I almost died having my gallbladder removed

@avonrep1 (1862)
United States
October 30, 2007 8:08pm CST
I had my gallbladder removed on the 16th. After the surgery while in recovery, they were preping me to be sent home since it was same day surgery. As they took the IV out to get ready to send me home, I passed out three times, before they finally got me stable enough that I stopped passing out. And they sent me home. (I had surgery at the Indiana Surgery Center at Community East in Indianapolis, Dr. Ihnat did the surgery). I threw up after arriving home and couldn't hold down any food, we called the Doctor's office and he said that it is normal, not to be concerned yet. I slept most of the day and night, only waking to take a pain pill and when I had to pee. I awoke around 3 am on the 17th, to find that I could no longer pee, and to find that the gas in my stomach from the surgery had gotten even bigger. At 4 am I woke Allan crying telling him to take me to the ER something wasn't right and I couldn't pee. He told me to call Dr. Ihnat first and I did, Dr. Ihnat told me that it was normal and that if it got worst to go to the ER. I told Allan At 6 AM okay its time, I have to go to the ER. Allan took me to Henry County Memorial Hositpal and Dr. Boone was the doctor on duty that morning. He took blood, ordered a CT scan, hooked me up to an IV and catherized me and called Dr. Ihnat to talk to him about what was going on and after seeing the results, thought it would be best it I was transferred back to Community East where Dr. Ihnat was located out of and where my original surgery had been done at. Dr. Ihnat, told Dr. Boone that the fluid that he was seeing in my CT scan was irrigation and what was happening was sometimes normal to give me a stronger pain medication and send me home. Dr. Boone also told me to get some Gas X to relieve the gas pressure that was still building. Dr. Boone also told me that if I had any additional swelling or extreme pain to go back to Community East to have them check everything, he thought that they was a change that the fluid he was seeing was blood and not irrigation. Then I was sent home. The 18th Allan went back to work, and a friend of our came over and sat with me while he was at work, the gas pressure was slowing going away, but I started to swelling from one of my incisions all the way down my abdomen to my private parts. My Labia was swollen 5 times it normal size. When Allan got home I showed him. the new swelling and he told me to call Dr. Ihnat. They told me to come in the 22th at 1p.m. to see them. My friend Michelle Higgins was going to take me but the 19th it started to turn black in the area that was swelling the day before, so I called Michelle (Shelley) and told her I need help and called Dr. Ihnat's office and was told he was out of town until Monday, but come on in another surgeon would look at it. So Shelley, came to take me to Community East to see Dr.Ihnat's partner Dr. Haddad. We took 69 to 67 (Pententon Pike) to go to Shadeland to 16th to Ritter where the hospital sits on the corner. We made it to Lawrence, when I started to violently throw up again, it was dark brownish in color and yellowish also. She got scared, because when she arrived at the house, I showed her what the swelling looked like (She told me later the what she saw, was my right side of my Labia was black and you couldn't see the left side at all, she could see it touching my inner left thigh. She had her gallbladder removed herself and knew something was wrong.) so when I started to throw up like that she flagged down a Lawerance Police officer to get help. We pulled into the Staples in Lawrence and Shelley asked the police officer for a police excort to the hospital, and he said no, but he would call for an ambulance, I don't even know why I remember this detail. He then left his car, walked into staples, it looked like he was asking the guy to call for one. I remember the clerk at the store pointing to the store then the cop came back out and took out a cell phone and called 911 on it. Thats neither here nor there. The ambulance arrived and took me the rest of the way to community East. Shelly while all this was going on called my husband on my cell phone and had it on speaker so he could here what was going on and so he could also talk to the ambulance and fire department personal. The EMT or Paramedic told him it looked to be internal bleeding and confirmed that I needed dehydrated and needed fluids and where they were taking me. I arrived by ambulance to Community east at 1:00p.m. that day, and was taken into the T2 room in he ER. I nurse came in and took my vitals and asked if I could pee. I gave them the urine and then someone to me to x-rays. Then I was taken back to T2 and was left there for a while. I started to cry from the pain I was in and begged for someone to help me. I nurse came in and told me that she would call security if I didn't stop it, I couldn't help it I was in pain. A security guard showed up as an ER doctor walked by and he heard my crys and asked what was wrong, I pulled down my pants and showed him and everyone else, (because the door was wide open) my private part, and immediately he order me hooked up to an IV and for me to be given Morphine. He also admitted me into the hospital and said he called Dr. Haddad, because Dr. Ihnat wasn't available until Monday. And that he would be in to examine me soon. My husband arrived soon after. The Er Doctor never gave me an exam he just looked at the area I showed him, never listened to my stomach or anything. At 3p.m. I was taken upstairs to a room. My vitals we taken when I arrived and the IV was hooked up and changed every 6 hours or so, when the pain returned I would hit the nurses button and they would come and give me more morphine. 