Strangers rubbing your pregnant belly??
@princessmom1011 (719)
United States
November 7, 2007 6:31pm CST
Have you ever had a complete stranger come up to you and start rubbing/touching your pregnant belly??? if so how did you react where you ok with it? appalled by it or in complete shock??
i was recently at a casino and i was standing in the buffet line to get some lunch when this older women in front of me turned around and rubbed my belly as if i was budah giving her goodluck. then if that wasnt enough the other older women in line decided they wanted to try their luck with the rub of my belly. i was in complete shock i didnt know what to say. i wasnt all that offended but usually people ask before they touch my belly. how about you has this happened to you??? how did you react???
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14 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I would no sooner touch a woman's belly than I would touch her butt without permission. I think pregnant girls are hot, but while I'd love to just go and start touching bellies, I have enough common decency to refrain from such conduct. The only pregnant bellies I've touched were friends of mine who I first asked for permission from.
I had a friend who was a bit overweight and strangers would touch her stomach thinking she was pregnant. It just disgusts me that some people think they have the right to touch another person in a sensitive area without their permission.
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
8 Nov 07
Thank you, im not sure why but men do indeed find us more appealiing when pregnant this is my third and i find that i get hit on more with a pregnant belly weird but i thank you for your gentlemen like commment your right you wuldnt grab mybutt without permission what makes my belly any different they are both apart of me, thanks again you seem sweet!
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Nov 07
One friend of mine got really offended when a guy hit on her while pregnant. She told me she thought it was obvious she was involved with someone since she was pregnant. Unfortunately I had to remind her that not only was she pretty smoking hot, but that far too many pregnant women these days are not in relationships.
I don't know what makes men find pregnant women so attractive. Perhaps it's something genetic or instinctive that does it. I already think bellies are cute. Pregnancy just adds to that.
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@GeekyMommy (3)
• United States
22 Nov 07
It only happened to me once when I was pregnant, I responded my touching their stomach and looking them in the eye with that annoying smile they -always- seem to give you. The person promptly stopped and walked away.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Nov 07
LOL omg that use to drive me absolutely BATTY!! Especially when it was drunken strippers or clients from the club....When I was preg with each of my boys I would pop in the clubs to visit with my co-workers, the staff and regulars etc and them touching or rubbing my tummy was fine, I knew them, they were my friends but when you have drunk customers or dancers that you dont know doing it...totally different story LOL..With my oldest boy, his dad would put ppl like that in their place but with my youngest my husband usually wasnt with me but I had no problem putting strangers in their place or sometimes one of the girls I knew would do it LOL
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
3 Dec 07
exactly if its someone i know i tend to be a littel more leinent at times but a complete stranger that just blows my mind they would even consider touching someones stomach they didnt know!
@smacksman (6053)
8 Nov 07
The trouble is you are so gorgeous and attractive when sporting a generous tummy. I have to stop myself asking if I can snuggle down and listen to baby working hard at growing. haha Probably get a smack for my troubles. haha
It's tough being a star, but you just have to grit your teeth and accept the adoration and expression of universal love. :o)
@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I thank you on behalf of all pregnany women for the compliment. but yes you probably woudl get a smack lol if you were to get down and snuggle with a complete strangers belly! thanks a bunch for your response
@bethyboo (399)
• United States
11 Nov 07
When I was pregnant, I had a lady come up to me while I was washing my hands in the bathroom and rub my belly and she started asking all kinds of questions like "When are you due?" Although I was use to the questions, I was completely shocked that she just started rubbing my belly. I was very picky about who could rub my belly so I was not very happy when this lady rubbed my belly.
Even when people at work came up and rubbed my belly without permission, I did not like it at all. I think if its not a family member, you should ask permission before you touch someone's belly.
I know I would never walk up to a stranger and touch their belly.
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
11 Nov 07
People amaze me that they lack that much common snese, im agree with you if its not family HANDS OFF !! thanks for your comment
@brandy78 (159)
• Canada
13 Nov 07
I hated that.. my problem was my mother in law mainly she was always pawing at my stomach when I was pregnant and it nearly drove me insane we have never really been close and I am not a touchy feely person really I like my own space so for me it felt like a total invasion of my privacy and personal space. I never said anything because I hate to offend people or hurt their feeling but it really irked me.
