Rain, Rain, Go away...

The current radar for Eastern Iowa - Nashua is right on the edge of that red path. This is the 5th day in a row of weather like this.
@creematee (2810)
United States
August 22, 2007 2:44pm CST
Yes, I'm asking for it to GO AWAY! I know there are parts of the country that have been begging for the wet stuff. This is day 5 or 6 of rain, and it's getting really tiresome. Yesterday, we did have a few hours of sunshine, but not nearly enough to enjoy it. Today, it's more thunderstorms and wind. And, I WAS going to let the kids walk home from school. Guess I need to pick them up as neither one of them wore their rain coats today. Let me know if you are waiting for some of this rain. I'll keep my rain barrels full, and you can come pick it up when you get a chance! LOL!
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20 responses
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I'm on my way! I'll bring the truck so we can fit more than one barrel in the back! It's been so darned dry here, that my roses are constantly screaming at me that they are thirsty. But it's so hot out even in the evenings that it's hard to even think about going outside.
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@creematee (2810)
• United States
22 Aug 07
I wonder if I could just fax it to you? LOL!!! IT would be alot quicker. The kids left their wagon outside last night, and when I looked at it this afternoon, it was running over it's so full. We did have the hot and dry in July. We right now, are so over our average rainfall for the month. I can't remember the last time I've seen GREEN grass in August! LOL!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Wouldn't that short out the fax machine though? LOL Send me a picture of the GREEN at least, ok? Hahaha
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@jennysp8 (855)
• United States
22 Aug 07
lol I am happy with the rain right now. Of course, my kids don't start school until next week so I bet my story will change by then if it doesn't stop. I am in PA and in my area we needed this rain badly. Plus, we just bought this house last winter and did all kinds of landscaping this summer and it was my job to make sure the plants are watered everynight so they don't die on us being first year planted. I love rain days because that means I don't have to mess with them. hehe
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@creematee (2810)
• United States
22 Aug 07
We did need the rain, a week ago! Right now, so many areas are flooded, it's hard to GO anywhere! LOL!! I'll collect a few drops for you and send them when you are ready, ok? Enjoy your rain. :)
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@peaceful (3294)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Where you live has been having The Mother of all rainstorms and flooding has displaced thousands of people... it certainly seems like a repeat of a disaster flick out there every couple of years, you are a real trooper for hanginf in there, and I hope that you and yours will make it through this one OK! :) Here in PA., we need the rain, and so I'm working up one of my famous rain chants, hopefully it will attract the rain and cool weather from your region over to here! :)
@creematee (2810)
• United States
24 Aug 07
I should get my industrial fan out and blow the weather over to you. Hee hee! They said on the news tonight that 26 people have lost lives due to the flooding. That's in the whole midwest, not just my area. Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Northern Illinois have been hit really hard. We'll just need to grin and bear it and pray that it slides on by soon!
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I agree with you Im sick of this dam rain!LOL At least today it didnt rain but the sun didnt show its face either. We had 5 straight days of it. Now they are saying the weekend is going to be a hot one. Just great hot and humid is lovely.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
24 Aug 07
If it's hot, I can live with that. If it's HOT and HUMID, it's unbearable! Today it's been cool, but the air is still heavy with moisture. I went outside to see what the air was like so I could go on a walk this afternoon, and came back in, put on my shoes, went outside and it was downpouring! (sigh) we'll get rid of the water soon enough, it just stinks that it's taking its time moving on!
23 Aug 07
Here in the UK the weather has been dreadful this summer. Torrential rains more like a monsoon than a summer shower, wide-spread flooding and millions of pounds of damage to property and ruined towns and villages. Sorry hun, you can keep your rain, I think we have more than enough of our own :-)
@dlucia (208)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I feel for you guys in the UK. My fiance lives in the Midlands (Worcester/Malvern) and he said it's the worst he's seen in years. Hope you stay safe and hope the sun finds you too.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I know that you have been hit by the wetness! It's been a awful mess from what I understand. It hasn't gotten too terribly bad in my town, but some areas have the sewage leaking into ground water (yuck!) and people have 6 feet of water in their basements. I'm very lucky that we're still "dry." Try to keep yourself dry. :)
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
23 Aug 07
please send the rain my way :-) seriously, i live in southern ontario and our grass is so brown, i dont think we have had a good rainfall since may! but its sposed to rain all weekend which is good in some ways but not so much in others...my kids start school after labor day and we wanted to go mini golfing on the weekend :-)
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Well, I'll keep a barrel full for you in case it doesn't rain this weekend. I'll send some of my fresh mown grass to you, too, just so you can smell that fresh spring green. (one of my favorite smells!) I remember visiting Ontario a few times, and it has always been soooo dry! I do hope, that you get some of this rain that we are experiencing!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
23 Aug 07
i would really want some of your rain to be transported to here in australia... :-) we are experiencing severe drought this year that the farmers are the ones who suffer the most as their plants are dying... as the result, the price of fruits and vegetables here increase significantly and stage 3a water restrictions are in place now across melbourne... also, our water bill will be increased by more than double because the government are planning to build a desalination plant to overcome the drought problem... so we can really use some of your rain here... but not too much please... :-)
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Let's see, I wonder if Homeland Security would consider rain water as a hazardous chemical? I wonder if I could transport it your way? Hmm... LOL! I'll do what I can to get the drops your direction. I know that droughts can be tough. I'm trying to keep a happy face about all this wetness, but it's really hard.
