Young children..Do you keep an eye on them at all times??

United States
August 25, 2007 9:31am CST
I have two boys 3 and 5. When they play outside I know where they are and what there doing at ALL times. They have to stay in my yard..which is plenty big enough to play in. I do sit and watch them most of the time but house work needs to be done. So I will go do dishes or vaccum but they stay where I can see them or atleast here them. I check on them often. They are to young to be without suppervision. My neighbors kid is 5 and he runs the neighborhood all the time. Where is she? No where to be found...or shes sleeping. And she says Im the Bad parent. My question to you is Do you allow young children to run the neighborhood unsupervised??
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19 responses
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
26 Aug 07
Yes Always, My son is 8 and I still watch him like a hawk... I guess cause i am afraid that he's going to hurt himself or something and I don't want that to happen.. And no I don't let my son run the neighborhood let alone leave the yard with out me knowing...
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I don't have kids so I can't really comment there. However, I don't think you are a bad parent for watching your kids. You should see my concept of the bad parent, the one sitting on the couch watching springer and maury while the kid plays with a power drill. When you get to that stage, then yea, Bad Parent. Oh and as for keeping an eye on them I know its impossible when they get older, but please keep tabs on them and instill in them the values of trust and responsibility. Is it really too much to ask parents to do that? Just at least do this and try your best with parenting. I know it can be hard, I talk with plenty of parents young and old, but there are somethings you just have to do concerning your child.
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• United States
26 Aug 07
EXACTLY!!! its not that hard to watch you kids. I mean come on you got pregnant and had the beby now you have to protect it. Its the least we can do.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
25 Aug 07
NO! My son is long past that stage, but he was restricted to the yard to play, he could only go out front with an adult. I remember getting a call one time from a Mom asking for her son who was 7 at the time, he went out at about 8:30 that morning when she left for work. She started looking for him at 7 that night, because he was 2 hours late for dinner. Granted, he had lunch at my house, I had no idea he was unsupervised all day, but I told him to go home because my son had swimming lessons, if I had know I would have brought him with me. BTW - the kid showed up about 30 later, he had left the neighborhood to go to an apartment complex to play with some school kids. I talked to the Mom and told her that was neglect, she gave me a song and dance act about the sitter not showing up. As it turns out, she did it all the time with her kids...the neighbors knew and no one reported her.
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• United States
26 Aug 07
This l;ady has done the same thing. Called me at 10 oclock at night asking if he was here and she didnt know where he was. Here he was brought home by someone she didnt know!! I will always know where my kids are as long as I have control over them.
• United States
25 Aug 07
no at that age they should be with u its so sad that we cannot let our children out alone for fear of something happening to them. housework needs to be done but not at the risk of my kids i would spend time with my kids u can always do the chores later on this is a no brainer the kids be4 the house any day
• United States
26 Aug 07
I know. When Im in the house I can see them I have big picture type windows and I can see the whole yard from them.
@BinKsBaBy (505)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I have a 5 year old and I let her go into our inclosed backyard and I will leave the door open and get some house work done, but I will come and check on her every 5 or 10 minutes. One time I was one the phone with my mother inlaw so I just peeked at my daughter and she must not have seen me, so she comes busting thru the back door shouting MOMMY ARE YOU OK!? I said yes and shh , she said well if your ok why did you forget to come check on me. I laughted and told her I did you were playing with your tea set I just didnt say anything because I was on the phone she laughed and said DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN MOMMY, YOU REALLY SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME! Opps I think I must have said that once or twice!
• United States
26 Aug 07
LOL..Thats really funny. At least she new you should have been there, and came looking when you wernt. Thats great!!!
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
25 Aug 07
My kids don't play outside without me or my husband watching them. My neighbor lets her 10 year old take her five year old outside and lets her watch him. They have told me that she would watch my daughter because I wouldn't let her go out while I had stuff to do. I said no. I don't think a 10 year old can protect a 5 year old adequately. If someone were to walk up and take my 5 year old what is a 10 year old going to do to stop them? By the time I could get 5 year old could be gone...
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
29 Aug 07
No, Never thats disgusting that someone would say that about you, it sounds like you are doing the right thing..She maybe needs to get off her bum and check on her kids before something happens then she will the one whinging...People that dont care about where their children are are bad parents, what examples does it show to the child..
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
30 Aug 07
The sad thing is that obviously the child dosnt know any different or better..
• United States
30 Aug 07
Yes definatly need to check on him!! Ya what would she do if he was kidnapped or hurt? She wouldnt know about it untill he didnt show up that night. It sickens me!! She is setting a terrible example for him!
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
25 Aug 07
My son is only 18 months old, so of course I keep an eye on him anytime he is outside. I usually am playing with him in the yard, or at least sitting on the steps watching him play with the dogs, or ride on his toy. I probably won't let him play outside by himself for a long time still. I know that when I was little, I was allowed to go to my friends' house by myself when I turned 8. We could ride our bikes around the neighborhood and go play at the school (it was 2 blocks from her house). I did have to check in every 2 hours with my parents, and she had to do the same. We lived in a small town and no one was worried about someone snatching their kids. Everyone in town knew us (Both of us had parents that had grown up in that same town), and we probably really were pretty safe. I seriously doubt that I would let my own child do that in just 6 years, though. He might be allowed to play in our own yard unsupervised then, but that would probably be about it.
