If your spouse brought you flowers for no reason, would you be suspicious?

United States
August 26, 2007 3:31pm CST
If your boyfriend or husband brought you a bouquet of flowers or gift for no special reason, would you think it was romantic? Or, would you automatically suspect that he was trying to make up for an indiscretion or mistake? Would you start looking around to see what he had messed up? Personally if my spouse brought me flowers for no reason, I wouldn't be suspicious, cause he never does anything wrong. At least, as far as I know! And, when he does mess up, I'm usually there to witness the event. So, it's not as if he's afraid that I'm going to find out, cause most times I already know. I'd love the occasional flower or two, especially if it were for no reason. In fact, sometimes he does just that and surprises me with a small bouquet. Maybe it's his way of being romantic. So, how about you? Do you think it would be suspicious behavior or romantic?
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25 responses
• United States
26 Aug 07
I think at first I would be so surprised I wouldn't think about it either way. He used to buy me that stuff for no reason, but anymore he doesn't do that. I guess we have been together long enough now that the newness has worn off.
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• United States
27 Aug 07
I made the mistake of making too big of a deal about the money he was spending and ever since then he's tried to be more price sensitive. But, occasionally he sneaks something into the house for me. And, he is always buying me candy and chocolate. Not the fancy variety, just the candybar stuff. I know that's his way of saying "I love you!" even if he can't spend a lot of money. Becoming a mommy made me ultra frugal, unfortunately!
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
27 Aug 07
No, I wouldn't be suspicious. My husband is a most wonderful, trustworthy man whom I love with all my heart. He has actually brought me flowers on numerous occassions for 'no special reason.' He has never given me reason to not trust him. Until he does, I will continue to love and trust him with my all.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I would not be suspicious at all. In fact my husband does it quite often. I would not be able to say he does it for no reason. He does it because he knows I love it. I love to have fresh cut flowers around my house. He buys me a large bundle and I arrange them in various vases to place all over the house. It makes us both happy. Not suspicious at all... my hubby is just romantic like that.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
10 Sep 07
I think if he brought me flowers or a gift for no reason that he either had bad news for me or he was trying to be nice cause he wanted to get a little action later. Most times he buys me cards or gifts its because he's done something and he's saying he's sorry. When he wants to be romantic he cleans the house and then takes me out somewhere speical for the night. I guess we kind of have a system of behavior or pattern. So I know certtian actions mean certian things. His romantic gestures are differnt than most guys, so flowers and gifts, mean something else when I get them from him at random.
@jcj_111776 (3216)
• Philippines
5 Sep 07
I have to say yes to that!I can't even remember the last time he brought me flowers. And the last time he did, it was because he wanted to be forgiven for something he did that really hurt me. If he does give me flowers again, I think suspicion will hit me first. I'll find myself thinking maybe he did something fishy or worse.
@Laurla98 (786)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I wouldn't be suspicious. My husband is very good about bringing me flowers if he knows I've had a bad day or something along those lines. Now if they were expensive flowers or he started buying them a lot...I would start getting suspicious. lol
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I like your answer Laurla. And it gives me something to consider in a future relationship. Personally I would just give flowers here and there, but I do have that hesitance that I'd come under the microscope just for doing something nice. Think I'd be use to it, but no.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
I think it's nice. My husband when we had more disposable income, would often buy me things "just because".
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
28 Aug 07
I would not think it was suspicious unless I noticed an attitude change- Staying away from the house longer- working later- that sort of thing. My sig. other picks me flowers a lot- He also gets me small gifts… I have terrible allergy problems- so flowers usually make me sneeze : (
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
27 Aug 07
I might be a little suspicious at first, but my husband gets me flowers every now and then when he notices them at the store and thinks I will like them =) He knows I love flowers but they are so expensive!! SO I guess no I would think he was trying to get lucky =)
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I would be ultimately shocked if he bought me flowers out of the blue. He never has so i wouldn't expect him to but if he did, it would be very sweet of him to do so. I would think he would do something else for me than buy me flowers though. I am not a flower kinda person LOL
@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
Of course, especially if he had never done it before, and it's not my birthday, nor wedding anniversary, nor Valentine's Day...the suspicion could be that he is just making up for an inadequacy or shortcoming, or what we call as undoing, a compensatory act to 'cleanse' himself of a guilt feeling...receiving flowers from my hubby is really sweet, but could be interpreted as something else...so next time he does it(he has never done it of course), I'll really start to suspect something and I need to investigate...
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
Hi beautyqueen! If my hubby surprises me with a bouquet of roses or anything that will make me feel so loved, I wouldn't think of any hidden motive or suspect anything. All that is in my mind and heart is how much he loves and cares for me. Take care and have a nice day!
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
27 Aug 07
I would love it if my husband bought me flowers for no special reason...I do remember one time though we were having problems and I was pregnant with our now 15 month old daughter at the time we weren't married he realized I was going through alot and upset me and he bought me a big beutiful bouquet of assorted colors of roses with a card of I'm sorry...If it was out of the blue I wouldn't get suspicious but if he was trying to say he was sorry it would be very sweet.
@stanch (42)
• Uganda
27 Aug 07
I think at first it is surprising but of course as a lover you expect him/her to invent new things in a relationship that will keep it going. So I wouldn't be suspicious.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
27 Aug 07
No of course I wouldn't be suspicious,on the other hand I will be so surprised cause he is not that type, I always give him a hint of like..I love surprises..but he is not just the man of surprises.. I would love it and will be very happy if it happens.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
27 Aug 07
My husband never brings me flowers, so I would be very suspicious! :P LOL He did give me flowers once, for our first Valentine's Day together, but after that, no more. I'm not one for cut flowers, and he knows this, so I would know he was up to no good if he brought me flowers. LOL
• United States
27 Aug 07
Not suspicious at all, definitely romantic. My hubby is such a romantic at heart. He buys me flowers and little gifts all the time and has ever since we met. He's so sweet and I trust him probably more than I trust anyone else.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
27 Aug 07
My husband isn't a romantic person. So I don't think he will buy me flowers without reasons. If he does so, then I will be very surprised but not suspicious.
@vinzen (1020)
• India
27 Aug 07
I think it would be the most beautiful thing hed done in a long time! And why should we be suspicious at everthing they do, dont we trust them that much? And here we are talking of flowers, symboloisig love and they are so beautiful. I think we ought to at least give them that much of creidt and simply appreciate the fact that they have thougt of us and brought us this bouquet. I would only be too thrilled and delighted and thank him from all my heart. As hes not done this kind of a gesture, which i always wanted hinm to do, like he used to do earlier,in a long long time. So when he does bring in the flowers, i think it would be a dream come true. I think even husbands or lovers must be realising this off and on, but couldnt be remembering it to give it to us, and when they do, which is so rare, they are either thought of as either they are covering some guilt of their or are doing it with some ulterior motive in mind or ar wanting something in turn or are simply out of their minds. Why dont we simply appreciate their sincere efforts and see that they have done something nice for us. To be able to see and think positive has become so difficult for us wives and lovers, isnt it? We ought to take them positively i think and appreciate their sincere efforts too, as all men are not with bad intentions or just doing it to hide things either. i think it would be a very romantic gesture. If my spouse would have messed up or done things wrong, i dont think hed have brought flowers at all, as maybe hed be too guilty for doing or talking at all, and would prefere talking things out first, resloving and getting things normlaised, then the flowers would have come in. Either wasy, we should be more humane and accept their wishes and love.
@stanch (42)
• Uganda
27 Aug 07
I think at first it is surprising but of course as a lover you expect him/her to invent new things in arelationship that will keep it going. So I wouldn't be suspicious.