Do you forgive and just forget what happened?

@MarieJ23 (1040)
United States
October 5, 2007 10:59pm CST
"To forgive is to forget". They said these two words must be coupled together. Do you think it's applicable to real life? Or is it just too ideal? In your case, when you forgive someone does it also means that you forget already what she/he did to you? Honestly, it doesn't apply to me at all times. YES, there are times that I forgive and just forget what happened. However, if the impact of such wrong doing is so intense that it caused me so much pain and it takes me a long time to recover, in due time, I can forgive the person but I will NEVER EVER forget what she/he did.
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12 responses
@rangics (1334)
• Philippines
7 Oct 07
It's hard to forget honestly. I can forgive somebody or someone's fault but I don't I can ever forget the thing that particular person have done to me. I just can't help it! Everytime I see that person's face, it's like a flashback you know. ;)
@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
8 Oct 07
Yes, I understand what you feel rangics. For me, even if the name is mentioned or even when I see places that has a connection to him/her, everything is remembered by me.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
7 Oct 07
i think it really depends on the situation. maybe little things i could forgive and forget, but if someone hurt me really badly, i dont know if i could just forgive and forget. so its basically what you just said. i think in most serious situations, that phrase is a bit idealistic. i think life might be easier if you could just forgive and forget those who hurt you a lot, but it also might be a bit naive and set you up to be hurt again. maybe its better NOT to just forgive and forget.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
7 Oct 07
Yes, you are right. As what I've said there are things that are easy to forgive and forget. Sometimes, I opted to remember them so I can prevent the same thing to happened to me in the future.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
6 Oct 07
Am not a god nor a super-natural being who can alter events and then just forget about the past, so I can say that I am one of the humans that have feelings and has memories kept inside my head. I can safely that I can forgive, though not that easy but I really can. But I'm really having a hard time to dealing when it comes to forgetting, I just pray and hope that I'd learn to do it in the near future!;)
@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I definitely agree with you raijin. Our past is always a part of our life and unless we can erase those bad happenings from our memory, then we will never forget them.
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• India
6 Oct 07
Even i do forgive but never forget what happened. i think, for any one, it is not possible to forget the bad thinks happened in thier life.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I agree with you shanuri. Whatever happened in our past, good or bad, will always be remembered by us.
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@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
6 Oct 07
Unfortunately my memory's always been good, so it's VERY hard for me to forget wrongdoings. I think it's OK not being able to forget other people's wrongdoings as long as we've forgiven them and as long as we don't bring those incidents up again.
@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
7 Oct 07
Yes, friend I certainly agree with you. Since, it is really difficult to forget it, all we can do is forgive them and move on.
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@SutePri (41)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I completely agree with you MarieJ23. Some things can easily be forgiven and even forgotten but there are some things that you cannot just forgive and forget. The whole "forgive and forget" thing really depends on what was said and or done.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
7 Oct 07
Thank you SutePRi. Sometimes, there are offenses made that are too disastrous in our life that it is so difficult to just forgive and especially forget it. I know it is not good but we are just human and we can't avoid that.
@ssh123 (31073)
• India
6 Oct 07
Our precious life should be utilized to the fullest extent. In order to do so, one should forget and forgive those who have caused all sorts of inconveniences, discomfort to us, so that we can keep our minds free, that in turn will help us to think of newer things and better things than keeping this stuff of what others have done to us.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
6 Oct 07
You're certainly right ssh123. I hope someday I can also do both. Thank you for sharing your thoughts here.
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@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
9 Oct 07
hello You must forgive others. No matter what they have done. It is the command of God. To not forgive hurts you. If you desire God's blessing, you must forgive. You may think it is impossible to forgive someone who has deeply wronged you. With God it is possible. He never asks us to do something we cannot do.
@Jemina (5770)
6 Oct 07
To err is human; to forgive is divine. So they say. But it's a whole lot easier to be human than divine without trying so hard. For me I can forgive and forget a person depending on the degree of the offense. If it is an unavoidable mistake it's easy to forgive and forget at the same time. But if it's a betrayal of trust, I find it impossible to forgive much less forget.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I definitely agree with you Jemina. If the issue is on betrayal of trust then it's a very difficult situation to deal with, it will surely takes a very long time to heal the wound and thereby someone can give already forgiveness and perhaps forget what happened. I've been in that situation and it took a year before I totally forgive my ex-bf.*smile*
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• Philippines
6 Oct 07
it's important to forgive, although i wouldn't be one to forget either. i take it positively though. i mean once i forgive a person, then we move on. but that wrong thing that happened must not be forgotten so that we will learn to avoid that in the future.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
7 Oct 07
You're correct, we can always look back on what happened to that part of our life so as to avoid it to happen again. It's really difficult to forget things, maybe because it's always a part of our past and we can never be in our present situation without our past.
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@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
6 Oct 07
Me too, it depends on the intesnity of the wrong. Like if I caught my hubby with another woman I cant forget about that, never. But if maybe he forgot about a date we were having or comes late then that one I can forgive and forget. Hey, another one is if my best friend snatches my husband, there is no forgiving there and there is no forgeting. It will be the end of our friendship.
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@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
6 Oct 07
hi friend! If the things you've mentioned here will ever gonna happened to me, I guess I'll feel and do the same you think you will.
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@wseayuan (372)
• China
6 Oct 07
Hi, i want to say.what you said is meanful.surely, i like the discussion.i recall the things have taken place , they just like what you said .i forgive the person ,but the thing is left in my heart. i can't forget. i want to forget ,but can't make it.maybe i am not generous.maybe that is one of the human characters.
@MarieJ23 (1040)
• United States
6 Oct 07
I do understand you Wseayuan. Yes, I forgive the person, I mean I don't hold grudges anymore such that if I'll see him/her I would say hi but somehow, sometime, I do still remember what he did.
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