Would you go on a house-cleaning strike?

United States
September 6, 2007 6:47am CST
Do you think your husband would help you clean your house if you stopped cleaning and he saw that you needed help? Would he volunteer to sweep or mop or do the dishes if he saw that you really weren't going to do it? My spouse loves a super clean house, but he offers no cleaning help to me at all! It is all on my shoulders if I want it done. Even when he is not working, he doesn't offer to do anything more than clean out the cat litter box and take out the trash daily. Once several years ago, I thought that if I stopped cleaning up regularly, then he would see how messy the house was and naturally pitch in to help out. Of course it did not work out that way. He was more than happy to live with books piled up everywhere and clothes laying in piles on the floor. Of course this was way before my little kid came along. Now I can't afford to leave things on the floor or she'll get into them. Do you think that your spouse would help do the housework if you went on a house-cleaning strike?
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20 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I would not go on a house cleaning strike because I like the way I clean the house. My husband does help out anyways at times. I however have gone on a toilet cleaning strike. It started just this past weekend. My husband made a very rude comment about how he doesn't like the way I clean our toilets. I said, "Fine, I won't clean them anymore, that can be your job." He was all good with that. Well, Monday came and I cleaned the entire house except for the toilets. They really needed it then. It is now Thurs and he still hasn't cleaned them. If they aren't done tonight, I am going to say something to him~ but I am not cleaning them.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Sep 07
And, he will certainly learn his lesson! I am betting that he thinks you forgot about the new deal where he cleans the toilet. Have you made up the list of chores for him? I should do that for my spouse. And, then when he complains or gets picky, I can just hand it to him.
@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I doubt letting the house get dirty and trashed would motivate my husband to help out around the house!! You are lucky your man taked out the trash and cleans the litter box!! I am lucky if my husband puts his dirty dished in the sink and his trash in the trash can. He seems to think I don't have anything better to do than go around the house picking up his trash and dirty dishes!! If the trash can is full and my husband goes to throw something away he will set it on the floor beside the trash can!! Like Hello!!! Take two minutes and take the trash out!! And if I say that to him he will be like, "well if it only takes two minutes why can't you just do it?" Well because two minutes of cleaning upall day long leaves me with no minutes to myself so I can take a break and relax. I jusy don't think that men realize how much it does take to keep a house clean. My husband doesn't complain though if I don't clean something because he knows he isn't in charge of it so he can't complain, unless he wants to do it himself.
• United States
6 Sep 07
That's a very good rule! If he complains then he has to do something about it. Perhaps that is why mine doesn't complain too often or I will bother him into cleaning some more.
• United States
5 Oct 07
I think you just described MY husband. He's exactly the same right down to the "well if it only takes two minutes..." comment. I've tried the strike thing for a couple of days. Didn't work and I just couldn't take the mess. lol!
• Canada
7 Sep 07
OMg Most men hate cleaning unless they HAVE to do it LOL I'm single so I don't have that to worry about but my aunt is married and shes always B*tching that her hubby don't do anything and right now hes not working. She friggin hates coming home to a messy house when there has been someone in it all day long its awful. SO No I don't think most men would do anything if we women went on strike
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
7 Sep 07
I like cleaning and I would react if there was an imbalance in household duties. My question would probably be would women react if the roles were reversed. Going on experience from other friends/acquaintances' relationships, the answer I would submit is no. In fact, one girl basically lived on the couch while my friend did everything. When he got fed up, she cheated on him.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
6 Sep 07
absolutely. i thought of doing it alot when the kids were smaller...now not so much cause since i have come back (hubby and i were seperated for 6 months last year) he pitches in around the house a lot! but before, i felt like i was taking 1 step forward and 2 backwards...hate that!!!!!
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@puchapox (579)
• Philippines
6 Sep 07
I don't have a husband yet, but I'm sharing an apartment with a guy roommate. I actually did it several times, he was so messy I just decided to let our house stay that way. Lol. Good thing his sister came to live with us and she nows cleans after his mess.
• United States
6 Sep 07
Very lucky for you! Perhaps if I could find a roommate's sister who would clean up after my messy brood!
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
27 Feb 08
I have gone on a house cleaning strick nope he was fine with a messy and idsgusting house and still gave no help ..
@SViswan (12051)
• India
7 Sep 07
No, my husband wouldn't help. I've tried it before we had kids and after. It didn't work either way. After the kids, he wouldn't say anything till the baby got to something. Then he would yell at me for not cleaning it up. He still wouldn't do it himself. I'm not sure about other men (I don't think all men are the same) but that doesn't work with my husband.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
4 Oct 07
Well honestly if they don’t help now- I wouldn’t imagine it would help- unless they were having buddies over or something and didn’t want them to see the mess- My sig. other helps out a lot- He does laundry and dishes- he even sweeps the floor when needed – we do things together—I also help him with outside work- I love it! I love to be outside as much as he does- We all do a lot of the chores-
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Since it's just Hubby and I here I don't really have to go on strike at all. Even if I did need to I doubt I could simply b/c I can't stand things messed up. I like things clean and put where they belong. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
8 Sep 07
as much as i would love to no i couldn't stand to be around a dirty unkempt house!
@bhappy2 (327)
• Australia
7 Sep 07
I am divorced but when I was married my ex did nothing...literally. He didn't work. I worked and supported us both. He didn't clean. That was my job as was the lawn the car washing etc etc. I even had to change my own flat tyre or pay someone to do it. I also had to pay someone to look after my kids. I can't imagine why he would be my ex can you?
