infant left in car again!!!!!
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
United States
September 23, 2007 3:12pm CST
Is it just me or is there some kind of rash of babies being left in cars by themselves???
I'm really so disgusted with this already!
Here's another revolting story which my sister told me she heard today on the news:
A young lady in Sandusky, Ohio was walking in a parking lot when she happened to see this little infant in her car seat, directly mind you, DIRECTLY with the SUN beating down on her, ALL by HERSELF.
She looked all around the parking lot and so no one near the car. The door to the car was locked so she was basically helpless at that moment.
She immediately went inside and informed security from one of the closest stores.
From there, she went from store to store having them "page over the sound system" for anyone who might have left their infant in their car. Do you believe this??????
Finally, a Mother (if you want to call her that, I use the term loosely) who was SHOPPING in Target came forward and said she forgot her baby was in the car.
The infant was only THREE MONTHS OLD. She is alive and well, Thank God.
Now I ask you, HOW DO YOU FORGET YOUR BABY??????
I just don't get it!!!!!!!
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17 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
23 Sep 07
That story disgusts me as well. I don't see how any parent could forget a child in a vehicle. I don't even leave my children in the car long enough to pump gas. I have heard so many stories of people doing that and leaving their kids to run in and do something and there have been cases where the children were stolen. There are just some parents that don't care anymore and who should not be parents at all. I hate that this happened to that little baby. Makes me absolutely sick to hear that it happened.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
23 Sep 07
Thanks for being the first to post!....
And YES, with all the KIDNAPPING going on I'm just at a loss for words anymore. Don't people read newspapers or watch the news?
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
24 Sep 07
Unfortunately there are parents out there that really don't care. i know here, there was a case when a grandmother left her two year old grandson in the car so that she could play bingo. he was left in the vehicle for 7 hours. she was arrested though, thank goodness. It really saddens me to see all that is being done to kids these days.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
24 Sep 07
That's so horrible.......ya know, maybe they should be jailed for "attempted murder" instead of just "negligence."
I hope something changes soon for all the babies in the world, Bless their little hearts.

@Midwesternnights (35)
• United States
23 Sep 07
Some people seriously should not have kids. I don't know how many times I've heard of this happening just this summer. I get so frustrated with people, that I sometimes wish there was a series of classes people should have to take before they really, really think about getting pregnant.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I agree, some people should NOT have kids and yes, I've been reading this all summer.
I think if this happens just once to someone they shouldn't be allowed to have anymore kids.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Hi girlfriend! Wow I know that is disquisting. She was probably a kid herself. Right? I really dont know how you can forget your baby and just walk into the store and start shopping.Its just not possible. I think she was lying! Its a good thing that person noticed that poor little baby.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
22 Jan 08
Hi again Terry, you're so funny but I gotta love ya!
Yes, she was just full of it....You know what I think the craziest thing is now?...They have some kind of buzzer or something along those lines now for people with little children/infants, and the buzzer will go off if you have a child in the car so you can remember....Is that nuts or what? I'm getting to the point that I don't even want to belong to the human race anymore if they're going to be that ridiculously stupid and ignorant. I think I'd rather be an animal, they don't forget.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Hey now, don't knock young parents. We aren't all bad. I don't know what you mean by "kid", but I was 21 when I had my son and I would never have (and didn't ever) do anything like this. People sometimes want to assume that I don't know what I probably don't know what I'm doing because I'm only 25 and I look young, but my son's safety always comes first. I am actually a little overprotective, to tell the truth. The bad young parents out there give the good ones a bad name.
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
24 Sep 07
I wouldn't forget my baby in the car, ever. When the kids were small. I would tote all three of them with me everywhere. Mid winter three kids 5, 2, and newborn all bundled up in snowsuits. In and out of the car into the store even if it was just to grab a carton of milk. So there is no excuse why she couldn't have taken the baby in. I would be there with a baby in a car seat, the two year old running around and the five year old in hand. That was a lot of work and many people who saw me would say "boy, you got your hands full!" But I didn't leave them in the car. Also we live in a very small community that everyone knows you, people never lock their cars, or even take the keys out when going into a store. It is really safe but still I wouldn't leave my small childern alone for a minute. I figure if something was to happen, it would be too late to say sorry or oops my bad. Sure it would have been so much more easy to run in for the minute and grab the item and out, but that wouldn't have been safe. So it took longer and was more work, well, welcome to parenting!
