Do you carry or wear protective or good luck charms or other items?

My Mom's wedding band - Similar to my mom's wedding band that I wear around my neck.
@wotfpatty (2065)
United States
October 17, 2007 4:14am CST
I wondered if you wear or carry anything with you that you feel protects you. Many people have St. Christopher's medals in their cars to protect them from accidents and such. I am a Christian and I do have a few small medals I wear sometimes but the one thing that means most to me is my late mother's wedding band. It is very thin, gold, and worn for 50 years on her finger. When she was very ill in her final days, her rings had to be removed. It hadn't been off her finger since she put it on. She had a total of three rings that were not costume jewelry - a mother's ring we all gave her, a wedding band that my father bought her for their millionth anniversary that she didn't like (she preferred her old one), and the one I spoke of. We three sisters each chose a ring to keep to cherish as she could not be buried with the rings on. Two were cut off and the one I have would not fit her. Our father insisted that Mom would have wanted us to have them. And she would have. ANYWAY, I just got maudlin, sorry. I wear that ring on a gold chain and, in times of trouble or fear, I keep it close to my heart. I always have it with me whether it is on me or in my purse. I have never yet flown or been through scary medical procedures without having that ring with me since I have had it. Mom died 10 years ago and I cherish the ring and feel she is with me when I have it near me. What about you? Do you ever hold or wear something that makes you feel safer or calmer? Do you wear medallions of any sort or carry good luck charms? I would freak if I lost the ring. I should keep it safely at home but I really connect to it and need it for the tough stuff. Am I alone?
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21 responses
• India
17 Oct 07
what is wear is an amalgamation of astrology and good luck charm. Immediately after my marriage (that would be 10yrs back) I somehow started going thru a very bad patch. I lost my job, my hubby wasn’t doing too well, whatever new job applications I was sending was drawing blank, i was getting depressed sitting at home, financial condition was in shambles and nothing was looking good. then one day, mom took me to a professional astrologer and i went along just for a lark. he prescribed a cat's eye for me to be worn as a ring. i got it made and wore it regularly and believe me, since that time, i have not looked back. i dont believe in astrology per se and its not that i won a lottery and became a millionaire overnight. No, but i started having a normal life again. i got a stable job which paid me well, my hubby was doing well, the family was in better financial condition and then, like the icing on the cake,came my son. as i said, its been 10yrs now that i am wearing that ring and i have had no major problems or have somehow become strong enough to overcome them. i never ever open that ring and have become quite sensitive towards it.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Oct 07
The cat's eye stone is one of the Charis (I kind of studied up on those as they are healing stones and I am fascinated by everything). This is what a cat's eye is supposed to do for you: "Cat's Eye (Natural, Chrysler) Natural Cat's Eye(Chrysler) is a stone of good fortune and good luck. It is said to bring serenity and happiness, along with optimism and generosity. It is used in emotional crystal healing to bring forgiveness, balanced emotions, and self-esteem. Cat's eye can enhance creativity and kindness. It is also a stone of protection. Physically, cat's eye is used in crystal healing for kidneys, pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, spleen, and leukemia issues." Glad it worked for you and that things turned around for you!
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• India
22 Oct 07
Wow, thnks a ton for the info. I didn’t know so much about it but now my faith in the stone as been reinforced.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Oct 07
the word in the first line should be CHAKRAS. I spell checked and the thing changed my word!
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I wore my wedding ring for nearly forty years and never took it off, until I broke my wrist. Then I couldn't wear it, and I've put on weight since then and it won't fit on my finger any more. I would sometimes wear it on a chain, but I have lost several things lately... so am now keeping it safe at home. I always considered it my lucky charm because of the way life has been since we were married. I don't know it it would be the same if I had it resized, so I just take it out and hold it sometimes... get a bit of magic from it! Its wonderful that you value so much what your Mom valued.
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Oct 07
My mother flatly refused to take her ring off even when she had a burst brain aneurysm and needed many MRI's. They had to tape it so the magnetic stuff didn't cause issues. I think just having the ring and knowing it is there is enough. I have mine as well and I must have been tiny when I got married because it was too small for a long time but I believe it fits now. I should go get my band and diamond and check. I haven't worn them in a long time because they were so tiny in circumference. They certainly were lucky for me :) I think of my mother every time I see that battered, worn ring of hers and I miss her so much. I just know she is around me though.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I do have my Pop's watch right here in front of me... and I DO wear that when I go out. It has some serious 'patina' as well. It was the last thing I took off of him, and I keep it as near as possibe. I had it hanging on a wire shelf... when I changed the clocks back, I forgot to change the watch... it kept dropping down from where I had it until I remembered to change it, too! Then it didn't move again... that may freak some people out, but it made me laff... he was just reminding me!LOL!
@stella1989 (2274)
• India
17 Oct 07
I don't carry any such special lucky charms because I actually don't belive in one. Yes but I do carry a rosary with me every day ever where!! As I can't wear it becasue its just too beautiful and weak to wear so I carry it in my purse every day. It makes me feel like Jesus is with me always!! I also love to carry such lucky charms too!! But the actual thing is I don't have one. I don't have any lucky charms. I want some one to "gift" me such lucky charms I don't want to "buy" them myself, because it feels really great when someone gift you such thing, but till now nobody has gifted me any such small things. Not even any momentos for rememberence!! Sigh...!! but thats true. :)
• India
17 Oct 07
No thats not at all any superstition..!! Its just a normal feeling. And we all are same like you..!! Some people really leaves touching our hearts so deeply!! :)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Sometimes I wear stones or other jewelry that I feel is protective in nature. I don't always do it, but it helps having something near by when I feel that I may need it. It's very empowering to have something nearby like that.
