Do you know the First Religion on Earth?
By ernestman
@ernestman (306)
31 responses
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
28 Sep 07
In my own study... i found out that the two oldest religions in the world are Judaism and Hinduism... the major religions of the world stemmed out from these two...
From Judaism came Christianity and Islam... then from Hinduism came Buddhism...
These are organized religions and are different from animism and paganism...
@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
28 Sep 07
careful on this topic. It might just spark an unwanted lights. just an advice from a friend :)
To me, all religion is still based to The One.
Just each religion has its own messenger from The One, but they had one purpose, to make the world in peace and believe The One is exist.
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@Darkwing (21583)
28 Sep 07
It's almost impossible to say because in very ancient times there were no recordings, yet the Greeks worshipped Gaia, or Mother Earth, claiming she was our Creator. However, since recordings have been made, and different "bibles" written, religions have split, and deviated from the original path, thus creating a number to choose from. Most reference books list Hinduism as the oldest world religion, probably because it has the oldest recorded roots in Dravidianism. It is estimated that Dravidianism was practiced around 6000 to 3000 BCE and as such predates the Sumerian, Egyptian, and Babylonian cultures. This religion is considered Atheist, and therefore must be classed as a pagan religion, which seems feasible as before Jesus, God and the Ancient Deities, beliefs would surely have been what we call Atheist today.
I hope this helps... a great post, causing me to delve into things somewhat, and which has taught me something today. Brightest Blessings.
@jimbomuso (950)
2 Jul 08
Hi ernestman!
the oldest recorded texts indicate Hinduism as one of the oldest, I think Wicca(pagananism) is truly the oldest, although their are no written records.
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@jimbomuso (950)
3 Jul 08
after a little more thought .. it could be argued that the first religion was inspired by the sun or fire. who's to say what came first (chicken/egg) but religions to me seem to mostly be about [b] belonging [b/] and the splintering of social groups. Most early western relgions maintained order and social control.(Roman Catholicism has a no birth control rule which always increases the amount of potential Catholics, also it could be argued that this alone created epidemics of STD's) I think when man was able to articulate his own thoughts, the need to differ responsibility for how he percieved the world became apparent and presto change-o religion was born.
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@jimbomuso (950)
3 Jul 08
sorry about the bold (no sleep and poor typing skills)
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@kishusia (1066)
• India
28 Sep 07
As per their own history, the religions you have mentioned are new and are associated with a person who is respected as the messenger of God. First religion on the earth can only be a set of principles and not associated with a person or persons. These principles are beyond time and space. They never change. This religion is called Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion).
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@amirev777 (4117)
• India
28 Sep 07
all these 3 religions that u mentioned-Islam,Christianity,Buddhism are all recently founded Religions.Recently i mean is just about 2000 odd years old.Hinduism and Judaism can be called as the most ancient religions in the world.By the way any person is first born as Hindu,he is then initiated into other religions thru baptism,sunnat,etc.
@amirev777 (4117)
• India
10 Oct 07
who says Elephants are worshipped in hindu religion?and if you say Hinduism was founded by men,hat about islam-was it founded by God?It was founded by man called prophet mohammad who got a dream in cave and then wrote koran.I dont want to study a religion which preaches slaughtering of Kafirs for attaining Jannat!
@amirev777 (4117)
• India
11 Oct 07
Hello there!Jammu and kashmir is integral part of Hindustan so what are muslims doing there?
by the way i m certainly not interested in making u Hindu nor do i want u to read our sacred text-then why do you want me to become a muslim?I m very happy being a Hindu and last thing i want to be called is a terrorist!
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@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 08
It's not religion to blame, but the people that stupid. They've been trick, so they also stupid. And there are stupid people that use the name religion for their own benefits. They manipulate anything they can, so they're supposed to be blamed.
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@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
25 Jun 08
If we study history we can see Hinduisms is the oldest religion in th world.But it is a time waste to talk more one this topic.Every one wants their religion to be more superior than others and i read some reply to this claiming there religion is the first and best.The religion is created by humans only.I think there is no religion for God.
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@shay3434 (881)
• Israel
28 Sep 07
It's a very interesting issue, and I don't think I can answer it in the scientific or the archaeological way.
As far as I know, the oldest religion on Earth is the Judaism. All monotheistic religions came from the Jewish religion.
About the other religion that are not believe in one god I don't know. Maybe there was idolaters before monotheists, but many of them didn't survive.
What I can sure tell you 100% that the Islam wasn't the first religion. It's can't be possible because the Islam was created in the days of Muhamad (in 700 year according to Christian counting of years). So the Islam was created many years after Judaism and Christianity.
