Why is Jesus white?
By woodlin
@woodlin (158)
United States
November 6, 2007 2:16am CST
Being that I am not a believer in any "God" faith, I have a question to ask most followers. Why is it that most of the pictures that depict Jesus show a white man with a sun made tan, sandy-blond hair and blue eyes?
I ask this because from my research which is quite extensive I would think that if there ever was a Jesus he would have been dark skinned (naturally not sun tanned), dark hair and dark eyes. He would have been born and raised by middle eastern peoples and he would have resembled in appearance those of middle eastern decent.
I ask this because it baffles me as to how you can have many different depictions of the "look" of one person. Why not just show a depiction of what he should have looked like instead of what you want him to look like? Is there a fear that if you show true depiction that one might question the authenticity of your belief?
Just wondering!
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10 responses
@loralee (542)
• United States
11 Nov 07
And what about Krishna? How come he is depicted as blue? Was he maybe from another world where blue is the norm?
I think that the Holy Roman Empire had something to do with the current Jesus depiction.
Krishna color:
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
7 Nov 07
Well I don’t think Jesus was white as we see in the distinctly white complexion of the western population of the world. If I know my history correct, then Jesus was born and lived in Jerusalem which is Middle East Asia (surprising huh how Asia is the cradle of all the major religions of this world). So Jesus is basically Asian in geneology and complexion and he should be depicted with a wheatish complexion bordering on the fair side as most people in Middle East Asia are very beautiful looking with a clear complexion. But the fact that he is depicted as pure white is maybe because the predominant of his followers i.e. Christians belong to the white-complexioned population of the world. All other followers of Christianity in other parts of the globe like South America, Africa, East & South-East Asia are later converts who were influenced and converted to Christianity by European/American explorers, missionaries and expansionists. These later converts were too late in a sense to imagine and depict Jesus in any way other than what they saw in churches run by these European/ American missionaries and such. So Jesus has remained white.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
7 Nov 07
Well I am like taken aback. Never had such quick b2b response! So you are actually sitting right now (like me) and reading all the responses huh. Glad you liked my reasoning and I liked your question too.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
6 Nov 07
I think you're reading a whole lot more into this than is there (or trying to stir people up :)). The reason Jesus is depicted as white, blonde, blue eyed, etc., is that the artist was white and the blonde, blue eyed look for so many years was the standard for beauty. Since Jesus is beautiful (but not necessarily in a physical sense), that was the natural outcome. Nothing twisted or insecure about it - just human nature.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
6 Nov 07
By whose standards? White supremacy you mean? To me there is no reason other then "twisted" to depict someone as something they are not. Believe it or not I am not trying to stir things up, just trying to get realistic answers from those who do believe in him.
@mvk_chowdaryfru (100)
• India
7 Nov 07
hai I belongs to Hindu religion from India.
In this world there are lot of religions whose moto is same and unique..
I will explain your question which is having answer itself..
Before this I want to say sorry for the people reading this post..I have not read the bible..I what to explain why he is god...please excuse me if i am wrong..
our belief Jesus is GOD..ok
Jesus is White?
White colour is the mixture of all colours. This is the proven scientifically, why sunlight is looks in white colour..This white tells us He belongs to every human, regardless what colour he is..
His Sandy-Blond Hair
We as a human beeing always to lot of stupid thing, which are dirty. And he is the persone who bare each and every stupid this done by us..He always cleans his hair everytime, but we people do lot of dirty things which make his hair more and more dirty...his hair is sandy-blond is because of us.
His Blue eyes.
Blue eyes represents sky. He always monitors us where ever you are in this universe.
As a Hindu we bleave that the way you think and wants, always god will appears in that manner. This is the reasone we have 3 crore ideals(in different) of god....You may surprised
@chits3 (19)
• India
7 Nov 07
Well, i belive jesus or for that matter any god of any religion is not white or black, he is of the color we believe him to be. Since white is the color of goodness and truth we depict him white.
No one can claim that they have actually seen and touched god, but have you ever noticed how much resemblence is there between God and a normal human being? that's because I believe we are an extention of God, each of us has some sort of connection with God, and so we see God as someone similar to us.
Your views are welcome.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Thank you for your input but I do disagree on a few points. I guess the reason I disagree is because I do not look at good or bad in colors. It is generally religion included those who are Pagan like myself who think white depicts pure and good. I for one do not believe that as I stated since I do not believe colors are good or bad. I also have not noticed a resemblance between the look of "God" and human beings because I have never seen one. I do however understand that those who believe in a "God" do believe we are made in his image so in that respect I get what you are saying.
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
7 Nov 07
Geezz... why do we have to make a matter what Jesus looked like? Personally, it doesn't matter whether Jesus is white, black, yellow, red, etc. The most important thing is His heart and His teaching that have brought humanity into more civilized society (well, at least it is not as brutal as that of thousand years ago when people were crucified in a more agony way).
When His glory of love is shining toward you, you won't notice what He looks like. That's why people are saying that love is blind because true love is beyond your skin and everything.
@woodlin (158)
• United States
7 Nov 07
I seriously do not agree with bringing humanity into a more civilized society. Due to people misinterpreting these so called teachings they have done nothing but committed brutality among other humans. If anything else humanity took a turn for the worse for about the last 2000 years. Every step humans take forward there are those in large quantities that take it several steps back.
Thanks for the response nonetheless.
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
9 Nov 07
There are some part of your arguments that I agree with. I know that our current civilization is still far from humane things. But if you take a look at ancient people, you will notice that our awareness of caring toward others has been improved little by little. For instance, we don't think that crucifixion is a humane way to do. Also, we don't use lions to eat humans alive as what ancient people (i.e., Ancient Romans) did to punish someone. During ancient times, a King would be a primary decision maker in everything. Now, most Kingdom is only a symbol. Canibalism is no longer accepted.
If something is against inhumane or ethical things (i.e. wars, cruelty, etc) people will definitely be able to question it in debates, for instance. This didn't happen in 2000 years ago.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
7 Nov 07
We relate to Jesus as our "brother" (i.e. - the first fruits of all who are to be saved), and therefore we tend to imagine him as looking like ourselves. He came here to be our brother, and regardless of how he looked, I do not think he minds that we of European descent picture him with a European look.
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
11 Nov 07
Since Jesus was born in Israel I don't see how he could be depicted as a white man with blond hair and blue eyes.
It does matter what he looked like. If you are going to paint a picture of him, he should be painted to look like a middle eastern man.
@raulgc01 (306)
• Philippines
6 Nov 07
I remebered once, a magazine featured what Jesus must have looked like. He is not white, he looks more like an arab, with curly long hair and hairy face and a stocky built person. I think the bible did not describe his physical appearance, maybe they just based it from the race where he came from.