Cell Phones and You !!

October 11, 2007 5:44pm CST
How addicted are you to cell phones ? Can you imagine your life without a mobile phone by your side ? Do you take your mobile phones to the bathroom with you ? Do you keep it under your pillow when you sleep ? Do you answer calls when you are sleeping ? And have you every lost or misplaced your mobile phone ? And then what did you do when you did misplace it.. ran about hysterical or sat back calmly and waited till you found it ? I have an n-gage qd, and im massively in love with my phone, ive kept it besides me day and night for the past 2 years and am never away from the phone more than 5 minutes at a stretch !!
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20 responses
• Romania
12 Oct 07
i think we all are very addicted of cell phones.... And know the cell phones become more powerful and in a short time they will replace P.C.
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• India
12 Oct 07
Yes true, they can be considered to be small microcomputers !!
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• Philippines
12 Oct 07
im so an adik!!!! i rily cant live without my phone. i love txting.
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• India
12 Oct 07
Welcome to the group then ! I could completely connect with you ! I love smsing as well ! What else do you use your phone for ??
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 07
Nowadays cell phone becomes a very important and convenient device for us to communicate with people. It even is a must for us if we travel abroad and far away from home. We can still keep contact with our loved ones and friends whenever or wherever we are. I always bring my phone along with no matter where I am. While I am traveling abroad or going for any domestic vacation I always keep my phone beside my pillow at the hotel room. I believe I couldn't live without cell phone for even a single day lol...
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• India
12 Oct 07
Yes true, life without cell phones is impossible to think about not just for me but for so many people all over the place ! Thanks for sharing your views !
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@tuffy999 (794)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
honestly i'm not into cellphones. i use it just to make important calls. i don't give my number to anybody except my immediate family. i hate to be bothered with calls and text messages.
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• India
12 Oct 07
Well, its true, having cell phones all the time with you do tend to get irritating especially when you want to have some private time all on your own !
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• India
12 Oct 07
You are definitely glued to that device of yours. But i wouldnt complain cos i have quite the same feeling .I tend to keep it beside me all the time.I have it loaded with games,songs and music and so it is a good time-spender.I even use it in the bathroom to hear songs while i bath.It is my wake up call,my scheduler and i get online in it too.So much in a palm and you are bound to get addicted, isnt it? I have a Nokia 6681 and it has been in my pocket for two years approx. But there are times i leave out the phone while travelling ,as i do not entertain any calls or even use the phone while driving.I am trying to get the phone mania from my mind cos it has adverse effects too.If you are unaware then i will list a few. It is proven that radiation from cellphone has effects on the brain(when you call)-so try to keep the loudspeaker on while talking and keep the phone at a fair distance.Also for men infertility is a long term result(especially for users keeping phones in the belt pouches or jeans front pockets)A few studies are on for studying effects on heart pacemaker activity, hearing etc. So pal better be cautious and live longer with your cellphone.
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• India
12 Oct 07
Yes, harmful effects of using phones, and the worst thing is that they cause accidents especially when people use them while driving !! Thanks for your tips !
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12 Oct 07
i dont imagine if not cellphone
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• India
12 Oct 07
Well, thanks for making your first post here, but could you please try to be a bit more specific ?
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• India
12 Oct 07
Yes ofcourse. Cell phones have really become part of life and a necessity. it is no more a luxury. For each and every thing you can just pick up your phone and get going. Be it camera, music player, calculator, phone, game everything...one stop solution is cell phone
• India
12 Oct 07
Necessity and part of society ! Its actually bundled to have almost everything that you can most possibly need ! Thanks for your views
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@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
11 Oct 07
I can honestly say that I am not addicted to cellpone. I have a nokia phone that doesn't have pictures or connection to the computer. I feel that these phones should only be used for emergencies. I do not mean to just sit and chat. People have gotten out of hand with these phones. I remember the other day standing in line waiting for the man in front of me to pay the cashier. He was so busy telling his friend on the other end that he was picking him up at eight and they were going to some bar where they play really good rock music. This is just one of many discussions I have had the pleasure to have to hear. Most people do not realize how loud they are when they are on the phone and I can not help but hear. I went into a bake shop and there was a woman sitting at a table talking to her doctors office to set up a mamiogram. I think this is a personal call and you should do so in private and not standing outside a bakery. I do not do the text message stuff either. I use my home phone to set up medical appointments and to talk about personal business. I have to admit that the phone did come in handy once for me when I was stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire. I was able to call my husband to bring the spair tire. Yes I took the tire out of the car to put a dishwasher in and forgot to put the tire back in.
