Who would eat four day old pizza?

United States
August 25, 2007 4:39pm CST
Most times delivery pizza sits in my refrigerator two days before it becomes completely tasteless and then any remainder has to be thrown in the trash or fed to the outdoor cats. So, most times pizza gets eaten before then. Otherwise it just turns into a big waste of money. How many days does pizza sit in your refrigerator? Would you eat day old pizza? Would you eat pizza after it's been sitting in your refrigerator for four days? How old is too old when it comes to left over pizza?
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14 responses
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
25 Aug 07
Pretty much any leftovers in our house get thrown into the dogs' bowls after they've been in the fridge for 3 days. I'm careful to wrap everything up, so most things would probably still taste okay, I just don't want to mess with it. Usually my husband takes leftovers to work at night, though. Whatever we eat on Sunday, he takes on Monday night, and so on. It works well. Leftover Pizza is usually eaten the following day. Usually there is enough to be two meals, so we eat it as lunch the following day. And then my husband and son will have it as night time snack if there is still some left. Pizza doesn't last even 2 days in our house very often! :)
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• United States
25 Aug 07
Same for us! Pizza doesn't last that long here, cause it's eaten by somebody in need of a quick meal. And, it's so easy to warm up and there's no prep time involved.
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• United States
25 Aug 07
Yesterday we found out by accident that our outdoor cats loved pizza and breadsticks. Two slices of pizza and a breadstick fell on the floor by accident and I was about to throw it away when my husband suggested I feed it to the outdoor cats. There is a nursing female outside and she is usually not very picky. I had run out of her brand of cat food, so I didn't have any food for her, other than milk. So, I threw it to her and she gobbled it up! Her two babies (who are almost weaned) were trying to gum the soft pizza bread too. It was too cute. She really enjoyed it. Now I don't feel so bad when I have left overs, cause I know she and her babies will get some too!
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
25 Aug 07
If the pizza is not eaten by the end of the next day (after it was ordered) then it gets dumped. It becomes too hard to eat after the second day LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Aug 07
I guess I'm kind of lucky then. And, I was just griping that my pizza only last two days! Here's me counting my lucky stars! LOL!
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
27 Aug 07
No! I won’t eat it after 4 days- but it’s never a worry for us- we eat it all up the next day- either for breakfast- Cold pizza is one of my fave breakfast items. Or we take it for lunch- I think I would toss the left-overs (if there were any) on the 2nd day of being left-over.
@andrika (386)
• Indonesia
2 Sep 07
most of my pizza always end 1 day after i keep them in my refrigerator. never last until 4 days,.. may be when we put it in the oven again will taste good as new? i don't know never try that one before..
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
4 Sep 07
we never had leftover pizza and i wouldnt eat a four day old pizza.a two day old pizza is ok,you could reheat it in an oven.
@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
25 Aug 07
Well I have a section in my refrigerator that keeps things a bit cooler, plus I use plastic wraps and the stuff still tastes great. I'm a bit more cautious on day 5 and up however and usually don't risk it.
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@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
26 Aug 07
I will eat pizza the next day. The rest of your questions I have no answer to - when we order pizza, we will eat whatever amount of it there is within the next day. In fact, I usually only get a couple of slices.
@AmbiePam (88889)
• United States
25 Aug 07
I haven't ordered pizza in a long time, but when I did, I gave it a two day fridge life. On the third day I could taste the staleness and sogginess of the crust and toppings.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I can't ever remember a piece of pizza lasting for more than a day or two in our house. We are both big pizza addicts and it doesn't last long with us around. HAVE A GOOD DAY!! AT PEACE WITHIN
• United States
26 Aug 07
i rarely eat a 4 day old pizza but on that note ripping it up in small pieces the outdoor birds will eat it so u got fed and u helped feed others even if it was just an animal or 2
@xiuluoelly (1224)
• China
26 Aug 07
I like to eat pizza, buy more, sometimes on the dirty on the refrigerator, I feel frozen pizza is also good to eat, but would not take very long, because I felt a long time, it would not have the same flavor. For me the most storage for three days. Over three days I would not eat.
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I am very picky about leftovers, I usually will eat a pizza the day after, but no more than that. I might eat lasagna i've made 2 days later, but that's it. I would hate to be eating bad food and not know it. i couldn't eat leftovers from 4 days, yuck.
• Australia
27 Aug 07
I have a thing where i wont eat anything passed 3 days old. Apparently thats when the bacteria grows bad and you can get food poisoning. Pizza never stays in our fridge longer than a day, because everyone eats it! lol. If you have a lot of pizza left over, and don't know if you'll use it with in a couple of days, or want to keep it fresh for longer, i recommend putting pieces into a freezer bag and then freezing them
26 Aug 07
In my home pizza won't last for more than 2 days.I'll not let it last for one more day. I think it's a risk to take 3-4 days old pizza.