Ridiculous Christmas Lists
By theprogamer
@theprogamer (10532)
United States
November 6, 2007 7:13pm CST
Okay fellow mylotters, friends and fans! This discussion just hit me, so don't expect 120% textual quality. With all the early Christmas stuff happening, and even discussions on here, I just had to through this one in the lion's pit of mylotters! Just some humor and fun here.
Today's discussion is to make up a ridiculous Christmas list. I mean I want you guys to go nuts with this!! It can be short, medium, long, or crazy long! It can have anything on it, but of course be a bit tasteful!
Here goes mine.
1. World Domination!
2. Mobile Suit Gundam (to obtain or enforce item 1)
3. Spacesky Platform (cause I need a base for item 1 and 2)
4. Food Replicator (yes the one from Trek, go away you know its awesome!)
5. Automated Droid Army (mwwhahahahahahaha!!)
6. My own heavy technology and science lab...! Oh wait...item 3! :D
7. To see some really funny entries for this thread!
Happy posting!
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14 responses
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
7 Nov 07
1) Peace on Earth (Of course!)
2) 10 Browning .50 calibre M2 Heavy machineguns with 10,000 rounds of ammo and spare barrels for each in case I don't get #1
3) The end world hunger (Of course!)
4) 20 years supply of survival food for 4 people in case #3 doesn't happen.
5) A reduction in the federal budget and spending that restores the value of and confidence in the US DOLLAR. (Of course!)
6) 1 billion troy oz. of gold in case I don't get #5.
I could go on, but you get the idea, and even if this is an imaginary list, I don't want to get greedy.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Heh! Its all good and its all approved!
*Santa Yells: Ho Ho Ho! Make it so!*
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Here goes your M2 for fun
I may do other singular gifts for people here later. Stay tuned!
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Well, thank you. I would have settled for the M60A1 medium machinegun, but this is better.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45940)
• United States
7 Nov 07
You are a hoot! I want a size 14 body (anything smaller is too hard to maintain). Long blonde hair (because I am tired of waiting for mine to grow out). I would like to have feet and legs that never grow tired from standing. Hands that never shrivel from being in water and chemicals. A heated road that clears itself of ice and snow as I travel along. And, peace of mind.

@ElusiveButterfly (45940)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Thank you Santa for the gifts. I will use them well.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Those are pretty good too! I like the heated road the most! In all seriousness, I'd at least help out the feet/legs thing with a potassium and calcium diet boost. And now to the humor side Elusive!!
*Santa yells: A new body and long hair, you'll be a cute young tease! Enjoy the gifts, if you please!!*
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Nov 07
There you go Elusive!
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Hello Progamer,
What a fun topic!
OK Santa, here's my list:
1. A new compatible liver, and a set of kidneys for my brother.
2. A new set of hips for my dog, Duke.
(OK, that's all the heavy wishes out of the way. I promise not to be a drag anymore!)
3. A full bore Kaboda w/front end loader, backhoe, and farming attachments.
4. The first run production model of the new Tesla battery powered car, with full solar roof options. 0-60mph in less than 5 seconds -- yee ha! In silver if you don't mind.
5. 90 yards of top quality basecourse, and a roller for compaction. Yeah, it's time to re-do our driveway again. Ugghhh!
6. A time machine. That's not too much to ask is it Santa?
7. A 36" outdoor statue of St. Francis with wolf. Trust me, they're very difficult to find.
8. A good home for our four extra roosters. Not for the stewpot, or fighting. They're wimps -- but sweet wimps. Believe it or not, one of them actually crows backward. Do, doodle, cockah. It's about the funniest thing you've ever heard!
9. The old fashioned board game - "Risk". Man oh man, are they ever hard to find these days. All the new games are being manufactured as "Transformers Risk". Who wants to battle for world domination as a two-ton bucket of rust?
10. And, if it's not too much to ask Santa: The 4,000 acre ranch, next door, which is being considered for sale.
Oh, and of course -- world peace. I suspect we all want that, even if we're not competing in the Miss America Pageant!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Oh geeze Progamer, is Santa under the microscope of fiscal scrutiny? How did I miss this controversy?
I'm gonna' give the jolly, old guy in red the benefit of the doubt, and wait for the facts to be revealed. I stand firmly in Santa's corner, even if it is that far up north. Hmmm, I guess I'd better pull out my parka, eh?
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Nov 07
There goes the best item Luna. I bet you can use it to get the rest of them.
