I'm tired of these games too!

@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 5, 2007 9:26pm CST
President Bush said the U.S. don't torture, but I guess that depends what your definition of "torture" is. "The American people expect their government to take action to protect them from further attack," Bush said. "And that's exactly what this government is doing. And that's exactly what we'll continue to do." A new memo, which the administration refuses to release, shows "that" includes the use of painful methods, such as head slaps, freezing temperatures and simulated drownings known as waterboarding, in combination. Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller, D-WVa., said in a statement Friday he is "tired of these games." "They can't say that Congress has been fully briefed while refusing to turn over key documents used to justify the legality of the program," Rockefeller said. House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers and Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., promised a congressional inquiry. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of these games from this Administration too! It's been well-documented that these torture techniquest do not work! All this serves to do is to put our own troops in even more danger than they are already. So, what do you think? Are you tired of these games too? Annie
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11 responses
@4ftfingers (1310)
6 Oct 07
It also depends what you define as the US. The CIA (and British Intelligence) have a long history of terrorism with their sponsorship of regime change in the many countries it has influenced. It's probably the biggest 'legal' terrorist organisation in the world. In recent years it was apparently completely acceptable for the US to overthrow governments for their own political and monetry gain. Now suddenly terrorism is completely unnacceptable and we must go to war against anyone practicing it. Saddam did kill many of his opposers, but we in Britian and the US keep quite about all the devistation we have caused when we came up against governments and their militaries who we didn't want to rule their own countries.
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• United States
11 Oct 07
Bravo, 4ftfingers!
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
11 Oct 07
Anniepa, we are dealing with beings for leaders who do not consider my life or yours of any importance. Firstly, I am deeply sadden by the fact that the US government has and continues to sacrifice the lives of people in an unnecessary war based on lies upon lies, and all just for economic profit, arms race, intelligence and world domination! And as already mentioned by 4ftfingers, "the CIA (and British Intelligence) have a long history of terrorism with their sponsorship of regime change in the many countries it has influenced. It's probably the biggest 'legal' terrorist organisation in the world." The US and British governments are the most terroristic and most dangerous groups to all humans in our world. These shamemless, piracy/plundering jingoes will do anything to attain their goal of plundering and world domination!
• United States
6 Oct 07
That is a load and you know it, they do torture, they will not admit it, but they do. Come on, you want to get information out of someone, what do you think people are willing to do? They will do whatever, and I mean, whatever it takes to get that information.
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• United States
15 Oct 07
Even though it does not always work, they will still do it just for the heck of it. You will not believe how sinister some people can be. I am not justifying torture, or people doing it, I am just saying that there are people out there who do it. Again, I am not saying that torture is right, or just, in any way, I am just saying that people do it.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
I know that, hun. I'm just saying, there's no reason that AMERICANS should be doing it. I've seen how sick people can be. I know that can be even worse. But just because that's how it is, doesn't mean that this country should embrace it. Whatever happened to our rebellion from the unecessary cruelties and injustices from the rest of the world? Our defiance to the idea that we would ever bend and become like everyone else? That's all I'm wondering. I want to know what happened to this country.
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• United States
15 Oct 07
Problem is...there are wrong and right ways to do it. And torture? Torture won't work on the guys they're after...because they're trained to be able to withstand it. They're willing to DIE for their cuases...a little pain won't bother them enough to get them to talk. And on the innocents? Which more often than not they have? They don't know anything TO tell.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Hell, yes. I hate the fact that YES we do torture. Former President Jimmy Carter said we torture, and even before he said that I knew they did. The memos from inside the adminstration even admit they torture. "Torture, torture, in everything but the name." It's bullsh*t...forgive my language. But it is. The people who're being endangered most...are us, american people..'cause technically, someday that could be us in those very same secret prisons. Not to mention...none of the people being tortured? Have even been charged with a crime. Not a single one.
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• United States
18 Oct 07
Ezactlee. They say that because they're a U.S. citizen that they'll never be detained, because they've never done anything wrong. Because we have habeas corpus1 The right to a fair trial. When actually...no. Habeas Corpus is now 'optional', 'cause they can declare any american they want an enemy combatant..and since enemy combatants don't have any rights, no habeas corpus...you can't prove that you're a good guy, or anything, and thus have that very right. And it's happened at least twice. It's...it's crazy to hear all the people justifying torture because "it'll never happen to them". And it could.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I HATE that fact too! You're exactly right, it is us who are being endangered the most. I just love it when someone who is defending these practices seems so sure they will never be in that type of positon but it does happen and with an administration like the one we have now it's even more likely to happen! They can eavesdrop on the private phone conversationsof someone whose political views they don't like and claim they have "cause" to detain them and there won't be anything anyone can do to stop them. That's just wrong, it's horribly immoral for people who love to brag about their morals and values! Annie
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I am not overly concerned with whatever methods they use to extract information from the enemy, anniepa, since it is a well-known fact that when our soldiers are captured they are routinely treated inhumanely. I am not a fan of war-in fact I hate it, but I do believe that desperate times call for desperate measures. I would not expect our government to treat these criminals in a humane manner when they do not show us the same courtesy. I guess the saying, "All's fair in love and war," would apply in this instance.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I guess the reason I am concerned with it is that it's a violation of the Geneva Conventions and it's been proven to gather false information more often than not. Aren't we supposed to be the world's only "Super Power"? In that case I think we should take the high road in this. Just because they do it doesn't make it right for us to do it, especially when it's not effective. Plus, there have been some that have been detained just on the slight chance they may have some pertinent information. You're not concerned with the methods they use, but are you concerned with the continual cover-ups by this Administration? That's the main thing here, they tell lie upon lie and don't seem to think anyone should be able to do anything about it. Annie
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Oct 07
People violate things all the time, anniepa, and that is not a very big concern to me because I know there is nothing I can do about it. In a perfect world I would not have to be concerned about torture and all the ugly things that are happening all around me. I could devote myself to worrying about IMPORTANT things like the state of my health, family problems, am I going to be able to eat tomorrow. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world and I am just sick and tired of having to worry about our sneaky government who are not guiltless in all of this mayhem.