9 p.m. rolled around and Dr. Haddad still hadn't showed, my husband went to the nurse station and asked where the Dr. was at. They said he left orders and would be in to see me first thing in the morning. Through out the night, someone came and took some blood from me. And around 7 am the nurse came and took my vitals again. At 11 am my husband asked the nurse where the doctor was, told her if he wasn't there by noon he was taking me out and somewhere where a doctor would examine me. He arrived 5 minutes or so before noon. He said that nothing major was wrong when he finally did arrive and that what was happening was normal after this type of surgery. Then I showed him my private area, and his eyes got really wide, but he continue to say it was normal, but my white blood count was a little high and my red was a little low and that I was going to need some Iron and some more fluids. He then left, never listen to my stomach or heart or anything. Sometime around 3:30 P.M. I hit the nurses button, I was hurting really bad and the nurse came in to give me the pain meds. She started to give it to me and It Burned. I told her and she stopped after putting in 2cc's of a 10cc vital of 50/50 mix of morphine and saline. She took out my IV saying my vein must of collapsed. She said she would be right back. It was getting near 5 and she still hadn't returned. My husband around 2 went home to change clothes and to take care of our animal. So I called him on my Cell phone and told him what happened and how the nurse had left and never came back after saying she would and how an hours had gone by. He told me to put the phone on speaker and hit the nurses button. So I did and when she came in I asked her about my IV and she said that it might be a couple of hours they were calling in the IV team to do it. My husband told her I am 30 minutes away, if she isn't hooked up to an IV by the time I get there I am taking her to a hospital that is going to treat her, she is getting worst, not better and I am getting scared for her. The nurse, walked out of my room, into the nurses stationed and brought me back a clip board with a paper on it. I was the Against Medical Advice paper. She handed me a pen and said sign this. So I did, I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker. Then she told me to get the hell out. Allan and I were both appalled. I got dressed and walked downstairs and waited in the parking lot for Allan to arrive there. While waiting I was vomiting in the parking lot of Community. About 5:30 Allan got there and drove me to Henry County Memorial Hospital. When I arrive there they took me back and the ER doctor examined me and went and called the surgeon that was on duty after, hearing what had happened that brought me to this point. He also pulled the earlier visit and documentation. Dr. Strong (the surgeon) arrived and examined me and said that this was not normal and that I was bleeding internally. I was admitted to ICU, shortly after that. Dr. Strong, said I might need a blood transfusion, because my hemoglobin's was at 7.28 and that anything under 7 was almost sure death. That I would have to be watched closely to make sure my hemoglobin was getting up to a safe level ideally that level being 13. I was put on fluids, giving pain medication,Iron,and a medicine to make sure the Iron don't destroy my stomach and was blood drawn every 4 hours to see if my hemoglobin's had started to go back out again or not. This went on from Saturday October 20th to the 22nd. I slowly started to rise on my hemoglobin's and was at a 9.85 and was released with strict orders, if I start running a fever or vomiting that I return to the hospital right away. The 24th I started throwing up again and couldn't hold anything down so I had to return to the hospital. They took my blood again to check my hemoglobin's and found that it was down to 9.1. The blood that had pooled in my body had not started to absorb back into my body either, so Dr. Strong, said it was time for the blood transfusion. I had the blood transfusion on Thursday October 25th. I was scared of that very much, but after the blood was given to me, it was like night and day. I fel
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10 responses
• Philippines
31 Oct 07
When reading your discussion, I cannot control my tears to fall down. I am so touched with the things that are happening in your life. I will pray for your recovery and I hope you get well soon. Rest assured that you are always be in my prayers. This is only a trial in your life and I know it is just a test of how brave you are to face these challenges in your life. God is there always for you and he will never leave you in times of your troubles and needs. There is nothing impossible if we just have to believe that God is there always to help and guide us. Do not lose hope my friend. Miracles do happen in real life. I am wishing for your fast recovery and I hope you will be able to survive from these trials in your life. Have a blessed day to you and God bless you and your family always!
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
31 Oct 07
OMG!! Well we are gald to hear that you are doing some what better. I really feel for you, I had my gallbladder out about 5 years ago because it was so inflamed with stone that it had bursted on me, Anyway after my surgery I got home slept for the afternoon and when I got up I did nothing but throw up the whole night, my husband then called the hopsital and told them what was going on and I was throwing up this black tar stuff and could not swallow and my tounge was sowllen, so I got to the ER and come to find out the I was having a allerigic reaction to the power that was on the tube that they put down my throth. They gave me Med and an IV for about two hours and then I was feel better and sent me home. I had mine done at St. Claire's Hospital in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Do you think it is just these Indiana hospital, Do you live in Indy, if you do your just about an hour from me. Hello neighbor.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Hey there neighbor, no I am not from Indy, but from Muncie about 45 minutes north east of Indianapolis. I do not trust Ball Memorial Hospital, had an experience there with my child that almost cost us her life. When we have an emergency we normally go to Henry County Memorial Hospital in New Castle. I go see specialist in Indianapolis, because I don't trust Ball and Henry don't have all the doctor's that our family needs. I was referred to this surgeon by my gastro doctor. I don't think I will be going back to him now either.
