Unbelievable....What next?
By speedy1279
@speedy1279 (2665)
United States
September 26, 2007 9:54am CST
Okay we have all been approached by Jehovah Witnesses at one point or another in our lives. Most of the time they approach us at home. They go door to door trying to sell thier religion to us. I have even had them approach me while I am having yard sales. Bugging me and any customers I might have. But today I have seen enough. I was at Winn-Dixie trying to load my daughter and groceries into my van. When a Jehovah Witness approached me. At first I was outraged, but I politly told him I was not interested and he walked away. But then I saw him go approach someone else. To me that is not right. So I found a Winn-Dixie employee that was recovering shopping carts and told him what was going on. He said he would inform the Manager.
Now before anyone goes and gets angry with me for this post, please hear me out! I have nothing against Jehovah Witnesses or any other religion. I believe everyone has a right to believe in what ever religion they choose. What I don't like is being approached and have a religion shoved down my throat. I look at this way, If I am interested in your religion I will come to your church. So don't come banging on my door or bugging me in a parking lot. I'm mean come on, what's next? Are they going to start calling my house and mailing me stuff. I think it is wrong to solicite religion the way some religions do.
What do you think? Am I wrong? Or do you think it is okay for religions to do this? Please share your views, but please be nice in doing so. As I am not here to start anything with anyone. I am just aggrivated by this and venting my frustrations.
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18 responses
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Wow, you must really have alot of them in your area.....I haven't been bothered, and I do mean bothered, by them in quite a while.
I do agree with you that no one should push their religion on you. I don't like that no way, no how. I don't push mine on anybody and I expect the same in return.
Funny thing, I remember a long, long time ago when I was little they use to come to our house all the time.
Once in a while, my father would go to the door and answer just for fun.
Well, my Grandfather was a Baptist Minister so my father knew the Bible inside and out.
He would stand there reciting the Bible back at them and they'd get no where.
It really was quite funny because they would actually leave all frustrated,...lol.
@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Yes they are bad here. When it comes to yard sales, I am an addict. I have a yard sale probably about 6 times a year. I pack up what I don't sell and just put it away for my next sale. It never fails every yard sale I have had since I have lived here, I have had at least two Jehovah Witnesses stop and try to preach to me and any customers I have, their religion. I don't like to be rude to them because I don't want any customers walking away thinking I am some rude person.
I am like you. I am a Baptist as well and I don't push my religion on anyone, including my own family. I was always raised that everyone has a right to choose thier own religion. It will be the same way when my children get older and can choose for themselves. I am not going to tell them they have to be baptist. If they choose to be a Catholic, I won't care. As long as they are happy then I will be happy. They could even choose to be Atheist and I still wouldn't care. It's thier choice to make, not mine. Now obiviously they will be influenced by the baptist religion because that is what I am, but if they choose that Baptist is not for them. Then that is fine by me.
I wish I knew the Bible like your grandfather. That would probably help me. It must have been some sight to see them leaving all frustrated like that. LOL!
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I'm really not Baptist, just my Father was.
I was raised Catholic by my Mother, but actually, made up my own personal religion that I live by.
It's kind of a mix of many but I'm comfortable with it and never would think of pushing it on anyone. I have a little Native American in me and somehow that has much bearing on my spiritual life today, so I went with it.
Maybe you should put up a sign at your garage sales that says "No Solicitors and that includes Religious One's"...ha ha....take care.
@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
26 Sep 07
The sign sounds like a good idea. I might just have to try that next time. Thanks for sharing your views. It is much appreciated.
@kathisharpe (140)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I think my house is blacklisted by JW's - haven't had a visit in years. Most likely because I invite them in and proceed to show them Jesus=God from their own "Bible" ... generally leaving the "trainee missionary" shell-shocked and the senior of them wanting to get out of there in a hurry!
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@dreamleaper17 (702)
• Philippines
26 Sep 07
Wow, I admire what you did! I am a growing Christian and at one point in my life, I've also encountered JWs. They do not consider Jesus=God but only as a prophet when the Bible tells us in so many different ways about Jesus and God being One. And it's also even written in the Bible that religions which do not recognize Jesus' lordship is anti-Christ, right? The JWs you invited must really have had the shock of their lives when you used "their own Bible!" to prove Jesus' 'position' as God.
