Does how you were raised as a child carry over into adulthood?
By Flight84
@Flight84 (3048)
United States
September 7, 2007 10:16pm CST
I always wonder this question. I don't think so, at least for me anyway. For example, I know several people that were raised by rascist parents, or raised by very religious parents. The ones raised by rascist parents are very far from being rascist and the ones with religious parents are not religious at all. People say you end up how you were raised, but I think everyone has their own mind and can think for themselves, regardless of how they were raised. If you don't want to be a certain way, or share a certain belief, then don't. I mean, I know you will have ceertain characteristics of your parents or family members, but what I'm saying is do you feel you have to live your life based on their beliefs?
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23 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 Sep 07
I think that there are some people who are more independant than others, and make their own way. I also think that there are more people who influence each person's life than just their parents or whoever raised them, and sometimes those other influences can mean more than the parental ones.
It is hard to even decide who to say raised me. I didn't live with one person my whole childhood, in fact I lived with many different people, and sometimes had nowhere to live. I had a lot of influences that were very bad... abusive, self-destructive, racist, using religion as an excuse to hate others, so many different things. I am not like any of those people that I lived with. I am not a bad person because I come from a bad family, and it makes me sad when people assume I am because that's all they know about me.
The really good influences I had in my family were my great-grandparents, I suppose, and I would hope I am something like them. But that just proves that being a good influence on someone doesn't require that you be the person that raises them. =)
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
8 Sep 07
You made a very good point, lecanis. My grandparents were and still are huge positive influences in my life. I wouldn't call the man that claims to be my father anything resembling the word. He was a terrible influence, but I never picked up any of his bad habits. My mom is also wonderful. I had more good than bad, but the negative was always hard to deal with. It's a shame that people are judged based on who they lived with or how they lived. It's all how you carry yourself. Living with bad people doesn't make you a bad person at all. It's like I said, you make your own path in life.:)
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
8 Sep 07
*nods* It's nice when people realize that you can do that, make your own path in life. I must admit that I sometimes get annoyed when people say "You must have been raised well" when I do something kind, because it's giving other people credit for the way I choose to live my life. The people I grew up living with (my grandmother, parents, aunts, friends of family, etc) typically weren't kind to me, and I do my best NOT to be like them actually.
I also get upset when people tell me I shouldn't have had a child because I was abused as a child, as if there is no way I could be a proper parent because of it. I just say "Well I know what not to do at least, and I can learn the rest." =P
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
9 Sep 07
That's nonsense when people assume that abused children grow up to be abusive parents. Like I said, you make your own decisions in life. There is nothing saying that you have to be abusive just because you were raised in that kind of environment.
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@celestialceece (260)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Absolutely - there is a whole scientific theory about nature versus nurture in the way you were raised. The environment we grow up in definitely affects who we are when we become adults. To what extent is still being argued! So my answer to this is "yes".
Love your avatar, by the way. I want a tattoo like that - I already have a blue one! Adding you as a friend, hopefully you'll add me back!
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@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I just added you.:) I want a tattoo like this too, but I'm a needle chicken. ha ha. A dude on here actually let me borrow this for an avatar for a while. My mom is very loving and I definitely have that in me, but my dad was and is a horrible person. I know I took my mom's morals, but for many things, like rascism and crime, I think people try to use how they were raised as an excuse. My thing is that you have your own mind and can think for yourself. It irks me when people use their childhood problems or influences as a cushion for their mistakes.:)
@raychill (6525)
• United States
9 Sep 07
YOu changed your Icon! I almost didn't recognize you!
I think that the way you were brought up definitely carries over into adulthood. If a child is brought up in an abusive home, for instance, they will do one of two things when they grow up. They will be abusive as well, because it's the only thing they know... or they will go the exact opposite and never ever be abusive because they knew what it was like.
The same goes for anything like rascism and religion and everything.
It also works for small things. For instance, my brother had everything handed to him on a silver platter whereas I had to work hard for everything. This has carried over into our adult lives where I'm still working hard and struggling for everything I have and my brother takes Everything and everyone for granted and still gets by with... maybe not a silver platter but pretty darn close.
I'm very much like my father. Not so much my mother. I think it's because I always saw my father as being strong and my mother as weak and so I guess I've grown up being like my father.
Belief wise, They were pretty good parents. Not overly anything, so I guess I got lucky that way!
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Ha ha...I decided to switch things up on you. I would love to have a tattoo like this star, but you know what a needle chicken I am though.:P
I think I was brought up differently than my sister too. Don't get me wrong, I had everything I needed, but I see her getting her way a lot more and she's not as pressured to believe a certain way like I was. I'm tough now, and I think I'm stronger than her or my mom. I'm a lot more straight forward and opinionated. I don't let things get to me the way my mom or sister does. I'm not like my dad either. I guess I kinda carved my own personality. I have some of my mom's traits though. She is a wonderful mother, but she tends to be weak when she needs to be strong, especially for my sister right now. My sister is going to therepy right now for some stuff my dad has caused. I feel like a lot of times I have to be the backbone for everyone.
