Illegal Immigration
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
November 3, 2007 11:26pm CST
Am I the only one who thinks there's too much being made about the illegal immigration issue? The U.S. is a country of immigrants after all. Since when are we unwilling to let people come here to this great land of promise, to give everyone a shot at the "American Dream"? I'm not advocating people being allowed to come here and get government benefits without paying taxes; I'm sure not advocating allowing them to get away with breaking our laws! I am advocating giving those who have come here and who have worked hard and provided for their families and who have broken no other laws other than how they came into this country a chance at becoming American citizens without being punished for wanting what we take for granted. We're all here because our ancestors decided to come here to make a better life for future generations. We should be proud that others still want to do the same.
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19 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Nov 07
I'm so glad to hear your viewpoint anniepa! Yes, I do think too much is made about illegal immigrants and it seems that unfortunately when one thinks of illegals, they think of those of Hispanic origins, when in fact there are many other ethnic groups that are illegals,even, believe it or not Irish!
Many illegals take on the crap jobs that most Americans wouldn't want in a million years, then you have people say that illegals are taking jobs away from Americans..BS.
I think all throughout history one group would be targeted who came as immigrants. I do happen to have Irish background among a LOT of other ethnic groups. There was a time when their were blantant signs "Irish need not apply" --for jobs that is.
As I said many illegals work long, long hours, get far below minimum pay and they sure as hell can't complain as they are illegals
I think many people forget this is a land of immigrants. Since I'm also of Native American blood there's a joke that the first illegal immigrant was Columbus--LOL
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Nov 07
And I'm so glad to hear your viewpoint! I can't argue with what others have said, I do think the younger immigrants in particular should learn English but the should be given the time to do so. I've heard it said that English is a difficult language to learn so we shouldn't expect someone to become fluent overnight. And your so right about them doing the jobs we won't do and I've seen some of them do it and do it very well. The bad apples need to be weeded out, just like in anything else. I have a little bit of everything in me, including French, German, Irish and I think Dutch, my husband is part Native American, my son-in-law's maternal grandparents came here from Italy in their youth. We're the melting pot and always have been! That's what makes America great in my mind.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Nov 07
hehe..I'm a real mutt...LOL. I'm part Zapotec, Mixtec, Wiccoccomico and Cree representing Mexican, American AND Canadian Indian bloods, also, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Irish, Welsh, Scottish and English...yeesh...a UN here--LOL
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
4 Nov 07
I remember those signs and they were more of a political gambit (plus cruelty). So yes, there should be some scrutiny of the government and other organizations in this matter.
As for English, yes it is difficult for plenty of people. Even some homegrown stateside folks have trouble with it. Nevermind adults in the homegrown group that can't even read English.
I've heard that joke several times too Pye. But as another joke a group of Paleolithic humans were actually the first illegal immigrants to America sometime 20-25,000 years ago during the Pleistocene times.
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@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
4 Nov 07
As usual, Annie, I'm with you on this.
While there are concerns and problems, these are very similar to those encountered in relation to many other waves of immigration in the country's history.
'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses..'. It's part of what is great about this country. We have to be wary of a mentality that sees all newcomers as taking something instead of bringing something.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
4 Nov 07
Well, I can't speak for all of the immagrants are even all of one nationality. But, there are many coming over and all they are bringing is trouble. And they are taking over and they don't even speak the language.
I went to apply for a job at the Red Cross in 1995 and they said I had to know Spanish to work there.
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@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
4 Nov 07
Now, that may be true for some of you, but there are those who were forced over here against their will. While, America is a great place and a land of opportunity that should be open to everyone. There is not going to be any room left.
In California, we are already at the ocean. Any more pushing and we will be push into living in house boats. Now, they got the idea that since we have run out of land, then it is time to look skyward. So now, they are building apartments on top of everything from book stores to banks. Where are they going to house all of these people?
Then, we all know that when the demand goes up, prices go up. We are going to go from a land of plenty to a land of nothing.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Thanks so much for your comment! I knew as I was typing this discussion that I'd get some feedback from those who disagree and you've certainly made a good point that I, being from Pa. where there isn't such a problem, do not see firsthand as you do. As for those who are forced here against their will, I'm certainly not for that at all! I've seen some shows about human trafficing and I wasn't thinking of that aspect of immigration.
