Age Confusion
By theprogamer
@theprogamer (10532)
United States
September 18, 2007 8:36am CST
Okay folks its time for another thread from the macabre ogre. Nothing dark this time either, just an observation and curiosity.
List off or describe times where other people think you are older or younger than what you really are. I want to see how this turns out with some of you.
Personally I've had plenty of situations concerning age confusion. Usually in real life situations people think I'm much younger than I really am. I'm often carded when purchasing alcohol. Usually people think I'm 18. A couple of others thought I was 16 and then 15 respectively. I've even been questioned by the cops on suspicion that I'm skipping school. I don't know whether to be embarrassed, flattered or simply tickled.
Online however, people tend to think I am much older. Some have called me "dad" or "uncle", others ask why I don't get my kids and family in on things (like games and forums). Another person thought I was their grandfather.
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16 responses
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
18 Sep 07
I am 27 years old right now but people think i am only 20. Mostly of my suitors were younger than me. Age of 18 to 25 years old. When someone will approach and ask my age. They can't imagine or believe on it. They think i'm only inventing it. It's not my fault if i have this look!LOL.
My first boyfriend is only 20 years old and that time i am 23 years old. So sometimes its annoyed me when someone called me " Hey little girl!" Oh my! i am a lady, ok? LADY! LOL. So, thats it progs.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
18 Sep 07
It makes you feel good when you are thought to be younger than your real age. I have the same experience. People who don't know my age always think that I am in my early thirties. I feel good about being thought to be young. It shows that I have a young appearance. But anyhow, I know that I am no longer that young as they think. I have lots of gray hair and I have the hair dyed. The gray hair makes me feel bad when they think that I am young. I always say to them that I am not that young and I thank them very much for thinking so...
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Yes there is a good feeling when thought younger than I am, and for now also whenever some say I'm a bit older than what I really am. Double sided I know, but thats how I feel.
I do like age though, since with it comes commanding wisdom and respect. For the most part.
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@Stiletto (4579)
22 Sep 07
I thought you were older as well - I was indeed surprised when I looked at your profile!
Anyway, at 45 I'm long past the age where ID is ever likely to be an issue but people often think my daughter (who is 27) is my sister and my grandaughter (who is 18 months old) is my baby. I guess of course she technically could be as far as age goes. I wouldn't say I look THAT much younger but on a good day when I've made an effort I probably do look a bit younger than I am. I do however, have a much younger sounding voice as I've been told many times over the phone. I've yet to identify a way to use that to my advantage but I'll think of something.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
29 Sep 07
Younger sounding voice eh? XD There is always telemarketing, a little Stiletto charm here and there and you could be earning 333% commission *(warning, earnings grossly exaggerated!)
Well its nice that you are also mistaken for being a bit younger. I bet I too would mess up and think you younger if I saw you in real life. Believe me it happens. I was out photographing at the end of the workday and a woman tried to avoid being in the shot saying "excuse me" and "so sorry don't want to be in the way"
I replied: "I think the shot would have come out better :)"
She stopped for a bit and was bent over laughing! I was glad I could elicit a smile and a laugh for a such a nice person. And I do bet if it was you and your granddaughter I might have tried to get in a photo of such a cute sight.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I'm one of the ones that thinks your postings and responses are very mature and experienced. You've given awesome advice that has helped me out a lot, and I thank you for it. As for me, I've been lucky enough that no one has thought I was older than my age (yet!). For the most part, my age has been guessed to be around 10 years younger than my actual age. But as I've gotten older, the guesses are getting a bit closer to the truth. And I hate it! Not that I'm not proud of my age, but I love it when people think I'm younger. It's very flattering, and it makes my day.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Hah Katlady! If you follow a little more nutrition advice you might put the aging clock at a slow crawl. That can buy you some more time with the age guessing game! It works for a couple of mature women I know. One's 61 another is 63 and both look like they are in the early 40s. Good nutrition and health is all it took for both of them.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
18 Sep 07
When I was a child, people thought I was an adult. I was already getting away with getting into adult places when I was 11 or so. I think it was mostly the way I dressed and acted, as well as the friends that I was with (who were all much older than me).
