Do you spend then save the extra or save then spend the extra?

Money - How to spend money wisely.
@smin2x (46)
September 30, 2007 11:50pm CST
How do you deal with the money you earn? In my life, I'm not very particular about savings, I am more focus in spending. When I receive my salary, I always think first of what to spend with it. First, pay the bills, then my personal necessities, then go to mall if I can pick something I like. If there is still extra, then good, I might think of another thing to buy. But now, I try to reverse my style of managing my finances. I think my style is not smart enough.
6 responses
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
1 Oct 07
Right now, we are spending and then saving the extra, but we aren't really spending money on anything other than bills and food. It's difficult to save first, because we don't have the money, and also because it can be hard to tell how much I will make in a month.
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
1 Oct 07
When I still had a job, I always calculated first how much I wanted to save MINIMUM per month. Other than that, I could use the money for anything. So I had always been more focused on saving my money because my dream is travelling around the world and it's expensive, so I made sure I saved as much money as possible.
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
1 Oct 07
I save then spend so that I can save a little bit of money before I go out and spend it all. If i don't save a little before making out my bills, I would never save any money and when trying to get out on my own I need to save a little here and there.
@claire03 (1443)
• United States
1 Oct 07
that's what usually happens, we try to spend first like paying our bills because we need to, cause if we can just save it all that would be great. saving really depends on how much money will be left but if it's just enough to pay bills and buy necessities then we don't have extra to save. this is different to those who have earn more money cause they know there would be an extra that they can save but usually we tend to spend the money first cause bills and necessities needs to be really paid :)
• United States
1 Oct 07
I try an save most of my extra money that i earn. I am saving for a car.
• United States
1 Oct 07
I used to do that too, you are right your style isn't smart unless you make sure you are spending what you earn or spending less then what you earn. I try to save the money when I get it then only use it when I need it. If I get money and I don't need it within the next month or so then I drop it in my high interest savings account until I do need it.