Woud you know if your child was being bullied?
By rosie_123
@rosie_123 (6113)
September 6, 2007 12:11pm CST
And what would you do about it? As the schools go back here in England, there has been lots of media coverage on the subject of bullying. It is actually scary how many kids have their lives made a misery by bullies at school, but try and keep things hidden from their school-teachers and their parents, because they fear "telling tales" will make things worse for them. Here is a link to a UK charity called "ChildLine" which is aimed at children and gives them tips on how to beat the bullies. http://www.childline.org.uk/extra/bullyingindex.asp
So - my question for today is on this subject. Have any of your myLotters out there been the victim of bullying in your schooldays, and - if so - how did you combat it, and how did it affect you growing up? And if you have children of your own - do you think you would know if they were suffering in this way? And how would you combat it? Or what are your experiences having gone through this with your children?
Oh - and for the record. No I wasn't bullied as a child, and I have no children of my own, - so this is purely an objective topic and does not relate to any experiences of my own.
Thanks for readin, and look forward to reading your responses.
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10 responses
@sephrenia (567)
6 Sep 07
Hey there,
I got bullied as a kid and I told my mum straight away who in turn went to the school and had an immediate audience with the headteacher. For me that just made things worse as the bullies only got 'a talking to' and let free to do whatever they darn well pleased which they did.
I just put up with it and dragged myself through school as best I could while they were having fun making my life a misery. The shoes on the other foot now as most of them havent got a job, at least two kids each and boyfriends who would scare anybody on a dark night while I got happily married, had the obligatory two kids lol and am studying at university to better myself and to show my kids that education is a wonderful thing.
There is only one exception to the abovementioned bullies, who apologised to me in person when she ran into me on the street, telling me that she wished she hadn't done those things and only did it because she was running with the crowd and didn't want them to turn on her. She actually has a fairly decent life and we meet regularly for coffee to catch up on each others gossip so I guess they weren't ALL bad.
My daughter was also having trouble at school and she came straight to me and told me and before I went to the headteacher, I went to the parents first and told them what their kids were doing. They all got a smack upside the head for being little monsters but to make sure, I told the headteacher of my daughters school and there hasnt been a repeat incident.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
6 Sep 07
Hi, and thank you for sharing your story here. I am sorry that you suffered as a child, but seems like things have turned out well for you, and congratulations on achieving everything you have achieved. Good luck with the Uni stuff.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Sep 07
My daughter was when we moved to Montana she was new kid in school and on the school bus .I found out when some kids that was doing the bulling came and told me that she had just whooped them. Only one kid told that they had been teaseing her.
I laughed ny head off and told them good for her. and let it go at that. Found out she got a jar filled with sand or dirt and put in in her purse and when they jumped on her she hit them all with it. I did go get her for she was on the other side of the Interstate.
Before this they had thrown her brand new coat in the mud.
after this the landlord came to complain to me and I told him off big time. TOld him when they stopped bulling her is when I would find what she did to whoop them lololololol never heard from him again on that Story.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
7 Sep 07
Yes I was bullied because I was shy and quiet
But not to the extend that the Bullying goes today
My Daughter used to be bullied and I could tell that she was as she went quiet and withdrawn from the outside world
It was hard to get through it but we did it even though one particular School was not very helpful till I threatened to take it further
Now no one will mess with Mel lol as she will tell them straight including her Boss
It is terrible how bad the Bullying gets specially when it comes to gangs starting on one Person
@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Sep 07
LOL! I like the bit about no one messes with you! And yes - agree it is terrible, - I feel so sorry for the poor kids who are bulied in this way.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
7 Sep 07
Personally, I don’t actually remember whether I was bullied in school or not. I mean I was very shy and introvert and most of my friends either avoided me, or made fun of my clumsiness or made me run errands for them. Why I say that I don’t know if that was bullying coz I blame myself at lot for not being able to stand up to them or refusing their commands. Till quite late in life, I had this weird notion that in order to be popular, you needed to please people even at your own expense.
Now for my son who is 8. Last year when he was in standard II, he complained about a particular boy who had a gang and they consistently ‘teased and irritated’ him at school like throwing his eraser on the floor and when he is picking it up, dangling their shoes in front of his face or someone else throwing his pencil out of the window. He complained to me for quite sometime and then one day I met the teacher, told her about the problem and she changed his seat. That was that. Now he is in standard III and again he is complaining about another set of boys who call him names in the school bus, tease him and demand lunch from his box. This time I have refused to help him out. He wants me to go and meet the teacher again. But I have told him in clear terms that he has to learn how to fight his own battles. So I believe that he went and punched the leader boy one day and I was kind of OK with that… I mean within a certain limit, boys will be boys! But what I did not like was the fact that the mother of that boy actually complained to the bus conductor about this incident. I don’t like mothers taking up cudgels on behalf of their children at every drop of a hat so I let it go. I told my son to think of other ways of protecting himself (other than fighting) but I think if that lady complains again, I will definitely have a talk with her. Problem is that such mothers will never own up that their child maybe at fault too!
