Why Do We Have to Follow GODs!!??

@kayakalp (272)
October 11, 2007 12:14pm CST
We are always been taught, humans are full of Sins and God is someone who is devoid of such human sins. We as a humans have to follow God and get ourself rid of humanly sins and become one like him. Like, all Catholics wants to become Jesus, All Hindus wants to become like Rama, all Bhuddist wants to become Buddha. And we would do anything to prove that Our GOD is better than others GOD (though this idea is not applicable to all the religion). We would kill other fellow humans and ruin his life and his family life, just to prove that My god and my religion is better then yours. Do we have to really do this? Why cant we humans first? Why cant we understand human compassion first? Whay cant we first stand by humans first and then probably we can evolve to the next stage being GOD? Nature has made us humans to be humans not to be GOD. Imagine a cat tryin to bcum like a dog and a dog like a tadpole and a tadpole like a bird. Throughout their life they try being something which they are not? End of the result, they are nothing? Why do we have to follow Gods and become like one. Who has defined God and Humans for us?
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17 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
11 Oct 07
Hmmm... I don't try to become like my Gods. My Gods have never really required that of me either. All they have done is show me love, and give me reasons to live my life when I had no reasons. (The particular Gods I worship are those of the Celtic pantheon.) I think there are a lot of people who misuse religion to do what they want to do anyway, including harming others and trying to become something other than what they are. The whole idea of humans being born with sin makes me kind of ill... I look at my young son and think "How could anyone say such a thing about this beautiful innocent creature?" But my religion doesn't have sin, just the idea that you have to accept the consequences of your choices.
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• Romania
12 Oct 07
Sincerely I have never even heard about the "Celtic gods" but I think this religion is better(morally) than most others! The fact is that the religion is not the one to blame for the religious wars but the fanatics themselves that do not "use" the religion as a way to face the downside of life! They think that their goal in life is to "protect" his religion... by all means necessary! I'm not too good with English since I'm a Romanian so i don't know how to speak/write properly so excuse any mistakes in my writing. I wish your son a long and beautiful life!
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
13 Oct 07
To explain a little better... you would probably hear about the Celtic peoples when studying European history. At one point they spread over much of Europe, but when people say "Celtic" modernly they usually are referring more to the ones who settled in the British Isles. The "Celtic Gods" would be the ones worshiped by the Celts before Christianity came to those lands. My religion is actually called Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism, and it's basically a reconstruction of the old Celtic religion. I learned much of what I know about my religion from my great-grandmother, and later through my own historical study as well as personal revelation through interaction with my Gods. Obviously I like my religion and the values it teaches or I wouldn't be in that religion, but it's always nice to hear that someone else likes what I say about it. Thank you! =)
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@kayakalp (272)
• India
13 Oct 07
leacnis and mosquito thanks for your response. Lecanis, you gave me something new to research on 'Celtic Gods'. As of now I dont know much about it but I would sure like to find out about it soon....
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• United States
12 Oct 07
I never got the lesson that I had to become like G-d, if I had I wouldn't be with that religion. The religion I follow has rules that can help you become a better human being , not a g-d. I think it is a waste of time trying to convince people that your religion is better than any other. All religions are great. You just have to pick one and be faithful. Or you don't have to choose at all.
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• United States
15 Oct 07
Thank you.
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@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
15 Oct 07
That's the way to tell them sarahruth! That's the way it should be!
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@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
20 Oct 07
Christians are subject to Christ and we follow the Holy Bible. I follow God because He is my creator and I found nothing bad in His teachings in the Holy Bible. God and man are fully distinguished in the Holy Bible. God is good always and for people to understand Him, they should read the Holy Bible, it is complete.
@kayakalp (272)
• India
20 Oct 07
hey Luzamper, Why Bible doesnt talk about brain mapping, heart structure. Hwy doesnt it explain that why cokroaches have more then one heart and humans have only one heart. These are just few of the questions I have in my mind. Can bible ans this?