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@cobradene (1171)
• India
2 Nov 07
Can I say it was Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma? Not to take it on my ego or anything lol. But the vedas and upanishads are as old as the earth. Even Christ spent a long time learning in various parts of India. Moses was here. And even before Buddha was born, Sanatana Dharma was practiced, but it wasn't called hinduism then. Zorashtrian and Santana Dharma are the most ancient religions or faiths practiced on earth. The Vedas and Upanishads have been passed on by word of mouth for eons and later they were written down on palm leaves. And that's how the tradition goes.
@urbandekay (18278)
12 Feb 08
That is just ridiculous to claim that Moses and Jesus studied in India, they did not. The Vedas are not as old as the earth.
all the best urban
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
13 Feb 08
Cobradene, are you referring from the book 'Jesus lived in India?' Well, the book is a crap. Jesus never lived in India. The evidences presented in the book is very very weak.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
14 Feb 08
No, am not referring to that book. There have been manuscripts in Tibet where Christ's presence has been mentioned. And also, if you visit the Jagannath Temple in Puri, there are mentions of Christ's stay. He stayed in three major places in India. It was Puri, Varanasi, Rishikesh. There's a cave called Vasistha gufa. He stayed and meditated there for a long time. And also after that he spent a lot of time in Kashmir and Tibet. It is difficult to prove these facts I know. But tell me, why have the 14 years of his life been erased or not mentioned in the Bible. Some strange politics for sure. And also, if you meet the yogis of the Himalayas, they will tell you lots about him.

@runner0369 (641)
• United States
14 Feb 08
According to my religion (the Baha'i Faith) Zoroastrianism was the first religion of the Adamic Cycle, which started with Adam. Then I believe Hinduism is next, Judiasm, Buddism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i Faith. Those are at least the major ones...sorry if I left anyone out.
@runner0369 (641)
• United States
14 Feb 08
I believe paganism branched from Zoroastrianism so I did not include Paganism, if I am wrong, and I am very sorry if I am then Paganism I believe is in between Zoroastrianism and Hindiuism. I am also including Native American religions under Zoroastrianism.
@runner0369 (641)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I think most of the "new" religions are actually sects of old religions most of the time. Baha'u'llah is the Prophet from God who founded the Baha'i Faith in Tiran (the capital of Iran). The Baha'i Faith began in 1844 (the year a lot of people were expecting Jesus to return...well we believe He did in the form of Baha'u'llah) Baha'u'llah means "Glory of God". We follow the teachings of all the Prophets of all the major religions as we believe they are all from God. However, we focus on the teachings of Baha'u'llah because His teachings are more applicable to the current times. Some of His major teachings are the need for world unity and peace and the abolishment of clergy. Because of the abolishment of clergy Baha'is are highly persecuted in many countries by the clergy who do not want to lose power. We believe that Baha'u'llah is not the last prophet many more will come.
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 08
lol I never heard about Baha'i Faith! Sorry just recently know there's such thing. Is it the combination of all religion on earth? And who is Baha'U'llah??? When it founded, and since when u became a baha'i? There's so many new breeding religions nowadays.... I'm so worried about it :-(

@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
11 Oct 07
I think there was no religion in the begining and that people followed there heart for there was not man or differerant relgions to tell them how to believe so they followed there hearts and there minds and nature itself to teach them which in my mind is the true way to enlightenment. If you think about it it was the only thing they could follow b/c like I said they did not have man telling them how to believe or what to do. So this is what I think.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
25 Jun 08
We'll never know. Why? Because religion existed before writing did, and we have no real way of knowing the belief systems of people who left no written history.
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@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
14 Feb 08
yo! This topic seems hot. & I'm here to deliver the exact answer. I've been studying about topic similar to this and I came with answer;
Religion is separated into 2 categories, (I make it simple words)
1.) Related to custom/culture and race ; these like hindu, buddha, hm... like that. You can see, Most Hindu are Indian (or so like), and buddha (Chinese...) --- those two, for example believe in multiple Gods, and bless from their late etc... (lol i'm lazy)
2.) Divinely which according to The Book of God's words. There were prophets that brought the books to all humankind to worship The Almighty God. This religion promotes only 1 God that exist, though the God has many names (the name not include Jesus since he's claimed as the son of God). And it's universal religion. Actually this religion is 1, worshiped by the 1st human ever existed, Adam (the prophet). Then it continues to exist (the religion along with the descendants' of Adam & Eve....hey, that's us!) until today. Now this religion separated into 3 name;
1-Judaism, they believe prophet until Mosses.(though the old Torah stated there's next prophet). And because almost of the prophets in history was Jews(in term of race), so this religion seems to promote only Jews as Jewish.