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
10 Sep 07
what i meant was that i believe that within certain limits, kids should learn to resolve their issues themselves and we adults should not be hyper about it. also if they are not taught how to stand up to bullying in school itself, if will be difficult for them to do so in adult life as situations then will be far more complicated than in school.
@rosie_123 (6113)
7 Sep 07
Well I do know what you mean about kids having to learn to stand up for themselves, as they will in "real adult life" when they grow up and leave school. I hope your son works everythng out, and thanks for your reply.

@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Fortunately, my kids have always been plenty big enough to take care of themselves. However, the one time an adult bullied my 8 year old (at the time, he's 16 now), I came very close to whipping that woman, but her kid was outside, and I can't do that in front of a kid. She never yelled at my son again though.
For the record, he was moving her kittens away from the neighbor's dog & our dog that were required to be housed outside instead of in the apartments where we used to live. She had accused him of taking them out by the dogs, when in fact, the 3 of us were leaving to go pick up our other kids for the weekend and those kittens followed us out there. My husband & son carried the little buggers back up on the neighbor's porch. For her to wait until I went to work that evening to come outside and yell at my son like that was too much for me to handle.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
8 Sep 07
Yes I can understand it was too much for you, and I respect why you wouldn't do anything in front of the children. Thanks for responding.
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
15 Sep 07
yes i would know if my child has been bullied,especially by the change in thier mood,not wanting to go to school,and pretend that they are sick,and also bruises or scratches on them.a childs mood totally changes and they get very quiet and scared,i know this from my nephew that was bullied a year ago,and its such a shame that any kid has to be bullied by anyone just because they way they live or look like.kids can be so cruel to other children.take care hon.xoxo.pattie
@rosie_123 (6113)
16 Sep 07
Yes - children can be very cruel to each ther. It is sad. Thanks for responding.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
15 Sep 07
Bullying for me is a dirty word even now. I was heavily bullied at school and because I was a loner, I didn't stick with the gangs I was singled out, it didn't help being overweight either or considered weak and feeble, I got into scrapes and fights but always came out the loser, my dad wasn't much help and the teachers were less than useless, sad to say a lot of schools even now refuse to believe there is a problem with bullying in their school. It had a great affect on me growing up, I was the only child. I don't have children of my own but when you are bullied yourself it is far easily to understand and pinpoint the telltale signs if your children are going through the same problems as you did as a child
@shambuca (2524)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Yes I was bullied as a child by the neighbor girl from across the street- she was really tall and had 8 brothers and sisters who picked on her all the time and she in turn would pick on us littler kids. I just stpped hanging around her and eventually she stopped, of course as I got older we became friends. Now when I see her when I go to my mom's house on holidays - she is at her parents house- she comes running over to give me a hug like we were the best of friends...LOL
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@rosie_123 (6113)
7 Sep 07
Well I guess that goes back to the point I made earlier - that quite often kids who are bullies are in fact bullied in some way outside of school themselves. Glad that you've sorted everything out for the best now!
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@michelledarcy (5220)
6 Sep 07
I was bullied a lot as a child. When I told my parents it didn't seem to make much difference. When the school caught it happening on one occassion the girl was punished and it was reduced a lot to just petty teasing that I could put up with.
My eldest daughter sometimes says she is teased but she is very outgoing and I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who started the incident. It hasn't really bothered her so I'm not really worried. If she had problems I would talk to the school about it.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
6 Sep 07
Thanks foer responding Michelle, and I'm glad that things got better for you and that there are no problems for your daughter. I hope it remains that way!
@GlitterExplosion (415)
• United States
6 Sep 07
I was bullied in school, and still am not to a certain extent, since maybe my first week of High School. When I finally told my during my freshmen year the first thing that she did was go up to the school and complain. But they told her she could not do anything without physical evidence. Meaning they did not want to go to any teachers and ask them if they knew anything that was going on. I already knew at least one teacher who would of backed me up. So there was evidence, just that they did not choose to deal with it at all. Even when a group of girls would threaten to kill me if I did not get off of "their" chair in the middle of class.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
6 Sep 07
I just can't imagine how awful that must be for any young person to live through, nor do I really know what causes people to gang up in this way on one particular individual. Thanks for being honest and responding anyway.