Do you often raise your voice?

September 30, 2007 3:05am CST
Last time, I always raise my voice if I'm dissatisfied with people especially old folks but after reading this story, it change my life forever. here is how the story goes : One day an old man around the age of 78 was sitting on his rocking chair with his 38 years old highly educated son. Suddenly, a crow landed on the window. His father ask the son "What is this son?" His son replied "This is a crow dad" A few minutes later, he asked his son again "What is this son?" His son replied "Dad, I just told you this not long ago, it is a crow" Again after a few minutes later his father asked his son "What is this son?" His son raises his voice a little and replied "It's a crow, a crow, a crow!" Not long after, his father asked his son, "What is this son?" This time, his son shouted at his father with a tone of annoyance and irritation "How many times I have to tell you it's a damn blardy CROW. Are you deaf or not able to understand? Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again although I have answered you?" The father walked slowly back to his room with his walking stick, took out his diary. He turn to a page, and show to his son. The following is the content on the page of the diary : "Today my little son that I love was sitting on the rocking chair with me. Suddenly a crow sits on the window. My son asked me 23 times what it was. I replied to him all 23 times that it was a crow. I wonder why I did not at all feel irritated but rather felt affection for my innocent boy. I love my son"
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11 responses
• India
30 Sep 07
Ask me how often dont i raise my voice,ofcourse i shout at each and everything i see around becuse i am the one of the short tempered guy you would ever see around,thats why i feel i shout a lot at my riends,but usually i dont take this habit out at strangers
• Malaysia
30 Sep 07
Well, you should learn to control your temper unless you are shouting at friend as a lighter moment :) Yeah, shouting at the wrong stranger could land us in either top or bottom :P
• India
30 Sep 07
yaa you are corect? even i am whole heartedly putting on efforts to control my anger hope i would be able to do it oneday and reduce my habit of barking at others
@weehihi (132)
• Philippines
1 Oct 07
this is a touching story..yeah sometimes i do that too not only to people i love but also to other people who kept on asking me the same question all over again! it's irritating...and i felt guilty afterwards..i just cant help it sometimes..i guess i just have to try a little bit harder next time..i have to be understanding and patient..thanks for sharing the story..^_^
• Malaysia
1 Oct 07
hehe yeah your welcome its not my story but a story i read when browsing tru internet as well :D hehe when i read it, it strikes deep into me as thou i was the son, and after that, i immediately called my parents and remind them i still love them :D
@tenchiwei (146)
• Philippines
30 Sep 07
It's hard to be mad at someone you consciously love...but sometimes age gets the better of us... My mom shouts a lot when she's irritated or if we can't do exactly what she wants. She's still learning how to use the computer and I get really irritated when she can't remember what i just said a minute ago... Reading this made me feel bad. I can't take back shouting at her, but I can sure try not to do that again. .
• Malaysia
1 Oct 07
hehe then your house must be very noisy, its good to keep the happiness flowing in the house since both ways are shouting instead of one :) hope the story i have heard inspired you somehow :D
@alfecris (181)
• Philippines
1 Oct 07
yeah i do whenever there is something that i wanna clarify or speak out.. or even reason out that i am really sure i am right... the time i raise my voice that does not mean i am angry at you but it is the way i expresses myself. so bare with me
• Malaysia
1 Oct 07
hehe wow, yeah sometimes talking loudly as a joke also could be misunderstood by people yeah not sometimes but most of the time, especially on phone
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
30 Sep 07
Nope, I don't normally raise my voice. My children are still babies. i don't want them to get use of me raising my voice. I want them to grow in a peaceful environment. Where people are talking maturely and compassionately with each other.
• Malaysia
1 Oct 07
Yeah, never want your children to shout at you ya? hehe my mum always shout at me during her period them i guess, a bad example how good if every mum is like you :P
@madups31 (70)
• United States
1 Oct 07
i rarely raise my voice. but the times i do raise it i do not mean to especially when i am around my girl friend. i try avoiding raising my voice bc i know it will lead to an aargument and arguments are something i can not stand. i hate to fight with people especially close and loved ones.
• Malaysia
1 Oct 07
hehe gentle beast :) yeah even before i knew this story i never yell at my ex before, maybe the pheromone in woman forbid me from yelling and turning me more feminine :P
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
30 Sep 07
yes i do admit that i also raise my voice once in a while when i get irritated... but not to the elders... i never dare to do that as i know that i have to respect elders... so no matter how irritated i am, i rather choose to keep quiet rather than shout... by the way, i think this post had been posted by somebody else couple of months ago... i can't remember who is it... but it is the same story... only the title and the question is different...
• Malaysia
30 Sep 07
Oh ya Im sorry to whoever who posted this before as I'm new here just wanted to share this story which i read somewhere :) hope you guys understand :D
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
30 Sep 07
I am a teacher and part of my jo9b is voice projection. However, I have found that even when i am not teaching i am casting my voice, even in everyday conversation. I guess its just part of my training blessed be
• Malaysia
30 Sep 07
LOL yeah i forget to state down sometimes i do prefer people to raise the voice :) especially lecturer. I hate it when they are like talking to themselves in class :) Well, are you talking loudly too even at close range?? :P
• China
30 Sep 07
I often raise my voice when i stay at company.when i feel irritated,angry,and order my uplines,i raise my voice.because,i must tell them what to do or how to do natty.i think mybe this is a good way sometimes.but,in my family,i few do as wife and my son often raise their voice to talk to me.good,if that can get them fell happy,i have no dissidence. I love my family. that my response.
• Malaysia
30 Sep 07
How lucky your children can be :P If i ever raise my voice at my parents or if I have a wife, I think I can never ever be able to type anymore :P
@yamskee (827)
• Philippines
30 Sep 07
im easily irritated with people who always ask the same thing. thats when the time i raise my voice. but there are times that i remain calm to show the person that im no longer interested with talking to him/her
• Malaysia
30 Sep 07
lol, yeah silence sometimes is golden, when i'm irritated by repetitive question, i tend to act busy :)
• China
30 Sep 07
The story is impressive.General,we aiways raise our voice when we are angry.But don't you know that is very bad to the others and yourself.It make people discomfortable and make yourself more irritated.So we should keep quiet.
• Malaysia
30 Sep 07
Thank you for your compliment. Yeah most of the time people would think that we are angry or an aggressive person if we raise our voice that is why i seldom raise my voice unless i am presenting my presentation which of course must raise my voice if not my marks will be deducted :P