I'm Not Online Much, Here's Why. Need Advice, and Help, By the Way!

United States
September 16, 2007 10:18pm CST
The season is rapidly changing from summer to fall, and my joints are feeing the cold and damp that always accompanies this time of year. My body feels worse than it has in years, and that is saying something considering I am always in chronic pain! I have been having serious rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups over the past week and a half or so. For those of you who are my friends, this is the reason I've been absent from this website and not interacting with all of my newfound acquaitances and friends. I feel bad, but when I am feeling better, I promise to get back into the groove of things. Aside from that, I've been dealing with a lot of issues with regards to my Doctor and the health professionals in his office. They have already struck-out on my system. They've gotten around five strucks and I've had it "up to here" as they say. I'll go in chronological order when describing the incidents that were negative in my mind. Consider that I'm leaving out some of the smaller issues and mistakes that I've had to deal with over the past six months. 1. The Doctor had to be told at three separate appointments that I was having stomach problems, and finally, he prescribed me a medicine after I pestered him over and over again. 2. The same thing happened with an anti-anxiety medicine; 3. And also, with a sleep medicine for insomnia. I had to bring it up at several appointments, and researched which meds were covered on my medicare part D plan formulary. I had a few in mind, as I have been on four or five different meds with little to no success. Instead of listening to my concerns, the Doctor gave me a med I had already been on, and found to be ineffective. I don't want to mention med names here, as I don't want advertisements to be displayed across your screen. I've seen the ads, and you probably have too! 4. I got a pap smear from a female Doctor who basically accused me of being a virgin. She asked me the standard, "are you sexually active?" And then, the tactless, insulting, "have you EVER been?" She hadn't even started the exam yet. And she had already given me the lecture about my weight. If I had a dollar for every time I had to endure a rant like that, or unsolicited advice, I'd be rich, I'm sure of it! 5. Recently, they switched my pain medication. Instead of allowing me to express my opinion, this Doctor keeps insisting on keeping me on a pain medication that I am finding to be ineffective. He told me he'd increase me this week, after an increase last week. Instead, I went in to get my script (after having to call for two days in a row), and got a script for the original amount I had started of - less than a third of what I'm on now. I went back to get a new, correct script, and when I opened it up (outside, on the way out of town), I noticed it was wrong YET AGAIN. It didn't even match what I was currently on - 40 mg a day - and the Doctor had discussed how he was going to increase it to 60 mg a day to cover my pain issues. I'm not happy at all with the way I've been treated by this office. I am having a bad rheumatoid arthritis flare, and instead of being able to get in to see SOMEBODY about what I should do (like how much prednisone I should take, and how much of other meds), I am told to go to the emergency room. I've never had this much of a problem getting in to an appointment, or getting my needs met, by a Doctor. I need some advice, I need some help. I am thinking about calling other Doctors to see if they can take me. I'm tired of what I'm going through - I feel it isn't fair. I'm miserable, and I'm feeling worse than I have in a long time. I just want to be treated the way I deserve to be treated by a Doctor. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Would you complain, or move on, or what? I am at my wits end. The Doctor's office opens in eight hours and I plan on calling and reporting their mistake, at least. Then, I'm going to try and get in on one of my mom's days off, so that she can come in and advocate for me. And if that doesn't work, I am already going to have Doctor's appointments lined up elsewhere, because there has to be another way, doesn't there?
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11 responses
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
17 Sep 07
It sounds like you have more than just rhematoid arthritis. You say you have stomach problems. You say you have insomnia. I am assuming then that you are very tired. It sounds like you have fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is an Irritable Everything Syndrome (including irritable bowel & bladder). It is an invisible disability and people (including doctors) tend not to believe that there is anything wrong with you, or even in fibromyalgia itself. You need to see a rhematologist to get a proper diagnosis. I recommend that you contact a woman named Betsy who keeps a list of doctors recommended by patients and patients only. Email her and tell you where you are located and she will send you a package of doctors in your area. We call them fibro-friendly doctors and although you haven't been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, it does sound like you might have it and should see a rheumatologist, whom I would think you would be seeing for your RA. Fibrobetsy can be emailed at kindness@fibrobetsy.com. I am not giving out confidential information in releasing her email address on here. She is there to help people find the right doctor for them. I have fibromyalgia so I understand how you are feeling at this time of year. My pain has increased, especially since I am back exercising again. And I've been getting a stomach ache every night. Truly frustrating. Take care and feel free to PM me for more information if you like.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
17 Sep 07
Deep breaths in and out. Calm down. I say go see a different Dr as well. 2 or 3 opinions are always better. I've had the same problems with meds for my dad as well. As far as all the other issues and health concerns I will pray for you myt friend. be strong and see a different Dr also. I dont know what else to say. I am sorry.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
17 Sep 07
Yeesh--Yikes!! First of all I come from a long line of folks who were never into meds to begin with...My great-grandmother who happened to be a nurse thought all doctors were a$$holes. She was very much into natural herbal cures for everything, never took anything stronger than aspirin, thought that the more you stayed away from doctors the healthier you'd be...she lived to be 98! I'm not exactly in tip-top form myself, my health definitely could be better but at least I don't have the pain I used to have....For a good while I was in agony with my feet especially around my ankles...there were days I could hardly walk in my own friggin apartment for crying out loud! But I refused to take the med my doc prescribed...Celebrex...I read up on it before taking it...it turned out to be in the same class as Vioxx which was pulled off by the FDA then reinstated but with "warnings" as it could trigger blood clots, strokes and heart attacks...gee, you think I want to take this--uh, no way. I too have been dealing with anxiety, (panic disorder with agoraphobia) but refuse meds for that to...especially Xanax as I have heard horror stories by others who have taken it..I'm lucky in that I'm no longer housebound as I once was...I've been using the tapes by Lucinda Bassett for anxiety called "Attacking Anxiety and Depression"--okay I'm not ready to book a flight to Europe but I no longer have the anxiety I used to have-- I hear ya though...seems you're taking a chock full of meds and heaven knows what the combo or strengths could do...as my great grandmother said all docs are a$$holes...docs never seem to take in account what a combo of meds could trigger as they themselves never actually read the warnings for combos of meds. YEs, there does seem a need for you to get better medical attention than you're getting Oh and as for the pain I USED to have..I've been taking a combo of Fish Oil with Omega-3 and a combo of Glucosamine?MSM..it takes a good month to kick in, but once it does it's great..NO MORE PAIN!! I can walk without limping--Maybe you should consider more alternative cures for a lot of things..no?? Least it's natural
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
1 Oct 07
I would go with a new doctor. My current doctor is the same way, it's a good day if she can remember what I do and don't have. Today so many doctors are in it for the money and not for the patient care and of course then the only ones who suffer are the patients. What I'm thinking about doing myself is going about findind a new doctor the way anyone would go about hiring someone for any service because after all your doctor works for you, they're your health assistant. I'm going to conduct interviews, just ask for 10 or 15 minutes of their time and ask them questions to see if they are a match to my needs. Maybe that's a good idea for you as well?