@ranitam22 (1146)
• United States
7 Sep 07
I mainly do the cleaning, but if my boyfriend sees that i am really tired or not feeling well, he doesn't have a problem at all pitching in. He also takes out the trash regularly and mainly does the bathroom cleaning (i hate it..lol). But it pretty much works out.
@Jazz65 (22)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Yeah my husband will do some of the household chores if i cant do it but I just dont want him to do the household chores for the reason that we want the house cleaned up but what he did he just messed it up. So for me I would rather let him stay out or just watch TV while I do the household chores it makes life easy hehehe.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Well due to how you framed it I can't really answer that. Hypothetically I wouldn't stand by as I did all the cleaning while my spouse did nothing to help. And I've seen relationships where one spouse wants a spotless house but does NOTHING to get to that goal, they just expect their wives to do it all for them. Don't stand for this, find a way to turn it around on them. You don't deserve a lopsided situation like this. If he's (or she) leaving socks everywhere, put them in a basket and dump them in their favorite chair or dump it on their side of the bed maybe they'll get a clue. If they are leaving books and stuff everywhere, put it in a pile where they are gonna be. If all else fails, just take care of you. Clean up after yourself and your messes and watch it all pile on the lazy spouse. Also withhold things. Yea yea there is the mature topic thing you can withhold but I'm talking other things way before that. If your spouse leaves dishes dirty and wont even lift a finger to clean it, fine, no dinner then. There's not a **** clean dish in the house, so I can't cook dinner or even have something to serve it on. Don't like it, here's a sponge! You know where the kitchen is. If they are leaving laundry out in a mess don't do it. When they want clean clothes, hand them a bottle of oxyclean. Now I say these things not to be an ogre, but you shouldn't have to tolerate a lazy spouse or family. You can do cleaning, laundry, etc but ONLY when the spouse/family at least shows an effort toward the situation! Its the same as allowance and kids. You sure wouldn't pay your kids if they did nothing while cloths and objects pile up everywhere (at least I hope not -_-). You can do favors and chores to make life easier for your loved ones, but they should not take it for granted!
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Hi beautyfqueen! No my husband wouldnt clean the house if I went on strike. He would do the dishes take the trash out and cook for himself if I went on strike. It doesnt matter to him how dirty the house gets. I know thats sad. I think if your husband wants a super clean house he should help you or shut up. heheheh
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I did go on a cleaning strike once when my son was about 8 months. I had just cut down to only working weekends at my outside job, but I was already doing my other job, plus doing things online. My husband made a comment one day about being tired. I said I was tired, too, and he said something like "Well *I* worked all day, while you just stayed home." I told him that I did plenty of work, too, and he just kind of laughed. The next morning when the alarm went off, I didn't touch it. He got up after hitting the snooze button twice and got in the shower. He came out, and said "Hey, aren't you going to get up and fix my breakfast and let the dogs out?" I said, nope, I don't feel like doing anything except staying home today. :) He came home at lunch, and my son and I were playing in our bedroom. He yelled up the stairs "What's for lunch?" I said "Whatever you fix, we're busy!" When he came home, he had to cook dinner. He came up to our room later, and was like "What's this mess??" I told him, oh we were just playing, I don't feel like cleaning it up. You don't mind, do you. The next day I did the same thing again, except we played in the living room (our bedroom was too messy! lol). I left the mess and my husband had to cook all day. The third day we played in the computer room, and my husband brought dinner home from Burger King. He said he had learned his lesson and he was sorry for saying I didn't do anything. lol That weekend, we cleaned the entire house together (Except the baby's room, it had stayed clean). And he does about half the cleaning now. He had always cleaned the cat box, taken out the trash, and done laundry, because he had to do it while I was pregnant because I couldn't carry the laundry basket up and down the stairs, plus it hurt my back to move the wet clothes from the washer into the dryer. He also does a good job about loading the dishwasher at least half the time. Now he also helps do the other stuff like sweeping, mopping, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning up toys and other messes our toddler makes, etc. The strike really did help in my situation!
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
6 Sep 07
I wouldn't think so. He rarely cleans the house, sometimes he cares about it and sometimes he doesn't. I feel better to do it myself since I don't use as much water as he does.
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I am may be very lucky in this case that my hubby helps me a lot, in fact we clean the house almost 50% by me and 50% by him specially on the week end and as we don't have any kid yet so its not that messy so that I have to clean it that much everyday. I just keep cleaning the things on the floor or the beds and living rooms etc to a good looking place and then the thorough clecning is on the weekend as we both can work that time. Actually it started from the time when i was also on work but now for few days i am at home but i don't do that much everyday and as he helps me a lot on everything so i wasn't going to strike...hahaha, thats a nice idea though!
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
6 Sep 07
Hello beautyqueen26, My husband is a super clean person too *laughs* He will help me whenever I ask for help. That is not a big deal. But, whenever he helps, he will complain later why I can't do it on my own like those full time housewives or any working moms out there. Another reason that I don't want him to help is that, he always think that he is cleaner and wiser than me. He always say that I am not doing it properly and I don't know how to do it nicely. He will say that I should mop the floor like this not like that. I should wipe the dust this way and not that way. In fact, everything in the house is under my duty! Whenever he offers his help, I will tell him nicely to take a rest and let me do it on my own *smiles*
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
6 Sep 07
Yes, my husband would start cleaning if I just completely stopped. The problem is, it would take waaaaay too long for my liking! The house would get too dirty and then I would end up doing it myself with three times the work anyway! My husband is a big time procrastinator!