Florida family afraid of 13 year old son
By estherlou
@estherlou (5015)
United States
November 11, 2007 9:28am CST
The boy has violent outbursts. He's threatened to kill his parents. He's killed animals. He's attacked day care workers, he's attacked kids on the school bus. "He's been charged with assault twice, the first time when he was just nine years old after he lashed out at a teacher. Last spring, Joseph spent five and a half months at a residential mental health center until the insurance money ran out. He remains on a number of medications to stabilize his moods, but he still has violent tantrums." A new outburst caused the parents to call the police to come and the boy was put in a community mental health center where the maximum stay is supposed to be just a few days. When it was time to pick the boy up, the father didn't want to go get him. They are afraid of the boy. The father is now facing child abandonment charges and going to court. At least the child is out of their home now. What do you think about this?
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15 responses
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
11 Nov 07
That child needs to be put in a treatment center and stay there under treatment,but this stupid system wants this child to KILL someone before they will do anything...There are children that are born this way, they had a serial on Tv about these type of children...they call them "Natural born killers" they really do not know what causes this but they are born this way.I also fear for the parents lives as well...Seems like they could get an attorney and have the child put in a treatment center...I have a child simular to this but not near as bad, he use to kill small animals, and he would do things to threaten his siblings but not near as bad as this boy.He would do mean things like he bit the head off of out parakeet, and he burned the paddle at school, and he caught a church on fire that burned down to the ground..He is 44 years old now and he is still messed up pretty bad...He no longer will take his medications so now i have no control over what he does...I know that we all have tried to help him to no avail..We all dread him coming because we know he brings lots of problems with him...He will be ok for awhile then he goes off the deep end,and does something stupid....He has been to doctors, cannot name how many,he has spent a lot of his life in jail...I love him very much but i am somewhat afraid of him as well as the other children..He came for a visit 2 weeks ago , but while he was here he did ok..When he left he called me and said horrible things to me and hung up, but the visit went really well but hes just sick, thats all i can say.He lives with a g/f but he is abusive to her..Anyway he is mad at me now for whatever is in his mind so thats a relief to me..all his brothers and sisters are glad that he is angry because he will stay away now...Its sad but i feel so much better when he is in jail...I have tried for years to get help for him but no one seems to care...So I know what these people are going through...Thats a sad story...
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
11 Nov 07
Good grief! I am sorry you have had to experience this as well! Our children, no matter what they do, are still our children and it pains us when they are in trouble even when it is their fault. And we always wonder whether we could have done something better. I will pray that he gets the help he needs and pray that you will have some peace.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
11 Nov 07
are they blind or something? how come they charge the father for abandonment? there is a letter from a psychologist and the crime the boy has done, I mean the evidence is abundant that he is an evil boy. If he's allowed to return and they all got killed, I really hope the same people that charge him for abandonment will be executed. oh yes I do.
@chamberd1 (240)
• United States
11 Nov 07
There is no man in his life. Don't give me any excuses or stories or he has a father. There is no MAN in his life. I would never put up with this behavior. There would be a plethora of punishments due. These tantrums and bullying would end real fast. He is a child treat him that way. You are an adult act like one.
@chamberd1 (240)
• United States
11 Nov 07
You can get to the psycological problems when he starts to calms down.
@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
25 Nov 07
Isn't that what places like 'Boy's Ranch' are for? For out of control kids who need a place to go that can handle their needs and get them back on hte right track? I wonder if there are any places like that around this kid.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
11 Nov 07
Hi estherlou!
This is a very difficult situation for the father and the mother too. Of course, they are still protecting the other child and it has earlier recommended that the the elder son not be allowed to go back home. I can't really blame them because sometimes we can only do so much.
However, if I am the parent I won't abandon my child whatever the circumstance may be. I will get psychiatric help as much as my resources can provide and if the cost is too much for me, then I will be asking for welfare or assistance from other child agencies that could be of help. Of course, this would be difficult because the process might take so long but I am sure there are other means were I can ask for assistance and won't stop until I get one for my son. He is my child and as a parent I am responsible for his well being no matter how difficult it may be. Just my thoughts my friend. Take care and have a nice day! :)
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
11 Nov 07
Do you have kids? Sometimes they do something or act in a way that make you look at them and ask "Who is this child?" Sometimes they go their own way, ignoring your wishes and rules, and even totally opposite of how they were raised. It just happens.
