husband as head of the house

October 3, 2007 6:53am CST
in this mordern age,can we still see the husband as head of the family? more and more women are earnig more than their husband this days, will they be willing to accept the husband as head of the family, when they are finacially strong than the man
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15 responses
29 Nov 07
I am the head of my household and I have my wifes permission to say so.
• United States
26 Nov 07
well, in my home, its a 50/50 thing, cause now days it seems that women control more these days and men have to fight to stay ahead.
@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
17 Nov 07
Hello, my husband is the head of my house. and I am the housewife. however sometimes we may have our disagreements. far as always stating the fact of saying this is mines. instead of saying this is ours. and a few other minor things. but when it's all said and done. I know who wheres the pants.
• India
31 Oct 07
Statistics show that within the next few years most of the CEOs of major companies will be women.If we look at the trend at the global level women are increasingly coming to the mainstream of the society.There is already more than 5 women leaders ruling different nations,if I am correct.There are many families in which women have more income than men.But when it comes to a family I don't think women will strive to take the lead and rather leave it to their husbands.
• Pakistan
29 Oct 07
Yes, we can still see the husband as head of the family. Because husband is after all is a husband. He is symbol of power. He is a male, and male is superior and powerful. If a women is earning more than her husband. But she could never be called man of the home or husband of the wife. Have you seen a lion and lioness? Lioness earns food for her family by hunting in the jungle, but being female of the male lion could never be imagined as head of her family. Woman is a weak identity. Woman is a beauty and attraction for men. Have you seen free style wrestling? A woman could never fight with a man. She is woman after all and he is man after all. A woman can take the place of head of the family, the head feel himself weak and inferiority complex. This rule was applicable in past and also applicable in present and will be applicable in future.
• Kenya
31 Oct 07
This are tring times. A mans ego will realy be taken to task if he has to ask for money from the wife and she has total control. With LOVE and understanding i think they can work it out..... "head" is not very clear nowaday. they are many "heads" of big business who are women but head of the family is the man. from the days of the old testament.... i wonder if it will last lol
@anup12 (4177)
• India
5 Oct 07
Yes husbands will always be the head of the family and he will be there.Times will come and go but this will not change.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
3 Oct 07
I dont think money should determine head of the household issues. The man is to be head of the household because he is the protector,provider,and leader of the house. He is to treat his family firmly and fairly,just as God treats him.
@TravisE (440)
• United States
9 Oct 07
The phenomenon of "head of the household" only appears when a leadership role is needed for household planning and activities, and when the role is agreed to by all parties. Otherwise it's just a case of whining. Financial contribution only matters in the paperwork required by governmental agencies and the one most often sited as requiring the distinction in the United States is, in fact not a government agency and is an illegal enterprise milking the bank accounts of the middle class to puff up the accounts of the rich elite.
@sajidnsr (43)
• Pakistan
6 Oct 07
Husband should be head of the family. He has been given a natural supermacy in every aspect over the woman. A woman can help in by doing job but the head should be man. A man should also be responsible enough to take his responsibilties if not then a woman is better head...
@nesher (237)
• United States
5 Oct 07
There are no golden rules for happy families. You are right that traditional family structure does not work any more. Woman has to carry even more responsibilities in the family that a man does. In addition to full-time job, she is more involved in the internal family life: cleaning, cooking, kids, etc. However, it does not automatically makes her a head of household. Reasons: traditions, economical and professional status (still there is inequity in pay and management involvement in spite all affirmative actions and equal opportunities), religion, else. Looking from psychologicla point of view, there are different family relationship models available: man might play a role of "father" or "son" in the family, and women, correspondently - "mother" or "daughter". Two dominant figures rarely compose the harmony, therefore, the one , who is dominant will accept the responsibilties of the "Head of household", does not matter is it a man or a woman. In conclusion, there is an old Russian joke: The man says: "I am Head of household, since I decide in all important cases, and my wife - every small staff". "What you mean by important case?" "I don't know. They did not happen yet".
• India
15 Oct 07
The concept of Head of the house is only relevent when someone is required to take charge oif things. In todays world I do not believe there can be a single head for the house hold and the duties are shared between the husband and wife. In my own family decisions are taken together and even our children are involved and their openions considered. The decision is nota a majority one but a unilateral one after discussions. Hence I believe the head is one who makes sure a family remains a family and decides together. This may be the husband or wife. Money has no importance at all since ultimately the money is for the entire family, regardless of who may be earning it.
• Philippines
21 Oct 07
• Singapore
25 Oct 07
Is the concept of "husband as the head of the family" still valid in this mordern age? This question addresses the issue about who is in charged and not about role play. In a family, authority is something mutual. It must be earned not demanded. Each member of a family has his or her own rights and authority. When this is respected, lesser conflict takes place in the family. It is not about what is one's earning power or ability that determines who has greater authority. It about how we should play our role in the family that makes the family well-gelled and oiled to become a healthy family. In a family, one shouldn't be going after who has greater authority, instead it should be how he or she can best function in the family with all the talent, ability and earning power to build a beautiful, self-supporting family.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
3 Oct 07
well biblically this is true, but i think these days it should be an equal partnership...its a 50/50 thing. at least that is what it is at my house.