A child of the 80s?
By hodgemo2
@hodgemo2 (272)
United States
16 responses
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
15 Nov 06
I am :) I still have almost of my old My Little Ponies, the only one I can't find is my baby sea pony. My daughter and I have been adding to them ove the last couple years. I also have my Strawberry shortcake dolls and carbears. I don't actively collect them, but if I see SSC or carebears at thrift stores or yard sales I will buy them.
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@hodgemo2 (272)
• United States
15 Nov 06
That's great that you still have your old collection. I don't have any of my old toys!
But I am trying to recollect.

@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
16 Nov 06
I'm from 1986, so that's a bit late in the 80's but I guess it still counts, LOL!
I still have a lot of toys from my childhood collection, I have all my my little ponies (which as you know I still collect ^_^), and I have some Popples lying around somewhere. I had 1 or 2 treasure trolls and I have one MIB (anyone want to trade, hehe), some fairy tail birds (sold them off though) and possibly even more which I don't remember or gave away to orphanges (I did that a lot, I never through toys away and neither did my mom, loads of toys went there :)
I'm not planning on making my childhood collection complete, come to think of it I also used to have charmkins, but I wouldn't replace them. No fairy tail birds either, they were gone about 2 years ago, but I feel I can't just keep hanging on to anything and everything. Stuff that has a lot of emotional value stays, but those are merely my ponies. I played most with them, displayed them, and they made me feel good when having no friends when I was little.
I have a balance impairment and got teased with that a lot, my MLP were my friends when no one wanted to play with me. I felt sad sometimes but they were allways there. And yes, I know they are just toys but when you are a 5/6 year old they can supply a lot of comfort. Nowadays I just like how lovely and cute they look and display them, and secretly, I thank my childhood mlp for being there for me :P
@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I have a little of both, I've been to resale and find things I remember having as a kid such as Care Bear PizzaHut glasses. I'm trying to collect them since we lost ours in a fire when I was 12. I don't go to ebay and pay rediculous prices. I just look for them at used stores and garage sales. I have a two year old and we collect together. This and Strawberry shortcake.
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@AxranraRose82 (1120)
• United States
15 Nov 06
ME!!! I was born in 82 and enjoyed every second of the 80s. I loved (and love) the music...my little ponies, SHE-RA!, Jem, Strawberry Shortcake. They were all so awesome! My mom threw out most of my toys, little by little when she discovered that I was a pack-rat. So I don't have any of them anymore. I haven't started collecting any. I am not sure that I will. I did buy my daughter a my little pony but it just wasn't the same. I guess I can move on...but should I ever see one of my old-time favorites at a flea market or yard sale I just might have to scoop it up!
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@creativedreamweaver (7297)
• United States
14 Nov 06
I am not a child of the 80's, but my children were. They don't have much left of their childhood stuff, due to a robbery, but they have some very good memories. It really was a magical time for all of us. It is kind of like I grew up with my kids. My daughter was born in 83, and was into Popples, Rainbow Brite, Sheera, Barbie, and My Little Ponies. My son was born in 88, and his was Power Rangers, Mario, Transformers, and much more. I think my daughter would like to start collecting some of the stuff from her childhood.
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
15 Nov 06
I am :) I still have almost of my old My Little Ponies, the only one I can't find is my baby sea pony. My daughter and I have been adding to them ove the last couple years. I also have my Strawberry shortcake dolls and carbears. I don't actively collect them, but if I see SSC or carebears at thrift stores or yard sales I will buy them.
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@magdollars23 (1684)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I'm a 80's baby but dont have any old toys
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@krysy1982 (1041)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I was born in 82. I have a some Rainbow Brite stuff, Strawberry Shortcake, and MLP.
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@StarChild517 (657)
• United States
20 Jul 08
I am a child of the 80s born in 88 but boy do I miss those cartoons.
@sweetpea_216 (1470)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I am a child of the 80's and I feel like they don't make toys like they use too. I've seen the carebears, little ponies, barbies, and strawberry shortcake merchandise at the stores, but they seem different. The little ponies are somewhat the same but they seem lighter. I could have sworn they were heavier way back when. Though I'm guilty of asking for my little ponies on my last b-day, kinda sad, but I was happy! What about you? Did you rebuy toys?
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
29 Jan 07
I am a total child of the 80s. I was born in the 80's and I grew up loving that entire decade. To this day if I had the chance to go back and live in that decade fro the rest of my life...I think I would choose to go and live there. I have just begun to rebuy some of my old stuffed toys from when I was a child. I moved out of the house I used to live in and I had to leave some of them behind. It always made me sad to think that I had to leave them behind...I guess that's why I'm rebuying them now...to make up for what I lost in my childhood.
I have only got a couple toys so far that I've bought from various places from my past. I was able to get my hands on a Popple and as well I have a Wrinkles dog. I was so happy when I got my hands on this Popple, because I had been looking for one for so long. I ended up finding one on eBay for a half decent price so I asked my other half to get it for me for Christmas.
Sure enough, he did get it, and now it sits on my bed every day. I used to love playing with them because you could tuck their bodies into this pocket on their back and turn them into a ball. At the same time you could make them pop out of their pocket, hence the name. I absolutely love the one I have because it does remind me of those times in my other house when I was younger.
The Wrinkles dog is actually something my other half contributed. It was his since he was a child and it's one of only two stuffed animals he ever had as a child. His other one was a dog in a train engineer's outfit...but he's since left that one behind. He loved this Wrinkles dog so much when he was a kid that when he went to sleep, he used to pretend they were flying around in a spaceship together. I love that personally you can use the stuffed Wrinkles dog as a puppet. Anytime I'm feeling like a puppet show, I just have to ask my other half to go grab the Wrinkles dog.
There are some other toys from my childhood I'd like to get my hands on at the same time too. I always liked the cartoon "Jem" and I would really like to get my hands on a "Jem" doll sometime to add to my collection.
I've also always wanted one of those Betty Crocker Easy Bake OVens since I was a kid. I always dreamed about serving my other half some cake cooked with a lighbulb. Hey, it may be silly to you, but it makes me feel like I'm a kid again. You know what they say....you're only as old as you feel.
So, in conclusion...I'm currently working on my 80s childhood collection and I hope one day to have all those things I lost or missed out on from my childhood. I think mainly I would like to get it for sentimental value more than anything else. The ability to say I finally owned some of my childhood toys again makes me feel good.
Thanks for allowing me to share this with you. xx