Foods that Bring Comfort

United States
October 15, 2007 6:17pm CST
We all have a certain dish that we enjoy that brings us that warm fuzzy feeling. Often these foods revolve around fond memories of days gone by. Whenever my kids are coming to dinner I will make a roast chicken, gravy, mashed potatoes, and biscuits. They often say it is their favorite meal. When they were growing up I often made roasted chicken or turkey on Sundays. It was the day we had our big meal together. It doesn't surprise me that they request this meal when they come to my house today. What meal or foods bring you that warm fuzzy feeling? Those wonderful comfort foods.
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21 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
16 Oct 07
A simple cup of tea does it for me, my dad used to make the best cup of tea ever, I don't think anyone has made one as good but a few have come close other than that my comfort food is custard, I love custard as we used to have it lot when I was a kid, I often buy that cartons of it in the supermarket and it is so nice I just have it like ice cream, I don't even heat it up, it has such a refreshing flavour...
• United States
16 Oct 07
Oh my, I too love custard. I often made it myself and loved every bite of it. I keep saying that I will have to make some soon. Soon as I get ambition that is.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
16 Oct 07
My favorite comfort foods, Elusive, are chicken and dressing, macaroni and cheese, chicken and noodles, and pasta. They are also very fattening, so I don't get to enjoy them nearly as much as I used to, lol. There is nothing better than sitting down with family and friends to break bread together.
• United States
16 Oct 07
My sister makes the best mac and cheese. She is the one to bring it to our family celebrations. I always take a dish of it home with me.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Thanksgiving and Christmas meals were always special as they involved family getting together. Comfort food to me, was something different...a way to comfort just me when I was down and depressed. Those types of foods were chips and chocolate candy or cookies.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
There is nothing better than a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
16 Oct 07
For our family, the food that most brings comfort is a roast. Prefrably roast lamb or beef. We do lots of roast vegeatables as well, including potatoes, pumpkin & carrot. I do peas & cormn in the microwave. Gray is a necessary addition. Whenever there is a family function that is not too large, we have a roast.
• United States
16 Oct 07
I love to make pot roast with the vegetables cooked in the same pot. You are right with the gravy, gotta have it. Especially when you have leftovers!
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@AmbiePam (96684)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I wish comfort foods were normally healthy. Mine aren't healthy at all. Fried chicken is the first thing that comes to mind, even though I haven't had it in years. My dad's mom made it whenever I visited her, and she made it better than anyone. But my mother came close. The other comfort food I have is pasta. Basically any pasta does the trick. I love the stuff, darn it. : )
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• United States
16 Oct 07
I now make fried chicken strips or nuggets rather than the whole pieces of chicken. It is good, but I still get a hankering for the whole pieces fried and served warm. I remember saving some for the next day and having it cold for lunch.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi elusivebutterfly,some foods that give me comfort are: Pot roast and vegetables Chicken Stew(especially when we have a cold,yummmy!) Hot chocolate&marshmellows on a cold day Roasted chicken with my grandmas dressing recipe Ci-Pate(cubed chicken,pork,beef,all spice,slat&pepper in a roasting pan with pie dough on top) Vietnamese soup or hot wonton soup Warm homemade bread with butter Baked beans with rolls Theres some more but im getting too hungry and i have to stop to eat now!Hahaha:)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Baked beans are wonderful. I serve them with cornbread.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Oh corn bread!Its been sooo long since ive ate that.My gram use to make it and i slathered on some butter,let it melt and yummy!You gave me an idea,hehe,maybe i will try to make some,but i just cannot get it right when i do.Its a bummer.Its too crunchy,haha:):)
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
16 Oct 07
Hey ElusiveButterfly. My comfort food is chicken and noodles or dumplings. My grandmother made what she called lazymans noodles. she would make them like regular noodle but not put in as much flour so she could have them fall out of the bowl into the broth and she cut them off as they fell to make nice lonf stringy noodles. I miss her noodles I never could get them the right consistance to flow out of the bowll and have to dip theminto the broth. She also made the best northern beans soup and cornbread. Some time she put a ham hock in them but even when they had no seasoning in they were so good. And now I can't get my beans as good as hers. It had to be that it was her making them. She has been gone for over 30 years now and somrtimes I still miss her.
• United States
16 Oct 07
I love bean soup. It was the one soup my former MIL could make and I enjoyed.
@GardenGerty (162772)
• United States
16 Oct 07
A pot roast, with carrots, celery, potatoes and brown gravy, cooked until it falls apart. I was so disappointed, I bought a roast to fix, but hubby fixed it. He does not cook beef that way, and he decided to put tomato sauce in it. (I was at work). We ate one meal out of it, then it sat in the fridge and grew mold. I will have to try again, sometime when he is working, and I am free to do the cooking. For the record, I love anything with gravy.