Luckily the baby wasn't hurt or something and hopefully the mom can get some education on proper safety for infants.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Exactly!..No truer words were spoken.."Welcome To Parenting" do what you have to do, period!
And before you know it, in the blink of an eye, they're all grown up and on their own and you wonder what happened so fast, Ha Ha. My daughters are 34 and 39 right now and I still don't know where the years went. Thanks for posting your opinion.
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@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
25 Sep 07
LOL It goes by very fast! Too fast! My daughter is already 12 and I feel like it was only yesturday I was carrying her in my arms for the first time. Time flies when your having fun!
Just goes to show how much we enjoy being parents! Vicki :)
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Yes, it was fun and alot of headaches. I wish my kids were twelve again, that would make me soooo much younger, lol!...and I wish I knew then what I know now...
So you have one going into the teen years pretty soon, good luck and keep your chin up..ha ha...but it's worth it!
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I can't believe that still happens. And she said she forgot? Excuse me, how can you forget that your child is with you? I am sorry, that is unexcusable...
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
23 Sep 07
Yes, and she'll probably get a little slap on the hand and be told "now don't do it again"......whatever!
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
24 Sep 07
I'm like you MY GOD I ask that question too how the heck can you forget about your baby...It seems to be the excuse words of people that are caught with leaving their babies in the car in the first place...I can see forgetting your purse or a debit card and realizing it when you were in the store but a BABY????That just ticks me off..I'm so glad to hear that the baby is doing good though...I barried my baby 4 months ago so it breaks my heart to hear of such careless acts of so called parents.
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@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
25 Sep 07
Even before I lost my babygirl I felt very upset at these kind of actions but it seems to hit a nerve even that much more because of my loss...Thank you so very much for your condolances I'm doing better and it gets better with each passing day.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I'm so sorry to hear about your baby, please accept my deepest sympathy...And that is from the heart. I can't imagine how you feel after reading all this.
Thank you for posting.

@TheCatzMeow1 (579)
• United States
24 Sep 07
We've had this happen a couple times recently here in MO. The one case was a couple who both worked at the same University. Both of them thought the other one took their baby to daycare. I'm so irritated by this. I don't get it either. I have memory problems and I've never forgotten my child. Sadly in one of the cases, the baby didn't survive the heat. This is when it was steadily in the 100's.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Something like that story I could give a little more understanding to than someone going clothes shopping for themselves. But nevertheless, its just been a horrific summer hearing all these stories over and over again. Thanks for posting.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I don't get how anyone could forget their kid is in the car. Heck sometimes I forget that my kids aren't in the car lol. People like this are making things harder for me though. I have to drive my daughter to and from preschool every day. But I also have her younger brother and sister and a little boy i babysit. so I was going to just leave them in the car while i ran her in. mind you, i can see my van from the classroom as it is right along the parking lot and i'm only gone 5 min or less. and i would never leave them if it was hot out. but my mom flipped on me and said someone would turn me in if they saw it. so now i have to unbuckle all the kids and then buckle them back up. oh well.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I guess it's just "you do what you have to do".
I understand what you are saying completely and I don't even compare that to going in a store to do some clothes shopping or whatever. This woman was in Target. I'm just so appalled at that thought and the baby was in the direct sunlight left all alone....ohhh, I'm so angry I can't think straight, ha ha. Thanks for posting your opinion.
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
24 Sep 07
I dont understand how a parent can forget their little kids in a place not safe for them. I have 5 and 2 years old daughters, And I actually fetch my 5 years old daughter in school. Though the school is not far from our house I cant help it but fetch her... I feel she's much safer with me. And I always bring my youngest daughter every time I have to fetch my eldest... I cant afford to leave my youngest on our house alone.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
She is 100% safer with you and that's what Mothers should do. Thanks for posting.
@Nireths (149)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I don't get it either. I have a little one year old and it is impossible for me to get him and when he's not with me I worry a lot. Yet, just yesterday I saw a little boy, around my baby's age in a shoppin car all by himself in a market. And even when he's not mine I was worried that he had been forgotten and wondered why he would have been let there alone, a few minutes later he's parents took him and I was relieved and angry at those people at the same time. I don't see why would someone do that. Common sense is dying slowly and stupid people are thriving, that's my theory. But I don't have a clear answer for you, sorry.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
23 Sep 07
I see kids all the time in shopping carts, standing up, ready to fall out, chewing on the metal bars, not strapped in, and all alone.
