so did anyone receive anything different for halloween besides candy?

teddybear my daughter got for halloween - teddy bear my baby got for halloween
United States
November 1, 2007 8:46am CST
we went to my mom's yesterday and the lady next door was giving out hot chocolate packages and stuffed had a choice to pick what you wanted which i thought was very different and a great my daughter picked out a teddy bear,my son picked out a tiger,and my other son picked out a bucket with a shovel and pail.they were so have your kids received anything different besides candy for halloween or did you ever receive anything different when you use to go trick or treating?
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13 responses
• Canada
1 Nov 07
Hi Hun! Last night my daughter got a pencil, that was the only non-candy item that she got. When I was a kid and went trick or treating we went to a Dentist's house and got a tooth brush lol. Hope you and your 3lilangels had a fun, safe, Hallowe'en! Love & Hugzz, PurpleTeddyBear.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Nov 07
One year my wife and I gave out notepads with an ink pen. The kids seemed to like that. But we know they all wanted candy. HAHAHA!! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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• Canada
1 Nov 07
I don't know Grandpa Bob some kids don't mind notebooks and things like that, I was just saying the pencil was unusual that's all! My daughter actually thought it was kind of cool as it is a Hallowe'en pencil! Luv & Hugzz, PurpleTeddyBear.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
3 Nov 07
I used to give out Halloween pencils when I substituted in schools. They are very cool. Take care
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@wiccania (3360)
• United States
1 Nov 07
Wow, that's pretty cool. My son didn't really get anything interesting except for a few "creepy crawlers" which are basically cheap rubbery worms. Seriously, if I put a hook through them they would work as bait. When I was younger I got a few gift certificates for Halloween, usually the mini sundae ones from McDonalds. I also got juice boxes and sodas a few times. Once I got tastycakes from someone, but we hit her house just as she was about to go out and get candy (she forgot) and she made us sing Mary Had a Little Lamb to get them. We were happy to oblige they were the full sized packages of Butterscotch Krimpets.
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• United States
2 Nov 07
My daughter used to love those "creepy crawlers" Are you referring to those sticky works that can be thrown against a wall and then ooze down the wall? Or of those gross little jelly worms? My daughter used to try to scare us with those sticky kinds of worms, also comes in an array of creatures or gross things, she would throw one against a wall right before we walked by it and all you see is movement going down the wall. Anyway, kind of freaky when you just wake up from a nap! :-) My favorite halloween candy is a Mary Jane, does anyone still eat those?
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@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
2 Nov 07
My daughter is past the age for trick or treating. I bought candy to give out to the kids who came to the door. Now my neighbors little girls they get little toys or school supplies. This year each of the kids got a box of capri sun fruit drinks and halloween pencils as well. I enjoy giving out candy because I love to see the kids different costumes. I have seen some great costumes that are home made. Actually this year a lot of the costumes looked home make. Money is tight around my state because of all the new taxes. Any way the kids looked great and I do not have any candy left. That is good because when there is left overs I usually eat them.
@chargoans (939)
• United States
2 Nov 07
When I was younger, my parents would drive me around to trick-or-treat at their friends' homes. I would get to do the same in my neighborhood after our social visits. One lady and her friend would dress up at their house and give out candy. It was always a special trip for me as I would be invited inside for special treats reserved for "family" which included small baked items, candies and little gifts that could be "found" My children believe they are too old to celebrate halloween by trick or treating and chose to stay on the computer most of the night, moaning and groaning trying to get me to get candy for them to eat, not to give out to kids! :-)
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
2 Nov 07
I didn't receive anything but I gave some stuff. - 3 mini chocolate bars (crunch, kitkat, hersheys) - a little bubblegum - hot chocolate packets - back of snack chips I know, I know. I should be giving them something healthy. But uh...has anyone ever successfully given something healthy to trick or treaters without recourse? ... No, I thought not. Plus if its not in an industrial wrapper of some kind, its usually disposed of. Hmm... Maybe I should look harder for healthier snacks to give out with the "I spoil the kids" package.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
2 Nov 07
I forgot. I did also hand out mini popcorns and that was alternated with the hot chocolate packages. Too bad nothing homemade is accepted.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
1 Nov 07
My son got a bunch of non candy items. He got a Halloween straw with pumpkins on it, a book, 4 key chains(2 of them lit up), 4 light up necklaces, a witch eraser, a rubber skeleton hand, some teddy grahams, 2 cans of soda, and $2.05 in cash.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
3 Nov 07
Wow! That's pretty neat. Light up key chains really come in handy, when I had one, I loved it. The teddy grahams sound very tastey and cash? Different.
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@breezie (1246)
• Canada
5 Nov 07
My kids each got a pencil and a toy cell phone. My son got a book and a magnet and my daughter got some stick on fingernails. They love getting non candy treats. We used to live near a dentist and he gave out tooth brushes. My kids always made sure we went to his house. For some reason a toothbrush that you get for halloween is so much better than a regular one, lol.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
1 Nov 07
I was not expecting many kids so I did not have any candy when they starting arriving in huge hoards. Luckily we had a couple dozen full sized & free sample sized fruit bars and a lot of full sized Koo-Aid packages. So the kids actually liked getting the bars and the Kool-Aid also. Those ran out and I starting handing out handfulls of pennies to each kid. The pennies are saved from my wifes tips and I have a huge container with maybe $50 worth. I save them for a casino trip once a year. When full the container holds about $100 total. All told the kids seemed excited as usual. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
1 Nov 07
We got pretzels at the first house we went to. It threw my son off. lol He had been looking forward to all that candy, and then got pretzels instead. That was the only non candy item he got, though. My parents bought little tubs of play dough, stickers, and toys for kids this year, since they get less than a dozen most of the time anyway. I can't remember what they got for the littlest kids.
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19 Dec 07
My son got sweets, chocolate and abit of money as his treats on halloween both years i took him. I only took him to a few people down the street we lived on and took him to see a few of the people he likes to go and visit on the street too. Everytime he goes to one of the people who live on the streets houses he gets a biscuit. ~Joeys wife
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
1 Nov 07
i remember hearing about someone that was handing out penny stocks, but this was quite a while ago. Also, i have heard of people handing out money!! my daughter got a whole can of pop last night and a couple of full size chocolate bars as well!
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
2 Nov 07
Back in the olden days, when I was young, before needles in apples, we used to get apples, regular, candied, carmel and that was seriously fun. Again, back in the day, my Mom made popcorn balls one year, we helped because that is something you want pre-teens or teens helping with. Seriously lots of work. A kid with diabetes came to the door to trick or treat for unicef. I didn't know she was a diabetic. I asked her if she wanted candy, too. She said she was diabetic and couldn't have it. So I went and got some of my Mom's diabetic candy. She ran to her Mom's car and exclaimed, "Can we come here again? They have diabetic candy!" That poor kid never got any candy before for Halloween. That really made her happy. WE gave out whatever change we had to the trick or treaters for Unicef. Haven't seen that in years and I think it's importatn. TAke care
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
2 Nov 07
I forgot, we used to get cookies and bags of buttered popcorn, too. Take care
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Thank you for best response.
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@peanutjar (5198)
• Canada
1 Nov 07
Hi my daughter also received a teddy bear frog that is a halloween theme to it and one man had gave out a free small movie"cartoon"rental gift certificate to her at his store which included a free popcorn and drink for free.I loved this one the most!She loves popcorn and movies so she got it made at his house,haha. Peanutjar:)
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