Why are people offended by Christians?
By Drumman
@Drumman (305)
United States
7 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 Sep 07
There's a fine line between sharing & shoving it down someones throat. Most of the Christians that feel they need to "share" don't see that line.
As for the someone truly believing we're going to hell, we believe their not right in the head. Should they be offended if we didn't get them institutionilized?
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I believe your in danger of hurting yourself right now. Give me your address so I can have the authorities come by & pick you up.
P.S. Go ahead & give me your shirt size so they know how big a straight jacket to bring.
Whats really the difference in the two scinerios?
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@Drumman (305)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Even if they're not right in the head, wouldn't you agree that they believe they are? I would be offended by someone who thought I was in danger, wheather they were right or not, and didn't try to help me, even if that meant shoving something down my throat.

@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
4 Sep 07
If I am going to burn in the pit of fire than thas my problem and mine alone, I dont need someone to tell me that. And who are they to tell me as far as I am concerned I only answer to God and God alone, if he thinks that my way is wrong so be it, but many people belive they are gods and they can save us. I will be the one that would have to answer before God. There is a fine line between sharing faith and condeming someone for their deeds and way of life.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I replyed to a post a few days ago about a woman being condemed ( by another christian sect ) via a pamplet after her dog urinated on their light pole. It was laughable.
I hate to tell these people that for every religion that says everyone but theirs is going to hell there are at least ten others that say theirs is the only one not going. Statistically speaking thats means your condemed by a majority thus their all going to hell.
People need to get off their soapboxes about religion, stop preaching at everyone & try to live a good life. You can show more by your example than by ranting till your blue faced about it. I left my original religion because of this. They'd scream one thing at you then act totally different.
In fact I seem to remember something about thou shaln't not judge, But isn't this exactly what their doing when they start talking like this? Their judging you & your beliefs.
Wow , that seemed to be getting a little soapboxey so I'll stop now.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
4 Sep 07
yes I have experienced that and dont like it as in my religion we are not reminded every day about hell and all that in fact we hardly ever mention hell (I am christian orthodox) the priest never sais oh if you do this you are off to hell because he never knows that does he.
I have been told that I am going to hell because I am not e true beliver (as in orthodox does not count) I hate when people use my son to make me feel guilty as if it my fault he has a minor disability people have said to me (the door to door) that if I dont repend (or whatever the word is) my son will suffer all his life a) he would suffer no metter what I do; b) well there is not a single case of anyone beating this disability so why go thru that trouble ;))). Is my religion better than any other absolutly not, is my religion the best (it is for me but its not the greatest), do I value all other people- 100 % and it makes no differece who they are or where they go after this life, and I dont want some brainwashed idiots coming to my door making some claims on behalf of some religion that will make me dislike the whole comunity.
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@sunshinecup (7871)
4 Sep 07
It really depends on the person being saved and to the degree in which one is trying to save them.
Some people are ticked off with as little as hearing "One nation under God". Those people, there is nothing one can say to them that will not offend them once they know you are a Christian.
However on the flip side, some Christians thinks constant badgering and harassment is a way to save.
So in my opinion you have extremes on both sides of the issue that has left bad tastes in just about everyone mouth when it comes to this topic. I myself have my days I get tired of hearing what a bad faith I have and I just want to lash out instead of being an example that this is a loving faith. I also have my days I want to scream at some jerk who is giving my faith a bad rep cause they want to judge or attack someone that is not Christian.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I will tell you why, but I will gaurntee that everyone will be offended by this or try to blast me for it. They feel guilty or feel convicted by their sins already so just because a Christian shares what the bible says about a certain thing they are doing or if the bible says it is a sin, they get defensive because they do not want to face it. They think we are judging them but in reality we are only trying to share what the bible says and share with the the love that Christ has for everyone.
@katydidmc (210)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
Kind of assuming that people use the same standards of good and bad as you, aren't you? Why would someone feel guilty simply because YOU tell them they have to? And really, you ARE judging them, by standards you also refuse to live up to. I do NOT feel guilty because I don't believe in some ancient imaginary supreme being. There simply isn't one. I do, however, know right from wrong, and how to respect others' opinions (something you Christians seem to forget) and live my life accordingly.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I don't assume anything, dear. This is just my beliefs and my opinions. This is what I hold to be true and what I believe. I welcome someone else's belief and I think that is great that someone, like yourself, might think differently. And just how am I judging? Just because I share with people what I think is right and wrong? Last time I checked, this was America.
Just because you do not believe in God, doesn't mean that it isn't "correct". I think it is pretty judgmental of you to say that "all christians" do this or that. I could say the same about all non believers but I know that not everyone is the same. I am very respectful of others and their opinions. You don't know me so please dont' try to say what you "think" I do or don't do.
@katydidmc (210)
• Canada
5 Sep 07
There is about as much proof of your god and hell as there is of invisible pink unicorns, or an invisible spaghetti monster. I choose to believe in none. And really, what kind of supreme being decides that anyone who doesn't believe in it, with no available proof, deserves to be punished for eternity? Sorry, but belief in that kind of a god is illogical, and does indeed deserve need looking into. Just because most of the population believes something is true, doesn't make it so. Everyone used to think the plague was caused by 'night vapours', but that's been proven wrong, but not until after it wiped out 3/4 of the world's population.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
4 Sep 07
After all Christians are propagating not religion but about Jesus Christ, for the people outside as nobody would say I have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ,the only way to God & heaven.It is your personal prerogative to accept or reject the same.