
United States
November 7, 2007 11:56pm CST
I just revealed my fear of water slides on another discussion. Its not so much the slide part, than it is the water part. Im not too keen on the idea of being sped down a slippery tall object at lightening speeds into a pool of water. Im afraid. But! I will ride any rollercoaster you ask me too. The more twists, turns and drops the better! I love the loops! Gotta be in the front cart, gotta keep my eyes open so I can see, and Im just so darn giddy I could probably wet my knickers! The rush of a rollercoaster that could derail and hurdle me into who knows what, splattering me into little pieces doesnt scare me, but a small pool of water at the end of a slide does. LOL Are you a fan of the rollercoaster? Are you terrified of one thing that seems harmless yet not of something that could very well be harmful? Bay Lay Gray xx
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13 responses
@Toni_07 (175)
• United States
10 Nov 07
I am afraid of heights anyway you look at it, so i guess my oppinion means nothing:( Sorry
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• United States
10 Nov 07
Your opinion means everything Toni!! :) Well are you afraid of anything else that seems less harmless than most people would think? Like me, I would bungee jump before going down a water slide. Im willing to jump from a plane, but Im really scared to kill a wasp or bee thats trapped in my house. LMAO Bay xx
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@theprogamer (10534)
• United States
9 Nov 07
I like some rollercoasters and waterslides. Both are pretty fun. And you are right when it comes to coasters, loops are great. As is any upside down time! Waterslides I like but not as much, just me being picky is all.
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• United States
9 Nov 07
Hi Gamer!!! Im just not a fan of the water. And if I am in some water, swimming or something, its GOT to be in a pool. I dont like lakes, or anything like that. lol And even then I really dont like jumping in or being thrown around, dunked, none of that. We used to go swimming in these old strip mines where I lived in HS, I dont remember, but I must have swallowed some of the water, cos I got deathly ill immediately! So much that I couldnt really swim back to the shore to go home. Then driving home I was having to stop every few feet and puke. I just think that has stuck with me, and I dont like water cos I have never swam like that since. lol Ive stayed away from water. Bay xx
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
12 Nov 07
I used to like roller coasters until my stomach felt a little queasy, I guess after you reach an age or weight you do not feel comfortable. AS for the water slides, it is that I tried one once and I could not go down it. I just stuck there and I had to climb back up. I guess I lost my ability to slide. It could be that both these happened near the same time. The water slide came into popularity when I started to fear the roller coaster.
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• United States
13 Nov 07
Haha just sat there huh? At least you tried. I dont even do that. lol Maybe you werent wet enough, probably just needed some help getting started. *shrugs* Bay xx
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@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
9 Nov 07
I love roller coasters, although they don't agree with my neck. I would bungee jump, sky dive, and parasail if I had the chance, yet I'm scared to visit a different church by myself. It would seem to be simple. I want to go to a specific church to try it, but I can't summon the courage to go by myself. But if anyone said let's go dive off a cliff, I'd say sure! Well, first I'd say teach me how to swim, then I'd say sure. : )
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@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
10 Nov 07
Thanks for the BR. I think now when I go out to new places I'll try to emulate you, I'll just think Bayleigh, Bayleigh. Hopefully it won't get me into trouble trying to think like you, heh heh.
