What is the dumbest thing you did today?

I spilled my coffee all over the place! - spilled cup of coffee
United States
October 26, 2007 4:54pm CST
I'm so mad at myself I could scream!!! I knocked a cup of coffee all over my desk, papers on it and keyboard. That's not even mentioning the large puddle on the floor, the chair I'm sitting in and the cushion that goes behind my back! One little cup of coffee and it took me 15 minutes to clean it up. What a clutz huh? Well, I can't sit here without my cup of coffee so I'm just going to have to learn to be more careful...yeah right! What is the dumbest thing you did today? Do you consider it something major or just a minor boo boo like I just did? Where you able to "take care" of it fast or are you going to have to deal with it?
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17 responses
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
27 Oct 07
Oh Im sorry you did that! I didnt do anything dumb today which is unusual for me.LOL Im always spilling things.LOL Now you be careful with that coffee.LOL No more spilling it!
• United States
27 Oct 07
Since that happened I have been super careful about where I put my coffee cup. I don't want to deal with that again.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
27 Oct 07
The dumbest thing I did was to walk across the yard to put something away in the old house. Sounds innocent enough, I know, except that it's been raining and that section of the yard has a spring on it so there were several inches of water lurking under the overgrown grass and leaves. I was half way out before it seeped through my only pair of shoes. So now I'm barefoot until they dry out...let's hope I don't need to go anywhere.
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• United States
27 Oct 07
ohhhh, that sounds so uncomfortable! I hope your shoes dried out before you had to go anywhere!
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
27 Oct 07
The dumbest thing I did was not really today, it was last night. And that was to listen to all my husbands crap about his son, (my step son) accusing me of lots of things, & not wanting to give me a right of reply. It was very depressing.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
28 Oct 07
I did try to defend myself. But when I do so he says I am interrupting. He wants me to listen to a long lecture, where he makes lots of claims, & not interrupt. Then I am supposed to remember every claim to defend myself.
• United States
27 Oct 07
I hate to agree with you but sitting there and not defending yourself was very dumb! I'm so sorry you had to experience such a depressing conversation and couldn't do anything about it. I hope you got things straightened out by now.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
27 Oct 07
Nothing today really but yesterday was a different story. I laid down yesterday late afternoon due to working over night on Wednesday night and Thursday night and when I work up I thought that I had missed work on Thursday night and slept until Friday morning. I ran into the living room and asked my daughter why she let me oversleep. I truly thought that I had completely missed work.
• United States
27 Oct 07
lol...I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me. With me though I have nobody to ask so I have to run around trying to figure out what day it is! What time it is! Where am I supposed to be??? I hate when that happens and my mother laughs when I have to call her on the phone to find out!
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
26 Oct 07
LOL! The dumbest thing I did today, ctry, was thinking I could read until daylight this morning and still be able to carry on as usual. Of course, sleep eventually caught up with me-which resulted in my missing out on some quality time. However, I am up and running now and trying to play catchup.
• United States
26 Oct 07
I hate when that happens to me. I'm not good at playing catch up because I never do get caught up with the day and it's just lost to me. Have a good nights sleep tonight!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Oct 07
Want Some Of My Homemade Vegtable Beef Soup? MMMM  - Just a drawing of someone with some good soup
Today went pretty well for I cleaned my house from top to bottom. It needed it bad for it's been three weeks since it was last done. BUT yesterday is a different story. Hubby calls me from work and it's raining so he says he wants vegtable beef soup for dinner which is fine with me. WELL... my mom calls and we talk for about 2 1/2 hours, yeah that long! So time went by pretty fast before I realized what time it was. So here I was running around like a nut trying to get the ingredients together, cut up the meat and out with the fat, fry it in the pan, water and frozen veggies in the pot, meat done I throw it in and get it to boil, in the meantime I've got my crock pot sitting on the counter top with a cup of water in it and set on 400 degrees so it would be good and hot when the water boils. I pour it in and see that it doesn't look right because there's a lot of water. So I get the other package of meat that I have out of the freezer and cut it up. OH CRAP! I know what's wrong!! I forgot to add the potatos, onions and a can of drained tomatos! What the heck do I do now? LOL So I get the biggest pot I have pour the crock pot into the pot get the other bag of veggies and pour that in along with the cut up potatos, onions and tomatos. Now I have double the amount that I need so I decided to freeze half of it for another time. Geeze. I felt so stupid!! But hey, it worked out in the long run for I've a ready made meal, all I have to do is heat it up again.
