By LoganzMom
@LoganzMom (618)
United States
October 4, 2007 5:21pm CST
recenly i became aware of the fact that my in laws are now practicing witchcraft. wicca is not something i am ok with. i am afraid of it and i dont like my son being around any of it. in my opinion it is devil worshipping and is something from the dark side one should not mess with. im not a big bible thumper but im not about doing things the other way either. i cant stop him from seeing them because they are his family but i have no control over what goes on when im not there and i refuse to go. i struggle with this because my husband is ok with it and he doesnt believe it is real. we have argued about it more than once, he says its a hobby! i couldnt disagree more! i really dont know what im suppose to do. any suggestions? anyone know something i dont? do you believe in witchcraft and ouija boards and things of that nature?
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10 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
4 Oct 07
Wicca is neither a hobby nor devil worship. It is a religion in its own right. The deities worshiped in Wicca have no relation to the Christian devil, and in fact Wiccans don't believe in the devil in any way.
The main part of Wicca that might make you feel better is the Wiccan Rede, which reads "An it harm none, do what ye will." (This is the most common version, there are a few with slightly different wording, but the same meaning.) What this means is that Wiccans are never to cause harm to anyone. So whatever you might think about Wicca being "evil" or "dark" it's actually a religion of peace. The other main focus of Wicca is really respect for nature, also not something I could see as being "evil" in any way.
Unless you hate everyone who follows any Gods other than your own, you have no real reason to be so against Wicca, other than misinformation.
(Note: I'm not Wiccan myself, but my religion is also a "Pagan" religion, and I've learned a lot about Wicca through the years via my involvement with the Pagan community in general, as well as my own reading and study.)
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I agree TD as usual lecanis you said it beautifully! :-D
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@rosie_123 (6113)
5 Oct 07
Well all the Wiccans and Pagans I have ever known would never harm a fly. They are gentle and responsible people. They all love animals and Nature and the environment, and would never harm anything or anyone - let alone a child. Your son could be in no danger in their company. And the fact they are your in-laws and therefore his Grandparents and close blood relatives,should surely reassure you too. There is no corollation between Devil worship and satanism and Wicca as Lecanis pointed out so well earlier on. To think otherwise is pure ignorance. I'm sure if your husband is happy with the situation you should not worry - your son is his son too, and surely would never do anything to put him into any danger.
@LoganzMom (618)
• United States
6 Oct 07
well as i stated before i thought this was an interesting topic as it has proven to be, with lots of views. i feel better about the situation reading more and getting other views which was my intention for this discussion in the first place. well i didnt think of it that way but im sure he wouldnt let him be harmed. they are family and he isnt even 2 years old yet i would hope not lol. i just dont want him taught those things or around them when they do whatever it is with those things they posess. the unfair thing is of course tj is fine with it they are HIS parents. if my family did some "weird" act im sure it wouldnt be ok. but anyway thanks for the input...
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
5 Oct 07
Well I don’t know about wicca and its beliefs but one thing that surprised me is your refusal to go with your son. You are the mother and if you genuinely believe that you son is in some kind of danger, you should accompany him at whatever risk or displeasure it might be to you. This is a small sacrifice you can make for his safety. Otherwise, I don’t think being grandparents, they would actually harm the boy in any way other than initiating him to their beliefs and practices. If this is what you want to prevent, then either you have to stop him from visiting them (which would leave everyone in the family with a bad feeling) or else you have to accompany him and guide him to take in only that which you believe is right for his religious beliefs.
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@LoganzMom (618)
• United States
6 Oct 07
well as i just stated above im not aloud into their house anymore. all things have to be a big deal and dramatic if its from them. but i do refuse to have a part of them. the only thing tj and i fight over is them and we have made an agreement for me to stay away and we dont speak of them in our house anymore. if you only knew the things they have done to spite me. im a good mother and i do protect my son, he never goes over there alone, but my presence is a lost cause...
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
5 Oct 07
Hello loganzmom,I am Wiccan and can tell you that we do not believe in the devil nor nor most of the beliefs of "organized religions".
