okay, so i was really mean to my husband on the phone tonight
By asgtswife04
@asgtswife04 (2475)
United States
October 8, 2007 6:54pm CST
I have recently started struggling with this whole deployment thing. This is my second one to have to deal with, but I have become so angry about the whole thing that now i'm even taking it out on my husband...who had to go, it wasn't voluntary this time. I am just so mad that I am raising three kids on my own AGAIN and I really don't know how to control my emotions. It's not that I'm really angry at him, I'm very proud of him...i just feel so hopeless right now and so lonely. I see all these couples walking around and looking for stuff for their kids together and it makes me so mad..that should be me and my husband. I love him with all my heart and I am so proud that he is serving our country. How do i get rid of these feelings of bitterness though? Please help anyone
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11 responses
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Well girlfriend, it happens to the best of us. This is my second deployment with my husband and believe me these things don't get easier. It is hard not to resent them for having to leave and do this for so long. You know he isn't doing this voluntarily and he misses you as much as you miss him. You are human and this stuff happens. Just apologize to him and tell him your true thoughts and feelings right now. He needs to know that your not angry with him, but with the military. Your job is very hard, you have to be supportive, meanwhile taking care of house and home, the kids, and so on. It is ok that you are irritated and frustrated, but always let him know how you are feeling, so he doesn't get the wrong impression and hang up the phone with a burden. That's most important right now. Don't worry, I have done the same thing to my husband as well. We are all guilty of it!
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Girl, I feel so bad and guilty right now. I had him crying by the time we got off the phone and I had no feelings at all towards that but anger. I know that I hurt him tonight by acting the way I did and, sadly enough, it was almost like i was feeling good because he was feeling the same way I feel every day. I hate this so much. I just want him home and I want to be a normal family again. I want to be able to go places and hold hands just like every other couple I see out there. I know and knew that I married into the military life and that times like this would happen. I am just so frustrated because I feel like we haven't even been given a chance to start our lives together. And, now of course, I feel ten times worse because it's not like I can jsut call him and say I'm sorry for hurting him and explain to him that I am just hurting just as bad. I feel like the worst wife and now i can't even reconcile things until he calls tomorrow, if he even calls. I was such a B that I wouldn't call me if i could. I'm just so lonely and need him home so bad.
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@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Oh girl! It is difficult to be a military wife. I know how you feel about just starting a new life and then he is gone. I spent over a year dating someone I never saw, then we got married and spent 3 months together before he left again for another deployment. Honey, you are human and we can't help the way we feel. It is difficult to deal with these things. He feels just as bad as you about not being home and wanting to be home. Guys just don't show it the way we women do. I have that same resentment at times to and sometimes it is so overpowering that you can't help but take your anger out on him because he's the one over there, even though deep down inside you know it's not his fault. There's nothing you can do now, but to apologize and let him know how your feeling and why you did say those things. I have had to do that so many times during this deployment. This life is hard and these deployments doesn't make it any easier. Just have faith girl.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Oct 07
Thanks girl...you have been a great friend and have helped me out so much through this deployment. i'll talk with you later on messenger. thanks again
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@goodsign (2287)
• Malaysia
9 Oct 07
Your words of "he is serving our country" really made me moved to positioned myself to your husband's side. The naughtiness of our mind sometimes that could not accept the reality that really made us mad and loneliness. The noble caring to our kids will be no longer a sincere obliged task once its hurt and forwarded as disputable issue with our life partner. Though blindness is confusing.
To learn something new method for solution finding in your case and to soothe your heart towards your husband; I think you better listen to one song "Soldier of Fortune" by Deep Purple. Because in our life many parts of it we are the 'Soldiers of Fortune Life'. The word FORTUNE.
And the link;
Concentrate on these words, "Though blindness is confusing".
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
19 Oct 07
I've been there, however I haven't had three kids to take care of. Just a dog and already I'm bitter. All I can say is don't feel bad. I hope he's not like my husband and appreciates all you do. Mine makes comments about how he is "doing this alone" all the time and it's not like it's my fault I can't go with him all the time. Honestly I don't think you will be able to get rid of the bitterness any more then you can stop missing him. What you got to do is focus on not lashing out at your husband for being away, and that isn't easy. My husband and I seem to fight all the time when he is away. We just talk about our problems... one starts in and then the other adds and it just builds and being apart means on comfort on those rough days. It takes a strong woman to be apart from her husband for long lengths of time. I'm sorry I can't help you but I just wanted to say god bless your husband for serving our country and god bless you and your family for standing behind him. And we will all pray that this war ends ASAP and bring our loved ones home.

@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
25 Oct 07
Thanks so much...I really appreciate it. My husband used to be the same way and for a while I would just let him take pity on himself and say oh poor baby, but after a while i got really tired of hearing how he was doing this alone and all that stuff. I finally lit into him one day and told him that he wasn't doing this alone, that it affected me just as much as it did him if not more. I am the one raising our three kids and i'm the one worrying about him and missing him all the time. i don't have anyone here that can comfort me. at least he's around people all the time. he finally shut up on that subject and things got a little better. LOL! anyways, thanks again so much and yea, i to would love for all of them to be able to come home. God bless you and our troops!

