Is anyone voting for Hilary other than me?
By seahorse4445
@seahorse4445 (639)
United States
20 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
31 Oct 07
After her "performance" at the Democrat Debates last night, I'm surprised ANYONE pays attention to her anymore.
Again Hillary, what is your position on drivers' licenses for illegal aliens? LOL
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
1 Nov 07
Hillary was asked about her position on drivers' licenses for illegal aliens. Her answer left everyone wondering what she was talking about. She now says she was "attacked" at the debates.
Apparently, to Hillary a direct question on an issue is an "attack.
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Excuse me for sounding callous but what does an illegal alien need a drivers license for in the first place they shouldn't be in our country if they're not legal much less be issued a drivers license.
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@simple2007 (133)
• India
16 Nov 07
I would have definitly voted for Hillary if I had a vote,
because here i am in India,It is time USA should have
had a Women as President,we in India had women Prime Minister Ms.Indira Gandhi and now we have women President
Ms.Prathiba Patil,time to catch with India for folks in USA.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Hello Seahorse4445,
I am a woman. But, I would be a sexist if I was going to support Hillary for President on her gender alone. I'm a huge opponent of discrimination, in any form. So, I cannot rally around Hillary just because she is a 'sister'.
What are her qualifications? My husband is a commercial construction Superintendant. Do you think that I'm qualified to run multi-million dollar commercial construction job-sites just because I've been married to him for a long time, and have learned alot from him?
Hillary has never run a business, she has no Senatorial accomplishments of her own, and for the past 25 years, everywhere she and Bill have gone, controversy has followed -- scandal after scandal, after scandal. And, I don't know about you, but I'm really tired of scandals in the White House.
I also believe that the US population is ready to have a woman for President -- if she's the best qualified candidate.
I'm ok with waiting for the next Presidential election, when hopefully a woman of integrity, and significant self-accomplishment will run.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Nov 07
Oh and incidentally, I did not give any other respondent to this question a negative rating. I welcome the celebration of different perspectives. That's how we learn.
I hope I don't get whammy'd for providing a different perspective here. Thanks!
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
14 Nov 07
As you said everyone is entitled to their opinions and I will give you no black mark for yours. But I tell you what girl, women have been bowing down to men for too long. Hilary also has been in politics most of her life and I don't believe Bill would have ever made it into the presidency without Hilary. She has had political aspirations all of her life before she even met Bill. Have you read the biography of Hilary? Yes she is qualified and I support her. And yes a lot of the reason is because shes a woman the good ole boy club has been running this country long enough, it's time for the good ole girls to get a try at it.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
15 Nov 07
Thank you Seahorse!
Although I understand where you're coming from, I must share that I bow down to no man! Nor has any man ever demonstrated an expectation for me to do so. The reason for this is that I treat all with the respect that I myself expect. I am very involved with local and state-wide politics, in a position of respect and some degree of power. And, I can attest to the fact that there is no war between the genders in the political arena. The war is in the arena of ideas, and intentions.
I would never dream of dissuading you from your choice of candidates. I would however caution you that your statement:
" And yes a lot of the reason is because shes a woman..."
... represents the very sexist ideals that you espouse to contest.
How would you react if you heard a man proclaim that he would only vote for a male candidate? Wouldn't you call him a sexist pig?
I would hope that 'us gals' would rise above the temptation to fall into that sexist trap.
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@saigonwarrior (1331)
• United States
1 Nov 07
After the recent attack on her at the debates.
I hope that women will unite and vote for her.
I was leaning towards her anyhow, considering the state
of our country from years of being in control of men.
It is time for a change.
But, this recent attack? What did the males do, all get together and decide to gang up on her?
It disgusted and angered me to see men act in this way, candidate or not. What was even worse is they are in the same political party. It almost seems like it was organized. What ARE they afraid of? hm?
Well, yes, now I will definitely vote for her, and I hope the aggressive display of attacks against her backfires. The attitude of the males in this debate should send a clear message to all women.
@saigonwarrior (1331)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Absolutely, it is a pet peeve of mine too. I would hope that more women would open their eyes to this recent display of the sexist male in Washington D.C. and unite to try and combat it.
Men have had the political power to run this country for far too long. You would think that most people would want a change considering the current state of our country.
Men have had their turn, let us have ours.
On another note. It seems that some that are against certain politicians just mimic what they hear in the media made by other politicians. If you think one candidate is "flip flopping". Do your research and don't just mimic. I bet most have changed their minds on one issue or another. I mean if they are human and can think for themselves, they may have.
I change my mind about instances, doesn't everyone?
Guess what? the world did not end, and I am still here. I would think if you NEVER change your mind on an issue, then you would be pretty narrow minded.
That is just MY opinion :)
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
15 Nov 07
To both of you... look up.
Not only that, the country is more in control of power groups, lobby groups, and whoever can buy the most politicians. Happens with both pseudo parties.