Ours is a religion based on nature,Our Gods and Goddesses are the wind,trees,water,air,and other dieaties.
We do not practise nor force our religious beliefs on any that do not ask us to explain it to them.
We believe everyone has the right to thier own religion and respect that belief.
I dought very much if they are trying to teach your son the religion unless he ask them about it.
Please remember,in the far distant past,anyone that did not believe in the Catholic religion was branded a heritic and burn or hung for that,and wiccan and witchcraft was just a couple of those,and the tales always said they were bad because they did not conform to the religion of the day.
now that most people are a bit more open minded and wish to get along with others,we have been able to come out of hiding as it were,Please don't harm what you don't understand.
thank you.

@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
6 Oct 07
Hi logansmom,Wiccan is the early training stage for to become a full witch,and this can take years,I am a fairly new wiccan so have a lot to learn.
As for your inlaws saying they will put a hex on you,they are not pagan,wiccan or witch. by the sounds of it,they could be practising devilworship,and this has nothing to do with us.
If this is the case,I would stop your son from visiting,as they do practise the black arts and can be dangerous.
I know many people think of them and us as cults,and in some cases,this may be,as a wiccan I will not try to say they are bunk,as I know,mine is not,so the opposit is possible.
As for curses and hexes,You must be very open to the religion for it to take effect,I know by our creed,we cannot and will not put a harmfull ritual on anyone.
Please feel free to ask any questions and look up wicca on the net.
Blessed Be.
@LoganzMom (618)
• United States
6 Oct 07
sure thing im not judging you. thanks for the input...is wiccan and witchcraft the same thing? you are right i was fearful of the unknown but they said they would put a hex on me...

@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
5 Oct 07
My knowledge of Wicca is somewhat limited and possibly outdated. I did a term paper on witchcraft in high school - over 25 years ago. You really need to take the advice of many of the posters here and basically do some homework before you start judging the intentions of your in-laws. I don't mean search the internet and check out a few people's blogs, but go to the library and get some real documentation on the subject. Only then will you be able to make an informed decision. You should also ask your in-laws what THEY think wicca is about, maybe you can even shed some light on them after your research.
Best of luck to you!
oh - and I totally agree with the person that said you should not send your son without you if you feel he is in any kind of danger (physically, emotionally, or spiritually) - that's just plain bad.

@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I'm sorry if I misunderstood your comment "I refuse to go" to mean that you were voluntarily not going where you had already said you thought your child was in danger. I didn't realize that you were banned from being there. I did not mean to judge your ability as a mother - you are obviously concerned if you are seeking some sort of advice. I just thought you had a choice about making sure you son was being cared for in a place you were not comfortable with.
And since you have judged their religion with probably little reliable research, I again suggest that you do your homework and find out what is going on. If you cannot talk to them directly (and I am sure you would have a hard time giving their statements any merit - that's human nature) go to your local library and read up on whatever you can find. It shouldn't take longer than one afternoon.
Best of luck to you!
@LoganzMom (618)
• United States
6 Oct 07
ok well evryone has an opinion,thanks for the input. however, we arent suppose to be judging ones religion you shouldnt judge my character as a mother either without knowledge of the entire situation. they dont want me there do i break down the door?

@woodlin (158)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Ok, look.. For starters these people if they are truly Wiccan could not possibly believe in Satan nor worship one. Why? Because WE DO NOT BELIEVE IN ONE! You can not worship something for which you do not believe.
Now, on a calmer side. It sounds to me that if you have supposedly read up on it, and have found that it is in fact not devil worship then you are using it as bitterness. You do not like them because they do not like you and now you want revenge by making them look like they are evil. In turn trying to HARM your son by keeping him from his family by making false accusations.
You know what? I don't care for my in-laws either. My husbands father is a racist, sexist and womanizing pig. For these reasons I should definitely not want my children near him. But because I love my husband and more than anything love my children I will not use my own selfishness to restrict access.
They are not asking you to believe in what they believe. I GUARANTEE they are not forcing your son to believe either because we Wiccans do not believe in forcing our beliefs on others. So if you do not want to like them, fine but stop using this as an excuse to take away your sons rights to know about it.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
18 Oct 07
They may be witches but can not be wiccans. Wiccans don't generally hex people as that goes against their rede.