Uh...keep out of reach of children, and be careful with it!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I remember the first two from the other discussion Luna. Its a very good wish.
As for the rest, that looks like a lot but Santa can do probably do it. I mean, our nice deeds pay his salary, according to third party reports and conflicting documents!
*Santa yells: Those documents are poor! But Luna don't be afraid to ask for more!*
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
7 Nov 07
1. Free travel to Japan!!!!
2. Sailormoon toy figure set ^__^
3. Gundam Wing Toy figure, Gundam Shenlong, Gundam Heavyarms, Gundam deathscythe, Gundam... (i forgot quatre's gundam!)
4. 100 sets of new clothes
5. 100 pairs of new shoes
6. My own shopping mall with IMAX cinema
7. Free travel to Japan!!!! oops. have i said it already?? LOL
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
"My gundam is kewler than yers!"
I meant, wonderful list Secret!! This is what Pro's Ridiculous Christmas List Party is all about!!
*Santa yells: 100 types of treats for the one that keeps bringing the sweets!*
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Nov 07
Okay Secret, there's your item. It should contain in it everything else you want.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Hmm, this is a good one! I am going to be completely selfish with this only because it goes against my natural tendencies.
First, I live far away from my family so teleporter would be fantastic!
Second, a winning powerball or megamillions lottery ticket (whichever has the bigger prize!)
Third, for my brother to not have to deploy to places like Afghanistan or Iraq.
Fourth, lifelong good health and happiness for myself and family.
Fifth, telekinesis would round out my list perfectly.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Sweet. But remember Money, its a ridiculous christmas list! You can ask for both winning lotto tickets! Ain't that right Santa?
*Santa yells: Load the moneygc with some cold hard cash!! Wish time!!*
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
20 Nov 07
There goes your item Moneygc!
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
20 Nov 07
LoL! Do you think Santa is going to bring it? I have not always been good this year!

@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
7 Nov 07
1. My own furnished house complete with a fireplace and a room big enough for my own library, complete with my fave books.
2. My own little bookstore complete with the books to sell and cashier and everything ready and I only need to run it ha ha ha...
3. Two return plane tickets to Indonesia so I get to visit my parents and €5000 to spend there and I'd LOVE to give half of that for my parents ha ha...
4. My own kicksled (I want one but it's so expensive) and snowmobile he he he...
5. My own magic carpet or magic door (when I open the door, I can go anywhere).
6. A magic machine that can produce whatever I want and it'll always be DELICIOUS.
7. Being able to swim like a pro!!!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
10 Nov 07
The waterplay is due to the magic of snorkel gear or scuba gear :D
*Santa Yells: Magic carpet and a ton of stuff!? Just be lucky I'm not all fluff!! Grant the wish!*
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Nov 07
Ailema, there goes your present!
@ailema4ever (2668)
• Finland
10 Nov 07
THANK YOU, Santaaaaaaa! *bowing* I'll prepare some food for you and your reindeer when you visit me he he he he he he he he he...
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@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
7 Nov 07
Ridiculous Christmas List? Ok, the top 10 things I would want for myself are as follows:
1. A huge house that was big enough for my entire family to live there and still be big enough that I never had to actually SEE them.
2. The staff to clean the house from above, you know I ain't cleaning that huge place.
3. A beautifully landscaped yard that never needs tending. I hate yard work.
4. The ability to keep the temperature outside at a nice 70 degrees at all times. Not too hot, not too cold.
5. A perfect credit score. I mean top-notch, perfect, never made a mistake or paid a bill late, credit score.
6. Unlimited credit at Yankee Candle. They would create a credit card just for me. Ok, I will need a house just to store my candles in.
7. A house to store all the candles I will buy with my special Yankee Candle credit card.
8. A shampoo that you can use on your stinky dogs that will keep them sweet smelling for the rest of their lives so you never have to deal with bathing them again.
9. The Never Gain Weight Again pill. So I could eat as much food as I wanted every single day and never have to exercise (a double four letter word) or diet (ever notice the first three letters spell DIE?)
10. A pair of every shoe ever made or that will ever be made.
Yeah, I can think of a few more things, but those are my top ten. :)
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
10 Nov 07
I like it! Very fun ideas!
*Santa Yells: 10 choices for Vokey, let them all be granted to make this person stoked*
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Great post, Gamer. Appeals to my selfish side! Well, here goes nothing...
1/ To get back into my "skinny jeans" so I don't have to buy all new clothes;
2/ What the heck, I want some new clothes anyway!
