Help, I'm drownding and I cannot see over the pile of discussions

United States
September 21, 2007 10:38pm CST
I am trying to be a good friend and answer all of my friends discussions, but I am 400 discussions behind. I do not know if I will ever be able to catch up. I have 133 friends and with all of them I have their notify on. I get over 300 emails a day. I go through and get rid of the junk then I start on myLot discussions. It takes me hours a day and I cannot seem to catch up with all the discussions. I have a friend who has posted two discussions commenting about having so many friends and not to many of them every respond to his/her discussions. I am trying to be a good friend to all but it is not working because I am drowning in discussions. My friends please understand if I do not respond to your discussion it is because I simply ran out of time during the day and it is not because I am ignoring your or I do not like you. With over 400 discussions to respond to I am overwhelmed and am getting nervous looking at the number of myLot discussions to answer. It seems they grow instead of get smaller. Thanks for your understanding, also I was wondering how the rest of you out there deal with this problem?
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20 responses
@ElicBxn (63517)
• United States
22 Sep 07
When I was off for 5 days back in June, I turned off my most prolific posting friends. I still came back to over 500 posts, tho not all of them were mylot, my roomie & I turned off all my mails from the yahoo groups I belonged to as well so most were either junk or mylot. It I turned on my friends when I got home & turned on my yahoo groups memberships & just worked my way down. It took 2 weeks to get caught up. I don't get that many discussions a day from my friends, and I really only respond to those I think I can add something to. So, if I don't respond to a discussion, its because I just don't think I can add anything.
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• United States
22 Sep 07
Thanks for your advise. I do not want to hurt anyones feelings. I do not respond to discussions I know nothing about. I just read a discussion that a person whats tickets to a consert that I do not know the group so I just passed that one up.
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@kitty1234 (1476)
• United States
22 Sep 07
I think at some point we all get so many discussion requests we feel as if we are drowning! I have weeded out some of my friends, basically the ones who start a million discussions and never post on anyone elses! It is not fair for them to expect us to answer all theirs while never posting to ours!
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
how right you are, kitty. we are not in any way obliged at all to post a response to everyone's discussions. just simply make responses to those discussions that you like. otherwise, if we force ourselves to make responses even unto those which we shirk at, that becomes a taxing job to do. we are doing some fun mylotting rather than having a job which is so demanding of our time and effort.
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• United States
22 Sep 07
I guess I am trying to be come a good friend to my friends. I have 133 friends who by far do not respond to my discussions. I have this warped sence of obligation to try to respond to their discussions. I guess I should not be doing that. I am just working my fingers to the bone. Thanks for the advise.
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@beyonce03 (2331)
• Canada
24 Sep 07
We can't respond to all of our friend discussion. And I don't think that all of your friend respond to all of your discussion. WE don't have enough time for that. it's not because you don,t answer to my discussion that I will not think you are a good friend. 1-2 times a week a go throught my friend list and I answer to some of the discussion. I have maybe 45 friends so this doesnt take long for me to go throught. I also don't have notify on any of my friend. I prefer to go throught the list and at the same time I delete people who didnt come for more then 4 week to mylot. Like that I alsways keep a low list :)
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• United States
24 Sep 07
I think that is a good idea I have never gone though my list of friends to see who is active or not.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
22 Sep 07
I can not imagine having that many Mylot dicussions staring at me. I would delete them all and throw up my hands. Everyday, the list gets longer and longer. What I try to do though, if my list gets a little long, I start from the bottom and work my way up. That way, I get to the oldest ones first. Do me a favor, just make sure you respond to all of mine. He, he, just kidding, LOL.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
22 Sep 07
My friend you're not the only one behind! I'm so far behind it's not funny...Since so many things have cropped up, like working on two of three grants, and still have the third to do, then that pet rescuers flyer I've designed, plus my fall cleaning thing I'm doing I'm WAY behind here....I have unresolved discussions to deal with too, ones to give best responses to and haven't don't fret're not the only one drowning here..LOL
3 people like this
• United States
22 Sep 07
Here is a life presever for you. You do not have to respond to any of my discussions that you do not have to. I know you are very busy trying to keep a roof over your head.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
22 Sep 07
Aww--I love responding to your discussions...I took the night off from a lot of stuff just to be here tonight...but tomorrow, back to work..hehhe
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@jmbauer (43)
• United States
23 Sep 07
Disable all discussion notifications sent by e-mail until you are caught up to your satisfaction. I'm new here (so I can't share in your whoes LOL), but I wish you luck in whatever course you choose. I've had similar problems on e-mail lists and other forums, and what's worked for me...never let it become a huge burden. only respond to those topics you feel would be most spirred by your contribution. Happy myloting!