As an adult, people think I am a child. When I was pregnant at 25 years old, I kept having people coming up to me talking about the problems of teen pregnancy and asking if I was going to be able to finish high school, and if my parents were going to help me. *shakes her head* Right before I had my son, I cut all my hair off, and I've been keeping it short since then. While people still think I'm about 20 or so, I haven't gotten any of those "What high school do you go to?" questions since then, so I guess I look older with short hair. I'm turning 27 this week by the way. =P
Online, I don't know what people think of me. I haven't had too many people mention my age to me online, unless it was on forums about religion. On forums specifically for pagans, I often get accused of being a "crone" because I tend to mention that I have 20+ years of experience without always mentioning that's because I was studying and practicing my religion since I was a child.
On online games and forums on less series topics, I've found that people usually assume me to the same age they are, whatever that age is. Because I get along with so many people I suppose, people just assume we are the same age. So that would put me anywhere between 15 and 70 or so. *laughs*
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
19 Sep 07
You know, that's a good point, the possibility that people sometimes don't card you just because you're making them money. The laws are so much stricter now than they used to be though, even when I was a teen. =P
Wow. I don't know what to say to the rest of your comment. Thanks for your kind words about my responses. I thought I just had a big head, but I just I really am good at this stuff. *giggles*
As for the rest of it, I could see how my stories could make you feel that way. Thank you for saying so, you are very kind. I feel special and cared about.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Sep 07
I was able to get into bars and clubs - not that I drank but I occasionally hung out with a friend who would take me along. I was never carded coming in and when guys would buy me drinks I was never carded. Of course, after a while the bartender prolly noticed I gave mine away to my friend or the guys she brought along.
But, this was a while ago, and I tend to think that they didn't card me because I'm female and the knew that lotsov guys would buy me drinks and make them money.
BTW, I guess your experience makes you ageless!
I have to say, although you give smart, mature and emotionally intelligent answers, I guess I always think of you as young, I think its the stories you tell that make me want to protect the little girl you used to be.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Well that was an interesting one Lecan. I've rarely seen people get mistaken for adults as kids and then when they are adults they are mistaken for teens. Usually its one or the other, never seen both.
Happy birthday too Lecan. I noticed the age changed on the profile, but I didn't see any birthday threads or posts. Grats on 27.
Crone? Just for knowing so much about the religion? You should see the confusion that happens when I post on a variety of things I know about. A couple of people thought I was a real health professional. A few people thought I had been divorced at least a half a dozen times (I'm not that old yet!!
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Sep 07
First, in answer to your story, I wasn't suprised by seeing your age only because in one of the first discussions you participated in with me I think you revealed your age. I'm pretty sure. That said, you come off as being very mature and even wise. I'm thinkng your parents are very proud of you and hopefully some of it can be attributed to them - in a positive way.
As for me, when I was younger I would jokingly say I was older, in my thirties to see how people would react and they were like, "Really? Cool." Guys didn't seem to care what my age was. And they accepted the fact that their friend was a lot older then them. I of course let them know that I was younger but they would just shrug and let it go.
However if I was just being approached, many, like in your experience, thought I was younger when I was in early to mid twenties and would ask what high school I go to, that they hadn't seen me before and the like. I would be carded even for buying a scratch off - well once in Ohio - and that age is eighteen and I was in my late twenties.
Currently, people, especially if they just hear my voice on the phone, or if - as I see it, they're just listening to my voice and allowing that to help form their assessment, they think I'm younger. Sometimes my voice works to my advantage in the professional arena, in research studies, people a few years ago would go through entire hour long surveys with me because I sounded so sweet, or like their young daughter or some such thing. When answering phones as Program Director or even when I did reception I was often told things like, "Your voice is like shelter in a storm".