@paul8675 (750)
• Australia
26 Sep 07
This is actually a harder question than most would realise. As a general rule, I don't like forced conversations with strangers under any circumstances. I hate door to door selling of anything and a hate telemarketing. I agree with you. Religion is in many ways like any other product. It should be embraced rather than forced. If one is interested in buying a product, they will buy. The same with a religion. Ithink we must also look at the motives of forced conversations. I resent most because people pretend to be interested in you but clearly their motives are completely self-centred ones, and that is the real problem.
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@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
26 Sep 07
It maybe considered loitering. But to me, I consider it soliciting! Which in all reality is really the same thing and either way it should be outlawed. They shouldn't be able to get away with it just because it's a religion and not a business.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Sep 07
I am with you on this one. If I need bread i go to the store I dont wait for someone to just pop by and bring me bread. So why is it different with religion. If I have a need to go to a church I can easily find it and go I dont need someone knocking on my door or aproaching me anywhere to tell me why I should join.
@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Exactly my point! We shouldn't have to bombarded with different religions. It's rediculus and I think it should be outlawed.
@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
26 Sep 07
You have some very good points. Thank you so much for sharing them with me and everyone else who read's this post.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Sep 07
when I worked as a carer I was not alowed to talk to clients about religion so why should some stranger be allowed to talk to me or them freely?

@ebusaf (329)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Man I haven't seen a Jehovahs Witness in years. I thought they stopped doing that or something. I know how you feel though. When I was growing up..in Los Angeles, every Saturday, it never failed they would ring the doorbell at like 8am. I would be so upset, becuase I had the front room and Saturday was my day to sleep in. Needless to say, if I answered the door, they saw my, I'm tired, I'm a teenager, it SATURDAY, and I don't want to hear it look on my face. No offense, I'm just keeping it real.

@speedy1279 (2665)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Well I can definitly tell you they are still around and still hound people about thier religion. It's frustrating!
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
26 Sep 07
hahaha you are lucky come to my town we have too many of them

@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
27 Sep 07
I don't think that they should be approaching people in public places. If they set up a booth and people come to them, fine. Stopping them in the public parking lots is not only unsafe, it is an inconvenience and is rude. They are not benefiting anyone doing that, just making people not want to listen to them anytime.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I think that is way over the top… I mean for them to come to people at grocery stores—or any other store for that matter. Public places- it’s wrong- I would also say that they are very lucky that they do not approach the wrong person and get themselves hurt.
I still can’t figure out why that religion has people going door to door anyways—this world just isn’t as safe as it was years ago.
I think you were fine in getting attention to this problem. I don’t go to the store to be hounded about religion- I might not have been so nice.
@thehsmomof2 (145)
• United States
27 Sep 07
We have Jehova's Witnesses here. They used to come to my home, which was fine with me even though we do not share the same religion. I let them in on the fact that I am busy homeschooling my children and running a day care in my home. They realized how busy I was, and would just knock, wish me a nice day, hand me their information and leave. This was kind of them, and did not bother me. I would leave the pamphlets on the coffee table for a while and my girls would peruse them. If they wanted to talk about things we would. And we would talk about the similarities and differences between our beliefs and theirs.
This went on for years with no problem. Then, last summer, I was stopped by two teenage boys on two or three separate occasions. Each time, as I was taking my evening walk to unwind. On one of those occasions, I was not in a very good mood due to a very rough day.
On both occasions, I tried nicely to explain to these boys that I did not share their beliefs, and that I did not wish to speak with them. They just kept going on and on, trying to push their beliefs on me. It was quite rude, and I did not appreciate it one bit.
I had thought, my word! Why are they sending out these rude teenagers! I was not impressed.
One day, the boys were going door-to-door in my neighborhood. I mentioned them to the girls, and my older daughters says, "Mom. I know that boy. He is not a Jehova's Witness!" Shame on me for thinking such a thing.