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@TravisE (440)
• United States
12 Oct 07
We don't. Some of your definitions are not quite right. Buddhists do not all try to become Buddha. The purpose of Buddhist practice is to realize you, just as you are, are already that. Same with Hinduism and Brahman (Rama is a character from the Ramayana.) Many of the religious paths of the world do not teach that you must make your self like some ideal, but that you must come to terms with what you truly are - An expression of the totality of Spirit. Not a piece of spirit, but just one of the numberless expressions Spirit takes on. We have an urge to follow Gods, and authority figures as a result of that part of our evolution that is overwhelmed by the immensity of life, and is looking for some caretaker to keep us safe. That is an echo of our life as infants, and like all traits that impulse is carried forward into later life and development. The problem is that where evolution should optimally be transcend & include past levels of development, a great many people engage in a process of transcend & deny past levels. Denial does not eradicate those past levels, it oppresses them and anything oppressed does not fade away, it festers. Holding up an image of a God, or saint, or sage is not a bad thing. Having examples of moral behavior to live up to is good. Holding out hope that you will be saved and all work done for you is bad.
@kayakalp (272)
• India
13 Oct 07
Hey Travise... In reality, people take up these idols as real GOD. They cannot distinguish thate these characters except Buddha are just characters to help you identify with and not to follow them and become like one. Thanks for your response
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• Romania
12 Oct 07
I believe that RELIGION was invented by the smarter humans of the primeval because the soldiers(less smarter) had no motivation to fight, work, to be courageous, to breed and of course to protect the smart ones( :) )! What could make a human with no hope, no will to work and help the others? That man had nothing to look up to... no reward for his hard work, no nothing! The only things that could motivate him were either goods(money - if it existed in that time; and food) or something that would make them believe that they will be rewarded for their help, that in the other life (aka in heaven) they will not be poor workers but happy and rich kings! That thing is called RELIGION, belief! Making them fanatics means that they will cooperate and contribute helping the community! By this we understand that since the appearance of humans there were always 2 social classes the smart and the dumb... the smart became rich and/or powerful while the less smarter ones helped them! Because the smart men could not control the effect of the fanatism it got bigger and bigger till the only meaning in a fanatic's life was that they were supposed to protect their religion and anyone else who didn't believe in his GOD (therefore insulting the almighty being) had to be killed! In their small minds because of that act of barbarism and "loyalty" he will go to the highest "rank" in Heaven! Therefore that is why there were so many religious wars : because of GREED and FEAR! These days humans believe in GOD because they think they must and because of their fear for hell! I think that religion is a way to encourage people to live their lives and be good to one another... to be civilized and to do their best! That is why religion should never be forgotten or disrespected because it helped many of us to go on! That is what i think! Please don't judge my lack of faith and if possible try to believe yourself!
@kayakalp (272)
• India
13 Oct 07
hey mosquito thanks for your response... Even I agree with you, reigion was created for laymans to follow humanity, but now everything in these religion is been followed except humanity.
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18 Oct 07
God? Who knows God? If man really knew God then there would be no religions. Religion divides brother from brother, man from man and nation from nation. There is only one God and one human race. So why should we divide ourselves in God and also in heritage? If we could all realise the importance of God, understanding that God is basically a way of life, a way we should live our lives, not for ourselves but for all men, treating all men as equals,as brothers, as fellow members of the human race, then perhaps we could inherit a greater understanding of ourselves. As for becoming God? No one will become as God,they may resemble God, but they will never be like God, because God is far greater than we could conceive. The surest way to please God is to please other people, regardless of their origin, their colour or their religion. God as made us humans to become humans, not Gods. And God does not expect us to follow him and become as 'he,'he wants us to follow him and become one with each other. willsprout
@kayakalp (272)
• India
19 Oct 07
Hey Willsprout Thanks or your reply. Trust me very few people understand your concept of God. I too belive exactly the same what you belive. However, there are many many people who have shut their eyes towards the reality.
@kayakalp (272)
• India
20 Oct 07
Hi Willsprout, Globalisation is happening at a slower pace. But, I think next thigs for us would be to deal with different countries proving themself better then others. This would be too difficult, I dont know more then religion or less then that.
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19 Oct 07
Hi Kayakalp, Too many people have shut their eyes. You are right. The difficulty we find in opening their eyes is because we have the truth about past history and the terrible things that occured in the name of religion, especially, blocking our understanding from reaching them. When people refer to God they automatically associate our meaning with a type of religion, and they have no interest. If we take a look at history how can we blame them? But I have noticed a change taking place; all around the world so many people are begining to think alike and the more of them that do this, the more of them will come to understand God. Then perhaps more people will realise that we are one people, one human race, and in order to survive we must all walk together. willsprout.
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@Talianna (85)
• United States
12 Oct 07
eh, learn how to spell.
