Hillary Clinton scared me at tonight's debate on Spitzer's license plan.

@JaLuvYa (175)
United States
October 30, 2007 10:50pm CST
First, let me say- I want Hillary in the White House in 08 but OMG- I watched the Democrats debate on MSNBC tonight and I found myself on the edge of my seat at the end praying she could pull her foot out of her mouth. I understood what she was saying but she came across as if she supports giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants here in New York. Obviously being a New Yorker with some common sense- I am against that. After putting her foot in her mouth- she tried to clarify and say that she understood what Spitzer is trying to do but she doesn't support giving illegal immigrants licenses. That made her look like she was wishy-washy, which is what Obama and Edwards had been trying to drive home the entire debate. I hope this doesn't cost her. But everybody tonight, including one of the moderators was coming after her. It's hard being the front runner I guess. The only one that stood up for her was the Governor from New Mexico who I think is applying for the Vice President spot along with Biden (at least that's what he looked like he was doing in the interview afterwards on MSNBC). Over all, I thought the debate tonight was the best so far. Your thoughts...
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4 responses
• United States
31 Oct 07
Don't get your hopes up too much because a lot of the rest of us don't want Hillary in office! In fact, some of us are doing everything possible to convince as many as possible to keep that from happening. I don't have a problem with a woman in the White House, I just don't want that woman in the White House. She can't even run her own household so why would I want her in the most powerful office in the world?
@JaLuvYa (175)
• United States
31 Oct 07
I don't believe you can fault her because her husband cheated. My x-husband was an idiot and did alot of stupid stuff. It was hardly my fault. As far as I'm concerned she is the lesser of the evils. Who else would you put in there- I fear Rudy way more than I fear Hillary. I'm not interested in living in a military state like Rudy tried to run New York City.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Oct 07
Oh, I'm not faulting her for her husband's behavior. I don't like the way she blames everyone else for things. And, I don't like her support of illegal immigration and the fact that she seems to have too many socialistic viewpoints and that really scares me. Our country is in major financial debt and the Democrats keep wanting to instill more and more programs that our government is supposed to support and it's not realistic. Socialism has been proved to fail and I don't want someone in office who thinks that way. I agree with you about Rudy G., though. I don't want him in office either. In fact, I'm not terribly happy with any of the candidates on either platform. I just know that I don't want Hillary and her jerk of a husband back in the White House. Especially not with Nancy Pelosi in the Senate. She's really scary! She's using her power to help take away freedom of speech from anyone who doesn't agree with her views and anyone who is in favor of silencing people who don't agree with them is very dangerous to our nation's freedoms. People think that freedom can only be taken away in one lump sum but that's not what is happening in this country. Right now laws are being passed and people in power are using that power to little by little silence anyone who disagrees with them and that's dangerous for us all because where does it stop? And, also, who made them God and told them they could tell all of the rest of us how to believe and what we could think and speak? I can promise you that no matter how many laws they pass, I'm not going to shut up. Even if they send me to jail, I will not stop speaking out for what I believe in.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Here here, Whim! I'm with you in that same boat. I've been saying things on mylot too and you know I wouldn't be too surprised if something "happened". -_- With all the people you mentioned they...its hard to describe. At bare minimum they are just the typical stateside politician; only saying and promising things for votes and to expand the power of the government (and with that, their own power when they get office). So its almost classic Machiavellian politics, but its not the full package as described in The Prince. In the end though, its just a bunch of empty flapping heads that get nothing of real positive substance done. Its either nothing gets done or things go backwards.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Spitzonyou dug his own grave and I wasn't surprised Hillary almost jumped in with him. -_-. And again, after that another doubletake occurs; I'm not surprised at that either but I know no one is paying attention anyways so why bother. This is all about getting the votes and saying or promising whatever in order to get them. I'm simply astounded, how in the world are they still qualified to lead the government? Yes that was a full blast question at the current do-nothings that are in power and those that want to be in power.
@JaLuvYa (175)
• United States
1 Nov 07
I think that what we need to do is start from scratch. Dump all our current politicians and have elections where the campaigns are not done with special interest money. Give good honest people a chance to run on a even playing field. Because you are right- the people in office are not qualified to lead - because they are being lead around by the nose by special interest.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
31 Oct 07
Spitzer is in trouble in NY State and needs all the votes he can get. the drivers license is a way to get upto 5,000,000 more votes for the democratics. All you need to vote is a government issued ID. Hillary is a supporter of Spitzer and will benifit from the illegal vote. Hillary voted for the Immigration Bill (Aminesty Bill). She could have given a yes or no answer but she choose to throw up a smoke screen by blaming President Bush - he supported the same immigration she did. It was the people of the US who defeated the bill. She hasto listen to the people of NY who do not support the Immigration bill.
@JaLuvYa (175)
• United States
31 Oct 07
You are absolutely right. Everybody here in New York knows this driver's license thing is about the 08 vote. But the thing is that she doesn't need the vote in New York. Rudy calls himself New York's mayor but that's only going to fly elsewhere in the country- NOT IN NEW YORK. So she really doesn't need to support this bill. I'm glad she tried to straighten it out and say no she doesn't support it but she still seemed iffy. Sure we've got to something about illegal immigration but we don't start by rewarding them breaking the law with a license.
@vandana7 (100988)
• India
9 Sep 15
We don't have such political debates. I wish we had some of them prior to elections to know how different parties viewed different problems. Having said that, I am also not sure about Ms. Clinton. Not from the perspective Indians. From the perspective of Americans.