It mainly just annoys me when people use their childhoods to cushion their wrongdoings. Like I know of a man on trial here that swears he murdered his wife because his dad forced him to go to church when he was younger. What does that have to do with anything? People try to make logic out if the weirdest things.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
10 Sep 07
I know exactly what you mean. You actually made more sense than what I was trying to point out in this discussion. I think you choose your own path too. I chose a mix between who I want to be and the strong path. I was the first child too, and I see times when I'm expected to be an example, but most of the time, Caitlin gets her way more than I did. Grrrr.:P
@raychill (6525)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Do you ever watch law and order or anything like that? I see that stuff on SVU all the time. ha ha. I watch too much tv.
But yeah, I totally understand you. Plus there's a big age difference between you and your sister and that probably makes things different. My bro and I were only 2 and a half years apart so it was never that different. He was the boy and he was the first though so he was the golden child.
I think people are the way they are because of how they were brought up. But I think that you create your own paths in life...and you pick your paths based on what you know.
If there are three paths in front of you... One is "To Be Weak" one is "To be Strong" and one is "To be who you want"...and all you know is weakness, you'll probably choose that one. But if all you know is weakness and You want to choose something else, you'll choose either strong or who you want. You know?

@applecartronnie (1984)
• India
8 Sep 07
you are right, after one reaches a certain age and knowing the world better one ask's many questioms to one'e self and if one is keen know's the answers. i believe it a duty of the parents to tell the truth and nothing but the truth to their children so that they dont waste time in searhing for the ones they could have accuired easily, on the other hand there is a large benefit in searching for any kind of truth one self, it enriches one in big ways whnone is going through this processsearch, a lot of other things,that are benefecila can be learned too.
so i believe that every one knows what is to be done according to their own knowledge.
smiles, apple.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I think parents try to sugarcoat the world for kids sometimes. I think in many circumstances kids are owed the truth. Many times, children can be influenced by outside sources too, such as friends or teachers. The world can be beautiful or ugly equally, but only you can choose which path you want to take. In the long run, either in childhood or adulthood, you will come to your own conclusions regardless of where you learned them. :)
@murkywaters (123)
• India
8 Sep 07
you have made a good point.true some children raised by religious parents even end up atheists.but i think in my view there are certain characters and virtues that are engraded in your childhood remain for a life time.true, not all that you learnt as a child would remain the you grow you tend to make more acquaintance and get more information which in time changes your character or the way you look at a particular problem
@mechia (2)
• United States
13 Sep 07
i agree with u on that i don't really think that just because u were raised by how ur people were raised doesn't really mean that u will turn out like them........... i also heard that if u hang around someone that u just became friends with u would start acking like them i don't think that either because just like u said everyone has their own mind they can make their own choices themselves......
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
28 Nov 07
Once a child reaches adulthood he starts to be able to make up his/her mind up, and he has the freedom of choice and he is able to choose his own set patterns in society, he chooses where he wants to go how he treats other people and how he decides to act. He has his own set of beliefs and will be able to choose his own path, accepting his parents beliefs but having the power to choose his own if he so wishes.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Sep 07
As far as beliefs are concerned, if God has chosen you to be HIS child, then it does not matter if you are raised by religious parents or not. Similarly if God had not chosen you, then you have your own mind to influence you and what you consider as right from your parents. You also have to consider, religious in the sense of belief in God and obeying HIS commands and living according to the tenets of the Holy Scripture or man made rules and legalism, like what the Pharisees made the Jewish people follow. In the latter case, that religion is bad and of course, the children would rebel against someone saying, no watching Tv, no taking even one drink, one reading newspapers, wear your dress calf length or longer, no dating, etc. In the case of racist parents, they became racists due to the experiences they had had === the Negroes were subservient and said "Yes sah, no sah!" or the black people got the jobs because of affirmative action. and by the influence of society around them, and how people were treated based on their color, the parents became racists. The children did not have the same experiences so they did not become racists. It is not that the children decide that because their parents were racists, they are not going to be, it is just that they never had the experiences that made their parents that way. Mind you, with some things going on, I fear that these non-racist children might have racist children. We have to when we get rid of racism against blacks, we do not replace it with racism against whites.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
10 Sep 07
You misunderstood the point of my discussion. Religion and rascism were just examples. The point of what I'm asking is do you believe that you follow the way your parents raised you in childhood or did you choose you own path as an adult? I'm talking about anything, not just religion and rascism.

@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
8 Sep 07
Your point is well taken, I agree we are all different and we all at some point in our lives make a decision on where we stand! The ways of our parents do make an impact positive or negative, we learned from them!

@Johnny434 (31)
• Australia
9 Sep 07
Peer pressure plays a big part in how a child grows up. Very often, because of this pressure, a child will often go against his/her better judgement. Children feel the need to be accepted by their peers and there is always someone that is more influential than others. The ring leader!
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
8 Sep 07
I completely agree with your point of view.
You may be brought up in a religious family, but you may have the possibility without being a religious person.