3/ A bottomless container for delicious chocolate with zero calories;
4/ A new car; not necessarily brand new, nothing fancy, just one without the exhaust system falling off!
5/ Never-ending summer!
6/ For my (almost) 91 year old mom to be able to see better again;
7/ For my daughter's Crohn's disease to either go away or for her to at least find a medication that helps that she isn't allergic to and doesn't cause liver damage;
8/ The END of reality TV!
9/ For my last boss to get coal and sh*t in his stocking;
10/OF COURSE, world peace, health care for allwho need it and no more hungry children!
I'm sure I forgot something, probably several things, but this is a start!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
16 Nov 07
I'll give you the same thing as a couple of other people since they asked for it too, along with me
And here goes something else for the TV problem
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
1 Dec 07
1) my neighbors quit talking about getting a dog
2) my other neighbors clean up after the dog they got
3) low gas prices (Youd DID say ridiculous, right?)
4) cheap solar powered cars
5) no fighting
6) no hitting
7) no obesity
8) more literacy? Some literacy? Some pretense of literacy?
9) Number 6 from YOUR list, programer.
10) no skinny Santa Claus running around saying "Heh, heh, heh!"
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
1 Dec 07
**Santa Yells: "Don't worry Drannhh, a lot of other people had some of those items as wishes. I'll simply copy them! Ho ho ho, let Dran's wishes go!!"**
@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
16 Nov 07
well my friend,great topic. well i was always the type that wished for christmas gifts for other people.i only wish for a few things and that would be a house for my family, which we are looking for right now,free of bills, great health for my entire family.i wish i could wish for many more but these are being realistic and i know if i wish hard enough they will come true.heck there alot that i can actually wish for but i would only get upset if they didn't come true,so i will be just realistic here.you have a great list there and i hope your come true hon.have a great day.pattie
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
20 Nov 07
They can be modest, ridiculous, true to heart, whatever you desire Pattie.
Plus I'm glad people are getting what they want out of the discussion.
Now onto the ringmaster part of my discussion!! Santa, if you please!!
*Santa Yells*: "Free of bills and greath health! Because you are so sweet I'll add in some wealth!! Let it be done!!"
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
20 Nov 07
Here's the gift, hope it at least brings a smile to your face!
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I guess that can count for an entire list! Santa...?
*Santa says: Be sure to use the ultra combo!! Grant the wish!*
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@grasshopping (62)
16 Nov 07
oh this is really a great discussions. i realyl want to post onthis kind of discussions. this one is really nicely thought and really appreciate it. i will say that i will want to buy a great portion of land so that i will be able to develop it to one beautiful place so that i will enjoy being there. i will plant so many beautiful trees and i will build some cottages between those land so that i will have some rest house. i will make it a place for some people to relax and be close with nature. i would want to buy some cellphones. i will all those latest gadgets with the latest features we have now int he market. i will want to buy some or many clothes and i will have so many dresses everday so that i could dress as often as i want to. i will want to buy myself some tickets to tour around the world.
besides that i will buy my gym so that i will have that kind of business. i will want to have some computer shops as well so that i will have some earnings through the internet and that will be really great to be always connected on the net so that i will always be connected on this site. and i will never need to rent outside.
if possible too i will buy some space ship so that i will be able to travel outside this planet and see for myself the view outside the world. i will think that will be really wicked to see and travel that way. i know that there are not much really to see outside our planet. it's really big out there. and i think it's really we can't really tell if the space has any end. as it seems through science that space is really infinite. it's really amazing those space place.
besides that i will dream to buy myself lots of houses. so that when i really don't like in my place i can go to other places as well. when i really don't like here and when i get bored it's nice when i have some place else to stay. besides that i will want to be in some great place. i will like to buy myself some springs and beaches and start a business there. i will be able to spend my time on some great place.
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
19 Nov 07
Well Grasshopping, you asked for a lot, but since this is the net and the outstanding christmas list its perfectly fine.
*Santa Yells: "Wow! I'll need 10 sleighs to haul it all! But its okay, cause Grasshopping will have a ball! Let the dream come true!!"*

@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Dec 07
I've got your number one definitely and Santa will take care of the rest!
*Santa Yells: "Now someone wants a heavy machine? That's okay because his nice list is clean! Let wish be granted!"

@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Great entries! Hadn't thought of some of them myself. The others I forgot to mention.
*Santa says: 2 people seconded and supported this list, do I hear three? Ah well, let the wish be so!*
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