My Star Rateing or THE Truth?
@SEOGUY (906)
United States
October 20, 2007 7:39am CST
I have found one thing here on mylot. Some people can't stand the truth on anything that goes agenst there understanding. The most intolorent I have seen is in the political and religious topics. Sometimes I read things that are such BS I have to say something, and ofcourse my rating suffers. So I ask you, do you care more about your star or setting the record strate. Do you not answer topics that are posted that differ from your veiw? For me I chose truth.
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9 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
21 Oct 07
You think your rating is bad, you should see mine. Also Sacrificialclam's is low all because of one prominent stance on a hot button topic. And Redyellowdog's has been negged so much by others that he's had his star removed a couple of times. And all because we have opinions and some people just can't stand it.
I call it the mental bubble effect. If anything breaches some troll or clown's mental bubble then its negative pressing time against whoever said it. Its sick and the whole star system is pretty broken. You have members on here who either say the "correct" stuff. Or you have members who just go around playing soft. that's the only way to get a 9 or 10. Anyone who actually has a real opinion is toast. Sad part is, mylot you NEED different opinions to have a discussion. If you just have people going "yea i agree" "yes right" "me too" its going to be boring and people are not going to care.
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
20 Oct 07
Well my rating went down months ago and has been the same since then even though I have received some best responses. There are a few members here at Mylot that I will not post a comment to any of their discussions because they "can't handle the truth", and will give you a minus on all your discussions or replies, therefore I don't bother posting a reply to them. I don't think the star rating is an accurate way to rate a person. I think Stars should be awarded from Mylot for participation, not for the disgruntled to use against you. That's my opinion!
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@kayakalp (272)
• India
20 Oct 07
hey seoguy,
I wud always voice my opinion. It deosnt matter, whether opp person agrees with it and mark is negatively or positively.
You can lie to everyone but you cannot lie to yourself, unless you tune your mind to take your lies as truth and be proud of it.
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
21 Oct 07
I have to make a correction. It's not that people can't stand the truth, it's that people can't stand others opinions. See when it comes to religion and politics (which are subjects I avoid) there really is no truth is there? Where is it written in stone that anything in religion or politics is the truth...and what's not the truth?
When it comes to religion and politics some people have such strong convictions that they are so closed minded to see any other opinion besides those that agree with their own opinions. So when you say something that is different from them, they can't handle it because there IS nothing other than their own beliefs. When the truth is that in religion and politics there is no truth...there is no right and there is no wrong...there is only what you believe.
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@caroliewrites (205)
• United States
21 Oct 07
What is Truth? lol (the question of all time right?) I find that truth depends on the individual. My "truth" may not be your "truth" and so on.
I agree that some of the most intollerant are the political and religous. It's touted that our country was based on religous tollerance. How far from the truth can you get? Our early colonists were far from tollerant, either in their religion or their politics. Nor were our pioneering ancestors. Guess some of that remains with us even today. However on the other hand, there are many religous and politcal persons out there that demonstrate great tollerance for their fellow man. I like to believe I'm one of them. :)
Thanks for the comment, I enjoyed reading it.
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
21 Oct 07
What is truth? Well there are only two kinds of truth. Relitive truth, in which ones oppenion is their truth and secondly universal truths. A universal truth is that the earth revolves around the sun. I therefor agree with your asumption nobody knows the truth if we are talking about relitive truths. But when someone takes a universal truth or flat out tells a lie, should we chalange the lie? People lie about things alot becouse of the way they feel about something and they say somethig that is not true, I can except that they feel or beleive a certain way, but I just can't seem to be able to let them get away with it. call it a personal defect. Thanks for your post.
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@caroliewrites (205)
• United States
21 Oct 07
You're right. Realative Truth. Your comment is a perfect example. lol And, again, YOUR truth. Not necesarilly mine, or anyone elses. And that' fine as long as YOU RECOGNIZE that truth (not talking about science here) is realative. Realative meaning in this case, not absolute. The theory of relativity; not absolute; varying ---(to make different one from another.)
Thanks for your post.

@v_kinikar (25)
• India
20 Oct 07
There are many people speaking lie.Truth is wellcome at every were.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
21 Oct 07
At the moment you and I share the same star rating with a 78. Mine goes up and down like mad so I know it's the same with me as with you, some people can't accept anyone's opinion but their own so they retalliate with a negative even though that's clearly against the myLot guidelines. I'm not sure who could be doing it to me because The Progamer, who posted to this discussion, and I are always butting heads and she's got a lower number than I. So anyone who disagrees with me in the political discussions would probably be likely to give her a positive and vice versa. I stopped worrying about my star rating, if people wish to break the rules and rate according to their opinion on an issue that's the way it is. For me to simply avoid the controversial topics would defeat my whole purpose of joining myLot, which is to participate in back and forth discussions with other users.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
21 Oct 07
What is important is, we must speak what we feel from heart. And we must also be sure not hurt another person's sentiments. And if somebody is not willing to accept another's opinion then they must leave, rather than judge them and demoralise them. But it's a good thing to be different and always express it.
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
21 Oct 07
I do care about my rating, to some extent, although really, I wonder why. It would be kinda sad, and probably the time to quit MyLot, when I felt I couldn't give my opinion for fear of my rating being affected.
That said, there are some posters and subjects to which my response is almost certain to get me a negative rating. And it may even be deserved, if I'm responding just to be contentious. If I know someone is trying to bait people like myself, and are not interested in a discussion, why rise to the bait? Yet, again, it is tempting on occasion. Part of my reason for being on MyLot is cathartic - I want to get some things off my chest, and confront certain attitudes/opinions. So, all said, I ain't ever gonna get a 10, and I can live with that.
@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
21 Oct 07
Maybe you've been neg rated for some other post than the ones on this one, as this thread seems quite non-inflammatory.
I've posted one or two things that I regret, and wish I could retract. But no, they're out there for anyone to come across at any time and give me a neg rating for. And sometimes, it's the way one says something, not the actual opinion itself.