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@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 07
Nice, hit the bulls eye. I'm great you had seen what I saw. Shame if he didn't know what do you mean, and continue his questioning of God existence. I will just feel symphaty to him.
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• Indonesia
6 Dec 07
hi, just responding here. you asked do we have to really do this, do we have to follow GODs, why do we have to follow Gods and become like one.. i answer 'no'. we don't have to follow God and He never command us to become like Him.. if I do, that's not because I was forced to, its on my own
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@kayakalp (272)
• India
7 Dec 07
blueinferno, I dont think any God ever exsisted!!!All the spriritual Gurus teach you just to be humans and follow moral grounds and ethics and unlearn all the knowledge.
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@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
12 Oct 07
why not follow god he created everything i am not into religion but i am in relationship with my lord and saviour jesus christ i am human jesus was human but he was the son of god so he was god and man so he knows what we face and what we go through at all times !!!!!
@ptrnow (57)
• Canada
12 Oct 07
Great analysis! But I wonder, who says that we aren't gods and goddesses? The people who wrote it. And what makes them so high and mighty? We control every aspect of this world, and we can either break it or make it. What will your choice be?
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
15 Oct 07
Is Allah's idea, to kill humans, and destroy the world? If it is that religion needs a psychiatric examination! You know Hitler had the same idea, and you can see what happened to him! I like my religion better, it doesn't force anybody to join, we help our brothers and neighbors with compassion, and have a better outlook on life!
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• Philippines
12 Oct 07
Nice argument! I believe that we don't REALLY HAVE TO follow a God. We were given a CHOICE to follow Him or not. Jesus granted us freedom too. Freedom to choose our belief in him and save ourselves, or to allow ourselves to rot. He isn't necessarily asking us to turn into a God, holy and pure. He just wants us to help us live fully and happily. Believing in a God, asking for His help, having someone to lean on EVERYTIME is something I wouldn't exchange for anything in the world. I also think that fighting about which are better religions is not good. You should respect the stance and beliefs of others after all.
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• Philippines
12 Oct 07
its the best thing to do.. do what is right. and i believe if i follow i will be safe
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@g1a1g1 (3)
• United States
8 Jul 08
i think god has all of "his/her" names and there is one "lone" god that all believe in but with different names.
• India
15 Aug 08
Hi kayakalp The best definition of god,which i think the most practical, i found in the Gita. There the definition of god says that HE is all and everything. All the living beings are nothing but HIS disguised presence in the nature. So if I can't show respect to you, i believe which God do i worship, is just meaningless. If i can't love other living beings, I certainly don't love God. God is the symbol of love, virtueness. So becoming like god means to be generous, kind and honest to other human being. That's what I have been taught and I think this teaching isn't abstract. It's always easy to imagine something and then follow. So i was taught (to imagine) about God and learn to be like HIM who has the kindness etc. We are neither following god nor required to become god. All we need to adopt the character of god and implement those in real life.
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Humans seek relief from the problems of the conditions of humanity. They seek something more powerful than themselves to cure the worlds problems. Then when humans coordinate within belief it is inevitable that some humans will try to use this belief for their benefit. We have to focus as I think we have learned use our religious beliefs to improve us individually but not to turn it against other people. Luckily these beliefs have created a moral code which is the basis for most social laws throughout the world which give us the ability to live with one another and to practice our beliefs without interference to much from others unless we try to impose our will upon others. May our individual efforts be rewarded and as a result all of us live in a better society and bring peace and sustenance to our communities and the ability to help others in this world.
• Canada
8 Jul 08
read title only* all i needed to hear for a response ... just ask the same question for 'the government' or even 'parents' for that matter... we have no pre-written obligations
• United States
8 Jul 08
God didn't create us to become him. He is the ruler of the universe. He taught us to have compassion. He doesn't ask us to kill people because they believe different than us. He has taught us to love those who hate us but to hate their sin. God has been around since before time began. He created the whole solar system! He created all the planets, including Earth. He created EVERYTHING! We don't have to BE God! We have to strive to obey him in all that we do. If we didn't ask him into our hearts for him to save us, we would go to Hell for eternity. He made Heaven and Hell, but he lets us make the choice to either accept Him or reject Him. We can reject Him and go to Hell for eternity, or accept Him and go to Heaven when we die. He doesn't send ANYONE to Hell. That's the person's individual and personal choice!