who is great to us!
• Canada
21 Aug 07
oopsss sorry....
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
That's ok! :D
@men82in (1268)
• India
22 Aug 07
My neas the first and best love for me and us but i married to other girl of my father's friends' family. Upto date we deserve our past love and deserves it. Our dependants also grown and ready for marriage. Still first lovethe best one to start the life.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
That's sweet! :)
@Zorrogirl (1502)
• South Africa
22 Aug 07
hey there cait. Yes i do. i married him as well. my first love is still with me. its 6 years now. we have been married for almost 3 and its getting better and better. its an incredible feeling.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Hey zorrogirl! I think that's sweet. :)
• Indonesia
22 Aug 07
Well my first love was really a puppy love,he's my teacher in junior high and married with 2 children.but it was really fun to have such an adventorous love at that moment.and now with my 4 years boyfriend of course i'm no longer involve with my first love.sometimes i still thinking about him but that's all..and my boyfriend knows about this and no problem with it.He knows that's my past.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Were you actually with your teacher? I'm confused. :)
• Philippines
22 Aug 07
i do remember some memories but i do not reminice..for me what is past is past when it comes to love talk..i hate to reminice anything about it..i just got a memory of them when someone starts to talk about them..then so on the sroty but all by myself thnking ..nope..i dont do that..
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I understand that. Sometimes memories can be painful anyway. It's not good to dwell on the past.
@nancygibson (3736)
• France
21 Aug 07
I still occasionally think about my first lover, he is so not what I would want now, but I remember that at the time he was very much what I wanted and as such I hold the memory of how I felt then as very precious. Glad I'm with my current partner though, he suits me much better.
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Yeah I understand that. Usually your first love isn't your soulmate, no matter how much you care about them. Mine wasn't the best choice for me. Even though I loved him with all my heart, I had reasons I had to let him go and every time I start missing him I remember the problems our relationship caused.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
21 Aug 07
I do remember my first love, however I have not that kind of feelings for him today and I do not think about him that much. we still talk a few times a year to check up on eachother *hehe* he is married now with a child and very happy so there are no romantic feelings going on at all =)
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
21 Aug 07
Well I guess over time feelings like that fade. It's good that you still talk every once in a while though. By the way I like your flashy star. It's cute! :)
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Aug 07
My husband is my first love we started dating when we were in highschool and when we first started out we hit some rough patches and dated other people but that didnt last long and we were back together in no time it has now been almost 11yrs, 5 yrs married and we have 2 children and one on the way, poeple think we were too young to get as serious as we did but 11yr later we are still going strong so obvisouly our hearts knew what it wanted :)!
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
That's sweet! I don't think you're ever too young to be in love. If you find someone that you care about, no matter what age, you should go for a serious relationship if that's what you want. :)
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
21 Aug 07
I started dating my husband when I was in 8th grade, so I haven't really had any other first loves. I had other boyfriends, but none of them were special to me like my husband. I think of the guy I dated before him every now and then, but it's just because I hear things about him from friends and apparently he has becoem a real loser. Congragulations on finally reaching 100 posts by the way.:)
@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Thanks! I think it's sweet that you found your first love and apparently only love so early in life. :)