• United States
24 Sep 07
Thanks for your advise. I think I will go page by page per week to turn the notify on on my friends. Then I will not not get as many emails. That way it will also let me know who to weed out from my friend list.
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• United States
24 Sep 07
Yep, exactly. I don't even see how it's possible to post upwards of forty good, quality discussion daily. To anyone who does so: I welcome your thoughts.
@Calais (10893)
• Australia
22 Sep 07
I find that happens sometimes, dont stress though you'll get through it..
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• United States
24 Sep 07
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22 Sep 07
LOL I find that there is never enough time to respond to each and every discussion, no matter how hard I try. I don't always have the time to spend online so as such I simply attempt to respond to as many as possible.
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• United States
24 Sep 07
What do you do with the rest of the discussions? Do you let them pile up, do you delete them, do you ignor them or do you just let them float in cyber world?
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• Philippines
22 Sep 07
i am hoping that you will take my word on this issue kindly. it is none of our fault if we cannot make a response to all of the discussions that our friends have started. that is virtually impossible to do. the best thing that you can do will be to schedule maybe 20 friends a day whose discussions you will be responding to at one discussion each. if you still find yourself with extra time after that, then you can proceed with starting a discussion of your own and/or commenting on the responses that you've got and marking the best response where you see it fit to resolve a discussion about some days old. do not feel at all obliged to respond to all of the discussions that your friends have started. that will make you hooked up to the computer 24 hours a day only to find that that is neither sufficient for you to be able to post a reply to all the discussions around. remember that we are not indebted nor obliged to do a response posted each day per friend with discussions started. we are here in mylot doing some communicating with people with enthusiasm, fire and drive for friendship.
• United States
22 Sep 07
trinidadvelasco I am not offanded at all by your great advise. I think you are wise in what you say. I do spend several hours a day working on the computer and never seem to go any where. I need to learn how to use my time wisely. Thanks again.
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• Singapore
22 Sep 07
Hello my friend, Here's wizzy popping by and pooing where he likes lol. :P Not meaning to sound negative here, but I am just surprised - frankly, yea - that you are still trying to catch up with discussions. My impression of this place is that, ahem, people seem to have had a change of heart. I am no different though it is a bit different for my case. I am not going anywhere but I know most have migrated to one place or another. I have personally invested lots of time and energy into myLot so it is honestly hard to just take it and put it elsewhere. :P Oh well, I am rambling. Here's wishing you best of luck at myLot. :-)
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• United States
22 Sep 07
I do not plan to leave myLot, I just have joined other sites to supplement my income more. I have cannot live on what I am making. I know people say cut back, I have to the extent that I am so tight that I squeek.
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
22 Sep 07
I think u should pass some of ur friends to me, u should be having active friends and thats good.I, on the other hand find less discussions and after answering the notifications in my mails , i go for discussions in other categories like recent discussions, or new discussions etc.
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• United States
22 Sep 07
How about sending me a message with your email address and I can send you some some of my pile of discussions. I have a huge pile left to do. Thanks for the help.
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Trying to keep up can be hard. I have to keep up with mylot,myspace & yuwie. There is just not enough hours in a day. We do what we can. Don't sweat it, just pick your favorite friends to respond to, or discussions that appeal to you. You won't hurt anyone's feelings. Everyone has a life outside of the computer.