@dlucia (208)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I live right below you in Missouri. Bring us some lol. We seem to just miss the rain, it either goes north or south. No storms, just some rain. Right now there are some storms in the NE corner of my state and I can see a lot in your area. Hope you see some sunny skies soon and enjoy some good weather outside.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Hi neighbor!! The weatherman said that we should be getting some sunny days this weekend! YEAH!!! I'm hoping so, because I need to wade out to the garden and pick cucumbers. LOL! I'll save up a rain barrel for you, too. Just let me know when you are coming to pick it up. :)
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 Aug 07
lol.. well i am on my way - save some for me. Is it still raining there? are the kids okay? keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you all..
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Everyone is fine, just floating. :) I'll keep a rain barrel full for you.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I agree about it going away. We've had more rain in the last five days than we did in the last 3 months. Now we are forecast for 2 to 4 inches on Thursday also. Ugghh. My garden is almost done so I don't need this much rain. HAHAHAHA!!! We had 6 out of the last 7 days raining. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I think you are in the same rainpath as I am. The northern parts anyway. I remember just a few weeks ago you saying how happy you were that you got to water your garden 2 days in a row! LOL!!! I guess you aren't watering today??
@lpetges (3036)
• United States
23 Aug 07
we live in the midwest and usually in august our grass is very brown and not needing to be cut... now with all of this rain, we have to cut every week, sometimes twice a week.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Oh yes. I can't remember the last time my grass looked spring green in August!! I'm not complaining about that, as it's so soft and pretty. Like you though, it does get to be a pain to mow it every other day! (Not really, but it seems like it!) LOL!
@jayalaksmi (1039)
• India
23 Aug 07
Thanks but its enough rain here. It is still raining here and i think and also the weather department says that it will still rain here and so here there is enough rain here and facing the same problem with excess rain.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I hope that your rain slows down quickly--and gives itself time to dry up between sprinkles!
• Canada
23 Aug 07
I agree with you and wish the rain would go away for awhile . We haven't had much summer at all in our area and have so much rain and then the thunderstorms all night . I love summer and love to take the children outside but often it is raining or has just stopped and when the sun comes out it is just too late in the day to take them out because their are other things around the house that need to be done . I also love to hang my clothes out on the line and am getting really tired of taking the time to hang them out only to have it rain and soak them all before I they get a chance to dry and then I have to chuch them in the dryer .
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I know exactly what you mean! My children were getting so stir crazy just sitting in the house. They wanted to go outside and play more than anything. Thank goodness school started yesterday, so they have something to keep them busy. :)
@pinnibabu (135)
23 Aug 07
There are places which are deserted and desperately need rain. consider yourself lucky that there u get to see the rains. Be happy when it is raining. Treat yourself with hot tea and snacks and enjoy the rain Coz Once summer u will crave for the rains. so be happy.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Oh, I know that I should count my blessings. I do, really. I am just more frustrated than anything because there isn't much else I can do. :) My personality is weather related... sunny days, I'm a sunny person, gloomy days, I'm gloomy. I'm tired of being gloomy. Guess I'll keep mylotting. That should cheer me up!!
@kgwat70 (13388)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I too am happy about all the rain we have had the last few days as it has really cooled things off here and feels so much better out. Plus I do not have to go out and water my new bushes since the rain is taking care of that. We have had a dry summer to this point so we needed the rain. Thanks for keeping those rain barrels full. I will come by sometime in the future. LOL
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I'll keep 'em full for you. I may have to add some mosquito stuff to it, to keep them from laying eggs in them. Just let me know when you are coming to pick them up. :)
@Darkwing (21583)
23 Aug 07
I'm afraid I have to decline your offer Crematee, on the grounds that we have blustery winds, plenty of rain and it's turned ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so cold. It's like the end of October here, in the U.K. So, all I can do is to join you in saying, "Rain, rain, go away... don't come back another day!" lol. Brightest Blessings.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I remember seeing that the UK got hit pretty hard with rain. Our neighbor's neice had just left to go back home for a while right before they hit. I worried for her the whole time that she was gone that they were homeless due to flooding. She came back and said they weren't hit that bad. (Whew!) Cost of shipping overseas would break my bank anyway. Probably a good thing you don't want it. LOL!!! Have a sunny day!
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
22 Aug 07
There has been a lot of rain and flooding in my area too and enough is enough. I can't stand when it rains, it seems to just ruin all your plans to do anything.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Yeah, NY has gotten hit pretty hard by the rains, too. I suppose it's the aftermath of the Iowa rains. :) You are right about spoiling the plans. I've got gardening to do, and I just don't want to wade out to the garden! I suppose those tomatoes can last a few more days out there.
@gtdonna (1738)
23 Aug 07
Oh please send me some with DHL Express to Sicily, Italy and I'll send you some sunshine with heat wave added in for good measure to help you get rid of the wetness. It has been 100° here today, way too hot and everyone is getting tired of the hot weather now. So let's happily exchange
@creematee (2810)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I'll take the sunshine, but I can do without the heat. It has been plenty warm here in Iowa, too--only with Iowa heat we get humidity with it. Nothing like being HOT and STICKY at the same time! Welcome to mylot gtdonna!
• India
22 Aug 07
wishing the best to the americans. love, apple.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
22 Aug 07
Thanks apple! :)
• India
23 Aug 07
rain rain go away come again another day........... because its nice