I don't know why this scared me so bad...
By ChaJudLeoBit
@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
United States
August 23, 2007 5:34am CST
Here's a brief summary: My husband left me in Dec of last year, hooked up with a violent psycho crack head woman 15 years older than he is, and now he's in jail. I held out for 6 months before deciding to divorce him, but I haven't had the $ to do it yet. Since then, he decided that I was the reason he is locked up and I haven't heard from him in about 2 or so months.
Ok, now to what got my heart pounding. You know that lucid state when you are drifting to sleep, but haven't quite gotten deep yet. Right when you start dreaming, although you don't realize you are falling asleep. Well, I was lying in bed snoozing my alarm clock when I was suddenlty sitting in my living room. I heard the door being opened and I looked up to see my husband standing there looking in the screen door trying to open it. Just seeing him there freaked me out really bad. I popped awake so fast, shot up in bed and sat there frantically looking around for him. When I realized it wasn't real, I layed back down and waited for my heart and breathing to return to normal. I think I even cried out a little from the fright. What the heck?? I don't know what freaked me out so bad. We had a wonderful relationship, loving and fun. He started drinking an got pulled under. The only fear I have of him is emotional, but I acted like I saw Freddy or Jason! I was so shaken by this that I almost started crying. I have no idea why I reacted like this.
Anyone want to play psychologist for me?
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16 responses
@ivyoon (673)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I think maybe your afraid of what he has become, and being that you haven't seen or heard from him in awhile, you're mind is thinking the worst. Maybe it stems from the fact that he's resorted to blaming you for the position in which he now finds himself. I hope you don't feel at all responsible for putting him where he is. People go to jail for doing things which are not allowed by law, and no one forces them there (except maybe in the movies, lol!) You had nothing to do with his being put in jail. He is just looking for someone to blame, and you're an easy target since you are no longer together with him.
Sometimes feelings of guilt cause fear in our minds, and that may have become manifest in the "vision" you had of him trying to enter your home.
You may also be subconsciously afraid that your husband will try to force himself back into your life once his time in jail is served. Sometimes after being incarcerated people tend to stumble back to a past relationship or place, hoping that their life will take a turn for the better as it had been when they were with that person or in that place. On a subconscious level, you may be aware of that, and fear his return.
If that's the case, I'd follow through with the divorce as soon as possible. That will let him know that you are ready to sever all ties to him and move on with your life, and hopefully prevent him from trying to reclaim his past just because his present isn't so good.
I hope this helps you, and try not to worry too much.
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@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
1 Sep 07
I really like what you said about me being afraid of what he has become. I feel that that hits the nail on the head. He is totally different from the man I have known for 4 years. I would have NEVER in a MILLION years suspected something like this from him. My best friend wishes we could go back in time and tell Eric of a year and a half ago about what Eric now is doing, he probably wouldn't believe it either.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
23 Aug 07
Oh sweetie it was only a dream. When we have something that effects our life so dramatically we often put it to our dreams. We dont want to think about it so our subconscious takes over for us. I hope you can over the fear of this man. Because no one should be living like that.Big hugs to you!
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@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Thanks for the hugs. When he first left, I had constant nightmares every time I fell asleep. All involved him rejecting me in some horribly hurtful way. But I've gotten past that (anti-depressants helped) so this was highly unexpected. Thanks for your support!
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
23 Aug 07
I think we all have times like that, I think maybe our suc consious takes over, maybe it s loose hormone running amuck, but I am sure we all have silly dreams and silents fears, nothing to woryy about I don't think...
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
23 Aug 07
Its probably justa s simple as him beein alot on your mind and you beeing scared of how he will react over you filing for divorce.. Dreams can sometimes be very strange
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
23 Aug 07
ya, i have had dreams like that. He has probably been on your mind lately as you mentioned you still had to get the divorce. Because you had such a wonderful relationship, I'm sure it was deeply hurtful when he changed and turned into someone that you could no longer love. he has obviously gone downhill if he is in jail now. Im sure if he suddenly showed back up in your life it would tear you apart inside. Thankfully it was just a dream...huh?
@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Yeah, I don't know what I'd do if he showed up on my porch. It did rip me to pieces because it was very sudden and unexpected. No build up or anything. I prayed for months and he popped back in and out a few times only to turn and choose her over me over and over. I'm glad it was just a dream, but DAMN he looked good!!!
@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
1 Sep 07
Yeah, I don't think I am afraid of him either, at least not physically. I am emotionally afraid of him...