• United States
16 Oct 07
Oh,you have one of those Hubbies who like to cook too! Mine will add bay leaves to the pot roast and it gives it an odd flavor. I don't care for it at all. I have told him never to make it again. It would be hard for him to make a small one for himself so I know that he won't make it. Thankful for that one!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Oct 07
I guess I'm a foodie and all food gives me comfort. LOL. Thinking about it tho, I guess for me it's cooking and eating those foods that Mum used to do. Especially when I was living with Dad I would cook all the old family big deal, they are in my repertoire anyway. Dad would tuck into them even if he'd said he wasn't hungry. Things like steak and kidney pie, lambs fry with bacon and onion in gravy and yes, of course, baked dinners. I have to add things like trifle, apple pie and apple crumble to the list and tinned fruit with warm custard. I seem to be listing hot food. Salads don't really register as a comfort food for me.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I don't know if I answered this before because it looks very familliar. Anyway: Soup, I love soup on cold days. It's very comforting to me. I grew up with a different soup for lunch every cold day that I was home and usually a sandwich, too. Like tomato soup and grill cheese sandwich. My Mom made great soups from scratch, esp. chicken. She also took bones from ham, beef, and anything else she could get ahold of. I also love stew. I love the smell of just baked bread, that to me is very comforting, too. ICE CREAM! My favortie comfort food. Every flavor except chocolate and coffee. Take care
• United States
16 Oct 07
My favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla. It is calming.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I'm not much of a food person as far as comfort foods go. My mom was a great cook but I wasn't a big eater ever so I never really latched on to any particular food that brought me comfort. I do often think of my childhood when I have pineapple upside down cake because my mom made the best ever. I love homemade biscuits as well because my mother made the best and that was one thing I would eat without being forced. When I am down, pizza is the only thing that makes me feel better. I guess I could connect that with the fact that my mother was a waitress and I missed her terribly when she worked nights. She would often bring home a pizza after work and we would share some together and it was very special to me because I hadn't seen her all day (I was in school) or night (She was working). So I guess pizza really is a comfort food in a way. Hmm, I never even realized it. lol.
• United States
16 Oct 07
when I was growing up we spent a lot of time with our grandmother in the country. she had a garden and grew all of her own veggies and canned just about any thing you can imagine. she made the best turnip greens and cornbread ever along with creamed corn, onion and cucumber salad and potato salad.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
Hot chocolate on a cold winters night. I have diabetes now so I can't have much but boy do I savor it when I do. I can be happy with just a little. So much better than none at all. I guess another would be mashed potates and gravy and of course homemade yeast rolls. Boy I have to stop. I am suddenly starving.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
Have you tried the sugar-free hot chocolate? I have and it is very good. I love hot chocolate, but not the calories. Using the sugar-free Swiss Miss brand is the best.
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• United States
16 Oct 07
Thanks for the tip. I haven't tried Swiss Miss but will check it out. I did try one sugar free and it seemed very watery. It really wasn't very good. I will put the Swiss Miss on my grocery list. Again, thank you for the tip
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• Philippines
16 Oct 07
I really love the Signature Hot Chocolate from Starbucks or any hot drink from Ghirardelli! For me it's the texture and the full flavor of a drink that comfort me.
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
16 Oct 07
I really dont have any comfort foods. In winter I love a hot bowl of fresh homemade soup or chilli with cornbread though. Maybe that would count.
16 Oct 07
Mmmmmmmmm chocolate profiteroles my ultimate comfort food. My best friend came over shortly after my ex husband and I seperated and he brought with him a large bowl of chocolate profiteroles and a selection of soppy movies. I cried, I laughed, I ate all the profiteroles.
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
Hi ElusiveButterfly, Thanks for this 'delicious discussion.' The term 'comfort foods' evokes such nostalgia in me, and reminds me instantly, of my growing up years, and my mother's excellent cooking. One of my favourites was (and still is today) a homemade roast beef dinner, with all of the trimmings. I also loved (and still do), roast turkey or chicken with stuffing etc. This topic is making me extremely hungry.:)
@azimsay (543)
• India
16 Oct 07
If eat any food by enjoy ,you will get enargy.If that food good for health.You eat any ulike food also you will vitamines which its necessory.Be enjoy khana.
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@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
16 Oct 07
ok ym comfort foods would be chicken noodle soup beef stew chili lasagna and garlic bread!!!!! thanks for askign this?
@ashlena (62)
• Canada
16 Oct 07
i know a lot of people would say chocolate or ice cream but i find eating tons and tons of almonds make me happy. The calorie count in just a cup is hundreds but i find them satisfying and they make me happy.