@dbmax41 (585)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I have 8 kids 3 boys 5 girls. None of them act like that. We've had our problems but we've never ever had problems like that.People (kids) dont just act like that. If your in denial well then the level of disfunction must be high. In this case information really is power. Must be a lot we arent hearing about this family. Theres no such thing as a leave it to beaver family. Could be this child was spoiled or abused. Childrens minds are fragile and sometimes counseling is good for parents and kids. We dont get a owners manual when they are born.

@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I don't think 5 months is long enough for treatment..If the child has such ways..I would say at least a year. or more..to evaluate treatment and results..Sending him back home when he is not ready will only continue the reign of terror is is displaying.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
11 Nov 07
This is very sad, it has to be tearing the family apart. I had a friend that signed her son over to the state. He was diagnosed with something that meant that he does not have a conscious. He did some of the same things. They told her there was nothing they could do. It was sad. It is a situation, that unless you are in it, that you cannot understand. Her family went through Dr. after Dr., counselors and rehabs. She drained her resources and her family still was in danger. Turning him over was the only other choice she had. He now lives in a very guarded community that they can keep an eye on him and does very well. They tried letting him out in the world and it was too overwhelming. As long as things went in a very good structure, he did ok, but as soon as life got a little out of structure, it sent him over the edge again. He has now been living in this place for 12 years. I cannot imagine being in that situation. I am praying for the family and the boy. Good luck to them all. I hope he gets the help he needs.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
12 Nov 07
Dangerous kids are becoming more and more pervelant. thry need serious (often in-patient) full-time therrapy and supports to become their best selves. That is a person with mental illness, rather than a dangerous person with mental illness. You can survive well as a person with mental illness, but dangerous people might hurt themselves or others, and not recover from either. Poor kid and family both!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
11 Nov 07
It is sad. I wonder if it is linked to a medication he was taking? Either way, I think the father would rather be charged with child abandonment if it keeps this boy away from his family.That is the sad part.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
11 Nov 07
The child needs to be made a ward of the state.
He has serious problems, I hope, somewhere there is a lawyer who will take on their case - pro bono!
If this kid went and shot his high school up...they would blamme the parents, but these people who recognize a problem can not get help.
Our society is screwed up?
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
12 Nov 07
I'm sorry to say, I agree with the parents. If the boy came home and carried out his threat to kill his parents and brother then everyone would be saying "why'd they let him back in?" I do know that foster kids tend to have access to alot more specialists and facilities then what children who aren't in foster care have. Perhaps in foster care they can find the help he needs.
@tsgirl01 (900)
• United States
11 Nov 07
This is a scary situation esterlou, thanks for bringing it to a discussion. I know that we are supposed to be responsible for our children but when we cannot do anything to help them and we are not the professionals, the courts and child services need to help this family. There is documentation of the problems this child has, the family should not be charged with abandonment as far as I can see. I hope that the system steps up and does it's job. How can anyone expect the family to help this kid when he is obviously very disturbed? He needs professional mental health care and the family needs help to deal with all of these issues too. Take care....
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
11 Nov 07
this sounds like an anti-social disorder to me.
these people cant do anything for their child so i think the courts need to step up and help or do somthing that is outragous.. there has been 2 familys killed by there kids in the last 6 months here in ohio.. it seems like it going on more and more these days. someone has to step up and do somthing.
@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
11 Nov 07
I don't know whether this problem is there with the boy since birth. I hardly remeber any case of kids getting violent like this since there childhood. I believe all this is the outcome of there parents attitude. When people don't know how to love there kids these things are ought to happen. Actually when parents are too much into there own life and needs and happiness and not into the happiness of there kids, they tend to pick up dangerous habbits and inculcate dangerous mental status.
All what is happenning is due to the parents and they are the only people who can make this right, only by love and giving the kid some space and time. But if they don't have the feelings for the boy any longer, nothing can be done. I suppose its the only reason that they are afraid of their own son.
Take Care
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