How many layers of noodles do you put in your lasagna??

@peanutjar (5198)
September 16, 2007 2:57pm CST
What ingredients do you put besides meat sauce and mozarrella cheese?Have you tried it with mushrooms,pepperoni and spinach?Have you tried a fettunchini lasagna?(Fetuchini sauce,mushrooms and chicken).
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6 responses
@wiccania (3360)
• United States
17 Sep 07
It depends on what's going into the lasagna and how deep the pan is, to be honest. In a standard pan, if I'm doing meat lasagna it gets 3 layers of noodles. One on bottom, one in the middle and one on top (because it's stuffed with meat and cheese). If it's just cheese or cheese and veggie it usually gets 4 layers. Sometimes I use a slightly deeper pan and add more layers accordingly. But for me, 1 layer of meat and cheese for meat lasagna is about 1" thick.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
17 Sep 07
Hi wiccania!For me too a one layer is fine but my boyfriend is crazy over lasagnas,so i hev to pack on the stuff.When i make one i usually make a smal one for me&my daughter and a big one for eh?!lol:):)
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@hcromer (2710)
• United States
16 Sep 07
I usually make lasagna with at least 3 layers of noodles. I make mine with meat sauce, ricotta cheese, and mozzarella cheese. I don't usually add any other ingredients to my lasagna, I guess I'm kind of boring!
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
17 Sep 07
Hi hcromer!Boring?Then i must be boring too,because its the only way i make im in a good mood and feel to go the extra yard,i put sliced peperoni all on one strip with the sauce and cheese.Try it!Im sure you would like it.It gives it a little pick me
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@ArmyChick (488)
• United States
16 Sep 07
i always use 3 layers of noodles. i put fresh garlic, bell peppers, onions as well as ricotta cheese. i love it.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
17 Sep 07
Hi armychick!I never tried it with fresh garlic before.It must be good,because i like anything that has garlic in
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@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
16 Sep 07
3 layers normally. I've done 4 and even 5 layers a couple of times (tasty and filling!). I've put meat sauce, mozzarella, mushrooms, onions, pepperoni, italian sausage, diced spinach, minced celery, minced garlic, red pepper, extra basil, extra ground beef. At least some of those in different combinations.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
17 Sep 07
Hi the programmer!!Thats alot of ingredients.Mmmmmmm.It must be quite filling for the belly and good.I love sausage,yum,yum!:)
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• United States
17 Sep 07
When I make lasagna, I ususlly have three layers of noodles. I have tried it with cooked spinach added to the ricotta. Sliced zucchini, makes a good layer. Sliced yellow squash also makes a good layer. A mixture of mushrooms, onions, and olives, sauted lightly in butter, makes a good layer. I like to experiment with my recipes. There is always a way to add different ingredients to your recipes. You can substitute one ingredient with another of similar consistency, but varying flavor. I have not tried the fetticine, chicken and mushroom yet, but I will!! That sounds like a very good combination to me and I'll bet it tastes good too.
@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
18 Sep 07
Hmmmm.Thats alot of different ways to make it for sure!Yes the fettichini sauce is delicious!Mmmmm.:)
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
16 Sep 07
usually 4 layers i use ricotta cheese, garlic, onions I have not experimented with it ever, but the one with mushrooms and chicken and white sauce sounds good.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
17 Sep 07
Hi lilybug!!Ive never tried it with ricotta cheese.Must be yummy!:)
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