17 Oct 07
I have a silver ring with a celtic knotwork design and an amethyst stone which my partner gave me when we first got together. He always said that when we were apart all I had to do was turn the ring on my finger and he would be with me. I cannot leave the house now without making sure that my ring is where it belongs, on my finger.
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@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Oct 07
Oh, that is beautiful. What a wonderful thing to have. You'll never be lonely as long as you have that ring.
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@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
I don't wear good luck charms or any ornaments to that effect. But I have these bracelet where pictures of Jesus and Mary surrounded it. I may call it a protective bracelet since it always reminds me of staying good all the time. lol
@wotfpatty (2065)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I don't believe in good luck charms. I don't think anything can give me good luck. But I do believe in protective things that make me feel better or help me get me through times. The bracelet sounds lovely and the sentiment is beautiful.
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• United States
22 Oct 07
I may wear a scapular or a cross but I don't see them as any sort of good luck charm..they are signs of my faith. The scapular represents my love and respect for the Mother Of God..the mother of Jesus and my cross ..gratitude to Jesus for caring enough for me;)
• India
23 Oct 07
I have a golden finger ring fitted with elephants tail hair.It brings good luck and prevents us form various diseases.It is not a superstition and i think lot of science is behind in wearing rings which is fitted with diamonds and pearls.
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
18 Oct 07
I was wearing an aventure bracelet that was supposed to bring patience and joy to me. I really think it worked. It broke so I took it back to the store. They sent it to the manufacturer to be repaired while I purchased another one. That one has since broken and I am still waiting for the first one to come back. I haven't felt as great without that bracelet so I think I will see if my daughter can string the beads together for me so I can wear it again. I have an "Angel of the Highway" visor clip in my van. If I'm going on a long trip I will kiss my finger and touch the angel with my finger. Other than that, common sense is a good way to go. ;)
@diansinta (7544)
• Indonesia
23 Oct 07
I have collection of charms, but i just keep it in my room. I don't like to wear them. They protect my room and my sleep.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
18 Oct 07
I have a St. Christopher Clip on my sun visor and I carry a silver cross in my change purse. I also have a statue of Jesus, Mary and St Francis of Asisi on my TV stand. Also I have a few figurines of Jesus, one of him surrounded with children and a picture on the wall in the hall way and our bedroom. I feel he's there watching over us and it's a reminder to us of what he's done for us as well.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
18 Oct 07
From time to time, I wear a necklace given to me by my childhood sweetheart (I gave her one too). Other than that, nothing special. If I did get more lucky charms I'd look into the following. The Safety Badge (Super Mario RPG) - protects against status effects ;p Time Egg (Chrono Trigger) - apparently has the power to correct broken timelines Wolfsbane (Various) - protects against werewolves and evil spirits Ankh or Soulstone (Warcraft) - revives the user when fell in battle (XD) Chibi Progamer Doll (Self Made) - cause it looks kewl, just having it is epic!
• Pakistan
18 Oct 07
Yes I wear prtoective instrument which protect me from accident.
• China
21 Oct 07
Yeah,I also hold something.But the reason is diffrently.Sometimes,I want to be another person which can be another one.I think people want to be another one more or less,not for the money or pity,just for our willing.Time in our lives is so limited,we can not do everything which we like.Some method or ways,If we miss it at the startings,we will never find it again.But we still want to have it.So maybe I wear the one .but every one has own weakness,so I also hole something which make me fell safer or clamer sometimes.
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
We have lots of that here, but I used to wear back when I was still a kid. I'm not used to it anymore, so I only put such where it is not visible. I'm not into jewelries or accessories much, so I guess those pendant and rings are out of the topic. The only thing I always have is a pocket prayer book, which I always tuck in my wallet. Also, there's a ritual that I do whenever going out of the house. It's either I say a little prayer for guidance, or do the 'sign of the cross' for safe travel..
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
17 Oct 07
I am a Christian and i do not wear any lucky charms,and right now I do not have on my wedding ring. My bones have grown and so have I, and I should have it resized, but sometimes the air pressure is too great and my finger swells and then it turns blue and I have to use hand lotion to get it off, so that is the reason I do not usually keep it on at night. I would hate the circulation would stop during the night. However the real reason I remove my wedding ring was I had a child before marriage and when I met my husband and we married, I found because of what I did, and what the other guy had, I could no longer get pregnant, but I thought that having a child before marriage (adopted out) psyched my insides against having a child in marriage and so I thought by removing my wedding ring at night, my unconscious could think I was still unmarried and I would conceive. Then again it could have been because I was not married in a church and according to society, church marriages have a less chance of being encouraged to break up for silly little things than civil marriages so maybe I did not get pregnant because I could not have a church wedding and I would have had to become Mennonite to have one, and I disagreed with its beliefs. You see how my mind is going? I do have an anniversary ring but it was made larger, and so I keep it on, but not for good luck, but because it is so pretty.
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
17 Oct 07
I have a wooden turtle necklace that I wear all of the time. I don't know if it brings me luck or protects me any but, I feel better with it on. Bruce got it for me when we went to San Diego, California last year.
• United States
18 Oct 07
The closest thing I get to wearing something for luck ios when I wear the color green. Whenever I go shopping for something essential, I wear green.
@Jade27 (67)
• United States
17 Oct 07
I wear a cross. I know that as a christian we are not to "worship" symbols but I do not think that my wearing it and thinking that it helps me is the same as worshipping it. I wear it to remind me of what Jesus did for us and that is what helps me when times are tough.
@topei12 (272)
• Philippines
17 Oct 07
Nope. Don't believe in those kind of stuff. I just pray to God for protection and guidance.