What's your worst subject?

October 11, 2007 8:14pm CST
MATH MATH MATH! I like solving but numbers just wont get along with me. I just don't get it. I listen to the teacher and understand the lesson but when it comes to tests... I go DOWN. What about you? Do you hate math? Or there's something worse than that?
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27 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 Oct 07
math would be mine to. i guess it's because i see no purpose in it really. I am a stay at home mother, so it's not like i have to use trigonometry and all those other math classes they have now. i mean, basic math...of course. other than that what is the purpose unless your planning on being and architect or something like that that requires the higher math. so yeah, definitely math. not my cup of tea at all
@gary1125 (173)
• Australia
12 Oct 07
Yeah, it's true, but as a student instead of a stay at home mother, I appriciate what i've learned in the school. Because, subjects, most of them we cannot use in the career, or the daily life. but we stil need them, they just like the storm in your brain, just like a excersise for your brain. And the purpose of those seemed useless classes, just give your the infrastructure of the further study. Noting more or less
• United States
13 Oct 07
this is true. I'm not saying that it shouldn't be taught...i am just saying that i really suck at math, so i didn't take any extra classes than i had to. i would much rather not take them, then to take them and fail or made to feel stupid just because i can't get some of it. that is the only subject i ever had problems with. every other subject i went through with flying colors. i didn't mean to imply that it should not be taught at all and i apologize if i came across that way
@aims179 (25)
• United States
12 Mar 08
math is my worst subject once it gets past algebra and basic math,and business and all of that i cant do it lol
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
math is okay for me, simple arithmetic and stuffs, problem solving.. algebra was fun too... but i dont like and will never like statistics! i hate it i had the lowest grade in my whole schooling life.. i got it from statistics. and i only had stat 1... i am just glad my course does not require stats 2. haha i swear if i can redo it again, i will find a course that does not need for me to even have stat 1!
@ericajoyce (1746)
• Philippines
4 Mar 08
Hello zumiharu. Same here. I dont like math when I was studying. I was even tutored in my math subject. When she explained it I find it so easy that I even told myself "Its so easy". When the actual test came, I had a hard time solving it.
• United States
18 Feb 08
Hello ZumiHaru! My worst subject in school is science. I hate science. I know that it is going to have to become one of my stronger subject if I plan on being a surgent. I just don't understand the things about protons and electrons and crap. I am striving to do better because one subject isn't going to hold me back from achieving my dreams.
@bubblyapple (2653)
• Philippines
12 Mar 08
yeah i hate math too, but there is worst subject when i was in college.. and its BUSINESS LAW.. my goodness it can't sinked to my head and i remember my professor let me stand for the whole session because i can not answer his question.. I was thinking oh boy my course isn't LAW why would this professor making me sick! hehhehe
• United States
14 Oct 07
I hate math. Math is my worst subject. Math can stuff a tomato up a peach up a pear up a pumpkin and still not make a wit of sense. I wack numbers forwards and backwards and make cheeses out of all of it.
• India
21 Oct 07
I hated History and Geography the most. I used to think what is the used of studying all the thing which happened in the past. Its useless. Geography too was boring. Remembering so many things about different places, like which soil is present where and all that.
@surajpkn (582)
• India
12 Oct 07
Maths is the toughest subject i have ever studied, both in my school and college. Playing with numbers is really not my cup of tea. But i do love solving some aptitude questions which are mainly the arithmetic questions because they are important for getting placed in multi national companies. But i hate the subjects like advanced calculas and differentiations. I dont understand where these apply in the real time world at all.
@katkat (2378)
• Philippines
16 Oct 07
Definitely math and the other subjects that have numbers and solving invovle is what I hate.
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
13 Oct 07
I think it is history. I dunno if the subject itself bored me or the teachers and professors who handled and taught the subject to class was the one who was boring then. I never enjoyed any history subjects I took from elementary until college.
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
Math... I often have trouble understanding all the equations and functions. It's hard even with the help of technology (aka calculator). I do hope there would come a time when all my work would pay off and math would come and save my life. Could it be???
• Turkey
12 Oct 07
Math and history are my best. I love them and tryied to the my best in previous time, but now i am a student of ELT. Now i will be English teacher.
• Romania
12 Oct 07
My worst subject ever would be MATH and anything that is related to it!(such as phisics) The bad thing about your worst subject is that you can't understand nothing... therefore you are bored.. therefore you try to do something to pass time.. therefore your professor gets angry and, for example, asks you what was his/shes last phrase! You don't know and get a small grade! It happens to me at least twice a semester!
• India
12 Oct 07
me too don't like maths especially the integration and all differential stuffs...they wreck my brain nerves...and there's alot formulae to remember.
• United States
12 Oct 07
Oh! The second I saw the discussion title I thought MATH! lol. I am with you, I hate math. I mean, in school I did good in it...gettings As and Bs in all my algebra classes and stuff. But I did hate it! My least favorite subject! I also didn't like science. It's really boring for me and I'm just not intersted. I prefered all the 'creative' classes i took. Because that's mroe my interst. I took theater, cretaive writing, journalism, drawing! I loved those classes =)
@sumitsonu (598)
• India
12 Oct 07
Well for me the most dreaded subject in my whole school life , had been history , I just didn't like to touch my history books , it was so boring, I only studied on the days of examinations to just get the passing marks.
@gary1125 (173)
• Australia
12 Oct 07
Yes, we have different problem cos' I've got the high score in the math exam. However, a lower mark but haven't flunked.... I tried to give u a such subject, but i failed. maybe someone just good at what we study in the school, uni. Someone not, but anyway, the study just is a part of life. The reason might just you have not enough interest on it. If you can succeed in some area, u can also get a goooood looking result! Because the MATH is nothing but, just a stuff, just like what we will encounter everyday. Maybe the you don't lack the smart, just hate it, is it? Then love it, now
• United States
12 Oct 07
I used to hate science, it was my worst subject before high school. But ironically it became my best subject in high school. ha... Now my worst subject should be anything to do with history. Especially something with religious matter. Boring, boring subject in college. Warning to everyone who has not been in college yet, DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING RELATE TO RELIGIOUS, IT IS TOOOOOO HARD!!
@Rueca08 (101)
• Philippines
12 Oct 07
history! i dont like history at all! even though i listen, i dont understand some things...in the quizzes, i pass but if its long tests or exams i barely pass!