Now, here's a thought - I heard a few years ago that the state of I THINK South Dakota was actually offering people money if they came and settled there for at least five years. Why not get some of the immigrants who are willing to learn English and to work for a living to move to places like that, where the population is very small and they're actually looking for more people? Once more, I'm not talking about the "criminal element" which I know does exist among immigrants as well as with every segment of the population. There should be certain benchmarks they must meet to be able to stay here, they should be willing to work and to learn. You live in California for you certainly know much more than I do, but in my experiences travelling I've met quite a few wonderful people who were immigrants and they were polite and respectful and darn hard workers. I guess I'm thinking of people like that most of all.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Hope you don't mind my butting in here Rozie but I saw the comment you made later down and to quote you.
.."Well, I can't speak for all of the immagrants are even all of one nationality. But, there are many coming over and all they are bringing is trouble. And they are taking over and they don't even speak the language.
I went to apply for a job at the Red Cross in 1995 and they said I had to know Spanish to work there. .."
This attitude has been that way since year one in this country unfortunately. We think in terms of the present where a vast majority of immigrants are of Hispanic origins (or Chinese, for that fact), but this country unfortunately has had biased and rather bigoted attitudes toward many immigrants. Don't forget, up until relatively recently there was no real status between legal or illegal immigrants, they just came here by the droves. In the early 1700s for instance one of the largest ethnic groups to come here were of German background, and you can bet they sure as heck didn't know the language. I know this as my one part of my ancestry is German and came to the Hudson Valley area of NY in 1710. Now zoom up...just how were Germans treated during the World Wars? Not very well, they were persecuted as everyone thought anyone of German background was pro Nazi. Then of course during WWII this gov't actually rounded up Japanese and were kept in the equivalent of concentration camps. Gee, was that nice of us?
I agree with annie that so many people come to this country looking for the "dreamam" that has lured people to this country for a better life since this country's beginnings--to start a new life, and yes you may have some bad apples, but that is true regardless of what ethnic group, religion and so forth
Now, since I'm also part Native American, were WE treated? WE were treated like illegal aliens in our own native born country..WE were forced to give up our native languages and religions, and did you know that Native Americans WERE NOT CONSIDERED AMERICAN CITIZENS until June 2, 1924?? Odd considering when our people only had been and lived here for something like 50,000 years?? How stupid is that? To our people anyone who isn't of Native American blood is considered an illegal alien..LOL
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Oh did have to add here, while things weren't great (to put it very, very mildly) for those of African American blood throughout this country's history African Americans were granted citizen status in 1866 shortly after the Civil War..this predates when Native Americans were granted citizen status
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I cannot go along with what you say completely, anniepa, because it is too open-ended. Who would sift through all these people to determine the ones who "have worked hard," "have broken no laws," and "just want to be good citizens?" Of the percentage of illegals, how many would fit into these categories? The crime rate among illegals is astronomical, so we cannot just say "live and let live." Many of them are also availing themselves of the social services that are desperately needed by some American citizens who cannot get them. No, I don't agree that we are making too much of the illegal immigration issue. The rules should not be bent for any ethnic group who wishes to come into our country. We could not do this in any other country.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Nov 07
Thank you for your input here, Worldwise1; I knew when I started this that there is much I'm not aware of when it comes to this issue. I live in a state where I don't see a big problem with illegal immigration, although I'm only a few minutes from Hazleton, Pa. which has made the national news lately with it's mayor taking a strong stance against illegals. I'm really at a loss as to what the answer is to this problem. And one thing I don't understand is HOW does someone who is here illegally get services from our government? Heck, it's hard enough to get some kind of help for a 90 year old who's never left the country! They want every kind of proof of identity and residency that's known to man. So, how do illegals get all these social services? If they're here illegally and have not been paying taxes they certainly shouldn't be eligible, trust me when I say I believe that quite firmly!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Thanks for your comment, but that's rather harsh, isn't it? I'll admit to my ignorance here - I don't really understand why so many come here illegally. Is the "list" to come here legally that long that it takes forever or do they just want to get here now? I'm all for deporting or imprisoning those who break the law, I feel very strongly they should have to learn English and absolutely they should pay taxes! The thing is we have more immigrants here legally that we don't make pay any taxes for several years if they open a business. Why not give that opportunity to those of us who were born here? There's so much more complaining about those that sneak over the borders than what I just mentioned and that's something I've never figured out.