As for trying to reduce it to "sexism" terms, I'm angry that everyone's being lumped into that. Did it ever occur to anyone that people notice things and have genuine questions/concerns about a politician despite race, age, gender, affiliation? I always question what politicans and government is doing, especially after looking at how much "FAIL" the government has been the past few decades.
"I know I'm tired of being disrespected just because I don't have something hanging between my legs."-[/quote]
Just as I'm tired of being disrespected because I have some extra part. Its me along with plenty of other guys and I've got some horror stories thanks to how warped things are (unfair divorce, false abuse claims, assumed/automatic guilt whether they did something wrong or not). I know there are plenty more that I don't know about and others that go unreported. And before anyone tries it I'm well aware some women get abused and treated poorly too. I'm just trying to bring to attention, that its happening on both ends of the spectrum. Society and plenty of empty headed politicians don't acknowledge the argument though (hmph, some even profit from the devolving status quo). I don't know. I'm running out of steam. I'm starting to feel its pointless to even argue or point out a different perspective. Doesn't seem like anyone cares or worst yet only I could be subject to a driveby, someone just taking one or two things I say and warping the entire thing into something completely different. I'm also exhausted too, I'm out.
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I agree with you about giving people the chance to change their minds about and issue. If we need a robot running the country we'd be voting for them and not people.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
15 Nov 07
Though I'd ask for some citation on your second sentence and your third, I'll refrain...for now.
Here goes a bit on Ma Hillary and some of her supporters -(hey this one addresses your second and third sentence in one way) -(debate debacle) -(I like planting...but political questions for a campaign? Nope.) -(more on item 3)
As for voting for her, that's not happening. I mean NOW/COW has bought most of the government along with moveon and other amporhous self-interested bodies (Hillary is included in the purchased empty flapping heads along with plenty of other brain-drains on Capitol Shill). Plenty of the things I pointed out in my response to a response are still going to happen or get worse. You'll still have guys being guilty until proven guilty thanks to the terrible elements of the crooked judges, lawyers, other bureaucrats, societal mindsets, bogus laws, even some garroting women. I know people who have been burned horribly by it, yours truly also has some nice backstab scars to take home too.
I'll end with this. You want to vote for her, thats fine. I won't though. Personally I think none of the opportunists, I meant "candidates" should be presidents. They've all got some major flaws and I don't really agree with any of them.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
15 Nov 07
Hello Progamer,
You'll get no flame attack from me. You're entitled to your observations, and opinions, just as the rest of us are.
I believe this forum is predominently women. Yet, from many of the discussions I've seen, many of us 'galfolk' have seen the inequities males can face in today's world. Even a few decades ago, one would never have seen the large-scale abuse of authority as witnessed today as: female teachers molesting their students-- male & female. For me personally, there is no greater breach of trust than that. Without doubt, we as a whole society should be exploring what sociological shifts are responsible for such a dramatic change. Clearly, this trend is not acceptable.
I've seen many MyLot discussions about ex-wives, and wholesale demonstrations of behaviors that fall under the classification of "Malicious Mom Syndrome". Which incidentally, is a legitimate psychological phenomenon being argued in Family Court Houses across the country.
So, although I would argue that your point is not without merit, I believe it is ultimately more helpful to recognize that abusers come in all shapes, sizes, and genders. Comparatively speaking, neither is worse than the other. In fact, all abusers ... suck!
All the more reason to educate the 'victim mentality' out of our citizens, especially our children. If we teach all of our citizens to be strong AND honorable, then abusers will increasingly find it more difficult to seek out those who don't have the confidence and abilities to stand firm, and resolute when confronting a bully -- whether that bully is on the school yard, or in the marriage.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
15 Nov 07
There's a mylot discussion on if people will vote for her. You aren't alone Seahorse.
Meanwhile, there's plenty of times I feel alone, especially in political or male cases.
Excuse me while I raise my anti-flamming shield.
Later and have a good night.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Nov 07
Luna, that post was Legendary! It needs bright gold text and bold.
If only we could have such a command on mylot.
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@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
15 Nov 07
I agree Hillary has some good concerns. But when a question is asked of her that is not one of her main topics she seems to talk in circles and not get a straight answer. I've also noticed she has many ideas but yet has not really detailed how she would achieve many of them. It seems to me that shes mostly running off of the children's healthcare and how she is against the war. As these are important issues many of her promises cannot be achieved finacially. I see many empty promises. I will not be voting for hillary. Its time for an end to the bush - clinton era.
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
14 Nov 07
Thank you, as I said in a previous post I don't care what her views are on whether an illegal alien has a drivers license I care that she supports the rights of women and children.
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@hmbw_24 (404)
• United States
16 Nov 07
yes, i am definately down for our girl hilary! its about time for a woman president, not only that i think that she is very smart, capable, and qualified. her experience as senator,not to mention all she learned while she was in the white house with bill and he was an excellent president!! GO HILARY!
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@asawako48162 (3321)
• United States
16 Nov 07
Yes, I have many reasons for voting for Hilary. She has the experience and I think she will be an asset to our country.
I did not vote for President Bush but I think he did a good job but its time for a new administration and a change in Washington.
