Who am I?...Why am I here?

@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 23, 2007 12:02am CST
I'll answer the second part first because that's a shorter, simpler answer. I'm here in myLot because I love meeting and chatting with new people from all over the world and making new friends. I love writing and I love debating and the fact that I actually earn a little spending money for doing so is pure icing on the cake. When I say I love debating, I mean just that. I love a back and forth discussion with everyone who participates and gives their own point of view in a courteous and respectful fashion. As I said I'm here to meet and chat with people and make new friends so I'm not here to give negative ratings or to attack and offend people who disagree with me. If I ever do offend anyone it's not intentional and I don't mind being nicely told about it, as in "That wasn't nice, it hurt my feelings or wasn't necessary", something like that. I'm not perfect and I know we all sometimes say something we don't mean or it comes out - or onto on the computer screen - the wrong way. Now...who am I? I'm Annie from Pennsylvania (Pa.), hence "anniepa". I'm 55 years old and I'm a wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, great aunt, sister-in-law, cousin and friend. I worked as a letter carrier for the USPS for over 18 years and as I wait for my disability retirement and Social Security Disability claim to come through I'm trying my hand at working from home online. I've already identified myself in my discussions as a Democrat and a liberal but that doesn't mean I'm an extremist or a radical. I'm a liberal by Mr. Webster's definition, not Mr. Limbaugh or Hannity's...lol... I pride myself on being open-minded and respectful of other people's viewpoints. I'm also someone who loves movies, TV, the internet, books, music, animals, auto racing, travelling, cooking and spending time with my family and friends. I'm sure I've missed something here so let me simply say I'm someone who loves people and LIFE in general. I'm not someone who is out to hurt anyone else or put them down. I don't believe in trying to hurt someone's myLot Star Rating because they disagree with me or I with them on one issue or another. So, I'm also someone who wishes others would give me the same courtesy but if they can't and it makes them happy to negate me, that's no big deal either. OK, this is a discussion so "WHO ARE YOU and WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Annie
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13 responses
• United States
23 Oct 07
Hi, Annie, Hm.. How much to give away. When the powers that be hunt down anti-establishment radicals, I might regret losing my anonymity.. Well, my real name is Paul..I'm a software engineer/programmer, whatever, living in Silicon Valley California. I've been married 11 years (to a woman :-P), and have 2 kids, aged 2 and 8. I love to travel, and partly believe, in my arrogant way, that the two US coasts are more liberal-minded due to being more cosmopolitan and less parochial in their thinking (a sweeping generalization, I know). I am hear because, with 2 young kids, I don't get out enough in real life to have these, or almost any types of discussions (I avoid discussions about kids here, because that's all I have in real life). Also, I wouldn't be able to be quite so frank in real conversations. I'm quite reserved and..what's the word for 'doesn't talk much'.. that. I often feel like a blathering idiot on MyLot, but then why should I particularly care what anyone here thinks of me? This is my forum for being a blathering idiot. I love pop culture and people, books and movies, and discussing these is all positive for me. It's fun, informative of other cultures, and a pleasant break from the heavier stuff. The heavier stuff is usually negative, in that I know it's usually best to not talk about something you don't fully understand. But as someone that is just naturally liberal, having witnessed the Republican congress antics during the Clinton presidency and then the Bush administration, and seen the polarization caused by Limbaugh, Fox News, and the rest of the right wing media, my blood has been boiling for quite a while. MyLot has been a good outlet for me to vent. And really, I've not met so many Conservatives in my life. I've even wondered, who are these people voting Republican, and what were they thinking? Now I have a better idea. For the opportunity to put my liberal=biased side of things, I'm grateful for everyone's mostly respectful indulgence.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Dec 07
My blood has been boiling right along with yours! But I guess you already knew that, right...lol...? I'm grateful for the opportunity to voice my looney-left opinion too, although I don't think I'm all that looney! Annie
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Well hopefully secret service won't take you away (or me). I think they are much more likely to go for me since I've exposed more on both "parties" as well as major distrust of the government, corporations and various entities. Brave/Paul, just think of me as a lightning rod. I think you'll be safe good sir.