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• United States
10 Nov 07
LOL Good one Ambie, yeah be careful though. I do tend to get in a bit of a mess at times. I dont mean too though!! Bay xx
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• United States
9 Nov 07
Hi Ambie, I totally understand you though! Im the same way when it comes to going to new places, Im nervous, but I will do it. It just takes a bit out of me. Then once I feel ok, Ill be the social butterfly that I am! hehe Bay xx
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• Canada
12 Nov 07
My father and I used to ride roller coasters when I was a kid and we had a blast. Mom wouldn't go on any of the hair-raising rides at the circus so I learned to enjoy them from an early age. It has been awhile since I've been on one...but I am sure they are a lot scarier now than the last time. Now water slides...they are something both my hubby and I enjoy. We have a swimming pool with water slides right across the street from our house and we can go over there any day during the summer and slide until our hiney's can't take it any more. One time we were at a holiday camp and challenged each other to see who could do 100 slides first. It was hilarious...but were we stiff the next day!!!! Anyway...happy sliding.. Raia
• United States
13 Nov 07
Hi Raia! Thats interesting, me and my Dad used to ride all the rides at carnivals and theme parks as well. My Mom didnt like it too much, weak stomach and didnt like all that motion. Yes they have came along way since I was a kid too. They have some amazing coasters out there, all over the world. Id love to try them all! I dont think I will ever out grow them. Sounds like your soreness might have been worth it a little bit! lol A challenge always adds a little spice to things. :o) Bay xx
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
8 Nov 07
No No No. I hate them, beucase i am so scared.i would go on soem train whwat go staright and little fast but on rollercoasters?No. I remeber this summer my hubby take me to Orlando and I tel him I don't want to go on the rollcoster. He knows about it very good, but he tell me we go to this mummy ride. So i said ok and he promise it is nothing bad. we ocme inside and there was a warning: This is a high speed rollcoster, if you have any problems...I though I would hurt him, but he was still keeping tell me, it is only like a train for kids. But it was really fast and really went fast grom hight and i was so scared...I saw the picture and you cannot alomst see me there, because I was trying to hide under the seat, from being so scared.Lol But I like water rides, i think they are the best.It is so much fun. But my hubby like rollcoasters , so next time we would have to go with some couple. He doesn't want to go alone, becuase he need someone screaming there on the second seat.Isn't he crazy?
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• United States
9 Nov 07
Hi Laurika, LOL So your not into coasters huh? Well thats a shame, I really enjoy them. Hard to understand how someone couldnt. I think its a lot of fun, and could ride them over and over again. You have to admit that you had a little but of fun on that ride didnt you??? Once you got off and saw that your safe, in one piece, you didnt find it enjoyable at all? Bet ya did! Hehe Bay xx
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@laurika (4532)
• United States
9 Nov 07
Sure I did have fun, when hubby saw my pale face and though i am gonna pass out. LoL It was actually not that bad, but I am still scared
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• United States
9 Nov 07
Haha! Thats funny Laurika! Well hey, at least you can say that you tried!! Even if you dont do it again in life, you did it once. Bay xx
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
9 Nov 07
Oh, I love them all!! The thrill, the excitement, the not knowing if you're going to live to tell about it!! I wish I had some of the video from my nephews wedding - the "reception" was at a water park!! We had a blast!!!! The best part was watching the video my mom took of my brother - he's kinda a big guy. When she played it backwards it was AWESOME!! All the water went back into the pool - we had such a blast with that one!!! That was the only time I was at a water park and the whole day was great - even the putt-putt golf :) Thanks for the memories :)
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
9 Nov 07
Actually, the whole wedding was pretty odd... The "wedding" was about a year and a half after they got married - they didn't tell anyone for a year, then there was some "planning" for the wedding. What we consider their wedding was on a community beach, with a friend officiating (not sure if he was licensed or anything) then we had a little cookout and headed to the water park. It was a blast... I gotta get with my mom and get that video!
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• United States
9 Nov 07
Hi Dawn, I must say I have never heard of a wedding reception being at a water park. That is really original! Sounds like you all did have a good time. Your very welcome! Have a great day! Bay xx
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• United States
9 Nov 07
I actually think a traditional wedding is really going overboard a bit anyway. I mean its one day, and unless you just have money like that, whats the point? I think its more fun for everyone if you do something like this. That sounded like a great way to get married!! Bay xx
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@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
8 Nov 07
I loved roller coasters as a kid. I cannot really say whether or not I would like them now. The idea of them makes me feel nausea since I get car sick being in the passenger seat of a car. I will not go on a hot air balloon or a ferris wheel. Those really freak me out. Airplanes I can tolerate, but those others, no way.
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• United States
9 Nov 07
Hi Nangel, Well you know, I dont like a ferris wheel either. I have never had the opportunity to go up in a hot air balloon, that would be nice. Ive even thought about tandum plane jumping. lol A friend went to Belize and did it while he was there, and they shot a video of them going down, I was just giddy watching the whole thing! I had the biggest grin on my face. It looked so cool up there. That sucks getting car sick, Im so happy I dont have that problem! lol Im sorry for you. Bay xx
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
9 Nov 07
Strangely enough, I love a good water slide and a good coaster. But this past summer, I went to our local water park and got on the "tube." This was not a water slide. I thought it was going to be a water slide. But I was encompassed in darkness and I could not sit up. I didn't know when I was going to hit the water at the bottom. I had to hold my breath the whole way down and as a smoker, this is not an easy task. It scared the crap out of me. I left my nine year old at the top and told her that I would let her know when I got to the bottom if I would let her go down. I am a firm believer in allowing kids to do what they feel, if I don't feel that they would be hurt, but I walked up a six story flight of stairs after hitting the water, just to tell her that she couldn't go down the tube until she was at least 12. LOL. Hope I am not projecting my fears on to her. OK, there's my fear story. I'm wondering if it's more a clautrophobia thing. Who knows, who cares, I hated it. Rides should be fun. There was no fun in ths.