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Happy Hallow's Eve to you too. I can't go trick or treating this year with my kids, but I am planning on passing out candy and have called all my friends and told them to bring their kids around. I made a special treat for my friend's and families children. Ghost shaped brownies, iced in white, with choclate icing eyes.
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Been there also, I was born in Gary,In, It is nice to hear from someone who is in Indiana. Well it is still great to meet you. Happy Halloween
3 people like this
• Canada
31 Oct 07
Oh my goodness what an ordeal you have gone through for such a small little organ. I had mine removed 4yrs ago as well but my problem is I still get gallstone attacks 3-4 times per month. I hope you don't end up with this problem too after all you have gone through. Take care of yourself and I am glad to see your getting better. Hugs
3 people like this
• Canada
31 Oct 07
Yea they told me I didn't have any in my bile duct either but I still get the attacks si no clue. I'm glad to hear you are trying to take care of yourself and I hope you don't ever go back to the original doctor for the surgery. That kind of pain is soooo not normal. Th eonly pain I had after the surgery was around the incision sites and that went away after about a week.
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
31 Oct 07
what an ordeal, we really have to push for anything these days... I am so glad that your husband and yourself were persistent - and although their attitudes stunk I am glad that the nurse made you discharge from the hospital so that you could get competent care!
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I am glad also. Because I wouldn't be able to even share this story if I wouldn't have gotten to Henry County Memorial Hospital. The doctor's and staff there saved my life. I knew something wasn't right, and being an American I have the right to fire my doctor if I feel he is wrong and not doing his job. But what happened was just plain neglect, on Community East part. I hope that I can make a difference for someone else that is admitted there by filing a lawsuit.
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@bambi_doe (566)
• United States
31 Oct 07
keep track of everything good or bad. What an ordeal. I would say that you should get an attorney right away because there is a lot going on that needs to be brought up in a courtroom. Hugs
3 people like this
• United States
1 Nov 07
I would be very scared at this point myself. Keep the faith though. hugs
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@jess211 (10)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Sadly, I can believe this could happen, I went though something similar with a tumor in my leg, of ocurse it was not as serious as what happened to you, but it is sad to see that I'm not the only one that is being misdiagnosed by people who are supposed to be profesionals. I am so glad for you that you have a husband that stood by your side and kept trying so hard. About your feminine area, I would say for you to not worry so much but it is understandable. From my understanding there is a high chance that if there is a problem with the nerves, that it can be fixed. So just have faith and stay strong. I don't think I could be as strong as you have been in a situation like this. About taking acting, I suggest that once you feel you can go through something like that, you go ahead and get a lawyer, it might be a few tries before you find one that will take on the case because they usually last a while. But you hang in there and keep fighting. I wish you the best!
3 people like this
• Kuwait
31 Oct 07
I suggest that you get a legal advice and sue the doctor and hospital. They are horrible. they are like cementary not hospital..
@AJ1952Chats (2331)
• Anderson, Indiana
5 Nov 07
I'm so thankful that you've survived this--and you really DO need to sue, because you could have gotten better medical care from a kindergarten class! Overall, I believe that we have great medical care in Indiana--certainly compared to Tennessee! Mark has been trying for months to get dental care, and he finally got it--but he now has an infection that has gone clear into his jawbone! They put him on antibiotics to clear it up, but nothing seems to be happening--and I'm just now wondering if he might have been put on some kind of placebo and is being used in some kind of experiment (as part of a control group) since poor people are so expendable! They find all kinds of way to rip off their poor down there, and I can't wait for him to graduate and move to Indiana!
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• Anderson, Indiana
6 Nov 07
He's going to the doctor sometime today--and would you believe that he once worked as an orderly at Community East!?! This is also where Aunt Ruby had some ear surgery in the mid-1970s, and she was very satisfied with her treatment. Makes you wonder what happened between now and then. Sounds as if all of the good guys from the 1970s went elsewhere, and the hospital has a bunch of idiots working(?) there now! At least, you certainly ran into a nest of them!
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@avonrep1 (1862)
• United States
6 Nov 07
So sorry to hear that Mark is having problems getting the help he needs. Just don't ever go to Community East and he will be fine once he moves back to the great ol Hoosier state. Go to the doctor today, hopefully I get released to do normal things again. I hate not being able to help around the house, its driving me nuts.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Nov 07
You poor thing! Thank God for the other hospital for saving your life, obviously. Please contact an attorney immediately; I'm not one for frivolous lawsuits but in a case like this that's the ONLY way to protect others from a similar fate - or worse. You'll certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you a very quick and complete recovery, Hon. Bless you and hugs! Annie
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@terri0824 (4993)
• United States
31 Oct 07
God spared you for a reason. Something like this should have never have happened with a simple gall bladder surgery. I think this is one surgery that is done way too often and don't need to be. I had a friend that was told that he needed his gall bladder taken out, and he researched it and to come to find out he was gluten intolerant. He changed his diet and never did have to have his gall bladder out. I think that is probably the case in many situations that people are glueten intolerant and don't need their gall bladder removed. It does sound like you have a lawsuit on your hands, and I am not one to say that, because many people are law suit happy. But truly believe this is a case.
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