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• United States
15 Dec 07
Yes, we do seem to be kindred spirits with regards politics, don't we? I still can't put my finger on why some people see things all left and others all right. Must be a chemical thing. But I'm pretty much an all left person, loony or otherwise! Many thanks for the best response! :)
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
23 Oct 07
My real name is Rosie, spelled with an "s" instead of a "z." I like to use the "z," just to be original. I am a California girl and have been all my life. As of now, I have no plans to leave here. I was named after my mother which I consider to be a blessing and a curse. The curse and the blessing are one in the same, I am too much like my mom. I have a severe mental disorder and am on disability, but anyone who knows me, knows that my disability in no way defines me. I am a writer, a counselor, and a good friend. My most favorite role, so far, is being a auntie to my ten nieces and nephews and one great-nephew. My family brings me the most joy, aside from God. I love hanging around my friends, because they allow me to be myself. Anyone who does not allow me to be me, can never really get close to me. I am an avid reader and love to do creative writing. I am almost obsessed with the study of the human mind and what makes people tick. So of course, my favorite subject is psychology. Last, but certainly not least, I am a child of God and sold out for Jesus.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
23 Oct 07
I forgot to state why I am here. I too love a good juicy debate. I like meeting people on line and making a little extra pocket change.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Dec 07
I share your near "obsession" with what makes people tick! I don't have a college education but I've often wished I'd studied psychology, it's a fascinating subject. Thanks so much for sharing who you are, Rozie. It's a pleasure to have you as my friend! Annie
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
15 Dec 07
I do not have a college degree either. You do not need one to be a counselor. But, it does help if you know what you are talking about. In 2001, I bought $500.00 worth of Psychology books and have really enjoyed reading them. They literally changed my life.
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• United States
24 Oct 07
That is the question that all humans ask. Truth be told, we are all here for some reason. "Who am I?" Well, I am me. "Why am I here?" I have to be here, but while I am here, I am going to have fun and enjoy life.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
23 Oct 07
Having been here on myLot for some time now, anniepa, I'm reasonably sure that I've told much more about myself than I ever intended to, lol. I came to MyLot via a referral from someone on Yahoo! Answers. I still am a member of that site although I don't get to devote nearly as much time as I used to there. I was attracted to the prospect of earning a little money for doing something that I truly enjoy-interacting with people and sharing my views. However, after I overcame my original shyness, I made some friends along the way. I'm sure there are some who don't consider me a friend, but that is because I tend to be plain-spoken and opinionated. I can argue a point with you, but I won't get angry or fall out with you about it. Once I've had my say I'm ready to move on to something new. I am 61, a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I've worked a few jobs-from janitorial, factory, schools, and office work. I grew up in Tennessee but moved back to Ohio where most of my familiy lived during my 20s. I write poetry, love music, puzzles, and games of most kinds. Reading is my passion. I am a registered Democrat. I don't get even when I disagree with someone by giving their discussions a negative rating, as I would hope they would not do to me.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I'm alot like you, Worldwise, I also love discussing and debating different issues and doing so respectfully. I would never give someone a negative rating because they disagree with me but it's obvious I've rubbed some people the wrong way because I've been like a yo-yo but now I'm really dropping like a fly! Oh, well, no sense getting stressed about it and I am also plain-spoken and I enjoy the dabating aspect of myLot so I'm not going to avoid the controversial topics. Thank you for your usual well thought response. Annie
@raychill (6525)
• United States
24 Oct 07
I'm Rachel, most people call me Raychill or Chill. I'm pretty awesome. I'm very strong and pretty confident. I have a cat. I love him. I live in Maryland. I'm 25. I don't talk about my personal life much. I don't talk about my family much. I love music and movies. did I mention I love my cat? Why am I here? I enjoy conversations with people. I'm short and simple. I hate talking about myself.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Dec 07
I like that - Chill for Rachel. I have two cats, a girl and a boy and I love them too. They're my babies! Annie
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
24 Oct 07