Kidnapping is at an all time high. What are these people thinking about???
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
23 Sep 07
And I do love your theory! "Common sense is dying slowly and stupid people are thriving" need to make bumper stickers for cars with that and sell them, lol!
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
25 Sep 07
More often than not it's not horrible people who want to harm their child who do this. It's overworked new parents who haven't had any sleep in days & aren't thinking clearly. There have been countless studies on the effects of going without sleep for days on end, it's clearly a dangerous condition to be in. I once worked a double after a full day of class- all total I was awake for around 38 hours straight. I stopped to pick up milk on the way home, put it on the roof of my car & drove down the street,with cars honking at me, for 5 minutes before it fell off the roof. Thankfully it was just a jug of milk, but your mind just doesn't work right when you are sleep deprived.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
I understand what you're saying but I'm in reference to the majority of the Mothers that are shopping....this one was in Target. There was another case of a teacher who had a lot to do one day and was suppose to pick up six pizza's for school with a bunch of other stuff, and totally forgot her baby infant was in the car....the baby didn't make it.
These cases have nothing to do with sleep deprivation....they just plain forgot they were given a life to take care of.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I hear about these stories and you know what I think?
There but for the grace of God go I.
I left my baby in the car once. It wasn't as bad as going into a store and going shopping, thank God. But still forgetting a baby at all is horrible.
Guess what? I'm NOT a horrible mom. I think many parents have close calls with their babies in different ways. If you read parenting magazines, you'll read warnings about different things. Where did the warnings come from? They exist because somebody did something that brought harm to their child.
I know that by posting this response and admitting my mistake I put myself at risk of being judged by others. But, I'm posting it anyway. Part of the reason is because it does feel safer to do this somewhat anonymous, but I have admitted it in person once or twice.
The main reason I am posting this is to make the point that we shouldn't be so quick to judge.
People make mistakes. Yes, it sounds like something neglectful, but I believe, in many cases, the parent isn't a bad parent, they are just way to distracted.
We as a society are trying to do too much to fast and we are so busy multi-tasking that we don't focus as much as we should on things even as important as our babies.
My "baby" will be 15 in two days. This discussion is remindining me once again to be thankful that I have her.
What I did was a horrible mistake. I felt horrible about it. Luckily it was for a few short minutes. My husband was with me at the time, so he forgot as well. So, there were TWO of us that forgot at the same time!
Are we horrible parents? No. Did we do something that could have cost us our child? Under different circumstances, it could have.
Having had this experience myself, I really try not to judge other parents when they do things that can be perceived as careless by most.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
24 Sep 07
I give credit for posting, it must have been extremely hard to do that.
I think what everyone here on this board is trying to figure out, just like me, is "What The Heck Can Be That Much More Important Than Your Baby?"....
And, like everyone else is saying and I'm still saying is "I just don't get it." I'm sorry, it's just the way I feel.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Thanks ebusaf for posting. I think its a bunch of crap excuses as far as I'm concerned.
Even Mother animals take better care of their babies, only leaving them for a short while to feed because they HAVE to......this is too sad.
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Famous last words.."I Just Don't Get It!" seems to be typed a million times in this discussion......Thanks for posting.
@AeroChickie (459)
• Canada
24 Sep 07
I have never understood how you forget a child in your vehicle. That is just ridiculous. It's good that the passerby happened upon the kid in the car before something bad happened. I don't know that the mother deserves to keep her child. I would say that someone that forgets their kid in the car isn't responsible enough to be a parent.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
25 Sep 07
Yes, Thank Goodness that someone happened upon her. I can't imagine how hot that baby must have been being left in the direct sun. So sad.
@downaalice (209)
• China
25 Sep 07
really i think those who abandoned infant should be killed.those who left their children aside for long should not be parents.they should be forbidden to have children.
@sashashimp (115)
• United States
9 Jun 08
I can understand where you come from, you carry a baby for nine months and when they come out you for get about them that is crap they are just irresponsible people not wanting to hassle with a child in a store.
People that leave there kids in cars like that should have there kids taken away or they should serve some time in jail and before gotten and see how they feel