we sleep in separate beds`

October 20, 2007 4:24am CST
ever since we got married, my husband and i sleep in separate beds that we just place side by side. this is because we can't afford to buy a new bed just yet, we bought an aircon instead because the room is too hot becaues of the afternoon sun. anyway, more than me, my husband wants to get a new bed because he wants us to sleep side by side each other. for me, it's just a bed and when we sleep, we are not aware of each other anyway. what do you think of this?
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8 responses
@shadowing (308)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 07
Hi. First, may I know the meaning of "side by side"? Haha, which mean two single beds put beside each other or each single bed is placed each side of the wall? Haha, anyway, well, personally I feel it's ok, I mean still within the same room and same house and sharing the same air con, right? Haha. However, what do we think of this it's not important. The important one will be what do your husband think of. I mean different thing mean differently for different person. Let's take one example- An artist, to him, a drawing brush could be his life but a brush something mean nothing to another person, right? So, what I am trying to say here is that maybe a bed is actually something which is very important to your husband. So, maybe you try to communicate with him and find out what a bed means to him. Haha. All the best and have a nice day.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
21 Oct 07
hi shadowing! yeah, side by side means that the beds are placed beside each other. yeah, we do share everything, except the bed. lol but finally, i bought a mattress last night! it will be delivered tomorrow. so starting tomorrow, we will share the bed already. yippeeee!!! thanks so much!
• Malaysia
21 Oct 07
It's great to hear that from you friend! Haha, please do enjoy a lot!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Oct 07
I can't stand sharing a bed..in fact my husband and I have completely seperate bedrooms LOL....Ppl think its odd but its not without good reason ya know and it really doesnt matter to me (or him) what anyone else thinks.... If you are ok with having a new bed and the two of you being able to cuddle, spoon etc etc and can afford it (which is the most important thing IMO) then go for it ya know..
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Oct 07
I so,etimes want to be close to my husband and when we had full size bed we fell asleep touching one another then we got a king size bed and we sleep way apart why I dont know........ I think if your happy and he is not you need to find a happy middle ground.
@lucky_witch (2707)
• Philippines
20 Oct 07
Its still good that you both sleep at the same bed. Me, I want my husband to hug me when I sleep and a few talk just before we sleep is good. It's kind of a good bonding between the both of us. So, if you have enough money to buy bed then its good that you will buy. Right now, you can sleep seperate. :)
@raychill (6525)
• United States
21 Oct 07
I'd say it's not 50's television and married couples really do sleep together. But if you have two twin beds and they're next to each other making a queen size bed then it really makes no difference.
@quanto50 (140)
• Sweden
20 Oct 07
I don't see any kind of problem in sleeping separately.. I think it kinda may be better. Anyway you can come to him and just be with him so there is nothing to worry about. since you are in one room. :-)
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
20 Oct 07
My ex & I use to sleep in a twin bed together when we first started spending nights at each other's homes. Thankfully that didn't last long. I can't imagine sleeping in a different bed than my partner regularly. It's reassuring to wake-up from a bad dream and see him in the bed. Or if I wake-up sick (I'm 39 weeks pregnant) I can nudge him & he'll get me some water or help me get out of bed. I do the same for him when he catches a cold of course. But since you have the two beds together, if that's what you can afford right now then I don't see it as a big deal.
@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 07
I myself still sleep together in one bed. I had seen many around myself that couple had different beds, even room. I realize what the reason is. To us, it will not a great deal, but we are just need to think of our kids, they are very good acceptor, once they found it out, they will just plant a doubt inside them. "why my parent sleep like that?" we cannot hope all kids will think the same as our brain. Some will understand, but some will not. And this will have an effect to their psychological side when they have their own marriage life.