@Jasmine78 (135)
• United States
5 Nov 07
I agree that more powerful measurs should be taken to prohibit illegal immigration. However, for those who has been a illegal immigrant for a long time, e.g., over ten yeas, they actually have contributed greatly to the decelopment of the America. They should have something paid back. Most of them did hard labor, got the lowest pay, lived in bad condition without insurerance. The USA had made great profit from those people, though in a reluctant way. Because many americans enjoyed better service than what they paid due to the existence of those illegal labors. No body can deny the contribution of those people.
They deserve to have some reward.
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@Benjaminna (300)
• United States
6 Nov 07
What contributions did they make by living here illegally? Not paying taxes WAS their reward.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
4 Nov 07
There reason there is a lot of issues about illegal immigration is because it is a big problem here in the US. There are too many people here.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Nov 07
it might very well give rise to terrorism, you never know.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
22 Nov 07
If we turn a blind eye to illegal immigration,then what need would there be for legal immigration? If they want to come here,they need to show good faith in doing it the legal way. By coming here illegaly they are already showing disrespect for the law here.
If they cross the border illegaly and at least would march to the next immigration office to apply for papers,that is one thing.But coming here illegaly and staying that way for years and years,knowing it's breaking the law?
By the way, I am an immigrant but a LEGAL one and why should I have to battle with paperwork and shell out hundreds of dollars to get a greencard and eventually a citizenship, yet these illegal aliens should have it handed to them on a silver platter? I don't think so.
Bottom line,if you want to come here,show some respect for the law and the taxpayers and do it the legal way.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Most of us are here because of an ancestor wanting a better life and others had their ancestors kidnapped and shipped here as slaves. And with others, their ancestors were already here. But it doesn't matter , we all are here and we are Americans.And with and foreigner that is here 6 months straight and can order what they want at a fast food restaurant in English should be considered an American. Even if they went back to their homeland, they would be considered an American. I don't care how they got here, if they can get work and housing, and they don't break any laws while they are here, they should stay and they should become citizens.And when they become citizens, then they will have to pay taxes. And when they pay taxes, then they will have the right to get into those government programs.The way we have it now. if they are illegal, they don't pay taxes so the government is losing money.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Some of the hype is because of race, but a few people really are concerned about this nation's soveirnty and personally?
I think it's alot of hubub over something which really isn't that big a least on most of the points people talk about.
I mean I can understand some's concern, and I dislike rascism, but it's not an issue I really wanna touch or get involved in because a large part of my heritage is Native American..and if the first settlers weren't a case of illegal immigration I don't know what is..and as I said, growing up here among everyone..I can't hate anybody, and can't honestly figure out how I feel one way or another.
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@Benjaminna (300)
• United States
6 Nov 07
I'm not against anyone coming to this country. I welcome anyone who wants to do it legally.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
4 Nov 07
Ok, I know some are cringing even as the see my name in this discussion, lol.
I have no issue whatsoever with someone comming to this country legaly and making a life and embracing all this country has to offer.
I believe the immigration proccess we currently have is a sham. I believe it is far too easy for someone dishonest to come and live here illegaly and it is rediculously difficult for someone honest and live here legaly.
I believe, before you move to a country, ANY country, you should be asking yourself some questions. Are you ready to embrace the culture of that country? Are you prepared to learn the language of that country? If I was to move to france, I would expect to have to learn french. You should ask yourself, am I prepared to live by the laws of that country? Am I equipped to make a living for myself in that country?
Someone who was brought here against their will is in a sticky position. If they were brought here against their will and wish to return to their home country once free, do so. If you cannot for what ever reason, go to your embasy here of a local office and explain your situation, I'm sure they will be glad to help you return. If they wish to stay, I think if they can demonstrate this than I think some considerations should be taken. If you snuck in here through a fence or a river, then you have no right to be here right now, go home and get in line like the other honest people. If you came here as a child with parents who snuck in under a fence, etc, than again, there should be some consideration now that you are an adult.