• India
12 Oct 07
Thats something interesting, someone who owns a cell phone and doesnt sms !! The only people who own a phone and dont sms are the too old and the too tech unsavy !! Its true people are loud when they use cell phones, Ive had the pleasure of listening to many funny and wierd conversations as well ! Thanks for sharing your views !!
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• United States
12 Oct 07
MY cell phone is another extension of my ear LOL or atleast thats what ive been told, i take it EVERYWHERE with me i will even turn around and head back home if i forgot it, i would use it at home but unfortuntely we live in the boondocks and have no service here so while im at home my house phone is attached to my hip and then the moment i get into my vehicle the cell is glued to my hand, it is my phonebook, organizer,calendar, has games to keep me busy etc it is litterally apart of me!
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@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
12 Oct 07
For me the cellphone is the best tool they have come up with, besides the computer! I am a naturally active person, and I use my fone for work,and socially also! I drive a truck, and it helps me very much, to stay in contact with my dispather, the business I'm delivering and loading from, and help in getting directions in the big city when I need them! My family stays in touch with me constantly, when they need me, and when I'm playing with a band., I communicate with club owners, the other musicians in the band, and I coordinate other bookings also! It just amazes me what a big advantage a cell phone has in making money, and getting lot of things done! Yes, I keep my fone with me 24 hrs a day, but I don't call it an addiction, it's a very big necessity for me! When I don't want to talk to anyone, I just turn it off!
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• India
12 Oct 07
Hmmm, simple correlation ! Mobile phones = less powerful computer !! True isnt it ! Especially with colour screens, movies, songs and especially programs ! Wow !
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@youless (112838)
• Guangzhou, China
12 Oct 07
Today the cellphone is becoming one of the most important thing for me. I can't live without it. I can use my smartphone to do lots of things. Such as listening to music, watching movies, reading, checking weather... So it's hard to imagine what my life will be without it.
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• India
12 Oct 07
Smart phones are wonderful, movies on phones ! I never really enjoyed watching them, but while travelling they do come in useful, and music, how can I forget, very important !
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@mepibot (387)
• Brazil
12 Oct 07
Yes, i´m addicted in cellphone, i probably can live without because exist internet, so, i can talk by Skype and send messages by MSN or other messenger. I don´t go to the bath with my cellphone except when i´m waiting a call or SMS message. Usualy i sleep with my cellphone next to me, because if someone call me or send a message i see, just it. (; But, this addict is bad cuz i everytime want change my cellphone, i think my cellphone is old, and change for other better, and in some months turn old, hahaha. ^__^ So, i had many cellphones in my life.
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• India
12 Oct 07
Well true ! Internet on your mobile does keep you ticking ! And mobile phone technology changes so rapidly that its impossible to keep tabs on the rate of expansion of this sector !!
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@paintwet (165)
• China
12 Oct 07
i have buyed 11 cell phones in the past 3years
• India
12 Oct 07
Wow thats impressive ! But are you addicted to cell phones ??
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@ZumiHaru (38)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
Well, I'm not exactly what you call addicted. I even let my sisters use it. I only use it for special cases, like calling my parents. LOL. But i can't live with out my phone. I put stuff there to remind me of things, like homeworks... and b-days... that's all! ^^
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• India
12 Oct 07
Organiser and reminders, i use my phone as an alarm to wake me up every morning, and I use it to tell the time too ! Damn, i'd be handicapped without my phone !!
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@runsgame (2031)
• India
13 Oct 07
i am not that much addicted. and will never place or keep the same with me all the times. it is a instrument which i need while i want to talk or sms or surf. that's al . rest of the timesd i do not care about the cell
@cvarvell (1116)
• United States
11 Oct 07
I can safely say that I am Not addicted to cell phones. Reason being, believe it or not, we don't own one. And don't want one.
• India
12 Oct 07
well, you dont have a cell phone ! Thats very hard to believe but I believe you must have justifiable reasons for not doing so ! Could you share them ?
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Oct 07
I am not addicted to my cellphone. It remains in my purse unless I have to use it, for now I am way too busy to make any calls. I am still learning and I do not want to use it until I have saved enough to buy one of those bluetooth hands free head sets. I am, however, addicted to my purse. I get panicky if I cannot find it.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Not that addicted. Yes its used for calls, business and pleasure, but I'm not addicted. I've left it places around the house (some very unusual areas too). I've also stepped out for errands and such without my cell on me.
• Philippines
13 Oct 07
I love my cellphone very much. Yes, i keep it with me even when i go to bed; i put it under my pillow and it serves as an alarm for the next day. I take it to the bathroom just to make sure if i get any text messages. I've never lost it before because it's always tied to me wherever I go.
• Romania
12 Oct 07
We all are very addicted to cell phones and those days when the cell phones become powerful they will start to replace p.c-s. what can we do we will start to use them like we use our pc.