@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
3 Dec 07
I could see you not wanting to offend people but at the same time that is most defintely your personal space and there needs to be set boundaries and well mother in laws and mothers in general dont seem to get that although they were obvisouly pregnant once and im sure they at some point felt as we do! thanks for your input
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I've never been pregnant but this could happen to anyone in different circumstances, like someone touching your hair, or your hand. And yes, it is awkward. Though you know they mean no harm, but the over complaisant act itself as though you know each other makes it really awkward.. hehe. I am the shy type, the type that is most likely not to react negatively during awkward moments as such, therefore, I believe if that happened to me I would be stunned but I won't be mad at those people. But I would definitely find it weird.
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@jsangel456 (27)
• United States
8 Nov 07
No, THANK GOODNESS! I am now 35 weeks pregnant (well in 43 minutes!) And my stomache is quite "alluring" to my friends and family, especially my fiance's daughter, who always asks to see the "baby belly" and always detests how he is sleeping! It does get quite annoying having my friends and family walk up and touch it, without premission, but I usually let it slide, and when they rub mine, I rub theirs. Im not quite sure why, but hey, why not. And if it bothers them to have their stomaches touched, perhaps they will lay off mine. My mother however doesn't really need permission to touch my stomache, she raised me, she at least desrves that! And my fiance doesn't either. As a matter of fact he like to come lay on my stomache and talk to his son, which I absolutly adore! So I wont complain there! His daughter is only 2 (3 in January) and she ASKS to touch my belly. NOw that she learned it isn't a "kitty" inside my tummy, it is actually a baby, she has been alot more "cautious" with it, and will even try looking in my belly button to get a glimse! She likes to put the cats up to my stomache and asks them if they can see him, it is so cute! I haven't yet had a perfect stranger come up and touc my stomache, but if someone does, especially without asking, I would tell them I didn't like it, although I would "try" and stay calm, because im usually not one to make a scene, unless I've had one of "my days" ^_^
@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I dont mind friends or family unless they are all coming towards me at once lol but a complete stranger it amazes me how they dont even ask or hesitate they just go right in and touch away as if they have some god given right! people are weird
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
2 Dec 07
The only people that tuched my belly were my friends and family and kids. I felt strange when I was touched I have no idea why. I was happy but at the same time I felt like they are steping a line ( I am not talking about strangers but people that I know) . I dint mind when kids touched my belly expecially when the baby was playing soccer inside :))) And boy was he active you can almost always see his foot sticking out or his hand or a big bump (head or behind).
Once we went out and my son decided it was a good idea to start turning and kicking so I had to half lay on the chair (in a cofee shop) and this little girl sad mummy what is that (the big bump) her mother told her that she was rude and I called her over and told her I had a baby in there and the baby wanted to play with her.
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@maybebaby (1230)
• Canada
8 Nov 07
I've never been pregnant so it hasn't happened to me, but I was shopping with a friend when some lady came up and starting rubbing her belly and asking her when the baby was due. My friend had no idea who the lady was but answered her questions, allbeit a little stiffly. She never said anything to the stranger but she told me later how very uncomfortable she was. What I don't understand is what gives people the right to touch you ever.
@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
8 Nov 07
sometimes i dont mind IF they ask me first but to jsut help yourself tends to make me feel a little akward!
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
8 Nov 07
I have never been pregnant but I have seen friends getting very much offended when some stranger touches their belly. I also once tried to touch my friends belly without asking her and she became mad that I swore never to dare touch bellies except mine. I also would not like people touching my belly without asking unless they are family or close friends.
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@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
8 Nov 07
i wouldnt of personally gotten mad if i was your friend and you touched my belly its more of the sranger aspect of it they dont know me from a whole in the wall so what makes them think they have the right to touch???
@princessmom1011 (719)
• United States
8 Nov 07
a huge invasion of my personal space and privacy! but there seems to be many people who think for some reason they are an exception to the rule
@DSchwarten (132)
• United States
8 Nov 07
This hasn't really happened to me. I guess I am kinda mean looking when I am pregnant, cause no one has tried rubing my belly except my family
and that drove me crazy they don't even ask, maybe I wouldn't mind if they would ask I don't know
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