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Dealing with a second deployment, you didn't say what the time-frame has been but a second deployment has got to be torture no matter what, hon! I feel so bad for you and your kids, as well as for your husband for you know he'd rather be with his family. I also feel very proud of you all! I know how it hurts when you see other couples doing stuff with their kids, I went through the same thing when my husband was in the military years ago, early in our marriage and he wasn't even out of the country he was just away from ME and our daughter and that was enough to hurt like hell! Please don't feel guilty and beat yourself up, just teel him you're sorry when you talk to him, let him know what he surely knows already, how much you love him and miss him! And please try to gather some strength in knowing that all of us Americans are behind both of you 100% regardless of our personal opinions about the war itself. I'll way a prayer for you and your entired family for you to all soon be together safe and sound. Meanwhile, while I know it sounds so cliche, hang in there and know you are loved and supported!
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I actually thought that i would pretty much be thought of as a bad wife on here, but I know that everyone has their bad days. i did apologize to him today and he told me not to worry about it at all. he'd had a rough day yesterday as well, so i guess we were in the same boat in some sense. Most days i do feel really strong and handle him being gone pretty well. yesterday was just one of those days. thank you so much for your prayers and support. it definitely means alot.
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@heres2thescarsUleft (313)
• United States
11 Oct 07
My husband is on his second deployment as well. I know how hard it can be! I know it's hard not to take out all your bitterness and hurtful feelings on him - but he has it 100 times worse than you do right now. I know for a fact that he would do anything he could to be by your side right now.
When my husband received his deployment orders the second time I was devastated and cried to my friend. You know what she said? She told me to stop pouting and realize how retarded I was being. I was hurt by it...but now I'm glad she said it. How many other wives can say their husband does something worthwhile? He's out there changing the world - he's saving lives - he's making America safe for us. I know it's hard not to be upset, but this is his purpose and behind every great man is a great woman - you are that woman! So support him - he deserves it!
God wouldn't put us through something like this if we weren't meant to go through it. There's a reason behind all of this - even if it doesn't seem like it!

@heres2thescarsUleft (313)
• United States
12 Oct 07
Ahh...isn't the internet wonderful? What we us army wives do without it!? I'm glad you guys worked things out. Stay strong girl...I'm holding out for you two and your kids!
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Oct 07
I totally agree with you and I do support my husband 200%..sometimes i just loose sight of how much he is going through as well. i know that it is extrememly hard on him to, because he is missing his first biological child growing up and she is growing fast. he was actually able to see her for the first time yesterday online and it like to have killed him to see how much she has grown already in just two months. Like i said, i felt terrible after the episode that i had and only wanted to call and apologize to him a million times, although that obviously wasn't a possiblity. I did talk to him the next day though and he was very understanding and told me he understood that it was hard on me raising our three kids by myself and that he was sorry and would be here if he could. My husband has definitely come a long way and i am so proud of him. You are right, behind every man there is a woman and i now understand that instead of venting or lashing out at him i really just need to reevaluate my feelings and if i really need to vent i can just come on here. LOL! You guys have all been really great and it's been so nice being able to have conversations on here. it's helped me out alot. thank you so much
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@jmespinosa82 (498)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I am right there with you and know how you feel. My dh has been gone for over a year now and it is so hard I too have 3 kids and my oldest I even homeschool, no family here, and no friends really. So I have literally been by myself night and day. I would get so mad for little things at him then like an hour later I would feel so bad and write him an email. Just take it one day at a time and you might want to look into some playgroups or playdate type things in your area for you and the kids it will help take the stress away I bet. Hope things start looking better for you though.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Yeah, i know how it is. I really don't have any friends myself here. Kind of sucks, but i'm thinking about doing a mother's day out thing for my daughter so i can have some time to myself. i really need that. the whole email thing, i can write him, but he can't even check his emails right now cause they won't put the internet up in their chews. really no point in it. i feel for you to though. i know how hard it is...in the same boat. you ever just need to talk, i'm here to listen
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@jmespinosa82 (498)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Well I am fortunate enough that out of this he has gotten promoted to E6 so so so proud of him right now his promotion date is December 1st. Secondly he is coming home in less than 30 days but I know what you are going through. It seems like there is light at the end of the tunnel finally. Are you guys at a new post??
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
15 Oct 07
we aren't at a post. he is usually just national guard, but for some reason he's been called up every two years. i hate it. we've only been married 3 years and out of that he's been gone two of them

@surfette (673)
• United States
9 Oct 07
My husband was in the Navy, so I have experienced your feelings of hurt, anger and resentment first hand. It always seemed that their squadron would deploy to some place warm and pleasant (we weren't in war at that time) during January when the temperature on base was below zero and snow up to our eyeballs. Not only were we wives depressed, but we had to cope with rotten weather to just get groceries. Our salvation was each other. You didn't mention if you are living on base with other military wives in the same situation.