Yet at times, my look and voice made it difficult for older - like my age or older to establish a ready rapport with me - the ones who took one look and didn't bother to listen, they would say, you're too young, I want an older consultant, how will you ever understand what I'm going through and the like. Sometimes I would assign them someone else right away and sometimes this wasn't possible. After being with me a short while, if these close minds opened a bit, they changed their minds quickly.
I did get a few grays with pregnancy and (some are wierd backward ones - like the gray is at the bottom and dark at the root - (and I pull it out, from the bottom just to make sure!)as if my body doesn't know whether its coming or going) and I want to to lighten my hair as its also getting darker - long ago I had strawberry blonde hair - no more - but I'm tempted to celebrate my age and shock people too - having a young baby - and keep it. I remember my grandmother had beautiful white hair. And my midwife had long gray hair that was actually beautiful.
However, people do judge on appearance and since I haven't decided whether I want the caretaking position I'm going to start the interview process so I think I'm going to get my hair to be a vibrant chestnut this weekend - but with all natural plant dyes. I've looked into it - and it takes three hours! But at least, maybe, without the harsh chemicals I've smelled when I've gotten my hair cut - I won't get a migraine.
And, too, although I've dyed my hair jet black in the far past, I'm not liking the darker tones in my hair as its not familiar.
Enjoy looking young. Really, enjoy looking like yourself. For you are perfect - perfectly yourself.
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@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
18 Sep 07
And since I'm your have to listen! j/k
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Thanks for the posting Arte. Another youthful one with an even more youthful voice its quite interesting. At times I'm able to guess age better on the phone than staring at the person (kind of funny but true). I've gotten so use to voices I'm not surprised if older people sound young and a few young people sound a bit older.
And yes indeed Arte, I intend to enjoy this[youth] as long as I can.
@TexLadyPj (1328)
• United States
29 Oct 07
It's been some time since I've been over here, so I see I get to start all over again so I guess I's a youngin'.
Well, it's supposed to be a joke.
I very much understand what you are saying, the female genes in my family have always made us look younger than we actually are, that is, until a medical condition called cancer attacked me. Chemo does wonders to your skin, so now I look closer to my true age. Now, it that OK? You bet. I am looking forward to the discounts I will get when I turn 60. I looked forward to the discounts I qualified for at 55. I was flattered when I was younger, however, now it doesn't make any difference to me what age people think I am. Now to get my "MyLot" earnings back up to what they refer to as "Senior Citizen" age group. Mmmm, let's see, friends, discussions...
@rosie_123 (6113)
19 Sep 07
Well because I am tall, - as a schoolgirl I was always being stopped and asked to pay full fare on buses and trains, because they couldn't believe someone was 5ft 8ins and only 15! However, now that I am old (50 last birthday - bleugh - I hate to think about it!), most people think I'm younger. I'm regularly mistaken for being in my 30's (not that I object), and if ever I am with a baby they always assume it is mine - even though I'm way too old for all that malarkey nowadays! Have a nice day!
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
19 Sep 07
People usually think I am younger than I am. When I was pregnant, I don't know how many people said something about teen pregnancy. It was crazy. Especially considering I lived on a military base! There are lots of young military families. I was 23 when I had my son. That is definitely not a young mom by military standards.
There was actually one lady that walked up to my husband and me when we were at the mall and started getting on to my husband about taking advantage of me because I was just a little girl. lol My husband is two years younger than me. She guessed that he was about 22 or 23, and that I was only 16 or 17. She even said we were lying when he said he was 21 and I was 23 and we were married before we even got pregnant. lol
Other people think my husband is really young. For him, it depends on whether or not he has facial hair. He usually has a mustache, because I think he only looks about 16 or 17 without it. He tends to grow a goatee when he is on leave, too. Then he actually looks about his age. Last time he shaved completely, someone said he was such a good big brother when he took our son to the BX and bought him a toy and was looking at baby clothes. The lady even asked where his mom was. :)
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@beaniegdi (1964)
18 Sep 07
I think like everyone else that luckily I look younger then I am which is great. The only time it didn't seem so good is when people thought that I must have had my first child basically when I was still at school when in fact I was 25 when I had him and 27 when I had my second. One neighbour that I used to have was even a bit funny with me about it saying that I must have been really young when I had my children and she wasn't being nice either. My mother was the same and always looked much younger than her age so I am lucky to take after her.