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• United States
27 Oct 07
Is he delivering my soup? lol... - mail delivery man
I've done things like that many times and especially remember a mac and cheese from scratch fiasco that I will never forget. Your soup sounds delicious and my adress is......lol....I'll be checking my mail!!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
27 Oct 07
LOL If you're ever in my area, come on over! I'll fix ya a big ole pot of yummy home made veggie soup!! Talking about good!! It's delightful!
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• India
27 Oct 07
i dont know what i did today lolz
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
27 Oct 07
The dumbest thing? Well, today in the morning I fell down from my rotating chair and just then a formal phone came. I took the call while still on floor and replied, 'Pls call me later, I have just fallen from chair.' Can you imagine the stupidity? I am still laughing at it!! LOL..
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• United States
27 Oct 07
Well, I'm almost on the floor laughing!!! I can't imagine what the person on the other end of the phone thought!
@kareng (71060)
• United States
27 Oct 07
I suppose that would be buy more Halloween candy. LOL! We ran out last year so I decided to pick up a couple more bags of candy today. I know I will end up taking a little to work with me for the candy dish. Maybe that was my excuse to myself? lol
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
27 Oct 07
What is it about coffee? My husband and I both spilled cups of coffee today. Mine just went on the carpet, and I cleaned it up the best I could with wipes and then figured I would carpet extract it later. My husband's coffee went under the cable box and DVD player though. So far everything's still working okay, so hopefully he got to it fast enough to prevent any real damage. Other than that, all my stupid things of the day have been social messes, not physical ones.
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• United States
27 Oct 07
At least social messes are usually easier to clean up. My coffee got all over my fairly new keyboard that I've been trying to keep sooooo clean! Now I have to do some real cleaning on it today...just wiping it up yesterday wasn't enough.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Haven't done anything dumb today--but hey the day isn't over yet...LOL--I like having my glass of juice near me while I'm at the computer, but I have it set aside on a smaller table nearby rather than on the computer desk...and good thing...every once in awhile one of my cats, Kissy likes to jump up, and I just KNOW if I had the glass there of juice, she'd knock it over...I did manage to knock it over once even though it was on a separate table...took me ages to clean up, as it did splatter and spill all over on the floor. :(
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@raychill (6525)
• United States
26 Oct 07
Sippy cup. Or lid. that's what you need :p A co-worker of mine spills water at least once a month all over his desk at work which means all of his work that he never cleans off his desk is soaked. It's hilarious. I mean, I try not to laugh, but hilarious. I haven't done anything that stupid today I don't think. I guess right now I'm watching Sci-Fi's 13 days of Halloween. I'm watching the second final destination after the first one which was just on. I own all three dvd's. So i guess.. it's stupid I'm watching movies with commercials that I have on DVD.
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• United States
26 Oct 07
lol....don't you hate when you do that? I've watched nothing but the 13 days of halloween...(like you didn't know that right?)....and I'm on my umpteenth time watchin final destination 2! I know them all word for word!
@raychill (6525)
• United States
26 Oct 07
I think they did a really good job with the Final Destination Thrillology (that's what it's called!). I bought the 3 movie box set because I hadn't seen the third and I wanted it and I loved the first two. But yeah I hate commercials and bad edits!
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
27 Oct 07
The dumbest thing I did today was try to make my dog food shelf at PetSmart look better. Instead, I caused pet food to fall and one bag clobbered me in the head on its way to the ground. So much for trying to arrange it so it was more appealing and easier to see for the customers. Interesting that you would ask that today. I don't recall doing anything dumb yesterday. Take care
• United States
27 Oct 07
the dumbest thing i did today was spend all my money up that i got today and now i have no money to spend at fright fest tommorow
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• United States
27 Oct 07
I hate when I do that and I do it often. I'll spend all of my money not realizing that I'm going to need it for something else down the line.
@mansha (6298)
• India
27 Oct 07
I keep spilling coffee all, over my computer table allthe time. Once my keyboard got sticky that I had to take it out and clean it with wet sponge. Mouse also had become stuck that day. I have been so dumb about it. I usually keep my coffee cup towards my right hand side and while moving my miuse as I do not like using mouse pads I often pushover my coffee cup. Its so dumb of me and so careless. But now I think we can give company to eaqch other, lol for this one.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
28 Oct 07
haha the dumbest thing I did the other day was ask a technician to fix our broken washing machine, and guess what? it wasn't even broken. As soon as he touched a button the rinsing cycle started working again - boy was I not only embarrassed but pi$$ed because it cost us $59 for the callout, which is money down the drain :(
• United States
27 Oct 07
I was dusting and a put the computer monitor to the side and accidently knock it off which left the monitor with a deep scratch.