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• United States
9 Nov 07
Aww Cyn!!! Yeah see, I wouldnt like that either. I guess Im really claustrophobic too. Me and my friend got in this elevator once, and it was the old kind, you had to close the door and then pull the gate closed before it would run. Well we did it, I didnt feel safe in it, and when she pushed the button nothing happened. So Im like, lets get off and take the stairs, but she kept pushing the buttons!!! I kept telling her to stop but she was like no it will work....all Im thinking is this thing getting stuck. I almost punched her!! She said the tone of my voice said it all.....I felt fine when we got off, but inside I was really about to freak out on her and beat her a**! We laughed so hard! Still to this day she will mock me and we just fall out laughing. So I def understand the cramped space feeling. lol Im sorry you didnt enjoy it. Bay xx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Nov 07
It's too late for me. I used to love both rollercoasters and slides but now I'm too tall, too wide and too old. *sigh*
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• United States
12 Nov 07
hehe Bless your heart, there is no such thing! I dont think I will ever get too old for a rollercoaster, or any type of fun for that matter. Ill never get old!!! ;o) I hope. Bay xx
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• United States
8 Nov 07
i love love love roller coasters too! unfortunatly i havent been to an amusment park in over 10yrs now. ive only been to a waterpark once when i was a teen. im a good swimmer but for some reason i cant keep water from rushing up my nose. i have to use a noseplug thingy, and when you're a teen at a waterpark..that just isnt cool lol. so on a super fun looking waterslide i managed to not pinch my nose on the way down..to maintain my "coolness" (lol) but didnt get my hand up fast enough at the bottom of the slide and so had about 5 gallons of water forcibly shoved up my nose when i hit the pool! ugh, lots of embarassing coughing and water spewing out my nose ensued. and that was the 1 slide i went down in my life LOL! im not afraid of the water as much as i am afraid of making myself look like a total idiot!!
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• United States
8 Nov 07
See Cinder!! Thats what Im talking about!! All in all I dont really care for the water too much. Never have. I think I would forget to plug anything and probably drown myself!! No lie. lol I havent been to an amusement park in 2 yrs I think. I dont think I will ever get tired of riding coasters. I envy those people on Discovery, or is it TLC?, that ride the coasters on those shows about theme parks. I would do that! hehe Bay xx
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
10 Nov 07
i haven't taken a ride on a rollercoster yet but i think it would be fun! ^__^ i might be nervous to try it but i think i would dare to experience it. i have only ridden a ferris wheel and.. i forgot the name of the ride but it's also like a rollercoaster although it is much smaller. the 2 rides were fun even though when you're at it, you'd feel like you're gonna be thrown upwards or pulled down but its very exciting and adventurous! ^__^
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• United States
10 Nov 07
Hi Bear! Yes it is a lot of fun! I think you will enjoy it once you see that you will be ok afterwards. I think you will even want to ride it again and again! lol It is very exciting and adventurous, enjoy it when you do! Bay xx
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• United States
9 Nov 07
I like the roller coasters more then a water slide. i went on one at wyndot lake in oh and i went on my stomach. yeah it felt like the skin was being ripperd from my body,and i dont imagine it would have felt any diffrent had i of went on my back...roaller coasters dont hurt,well unless they slide of the track and crash into the ground...then of course it will hurt. i have yet to find somthing harmless that i am scared of.
• United States
9 Nov 07
Hi Wifey! Ouch!! See I worry about that too. Im thinking thats not actually smooth all the way down now. Its sectioned. I mean Im sure feeling the water all over you is nice, but not being slammed into a pool at the bottom. I like a more sublte emersion when it comes to water. LOL Bay xx
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