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Hello!About three months ago my mother and I along with my two nearly grown kids went to a gospel singing. When the program was over we had the privilege of getting to talk to the members of the group. As we all were talking to the last member the man (who is younger than me) looked at my daughter and me and asked "Are you two sisters?" I laughed and told him "No, I'm her mother Ha! Ha! but I certainly appreciate the compliment." I don't mind telling I am 46 years old because I am always thankful for another year, but it was nice to be thought I was young enough to be my daughter's sister.
Have a great day!SheliaLee
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Well you actually do look similar in the pic. I probably would have made the same mistake. Even with my 20/10 vision I still get women's ages wrong all the time.
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
29 Sep 07
I'm very happy to say that at 60 everyone I meet thinks I am much younger. It's a trait that all women in my family have.
When I take my 14 year old granddaughter out everyone thinks she is my child and it makes me laugh. So many things happen like this. I've put a small photo of myself in my picture section so let me know what you think.
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@wangyunjie929 (14)
• China
19 Sep 07
my story is like you.people always think i am young on my appearance.but on net,people sometimes think i am mature .maybe it is because i used think things toward the shade side and i always not happy.Meanwhile,i care much about my appearance and want seem young:)
@jtr115 (722)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I was in a comedy club about 14 years ago when the comic asked how old I was. He thought I was kidding around when I said 22 because my hairline had been receding for a few years and I had grown a mustache and goatee (I've since shaved the goatee.) I know the hair loss began sometime during high school, possibly because I would sometimes push it back to do my Paul Shaffer impression. (Letterman's NBC show was hot back then, and some kids thought my nasal voice sounded like Paul's.) Now when people guess my age, they usually get within 2 or 3 years.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
21 Sep 07
Your story made me chuckle a few times. Especially the hair bit. I work with someone who has a receded hairline and it makes him look a bit older than he really is. Like someone in his 30s. (The guy is 25.) I guess I should be fortunate I still have the hair on my head.
@MGjhaud (23239)
• Philippines
28 Oct 07
I’m being pointed as the older one when I’m with my sister. People sometimes get confused who is the older me or my big sister. We do look almost alike but I’m taller and bigger. They would ask us who’s the older, which means I don’t look younger AT ALL. Great.
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
22 Oct 07
It's true though, you DO sound MUCH more mature and knowledgeable and experienced than your age. ;-D
I've had funny experiences about age confusion. I'm only 145 cm, mind you!
After I graduated from uni (that meant I was 22 years old), a friend of mine who also graduated from the same uni worked at an international school as an assistant teacher. That friend of mine invited us to go to their Halloween party.
So off we went, I and a couple of close friends plus one younger sister of one of my friends. The younger sister was around 13 years old but she was already WAY taller than me.
The rule was that there was no admission fee for people over 17 years old. So, at the entrance, my friend who took her younger sister paid the fee and the sister got a bag of goodies and then we left the admittance table. However, before we could walk further than a few steps, one of the foreign teachers whose job was collecting the admission fee stopped me and said, "Hey, YOU have to pay!" I was so stunned that I got speechless. A friend of mine quickly said to her, "Ma'am, she's already graduated from the uni." You can imagine how embarrassed the foreign teacher was (she spoke to us in English)!!! She said sorry a couple of times and gave me a bag of goodies as an apology. LOL!!! My friends kept on giggling and I couldn't stop laughing as well. I'll never forget that incident. ^___________________________^
Another incident: I was 19 and one lecturer wanted me to teach at her language course. The students there were around 5-15 years old. So I went to the place and the receptionist thought I wanted to be a student in that place!!!! ;-D
I don't think anyone's ever said or thought I'm much older than my age, though.