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• United States
15 Oct 07
Here's the thing, Worldwise. All the things they've done, so that they can do this and get away with it? Getting rid of habeas corpus, posse comitatus, and dozens of other little technicalities..that means it's not gonna STAY at those usually innocent people they nab in other countries. In fact, there's been a few documented cases of innocent american civilians being tortured and even killed in said secret prisons. Nothing you can do? There's ALWAYS something you can do. Sure, many of the options we face today are extremes. But you can sign petitions you could request your states officials to bring an issue to congress to hold this adminstration accountable for its crimes. Hell, I know one individual won't do alot...but you'd be surprised how many people have been going to their officials. The longer everyone bugs them, the sooner they'll actually do something...and if they don't? Well it'll get worse everyone before it gets better, and I highly DOUBT anyone in the government will fix things for us. You don't have to do anything, Worldwise. But you could so something if you wanted to.
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• United States
6 Oct 07
I don't know whether they work. Likely they might for some. But these techniques are disallowed by law enforcement because they often will elicit false confessions or misinformation. But surely there's a moral issue? That our enemies use similar or worse techniques seems a flimsy argument. We need to try to the moral high road, otherwise we (this administration) are just as evil as they are. Clearly the administration knows it's in the wrong or at least acting in a manner that is not supported by decent Americans, hence the cover up. These games are all part of hood-winking the people, and deterring democracy in this country.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I beleivethe memo that Senator Rockefeller is referring is an old memo that gave one person interterpation of what the US laws considered legal and illegal forms of intergration and it was published in the New York Times. The Geneva Convention does not define Torture but it does clearly state who is covered and who is not covered by the Gevena Convention (GVIII). POW are covered by the GVIII if they are in a clearly marked uniform similar to all others in the Army. They have insignas and othermarkings that show the country they are from. If not they have no portections under the GVIII or other international treaties. President Bush followed the precident established by President FD Rosevelt when he detained enemy combantants including American Citizens fighting for Germany. He even excuted 6 of them by using a secret military court he established. The Democratics have done everything they can to lose the war and put our trops in harms way. They have the power to end the war tomorrow if they want. They can cut off the funds and it is over. They can't get the votes so the want it to look like President Bush lost the war. The intergration methods that are being used are the same ones that have been used in the past by the US and other countries. What Congress is trying to do is change the rules in the middle of the game. The detainees are being held according to the GVIII and can be hled legally until the end of hostilities according the GVIII. Now the Democcratics want to give Constitutional Rights to the detainees that are not covered and have no right to have them. Congress is overstepping their authority and many would say are violating the Constitutional Powers they were granted by the founding fathers. They passes the Wars powers Act and they can cut off funds any time they want, they can not set deadlines, or establishe troop levels or anything else. Those powers are given to the Commander in Chief - President Bush. Congress needs to read the consititution.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I am for whatever methods work to get the necessary information. I am tired of the games that are being played by the democrats in their undying effort to micromanage this war. The democrats caused us to lose in Vietnam when we had that won, and now they are trying the same thing again. I guess some people just never learn. As I recall, Congress is way late with their budget, so when are they going to start doing the job they were elected to do and stop trying to interfere in the job Bush was elected to do? Or does anyone even care about that at all?
• United States
6 Oct 07
It is the democrats who should get over themselves. The very things that they are pointing fingers at the republicans for are they same things that they have been doing along along. Can you say double standards? The democrats don't care about the issues, their only concern is scoring political points and winning the next election so they can stay in power. If you think I should get over myself then perhaps you should do a bit of real research and see what these liberals are all about. The only issues that matter to them are the issues of controlling the daily lives of individuals. How about getting a clue to the real working of government and the intention of liberals to turn America into the USSA?
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
6 Oct 07
You should get over yourself, Destiny, because you want to blame all our problems on the Democrats and that just isn't fair! Lancingboy has it right when he said it's the issues that should be concerning us, not partisan politics. I am so sick of one side accusing the other side. I have said it before and I will say it again-A nation divided cannot stand.
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• United States
6 Oct 07
I am not a Democrat or Republican because both sides tell nothing but lies and try to start rumors. It is stupid when people pick one side over the other just because of their conservative or family views (my family is Republican and VERY conservative). There have been heated arguments over which side is right and which is wrong. It's all pointless. The American people should care about the issues, not the political parties.
@AmbiePam (96645)
• United States
6 Oct 07
Seeing Americans blown up lessens my worry about any so called torture. I'm not saying it is right, but there is no sympathy from me.
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• Finland
6 Oct 07
I'm tired to these games, to goverment and exactly to bush. I don't really get the point of all this thing. Still, I'm so tider to hear these things. So i agree with Jay Rockefeller and you, it's not usefully and we're all tired. Umm. Yea, i had nothin else to say, that's the point that you already said.
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@galoforce (263)
6 Oct 07
this has gone on for too long, troops should pull back and go home completly and leave the iraqis to do what they want, bush should be more focused on developing his continent as apposed to developing others. though i think that the torture is necicary as they hold info which could cost lives