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
23 Aug 07
He babe. On my way to work and detoured at the computer. Dreams are strange and don't always mean a lot. But, your husband changed on you...from the loving person that you knew to someone else. Just the fact that he has blamed you for his own circumstances and the fact that he went back to jail and will probably end up back in prison is enough to make a person nervous. I think he just reverted to what he was before we knew him. The prison influence and the bad choices he made and the bad lifestyle he led when he was younger, had more time to influence him than the 6 good months you spent together. I do know, that I don't think he is someone to trust blindly anymore, and a little discernment is warranted. Try to shake off the dream and the fear it caused, but it is time for the divorce as soon as you can get the money. It's time to look out for just you! Hope you don't mind this being so public! Love you bunches! Mom
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@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Don't forget the other 3.5 years we knew him. He was such a good person, wanted so badly to turn his life around and do right. So I knew this wonderful man for 4 years, and it only took less than 2 weeks to crumble.
@jennifer611 (2514)
• United States
23 Aug 07
I have that type of thing happen to me once in a great while.
I don't think you should be too freaked out about it.
it probably means nothing, just a little night mare. we all get them.
maybe its just from the stress of all of this that your dealing with.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
23 Aug 07
I wouldn't even attempt to be a psychologist to yoiu, as I am not trained.
Most likely, this was your subscous playing out issuers regading your ex. or some reason, it is always worse in ones dreams than real life.
You have been in a traumatic situation, but I don't think anything bad is going to happen to you.
However, I would see a counsellor if I were you, or your Doctor. You could be suffering from some stress related problem, & there is good help for this.
Get a divorce from this idiot as soon as you can afford it.
@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Yeah, my family is urging me to do it quickly because he is not paying his bills (even before he was locked up) and they fear I might be responsible for them. I'm sure as hell not paying for his girlfriend's valentine ring bought on OUR anniversary!!
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@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
23 Aug 07
I would say the reason for this is all the emotional trauma you have went through in the last couple of months . Your mind is working overtime with all the things you have read or seen on t.v about what has taken place in other people's lifes and I would say it is just all adding up . You are probably suffering from a lot of stress as you felt you had such a good relationship and that would have been a blow to your self esteem when he left for someone who was so different from yourself .
It is actually good to have dreams like this as they are a release from some of the pent up emotions you have throughout the day .
I am sure this is a really hard time for you but you have to do what is best for you . Take Care and Best of Luck !!
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
30 Aug 07
You looked into your heart, and saw what you couldn't see before. I think you knew something was up. But you did not relize it until it was to late. I think you are worried what will happen in the near future. So you need to prepare yourself for whatever may happen. I do feel for you. Dreams like this can be very scary. I myself get scared when I have dreams like this. Sometimes I even wake up in a cold sweat. I tend to always go over all my dreams in my mind, and try to make logical sense of them.
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@eachen2002 (889)
• United States
24 Aug 07
Just be greatful that you didn't go along for the ride or you might be in the same spot he is.
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@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
24 Aug 07
That was basically why he left me. I wasn't interested in the 'lifestyle' he was craving. So I hope he's happy with being behind bars, since he's been there much longer than anywhere else. If that's better than the 'layed back' life we had together, then fine, he can keep it.
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@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
24 Aug 07
No, just seeing him standing on the porch, squinting with the sun in his face was all it too, then I was jerked out of it. He has been moved and I don't know where he is. He stopped writing and calling so that I wouldn't feel like he was "leading me on"
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
26 Aug 07
Oh dear, No matter what happens, do remain positive. Have Faith in God. Don't allow those negative feelings to manifest. Open up yourself and pray to God. Whenever you feel FEAR.. just tell yourself FEAR is False Emotions Appearing Real. I'm sure you can overcome this and lead a good life after. I'll pray for you too and I am sure things can only get better.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
30 Aug 07
I'm a little confused. Did you dream that your husband was trying to get in, or was this reality? Did he wake you from this near-sleep state, or did you dream it in this near-sleep state?
Often when I am anxious over something, or in conflict with a loved one, they do totally evil things to me in my dreams. When I have these dreams I take them as signs that something needs to change.
@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
1 Sep 07
This was one of those half dreaming states, cuz I didn't feel like I had even drifted off. THe dream was of him on the porch about to open the door. He's in jail, so I don't have to worry about this being a reality.
@noeltotherescue (261)
• India
24 Aug 07
well when i usually i have dreams, i don't remember all the details.... so i guess when you dreamt of your husband, you saw something more... and you just don't remember it... maybe thats what scared you... and this is just a one time thing right? so i guess you don't have to worry about being loco or anything...so don't worry!