@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Like I said in an earlier post it's time for a change it's time women receive the respect they deserve and not be taken for granted. I also didn't vote for Bush because I'm tired of war.
@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
14 Oct 07
I hope she wins it's time for a woman and she did a good job last time she was president.
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@Cocoa33 (921)
• United States
31 Oct 07
hi. i am going to vote for her. She has the knowledge of the needs of the public. She seems to care about what is going on. She knows what it takes to be in the white based on her experience in the white years ago. I think it would be cool for the first time in history to have a woman serve as president of the united states.
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@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Yes, I think along with her being the best (man) for the job it will lend more credibility as a whole to women. I mean don't you get tired of being patronized and have your opinions disregarded because you lack a protruding body part? I think women American women in general would benefit from a woman being in office.
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@rookiekan (882)
• China
1 Nov 07
i will vote for Hilary although i am not american people.she have great charm when i first saw her in i think the charming woman will help USA and prevent the USA away from dangerous
in the other side,Bush did really poor work,he is not a good president for american people
so i vote for her~~~
@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I understand what you are saying I know she has our best interests at heat and I will applaud the day when she makes it into the presidency.
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@annaclaudia (30)
• Italy
31 Oct 07
unfortunately i can not vote her i live in italy.
but i think she is very good and has values
@seahorse4445 (639)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Thank you for your input and opinion.
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@annaclaudia (30)
• Italy
1 Nov 07
I hope she will be the future president of U.S.A.
bye Annaclaudia
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I'm a party voter and not a democrat- so that counts her out! If I was a democrat- I wouldn't be voting in this election for any democratic candidate! Don't like any of them. As far as voting for a woman for president- if she was smart, had good stances on her issues, and can answer a question with a straight answer then she would get my vote- Hilary is not this! I don't really think that being married to a president really boosts her experience and should even count and a term as a Senator doesn't really qualify her to run the US in my opinion. I'm not male either- I'm female and while this may sound bad- I don't think leaders of other countries especially the middle east would have much respect for a female president and the US may turn into a bigger joke than it already is in their eyes.
Regardless, this country needs a strong leader who this time may actually do something? We'll have to wait and see-
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
9 Jan 08
I'm voting for her and if what happened yesterday (4 months after your posting) is an indicator, a lot of other women are voting for Her. I've felt all along that women will determine this election. If they stay with her, she gets in no matter what the polls say. If we abandon her on the way to the White House, we probably wouldn't see a female president in our lifetime. Yeah, I'm definitely voting for her. Thank you, ladies of New Hampshire!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Dec 07
I'm still in the undecided column myself for the primary but I have a feeling once Pennsylvania has its primary the nominee will already have been chosen. My main problem with Hillary has been that hasn't been as vocal on ending the war in Iraq as some of the other Democratic candidates and I was bothered by her voting for the resolution about Iran. It was the first step toward authorizing the use of force and we've been down that road before with Iraq! The whole driver's licenses for illegal immigrants was much ado about nothing - or very little anyway! She didn't say she was in favor of it, just that she understood Governor Spitzer's reasoning. She later came out totally against the idea. I'm not among those who think nobody should ever change their mind about anything. I think it's better to have an open mind about things than to stubbornly refuse to look at both sides of an issue. Anyway, if Hillary is the Democratic nominee I'll almost certainly be voting for her next November.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
30 Dec 07
now THAT would really be something - if you end up being the only one voting for her. Perhaps she won't make it through the primaries and we wont have to worry about it.... though you are right that her popularity probably effected her husband's I would imagine that he will vote for her himself.
@JaLuvYa (175)
• United States
18 Nov 07
First, let me say, as of right now Hillary has my vote. A MyLotter on another topic has convinced me to take a closer look at Duncan Hunter.
Unfortunately with American politics we are forced to vote for what we consider is the lesser of the two evils. Most people that are against Hillary are against her because she is a GREAT POLITICIAN. There is not one succeesful politician that has not played poilitical games to get the political office that they desired. Hillary draws so many attacks because and only because she is beating all the "good ol boys" at their own game.
I'm a New Yorker and a Democrat so of course I'm a little biased... but ONE of the biggest reasons that she gets MY vote right now is because she is good enough to beat Guiliani in the main election. THAT MAN SCARES ME and he looks like he is going to get the Republican bid. As a New York resident that prospect mortifies me.
She's not perfect but there is not one candidate that is more perfect than her ;)
PS- ParaTed2k- do you know where she stands on licenses for illegal immigrants now? She put pressure on Spitzer to drop it. And if everyone would play back the debate where she fumbled it- what she said is that's not what she would do but she understands why he was doing it. That to me is a honest answer. She didn't just make up an answer- she said I don't know without saying- I don't know.
But I believe she's upped her learning curve from that debate and creamed the whole lot of them at the last debate-lol.
@RowenaTheWitch (947)
• Italy
26 Dec 07
I live in Italy and I can't vote, but I hope she wins.
I agree with you: women should stick together!