Do you have breakfast every day?

have breakfast - you'd better hae breakfast every day because it's good for your health.
@lucy67 (819)
September 8, 2007 9:01am CST
I know some people do not have breakfast because they have to hurry to work and have no time for breakfast. Some people just do not have the habbit of having it. But it's not good for health. Do you have breakfast every day? If not, why?
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12 responses
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
Hi lucky67. Yes, you’re absolutely right. It is necessary to eat your breakfast everyday. I don’t skip meals in the morning because I know it would be of great advantage if you’re going to eat your breakfast. When we eat, it gives us energy for the whole day, thus we can do our routine activities without getting tired easily. We can finish our work faster without hassle. Our health also will be in good hands. That’s it. Have a nice day and God speed!
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@beckish (641)
• United States
8 Sep 07
I get an upset stomach if I eat too early in the morning. I will usually take something with me to work for breakfast, and eat it when I get hungry. Usually around 8:00 or so. I find I am more tired when I don't eat at least something in the morning.
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• Bangladesh
14 Jan 08
well breakfasting is very important for healthy life. the word it self explains all. break-fast. which fast the whole night fast. the longest period where we don't eat anything.!! Thankfully I have my breakfast every day now.
• China
14 Jan 08
I do have breakfast everyday caz it is the most important meal of the day.I do wake up late sometimes but I still have it at nine or ten
• China
15 Jan 08
I nearly have breakfast everyday and always the milk ,egg,and bread .sometimes I eat porridge with pickles. If I'm very hurried for work I'll prepare the food the day before,and mostly the bread and milk,which is easy to take with.
• Pakistan
14 Jan 08
i have it on saturdays and sundays. credit goes to diet program and lack of time i the morning for office
• United States
30 Sep 07
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It starts your internal furnace and gets the metabolism a kick. You need to have energy to make those muscles work.
@noriko (1254)
13 Oct 07
i never skip breakfast even i wake up late i never skip breakfast. it is the most importnant meal
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
8 Sep 07
I know verywell that skipping breakfast is not good for the body as well as the brain, but at times some people find it so difficult to afford everyday break fast. Like myself, I don't have breakfast everyday cos of the money. That's Africa and Nigeria for you. Thanks and have a nice day.
@mbilagan (178)
• Philippines
8 Sep 07
I never miss breakfast. It's the most important meal for me to be able to start my day. I have to eat and drink my coffee to boast my energy and prepare for my day. I easly get tired if I miss breakfast so I always make it a point to eat my breakfast.
• Malaysia
8 Sep 07
having breakfast is a good habit and is good for health.breakfast give energy to your daily works.
@mjweed21 (693)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
I never skips breakfast. It gives energy for my whole activities.