DO NOT come here IF:
you are a criminal, we have enough of our own already.
you do not wish to learn the language, how many languages should we be putting on our packaging?
you wish to shove our culture down our throats and force us to learn your language, again, how many languages should I now be learning, new york city has 47 languages spoken in it, do I need now to learn them all?
and ABOVE ALL, DO NOT sneak in to my country and then stand SCREAMING in my streets in protest, DEMANIND rights.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Don't worry xfahctor I for one am not cringing at it.
In fact you make an excellent case. I do agree that there are too many flaws in not just the illegal side but the legal side of the immigration issue. And there are some dishonest people that are getting in (surprisingly on both ends). I'll have to save the story of Nuevo Laredo for another time/discussion, but that is one problem stemming from poor immigration and border management. Others are of course case by case but they do occur.
While I was one to say English should be learned for some it is a hard language (even some homegrown citizens have problems with it). Yes the language should be learned and you are correct other countries do expect people to learn the language and abide by the laws.
The last part, I say its a good argument. In fact there are some illegal immigrants and protests that aren't that civil and others that tried to violate existing laws (a couple were against the free speech of a citizen, other demanded "more equal than others" type rights). Yes you are allowed to come legally and integrate. Yes, do not lose cultural identity. But do not force things on others and do not try to take rights from others either.
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@RosieS57 (889)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Certain kinds of people think about this all wrongly. They act as if the US is an island when it is not. They act as if being a citizen of the US is all that matters.
Whether anyone likes it or not, the European Union is going to force all of us to be citizens of this Hemisphere. As Western Hemisphere citizens due to economics and resource availability, the US will have to move over and accommodate our Central and South American neighbors.
There's more involved in being an American than just being a US citizen. The other 'Americans' are every bit as American as you are.
You're eating Brazilian orange juice and Chilean grapes and soon you'll get your ethanol from down south, too...but don't let any of them dark ones in HERE! Not with us! Yeah, right.
The way the world is and is going, there will be no moaning and groaning and complaining like this in just a few years. The whole issue will be moot. The low white birthrate has made it so. You can't produce non-dark out of thin air, you know. Don't say it is not about always has been. The immigrant quotas are never filled by the Norwegians and Swedes who are preferred...there are just not enough of them who want to come. The quotas for immigration have always been based on skin tone, except when the imports were for sale by the whites. And now that Ireland is suddenly a prosperous place, where o where are you gonna find whites? So sad. NOT.
So get all of the bellyaching out of the way now. It is meaningless now and will be nothing but funny down the line. Sooner than many are comfortable with. So sad. Again, NOT.
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
5 Nov 07
No you are not only one.Here is another one like you.But maybe it is different with me, since I am not american.I agree with you and you are right all american are from immigrants, becuase all that people here have to have come from somewhere.And I believe many people are coming here to usa, becuase they have not other chance and they just want to make a better life for their childern and families and the most of them don't want to ripped off the govermant or not pay the tax.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
4 Nov 07
What upsets most people is that there is a procedure and a legal way to become a citizen. We have to knowwho is comming inot this country and makesure they are law abiding and healthy. My feeling is secure the borders and then start rounding up the ones that are criminals and deport them. work on a realistic paracticalmanner for them to become citizens with out cutting ahead of those who came here legally.
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@pismeof (855)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Annie,Most anyone is welcome to come and share in the prosperity and opportunity that the U.S. has to offer.The problem is the illegal immigrants are taking advantage without paying their fair share of the burden(ie Taxes).They also take away jobs that citizens could be doing instead of collecting an unemployment check.What is so wrong with expecting visitors to register a visa or applying for a green card.Legally.
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@madhuri567 (302)
• India
4 Nov 07
annie ,I do have the same feeling..I don't know why these people make an issue of this..Local people don't work for a lower salary..We are working here and showing benefits to them only..I don't know y they don't think of it...
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@miracleworld (201)
• India
4 Nov 07
Its a wounderful thing called imagination. the sign of knowledge is not intelligence but imagination said by einstien. people should think a lot then you can discover new things..
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
4 Nov 07
Dude. they come here we go there. i just think that they shouldnt be allowed to not pay taxes, they should have the same rights and laws we do.
but most come here to better themselves. who are we to denie them that...we have alot of problems granted here in the uninted states ourselves but alot of them people have chose for thereselves. yes there are some people cant help.. but wich on weighs more?
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