I do not recall the religion. It may be the Latter Day Saints, it may not. But they do not leave well enough alone. Those boys were down right rude! And they do not give up. And they do not leave you alone the next time they see you.
I ended up having to put a "No bible toting solicitors" type sticker on my door. They boys showed up not long after I put that sticker up, and they left without knocking. Unfortunately, I missed the nice Jehova's Witnesses the next time they came, so I could not tell them that they were free to keep stopping by and leaving their pamphlets.
I am thinking that I need a bunch of those stickers for all of my shirts and jackets. Ot maybe just one to put on my purse, and whenever those boys come I can just show it to them. I wonder if that would work.
I will, the next time they harrass me, make sure that they know that if it happens again I will be going to the police. I hate to do something like that, but I will to save my sanity.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
1 Nov 08
I think JW's and mormons should set up tables and coverings at local events and just let the people come to them. Or set them up in the parking lots of their places of worship that way they don't wake people up on Saturday morning if your waking someone up they are not going to want to listen to you they are gonna want to bite your head off.
While they where talking to you about the Paradise on Eatch did they at least help you load the groceries into your car?

@LupusEvolve (108)
1 Nov 08
Having a JW walk up to you and then walking AWAY when you told him that you weren't interested - is that really having it "shoved down your throat"??
Besides, you say that if you're interested, then you will go to their church. But how much do you actually know about what they believe? I guess that's just what the guy was thinking, and just wanted to get other people to understand what they actually believe. From what you say he didn't really bother you that much and you're only making a fuss because you saw him approach someone else afterwards. And him approaching someone else surely didn't affect you in any way either.
So I think you're just getting all hyped up about something that doesn't really make a difference either way. I mean, here in the UK, we have people from Cancer Research knocking on our doors. They give a pitch about all the people dying from cancer, how we can help, etc, etc and then ask us to sign up to give them £2 each month. Would you make a huge fuss about that, saying that you're having medical statistics "shoved down your throat" and are being harassed to give them money (which JWs don't do! Everything they do is offered for free).
So that's just my view (and I hope I said it all nicely! Sorry if I didn't :P) and I'm not a JW myself, but I know quite a few people who are and think that they are the nicest people I know!
@pioneer2009angel (135)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Well I am one of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES and the reason we are well known for our work preaching the good news. I understand you don't like the fact of not being preached to. But if you read the bible Acts 20:20-24 and Jesus Comissed us to preach the good news, as he did everywhere in market places, at people's homes and every occasion. In fact it is in the bible. Regardless of your unaccepting the good news we are concerned for our neighbors who are not aware that soon all things we know and love will be destroyed. And like a lifeguard we want to get people to safety and into the new world. Don't you want a chance to live a life without any worrys and despite what pain,suffering you are going thru will be passed away. In fact Isaiah 65:17 states that the things from the former way of things will not be called up to mind neither in the heart. This a true hope and you can read about it from your copy of the bible.
@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I did not personally experience this, but I witnessed something in a different grocery store parking lot which I am pretty sure is what was happening. I think that the woman realized I was onto what was going on so they didn't bother me. Yes, I think this is way too much. If she had approached me I was ready to complain inside of the store after saying to them that I thought the no-solicitation policy of the store would apply to the parking lot too.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
26 Sep 07
Im so glad you told someone in the Winn Dixie and I hope something is done about it. I havent seen them years and Im sure glad about that. I feel the same way you do about religion. I dont want people jaming in down my throat. Its just so Rude.
@isaiah12 (416)
• United States
26 Sep 07
I live in an apartment and they don't come in and bother us. But I know my pastor said they used to come to his house all the time. He is the type that can recite scripture off the top of his head. When they would start to talk to him he would have an answer from scripture for everything they said. They aviod his house now!
@quickinstinct (432)
• United States
27 Sep 07
Sometimes I get bothered on the street or in a store by either them or military recruiters. Usually I just say no thanks to the Witnesses and once I tell the recruiters I already have a college degree (which some of them lack) they tend to walk away.