You may have the way of life that you think is the right kind for you though in most cases, you would be quite influenced by the surroundings around you.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I think my problem is that people always use how they were raised as a crutch when they do something wrong. If someone commits a murder, then they are saying they were brought up to do that. Bad example, I know, but you know what I'm saying? You should still have your own mind and think for yourself. Just because you were brought up in a certain reglion, for example, doesn't mean you have to follow that faith your whole life. I do think you can be influenced by your surroundings, but as far as life choices go, you should still be able to make them on your own.:)
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@jazzygunz (177)
• United States
1 Dec 07
Beliefs should be something that should never be presured on you. I do think that the way you were raised has alot to do with the way you grow up. The way you are raised effects the person you become in the future but, it isnt the determining factor. I think that religion, money, and parenting affects alot.
@lorelai (1558)
• Italy
30 Nov 07
Even if we would like to think that it doesn't unfortunately it does. Sometimes that's good and sometimes it isn't. When I was little we didn't have much money and we had to decide very carefully what to buy and what not to buy. The good thing is that after a while you just realize you don't need a lot of stuff you thought you do, but the bed thing is that sometimes I think I am stingy. But not only that even in emotional way.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
1 Dec 07
I can understand it for some things. I'm more like my mom than my dad (thank goodness!). Things like racism bother me though. I think people use how they were raised as a cop out for their own beliefs. I've known a lot of people raised by very rasict families and turned out without a rasict bone in their body. But, I've also known people that were raised in non-racist families and very racist on their own. I think it has alot to do with your own individuality.
@thegreatx (24)
• Philippines
4 Dec 07
Not really. To some yes. But we must put into consideration that there are other influences that affect our lives. And some of these influences are the beliefs of others. In some way, they affect the way we live. Whether we accept it or not, we are all living based on the belief of others, whether they are our parents, friends, mentors, etc. But there's one thing we should keep in mind: DO NOT LET YOUR PAST DEFINE YOUR FUTURE!
Jaa! ;D
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
6 Dec 07
I suppose some of that is true. I don't let others influence my beliefs or the way I live and a few of my friends are the same way. I think that a lot of times people don't have the strength to stand up for their beliefs. I do agree that we do carry some influences around with us, usually from parents or other family members, but we should also be able the make our own decisions and think for ourselves. :)
@TheCatzMeow1 (579)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I believe we carry some if it with us and leave the rest behind. The things we don't agree with or don't stand for gets left. The things that were for the good of our future and to bring us into adult hood go with us. I believe that each person is different, therefore what stays with us is reflected on our inner selves.
Let's say my child misbehaves but it's not a big deal, I catch myself saying the same things that my mom said to me as a child. I don't share my mom's morals when it comes to a relationship as a couple though. I'm a more independant, I'll do as I want (within reason, not like I'll cheat or be where I shouldn't)kind of gal. I also believe that when you're around someone enough, some of their "traits, shall we say" rub off on you. Ever catch yourself using a phrase that you hear a friend or family member say all the time?
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I do believe that how you were raised does carry over into your adulthood. It is either the way you choose to be, or because of your experiences, you very consciously choose to be the opposite way, but it is still a result of how you were raised. My sister and I always had family members that we referred to as our best bad examples. We strove to not be like that family member. It was their effect, though.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Sep 07
To a certain point I did, in terms of what church we went to and so forth. As soon as I branched out on my own, I decided what was best for me. Their way of upbringing may at times have some influence on my decision making or shall I say some influence on the way I bring up my son, but in the end, it still comes down to what I believe and choose to do.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
9 Sep 07
Exactly. I have some of my mom's quirks, but I ended up being different in many ways. When I have children, I want them to feel comfortable having their own thoughts and ideas about life. My mom has always been supportive of me, and I think that's important to kids. Too many parents become angry when their children believe differently.
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@CaitBaby (446)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I don't think people are influenced by their parents' beliefs. Well, they might be when they are children but when they grow up I think they tend to disagree with their parents' beliefs, like with racism or religion. I suppose it depends on the person though and if they can think for themselves or not.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Sep 07
If its rammed down the kids throat and the kid has enough exposure to other viewpoints and experiences then yes changes can occur. Personally I use to think I had to live like the parents, but that changed and I was able to hold my own against them. At least they didn't go pan crazy like some of dad's side (they've always hated me anyways so whatever). I feel great being me.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I feel great being me too and I'm comfortable in my own skin. I don't make excuses for things I do, not that I do many exciting things.:P I believe what I believe and that's good enough for me. I don't try to conform to other people's beliefs. I do think that forcing kids to believe a certain way or behave a certain way usually backfires. That is what drives many kids to rebel later.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
9 Sep 07
I think I am very much like my parents in some ways, and very different in others. There are certain aspects of my life that the way I was raised just shines through. (This usually amuses my husband who was raised very differently than me.) As an adult..and even younger I was able to determine my own rights and wrongs, but this doesn't mean that my childhood didn't influence the person I am today.
Sometimes, like in your example of racism..your own upbringing can be used as a tool for how you DON'T want to be.
@Flight84 (3048)
• United States
9 Sep 07
My husband and I were raised differently too. It's funny sometimes how different we were brought up, but we're not that different from each other in many aspects. I had a happy childhood, so I can't complain. I was able to determine right from wrong when many of my friends couldn't or didn't want to, and now many of them are using their upbringing as a cushion for their screwups.