As to worrying about mean bad nasty occultist devil worshippers hexing you. Don't worry about it. If you're even a vaugely faithful Christian, your belief int he power of god to keep you safe from the forces of evil and such will readily diminish any ill will they send your way.
Worrying about their 'ability to hex you' only gives them more power to screw with your head.
Ah and one other thing. I'm not a satanist. However, I will not let them be defamed either. Satanists don't worship or believe in the existence of satan.
They don't worship devils and demons.
Satanists worship nothing but themselves. They are their own god and nothing else matters but what they want.
To worship satan or anything BUT themselves would go against the very founding tenets of satanism.
Anyone who decides to defame any relgion no matter what it's name is, should do a little book work and go ask a few real members of that faith, before doing so.
@silvernutbar (904)
• United States
18 Oct 07
my apologies to woodlin above. I hit the add comment instead of the response button.
as to woodlin's posting. I agree with many of the points they made.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
18 Oct 07
Thanks.. :) I kinda figured it was an honest mistake.
Very well said by the way. To many people fear those who do not believe in their "god" and it is sad. Their book says "thou shalt no judge" yet they judge all the time but we are the ones going to hell. Humm.
I know someone who "was" a satanist so I know that what you stated was true. I did not agree with them and I was scared at first. Then I as I always do, asked questions. I learned that I was being judgmental upon them and apologized because I am a big enough person do admit when I am wrong. But you are correct they only worship themselves and no god or devil but they as us are always put in "that" category.
Have a good one!
@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Oct 07
You have nothing to fear, as the other posters have said, wicca is not evil or devil worshipping, it is a respect and love for the Earth. Perhaps I could suggest you talk to your in-laws and maybe even learn a little more about it.
@LoganzMom (618)
• United States
6 Oct 07
we dont speak. i will read up on it tho. thanks for your input...
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
5 Oct 07
I'm so sorry to hear that logan!
The best advice I can give you is to pray about it. Ask God to help you deal with it and ask Him to show them that it is not right. They need Him.
Be kind to them and show them love, but I would try and keep your son from being exposed to it.
God bless!
@LoganzMom (618)
• United States
6 Oct 07
thanks guys, but loving them would be hardest thing i have ever done next to quitting smoking. i will try...
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@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
15 Oct 07
How can you be afraid of a religion that is based on worshipping nature?!?!?! Wicca is not devil worshipping. You say that you know people who practice it and they have sacrificed animals and children?!? Did you tell the authoriities? These people shouldnt be on the street. Isnt it your Christian duty to help keep the world a safe place? Wiccans do not sacrifice anything!! Just because a few idiots claim that they do things like worship the devil and sacrifice, doesnt mean they are true wiccan! I know PLENTY of christians who go against what is in the bible bible everyday! What about priests who molest children and churchgoers who drink like fish and cheat on their spouses....there are bad apples in every group in society, so if you claim to be christian, remember that there have been mass murderes who have claimed to be christian too! There is nothing wrong with worshipping nature, but me, I have a problem with worshipping a god that I have never seen...at least I can see the earth and praise it, and help to save it...
@DSchwarten (132)
• United States
13 Oct 07
I think that you need to do a little research on Wicca.
A lot of people mistake it for being devil worshipping but its not !
Wicca is an earth based religion and in the wiccan rede it state Do what ye will, but let it harm none.
Please do a little research on it. Because its not evil. When I first heard of it I thought the same thing and was a little scared but then I researched it and I was drawn to it. I don't cast spells or anything like that but I like the idea that I can have a religion and not be controlled by a church anything like that, We don't judge any other religion we accept everyone for who they are and its hard to go to our friends and families and tell them that we have a different religion because they react the same way you are and a lot of times they won't take the time to listen and understand
please don't shun your family because they believe something different they aren't pushing it on you
ask them what it is and have them explain it to you
even let them know your fears and talk about it I promise you that once you know more about it
it won't be as scary
and Blessed Be