Love on Net???

September 21, 2007 12:51am CST
What prompted me to start this discussion is the experience of one of my friends. I am with a networking site where I came in touch with this 'dude' who after a few chats proposed to me and started sending love letters and wanted to visit me but i did not give him any response because i had no interest in him. One day a friend of mine from the same site while chatting told me that she is crazy about one guy who she had been dating on net for the past 8 months and that she would be visiting him in his country. I told her that it is insane to trust someone who is known through net and that i would like to check on this guy for her and she gave me his contact details and id on the site. To my amazement I found that it's the same guy who is still pursuing me and since i had not deleted someof his messages i forwarded the entire stuff to my friend. My friend was so shocked and heartbroken by the revelation that she did not even talk to me for nearly a month afterwhich she wrote to me that she would never again trust a man as she did with this guy. Well, I am still friends with her but we both have deleted the guy from our friendlists.
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18 responses
• Malaysia
21 Sep 07
aaahhhh!!!! you shouldn't deleted him from your friends list. You just open up one new e-mail account and make a special interaction with him to trace his e-mail to further know his real country and location by detecting his position of LONGITUDE and LATITUDE, the real one. You need to register to this site, and add, at the end of the recipients email address, Don’t fear, because the updated mail address wont be visible to your friend. This will not only track the mail, it will tell you the physical area as where the mail was opened, when it was opened, and for how long it was opened. If you are using Outlook Express, then there is a tool provided, which when installed, can be used to track mails. This service is not free, but gives you an option to try the service, with 10 mails to track. I tracked few of my mails and was very much satisfied with the quality. You too can try. :::michael:::
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• Malaysia
21 Sep 07 was not only my sincere gifts but my noble sharing amomg all myLot members, so that all of us can trace spammers or scammers. Thanks, LOOLET!!!
@CEN7777 (855)
• India
22 Sep 07
Hi friend thanks for sharing details of such a useful site. The site is very use useful in tracing spamer. I will try This.Thanks in advance.
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
22 Sep 07
Yeah...CEN777, use it for goodness, my friend. Much appreciated.
@Stiletto (4579)
21 Sep 07
Oh I'm sorry you found yourself in that situation but it's a very, very common story. Your friend should think herself lucky that she found him out before she took it any further, but I can see why she's upset about it all. The internet is, unfortunately, full of people like him and sadly too many women fall for the stories these guys dream up. What a creep!
1 person likes this
• India
21 Sep 07
well..luv is sumthing which can happen anytime anywhere..thru anything.....meeting ppl on internet and luving each other is also nice..but u have to be patient....i have met so many gud frnds thru net....never got a chance to meet my luv though...but i dont see anything wrong abt going crazy on sumone u have met on net..dats luv...getiing crazy..thnking frm heart n not by brain...
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@Philxav (733)
• Malaysia
21 Sep 07
Well dear. that is quite a experience. I feel sorry for what happens to both of you. Well there are some success story about love on the net. I too was disappointed with someone whom i fall in love on the net few years back. About 3 years back, I started to loved her purely but she used me.. just for money. I tout her love is pure but later i realize its just love for my money. But its ok.. no doubt its very painful but lucky me to know it earlier. But that didn't stops there. Last year, i knew a girl, she is very nice and caring. But i didn't love her in the beginning but later after a few months after knowing each other..we express our love. I'm so happy to get her, and we plan to get married soon. We are happy for each other and we share all happy and sad moment together.. I really love her so much, as much as she do. Not all love on the net is failure.
• Malaysia
21 Sep 07
hi, lovely dame 3000.. i think don't date at net bettter... because donno how is the people.. and all they say is true or not..but my girlfriend all is know from net.. but i have meet with them.. so they wont cheat me.. and all is from my place..
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@terrych (1227)
• United States
21 Sep 07
In relationships there is always a risk, and to me it does not matter if it is a net relationship or a in person realtionship, when you find the rigth person that's it! Crazy, sick, and bad guys and girls you can find anywhere... So be careful... But remember that also there a lot of nice, loving and caring persons around! Enjoy the journey!
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• Italy
22 Sep 07
I met my girlfriend on the net. We waited to know ourselves before to got fiancée. But now I'm happy, even if I can see her so much times.
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
24 Sep 07
It is hard enough to get to know each other completely in person, but impossible to know for sure if you have never actually met them. There are so many scammers out there that you can never be sure if they are telling the truth or not. It was good that you exposed this guy to your friend before it was too late.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
22 Sep 07
I think you did the right things by exposing that great fellow, who was trying to mislead you and your friend. I think befooling someone is really bad and it tarnishes one's image. But the problem which is created by this kind of fellows are .....that a person who is genuine and honest in his/her approach is also not trusted. All are treated alike. I agree, it become really very difficult to trust someone on 'net', if anybody goes through your and your friend's experience. An Excellent and interesting post! Full marks to you dear!
@sophylline (1041)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
That is why we need to be careful with our revealing our true identity on the net. We don't really know who we are dealing with. We won't always know if people we chat with are true with their intentions. It's not that I am against meeting people and making friends and or dating over the net, it's just that it's really hard to trust 100% to people you haven't met face to face. Though I believe that there would be true friends that you will find online.
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
not all of these guys are not that's just it's a coinsidence that you both known this guy..and it's good that you know him before he came and see your friend..but if not, i think he will just only play games to your friend..and i'm happy that you still friends after what happened..good luck for your friendship..
@CEN7777 (855)
• India
22 Sep 07
Hi Anamika, Its great help u have done to your friend. U r always very kind to your friends. You save your friend from great shock. Your behaviur is just like spy. she is dating on net from past 8 months,this must be most heart broken incidence of her life, please be with her and encourage him to come out of this shock. Once agin congartulations for u r great job, well done.
@asdrust (17)
• Romania
21 Sep 07
loool ..:)))))))))))))))))))))))))=))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) get real dudes ...:))):D damn .. if u are so idiot u cant get a date only on the net u should be forced to a daiting school ..:D:P
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
ooh,thats really tirreble on her part.and you did the right thing.i would do the same way too.. screw this guys in the net. you know i never ever went to the chatroon any more.after 3 times of being thier and no body you can talk with the sense. or no body you can trust.anyway not all but mostly. ouch!sorry..
• Canada
21 Sep 07
This happens sooo much nowadays. The first thing people need to watch for when looking for love online is if someone tells you everything there is to know about their family right off the bat then there is something going on and you shouldn't trust them. ALWAYS take your time getting to know someone and WEED though the bad ones. I have met a couple of men online that were just normal people and we did live in the same country at least. If you are not willing to leave your country or town then only talk to men that live in your country or town. There are so many sweet talkers out there you can never tell whether they are good or bad. Just be careful!
@subha12 (18441)
• India
21 Sep 07
I think we must be cautious in net. I have seen this many time with many of my friends. This type of cases i have heard also. Its a place where if you don't know the person can xcheat on you at any cost. its better to be cautious.
@hassanah (387)
• Malaysia
21 Sep 07
I dont believe with love on net.People who like love on net is a pretender.In fact they are not actually same with what they say.Be carefull with it.
• Italy
21 Sep 07
Sorry I don't belive in love on net.... I think that you have done good !