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Aug 07
My brother is great for letting his kids run wild. They always have. I tend to keep them right around me whenever they are over so I know they are ok. I think its the only smart thing to do these days considering the way the world is now. Have a good day!! AT PEACE WITHIN
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@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
25 Aug 07
Yes, I think we have to keep an eye for them. Because little children don't know what will be dangerous and it is very likely to have accidents. We can't afford of any accidents. So we have to be much more careful to it.
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
25 Aug 07
No, my son is 5 years old and going 6 on december but i dont allow him playing outside without any supervision if not me his father or his nanny. Im afraid of letting him play alone outside the house, we can never tell when and where the accident might happen so to be sure that he is safe I make it a point that I keep my eye on him while he is playing. Even inside the house he plays near me most of the time.
@surajpkn (582)
• India
26 Aug 07
We dont have small children at home but whenever i visit my relatives place for holidays i meet lot of children of 3 to 5 years of age. I have seen their parents keeping a strong eye on them and i also do the same as they tend to do things that could hurt them or people around them.
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• Philippines
26 Aug 07
Why did your neighbour call you a "bad parent"? Maybe she sees you as over protective or woRrywart. I dont see any thing wrong with your actions considering they are only 3 and 5. Infact if I should give you a score.. i will say you are top 10. It is a very tough job for a mother to take care, really take care of their children. Only few mothers can do what you do. It is a fact that children can not take care of themselves. If you let your child run around your neighborhood without supervision, then you are leaving them to the elements. It is not really teaching them to socialize or grow up. Good if they do not meet bad things. But accidents could happen in seconds and if a worse thing happen.. no amount of tears and regret could bring back past. I hate to say this, but women who lacks supervision on their toddlers are lazy women. No matter what could be their reason. Who cares if the house is yet unclean, as long as my child is well taken cared of especially in the morning. They can not reason out it's a way to help them build their independence. O come on, sooner or later, they will demnd that independence. Let us cherish the moments when they are still young. Motherhood is a tiresome career really. And You are quite a mother!
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• United States
27 Aug 07
Thank You soo Much. I am a good mother and just want to keep my kids safe. They need guidence at this age. I want to tach them as much as possible about life. They have to learn rules, boundries and limitations. If there good, clean up, listen to me then they have earned time to play outside. They have to stay in the yard and be nice to eachother. I think it will be good for them later in life If I teach them now.
26 Aug 07
You r absolutely right. Kids should be supervised. Everyday i see news of children drowning or trapped in borewells; their parents should be blamed for this. If parents don't have time, get someone to look after them. Someone means someone whom you trust. Ok
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• United States
27 Aug 07
I know and it sickens me. Were the parent really that busy to not watch there kid. If you have kids you have a responcibility to them.
@coferbox (298)
• United States
30 Aug 07
No, children of any age shouldn't be allowed to run the neighborhood, at a young age it is a matter of safety and as they get older they can be a nuisance to other neighbors. Children should always stay in their own yard. Another thing I see that really bugs me is parents in stores who leave their babies and young children unattended in the shopping cart while they walk away to look at something. And also parents who allow their somewhat older children to walk instead of riding in the buggy but allow the kids to walk behind them. You can't see what is going on with your child when he or she is behind you. Unless you really do have eyes in the back of your head.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I would never leave my 5 year old daughter outside alone! I'm always with her. I have a little chair outside and when we go outside I will sit and watch her. She plays in the yard and I could never step back inside the house, even if it was to use the bathroom. If I go in, she has to go in. It's not safe to leave children alone, not even for a second. House chores can wait.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
30 Aug 07
I don't have a kid yet but I have a 2-yr old nephew who shouldn't be left alone to play. he needs constant attention coz he's just so active and a hyper kid who goes everywhere, touches everything, hurt himself always so he can't be left alone. I think hyper children are supposed to be constantly watched to keep them from accident or harm. and that's a mother's role. ^__^
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
26 Aug 07
No I don't. I am with him all the time. We live in an apartment block so there really isn't any yard for him to play in. When I take him to the park I am with him wherever he goes. My husband says i need to give him some space sometimes and I do now and then. I know I am overprotective most of the time, but I would prefer that than letting him wonder the neighborhood unsupervised.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Aug 07
NOOOOOO way. he is 4 and even when he is older I would have to know where he is (till he is about 45 :))))) joking aside. when he is older he can go play with other kids as long as they are not on the street and the parents know where they all are its fine. When I was in macedonia kids stayed out till 12 at night playing outside we had no problems and fear and nothing bad ever happened. our parents knew where we are and all they needed to do was pop their had outside and there we were. in the past 3m there were 4 roberies in my street 1 asoult on 2 people so I am scared to let my son play on his own. If he is out one of us (husband or I ) has to be with him.
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