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• United States
24 Sep 07
Thank you very much.
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@joshboz (1209)
• Australia
23 Sep 07
yes everybody is experiencing your own problem and as a good friend i know your case because i might as well be drowned with discussions later as my number of friends increase. since i have limited time here in mylot i really try to reply as fast as i could with discussion my friends have started so no problem if you wont reply to my response nor should i reply to yours then its understandable friend.
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• United States
24 Sep 07
It's a packed, deal, signed and sealed. LOL
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@jtr115 (722)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I haven't reached that point yet since I only signed up for myLot a few days ago. However, I have fallen behind on answering e-mails and posts to other sites since my DSL went down a few days ago. (In my case, DSL means "Dozens of Service Lapses." I'm on my dial-up connection at the moment.) I basically just scan the messages and reply to the ones which seem the most important.
• United States
24 Sep 07
I am soooooooooo sorry to hear about your DSL being so Darned sloooow and lazzzzzzzzzy. I have never head of a DSL going out. I guess if a phone line can go out so can a DSL line.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Sep 07
Lol and I thought that I was bad lol being 3 days behind Oh well never mind Sweet it will keep you out of mischief lol And it will keep you very busy to lol do not worry to much I am sure you will get there eventually Sweet Hugs
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I get that many notifications also, but there is no way I can answer each discussion. And it is not just because of lack of time. I am not going to have anything to contribute to each and every discussion, so some get looked at and passed over. It is just the way it is.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
22 Sep 07
There have been a few times when I had to be away and could not get to any discussions and I have had to empty out my inbox. I do try to go back and catch up as best as I can. But sometimes life happens and we can't stay on top of it all. I personally do not get offended if all of my friends cannot reply to my discussions. Just do the best you can when you can. This is a good topic by the way, I am sure it will be helpful to a lot of us here.
• United States
22 Sep 07
Thanks so much for your input. I just wanted my friends to know that I am not ignoring them I have been busy and I feel over whelmed when I see so many discussions I need to respond to or at lest read. When I sort my emails I put mylot email in a file of it's own then I go through it one by one. I spend three hours last night and whipped off thrirty pluse my regular emails and a few phone calls.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
22 Sep 07
Thanks for this discussion, as it's a good one. There's no way I could respond to 133 friends, so my hat's off to you. I've read many of your responses etc. with interest, and you're a good 'myLotian.' I just 'try' to do the best I can, and answer as many as I'm able to, and trust others will understand. I do tend to gravitate toward certain 'friends,' as there are quite a few on my list that 'never' respond to anything of mine, so I often respond to the ones I hear from, first. Hope this helps.
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• Canada
24 Sep 07
You're welcome. I sometimes find too, that no matter how much I'd like to respond to a 'friend's' discussion, I'm just unable, due to the topic. Have a great day.
• United States
24 Sep 07
Thank you I think I will do that. I have read every one of my friends discussions that end up in my email and tried to respond to all that I feel I can respond to. Last night I was going through my discussions and one of my friends said she broke her favorite viboriter and wanted ways to make money to replace it. Needless to say I did not respond to that discussion.
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• Philippines
29 Sep 07
Hi there, what's been up to lately buddy? Well, as far as i can, i tend to respond to my friends discussions specially those active ones with me. It's really fun of sharing thoughts with your nicest friends here, it's awesome! But i never respond to all of those discussions from my friends in just one day. LOL it's hard even we do have more time to get online. Well, i just respond to their discussions day by day. Have a nice day ahead and happy posting and earning here in myLot. Ciao, Kiko
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
22 Sep 07
Well, that is the disadvantage of having too many friends... after i updated my email address here in mylot... i now get notified that my friends started a discussion... i try to respond but there are some topics that i do not have an idea on what to respond... Hopefull the friends would understand if from time to time... we can't respond to their topics...
• United States
22 Sep 07
When I do not know what to say I will not respond to them. But most of the times I have something to say. I guess I have a big mouth or a lot on my mind.
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