We wives relied on each other for comfort and to have a shoulder to cry on when needed. That really helps because we could vent to each other without taking it out on our husband. In the meantime, know that he loves you and understands. He's feeling the same way, but his duty and honor to our country has to be the top priority for the moment.
Military life is extremely difficult. It is so full of highs and lows. Band together with the other wives, help each other out or babysit for each other to allow an afternoon or evening off.
I just know that we as Americans are as proud of you as we are your husband for you are serving your country as well. God Bless You and Good Luck!
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Thank you so much. I do not live on a base. My husband is usually just national guard, but it seems like he's been deployed every year to two years. I understand about us wives coming together, but honestly the wives i know just call me when they are in a crisis. When i need them, they are no where to be found or are to busy. Unfortunately, that's the way it always is for me so i really have no one, but you guys on here. you all have helped me so much with your words of kindness and encouragement. i'm so glad that i found mylot. Don't know how i would cope at times not having anyone to talk to at all. thanks again
@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I am going to be going on my 2nd deployment in a few months, my husband is away right now at training and I totaly know what you are talking about, the thing that helped me was having a journal and writting down all my feelings in it so I would not take out my anger on him, also if you feel you need to talk to someone contact military one source they have the resources there to find you the help you need to cope.. Also venting to friends or if you belong to myspace even in a military group that you are in You can always send him a motomail or e mail in case you dont get a chance to talk to him and tell him how sorry you are. It's normal to feel bitter and angry you just have to take it one day at a time.. Hugs
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm so sorry your about to go through another deployment as well. It has definitely helped finding people on here with the same situation. it's gotten me through quite a bit already. yesterday was just a really really bad day, which i don't have very often. i mean, i always miss my husband and i always can't wait for him to come home. he's the love of my life and my soul mate...yesterday just got to me and i didn't know how to handle it anymore. thanks again for the words of encouragement. and if you need to ever vent or just talk after your husband leaves, i'm here
@shadowing (308)
• Malaysia
9 Oct 07
Hi Asgtswife. Well, I understand the feeling, kind of there are millions of reasons to keep you cool but your feeling just fail to obey.
But I mean when I read the line that "he is serving our country", it really makes me feel like "WOW, an army". He is doing something great and you are well proud and happy about that, right?
You know your direction, you just need some times to get used to it. I mean we ladies will need companion and the sense of secure all the time. But you love the way he is, if he is someone that will leave the job and hugging you all the time, guess he is no longer the one that you love deeply, right?
I hope you will feel better. Whenever feeling lonely and helpess, just post discussion, we MyLotters are really to give you companion..
Cheer girl!
p/s: you are a great one, regardless in the sense of mother or lover.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Yes, I love the person that my husband is. I love that he is serving our country. he wouldn't be the man i married if he was doing anything else. The Army is his life and his passion. And I truly love him for it. I do get lonely and I do miss him terribly, but I am so proud of him and his job. I wouldn't have him any other way. All of the mylotters have been very helpful in getting me through this deployment and i thank each of you from the bottom of my heart.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
9 Oct 07
You have every right to feel what your feeling, I can only imagine what it is like for you I don't have an Army husband I have a trucker fiance who I get to see once a month. For you however it is much harder and I am proud of you for being there for him and your children you need to be strong for them. I try to just get busy with life and try not to think about how much I miss him. I don't have any special words for you that will make it all better, but I can say you and your family will be in my thoughts and I wish for his safe and permanent home coming someday. All the best. -Amber
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
10 Oct 07
Thanks so much Amber. I know it is very difficult and i know it must be extremely hard for you to. I've tried to stay busy as much as possible, but it's kind of hard being a stay at home mom and all. I don't have a job, job to keep my mind off of him being gone. I have all day at home to sit and think about it. I know i have to be strong not only for my children but myself as well. It drives me crazy to get the way i did yesterday. I don't get that way very often, but when i do it's bad. thank you for your encouragement and i say the same to you. stay strong and if you need to talk i'm here to listen. thanks again
@boka0305 (7)
• United States
9 Oct 07
Although I don't know what you are going through, I feel that I need to remind you of something. Your husband looks forward to that call he gets to make to his wife. You. He anticipates being able to hear his childrens' voices in the background. Men over there get by day to day knowing that they have someone on the other end waiting for them to come home. I understand that you are lonely, and three kids can be a handful, but remember, you have kids and a family close by. He doesn't. Find a support group for women/men who have husbands/wives in the army, that might help redirect some of the anger.
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
10 Oct 07
thank you. i will defnitely look into that. and i did apologize to my husband. he knows that it's hard on me having him away and he is a v ery understanding man, which i love about him. i do know that the phone calls his all he has and thank you for reminding me of that. sometimes i still feel like he should know what i'm going through even though he is thousands of miles away. he's all i have besides my children...he has always been my very best friend and i do try not to loose it as much as possible. yesterday was just a really bad day that i regret very much. thanks again for the words