2-Christian, they believe prophet until Jesus as Son of God (The Bible).
3-Islam, they believe until the last prophet, Muhammad ((in the old Torah stated about the last prophet that bring "light" to the world)), and don't believe in trinity theory (in Christian). (al-Quran as the complement of Torah, ?Zabur? and Bible).add info- Jewish don't acknowledge Islam because Muhammad is not from Jews (but Arab instead).
@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
12 Oct 07
I think hinduism is the oldest relegion in this world.Islam christianity and budhism came after the hindu religion.It is not good to fight for this matter.For me religion of love is the first religion in this world.
@harsh_choudhary (68)
• India
11 Feb 08
First of all, the term Hindu was coined not by Britishers but by the Arabs in reference of River Sindhu
or Indus which again gave us another name India. Hindu literally means residents of the Indian sub-continent. This means even Pakis and Bangldeshis are also Hindus.
Secondly, Idols are not GODS. They are just symbolic representation of GOD. We don't require idols to pray. Just feeling about God is Enough!
If Idols were GOD Muslims would have destroyed us much earlier. We are still existent because we don't convert but we assimilate people in ourselves.
Forget what VHP, RSS, BJP says. They don't even know what they advocate.
Islam only contributed in downfall of India at hands of British and partition.
The only Muslims Indians have respect for is our beloved former president Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
12 Feb 08
Hinduism is older than Islam, Roman Catholic or Buddhism. Btw, Roman Catholic is not a religion. It is a branch of Christianity.

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
13 Feb 08
Well there was no Quran then, and no Mohammad either. And without Quran and Mohammad I don't think how there can be Islam of today. Islam is, to me, that institution which is established by Allah through Mohammad through Quran. Without Quran and Mohammad there is no Islam.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
12 Feb 08
My theory is that the Word Islam means :
" submission and obedience to the Willing of the God "
Adam "the Father of Humanity Submitted To The will of the god "
So, Adam is the First Muslim , Then, Islam is the First religion on the Earth.
what Do You Think ?
with regards

@Gordano (795)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Indeed Islam was The First Religion on the Earth , and The Key to understand it is From The Meaning of The Word Islam .
Islam is the complete submission and obedience to the Willing Of Allah (God).
Since Adam submitted to the willing Of Allah (God)Islam is The First Religion on the Earth .
[003:067] Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but he was (an) upright (man), a Muslim, and he was not one of the polytheists.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
12 Feb 08
Was there no religion before Ibrahim was born? If there was then that religion is older than Ibrahim's religion.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
12 Feb 08
Hello headhunter,
the purpose of the verse I have cited above is to prove and explain the meaning of the word Islam as it means submission and obedience to the Willing of the God , so, anyone submitted to the will of the god is considered a Muslim in the Holy Quran even If he Lived before the coming of the prophet Muhammad PBUH , because some people think that Islam means Only the followers of the prophet Muhammad PBUH .
here is another verse plus to the one I have cited above
[010:071] Relate to them the story of Noah. Behold! he said to his people: "O my people, if it be hard on your (mind) that I should stay (with you) and commemorate the signs of God,- yet I put my trust in God. Get ye then an agreement about your plan and among your partners, so your plan be on to you dark and dubious. Then pass your sentence on me, and give me no respite.
[010:072] "But if ye turn back, (consider): no reward have I asked of you: my reward is only due from God, and I have been commanded to be of those who submit to God's will (in Islam)."
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@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
2 Jul 08
I agree with you that the first religion on the earth was only Islam.Then the people ,who came after their prophets,changed name and teachings of this basic religion.Mostly they named their religions on the names of Prophets but Islam was never named on the names of any personality or place.So it is the first and the last religion in this world.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
12 Feb 08
There was no religion just being, energy, water, air, earth, spirt, fire, trees, and the energy that flows through it all. ha i sound like a hippy or something
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
14 Feb 08
yes it does and this is a good way to think and follow its what god if there is a god gave us to look at and to have in our minds to think for ourselves not to have some person saying this is how it should be which makes a religon.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
25 Jun 08
You are right! The only, and true, religion is the one that humble asking of God him|herself can give you!
@sweety_81 (2124)
• India
3 Sep 08
It is quite difficult to say . I think it would have been Zoroastrianism ; which originated in Iran . Zoroastrians are also called as "Parsis " in India .
Or it could be the earlier form of Vedic Hinduism or the Harappa Civilization Hinduism .