While I refuse to reveal my name and true location I'll give you something about me. I was about to not do so. I am an entity known as Progamer, friends call me Pro. People who misread it call me programmer (or other mispellings), but I've not only become use to it, I take it in loving fashion! As you already know Annie, there is no way I support the Demican/left-in-the-past wing agenda. I also don't support the backwards doubletalking Blight-wing agenda either. Both are full of empty nothings that talk big but when it comes time to do something, nothing happens. And it seems like the mistakes and blunders keep piling on. They have been for a few decades (and that is also a reason both "parties" are useless non-entities that should be eradicated). Why am I here. Well I got referred by a family member, but the strangest thing, that person is never on. -_- The pocket change is a nice touch, but I also get so much more from mylot, definitely the debate but also some good discussions to post on. (And lots of mental bubbles/boxes to shatter). I also know I'm not liked here by some people since my star rating continues to fall. Isn't it great? And mylot says it has no bias and wants discussion... -_- What I do both in life and mylot. Life: I work for as a consultant for a local government and on the side I take consulting jobs or volunteering if the case is right. Mostly map making, 2D designs, 3D designs, before-and-afters, assessments, document writing, computer and program assistance. Also on the side of the side, I volunteer at a phys rehab center and I've volunteered helping senior citizens in the past. Before that, I was an arts (well overall subjects) mentor for kids. Even though it was arts, I found myself helping kids with homework half the time. I still volunteer with this too when I have good opportunities, like I did last month. Interests: Art, painting, photography, nature, earth science/geology, biology, paleontology, chemistry, physics, writing, literature, US history, world history, archeology, music, anime, movies, computers, internet, f1 & auto racing, motocross, offroading/ATV, and plenty, plenty more. I'll quit now. I know I'm already boring people though.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Dec 07
You, BORING? Not on your life, Pro! I have to admit I was one of those who in the beginning mistook your name for The Programmer. Oops! You sure do have a full life and many, many interests. Glad to meet you! Annie
• United States
24 Oct 07
So are you a, gasp, anarchist, Progamer? I don't expect much more from the Dems than the Republicans, but your distaste for both parties and the system in general is perfectly understandable. Nice to know a bit more about you. Not boring at all.
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@sann007m2 (717)
• India
23 Oct 07
See I am here Because of I have to stay here.perhaps you don't understand it..right?Let me explain it.At first you think that why you are still alive?The only & primary reason is that you don't die yet.Another e.g is that what the necessity of the presence of the white color,just prove the existence of the black color.So I am here because of proving my existence over here....right!
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@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
23 Oct 07
I am someone's wife, daughter, aunt, niece, friend, and my own person. I am here because I like to see what others have to say and like to participate in discussions with people. It helps offer different perspectives I might not consider myself.
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• United States
23 Oct 07
My name is Candie and I am here simply for fun. I find responding to discussions amuzing and interesting and well that's about it because the money that's earned here is not enough for anything. I also try to be unbiased when stating my opinion and try to think before I speak. That is actually my quote on my profile. I don't want to insult anyone or hurt anyone's feelings here. I love to hear how others think and feel about certain topics because everyone thinks differently. And well, that's all for now I guess. :)
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@azimsay (543)
• India
23 Oct 07
You are asking question on MYLOT para ofcorse it is for ceatchatting you.You are mylot member.Thank you.
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@julianarw (1521)
• Netherlands
23 Oct 07
Hi Annie, I am Juliana, live in the Netherlands for 3 years now. I am full time mother of my son, 14 months, i am wife, daughter. My own country is Jakarta - Indonesia. I'd love to watch Korean drama serial, action movies. My other hobbies is photography. I have collection postcards from around the world. I am here, because i like writing and meet other people but also get extra money. Because i am full time mother ^_^;;
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
24 Oct 07
Not sure of "who" I am but what I am is an auto mechanic, a brother, son, uncle, nephew, by-default-estranged husband, handy-man, friend, somewhat free-lance teacher, internet surfer, techo/science buff, very out of practice pianist, mountain lover, music lover and sarcastic individual. As to why I'm here, I'm just continuing my journey looking for people that I can enjoy communicating with, learning from, and enjoying the human experience with, both good and bad. And like our host, I am liberal by Webster's definition. And very much opposed to Limbaugh's existence in general.
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@latinvari (192)
• Turkey
23 Oct 07
i m latinvari i m in 19 years old i m a son but i m not good son if i do good thinks i will have an award but if i don t good thinks i will suffer.this is a law and a chain nobody can t broke it
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