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@RONI55 (9)
• United States
26 Sep 07
You MUST get in to a new rheumotologist. Mine is a gem. I have been seeing him for over 2 yrs and he has changed my life. Don't give up! Good Luck!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
18 Sep 07
First off I'd keep a record of what's been done to you, both medically and the bad treatment (sharing here at least you have a permanent record of both). I'd pack up and leave that "practice" outright. Totally unprofessional behavior there I certainly wouldn't take it. Back when I was very ill I had a crappy experience with a doctor and a practice and quickly changed up. There are more professional doctors and nurses out there, its too bad you have to experience some crap before you get to them. Definitely keep researching medications that are under your plan, and ones that you feel may help you. There is NO HARM in posing these kinds of questions and suggestions to your doctor. If your doctor belittles you over it, then its time to pack it up. If your doctor isn't on board with it, but at least talks to you about his position on it in a professional manner, then that's better. Now lets see if I can rig up some home remedies for you. Forgive me, I've had some but I still want to help. If its insomnia, maybe warm milk with nutmeg can help you. For pain, I'd at least say to reduce stress if you can. I know its not much, but at least for me and others I've encountered, stress can do a number on your body and it can compound existing pain. Hot tea also helps me with both of these. If you need anything else I'll be around here somewhere for most of the night. And there's always tomorrow. Take care Celeste.
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• United States
18 Sep 07
Ohh girll..i feel for ya i really do..and you seem to have everything happeneing that i do..except the stomach probs..i fisrt would have told your OBGYN to mind her bedside manners.,because that was just rude as hell..and she had no right talking to you like that,,,that was just soo rude!! and as for your doctor..RUN!! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!! lol lol..i would most deff without thinkign get a new doctor..they sound liek horrible people..and dont sem to care about there patients.. I know when i needed a doc for all my problems..it took me a few times ot get the right one..I wish you the best luck hun and take care:) april
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• United States
17 Sep 07
We will need to seek another doctor for you. There has to be someone out there who can help. I am tired of your getting the $hitty end of the stick when it comes to healthcare.
@sunshinecup (7871)
17 Sep 07
Girl, bless your heart, I am sorry to hear you are in such pain. I have the beginning of arthritis and I too hate to see the cold weather coming. Mine is not severe at this time, but I can imagine the pain you must be in. Then add to the fact you seem to have a real quack for a doctor on top of it. Yes you can find another doctor. I have switched from doctors a few times. What you do is get the phone book out and call around asking them if they accept your insurance. Then you tell them this is what you want and what you don't want, can they help you. Be very firm about this, let them hear in your voice you are not playing. Even go as far as saying you are leaving this Doctor now cause he is playing games and not treating you. Shopping for a new Doctor is no harder than shopping for a new mechanic really. You have those that want to avoid the real problem and have you keep coming back for the minor crap cause when they look at you, they simply see a friggin dollar sign. These people kill me. You can also call the Better Business Bureau and tell them you want to make a complaint about a Doctor and they can give you the information to do so. It's some sort of Medical Board. I did this once on a doctor years ago. They won't do much but your complaint will go on his record and he will have to give you an apology and sign the complaint. I wish you luck and don’t you worry about not being here that much. Not for me anyways. Mylot is for fun and you shouldn’t add this place on top of things you are worrying about. You take care of you, then come by and see us. Till then and if you don’t mind, I will add you to my prayers.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Sep 07
I think I'd complain AND move on! You definitely deserve to be treated better by your doctor. I hate it when you're in a doctor's office and you don't feel like he or she is hearing a word you say, then when you get the wrong script you KNOW he wasn't. When you're in pain you want and need relief right away not in several days when you get the right meds, I know what it's like. I think a big problem which I thought doctors were paying more attention to today is the treatment of pain. It's hard, if not impossible to make someone else understand the amount of pain you're in, and when it's happening to someone else it's easy for a doctor to pass it off as no big deal. My daughter has to be on prednisone alot too for her Crohnes disease and I know that can be nasty stuff. Do you have side effects from it? Gosh, I sure hope you find someone to better take care of your problems and that you feel BETTER soon! Hugs! Annie
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• United States
17 Sep 07
I know i dont know you but i have R.A. as well and this season has been horrid but if you hav'nt tryed it yet mabye give cod liver oil a try not the pills but the actual oil. I take it three times a day and it really takes the edge off it tastes awful but after the first time i took it I could feel a small difference. So I just thought I would let you know my little secret I hope it will help
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